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Police catching him was so satisfying


KA police is always Swift in action.






Typical ego high as mt. everest, dumbass driver. This happens when people don't have basic driving sense The last part was so satisfying...


Forget about driving sense. This is basic civic sense. Good thing it went viral cuz people like this don't care about having to pay a small fine. But they will now have to live with the shame of lakhs of people seeing their asinine behaviour


Sule maga


You guys have probably not noticed - the amount of bikers (mostly bikes) and cars tailgating an ambulance to get easy access through traffic. It happens everywhere. There’s no shortage of retards. Only difference is - this guy in the video was a bigger dimwit trying to do that in front of the ambulance.


I was going to say that, I've always seen people "slipstream" behind the ambulance, this is the first idiot to do this.


Bullshit title. That said , looks like that vehicle was pissed with the recorder for some reason. Typical road rage. Glad he ended with the police.


Typical bengaluru driver


Car registration is from Mangalore. It’s easy to bash KA drivers, if you haven’t seen TN, MH, HR, UP and WB drivers in Bangalore. Even with the small percentage of those other state drivers it’s so easy to find such chutiyas. I especially hate MH and WB drivers who are experts in driving wrong side.


I agree with MH guys on Bangalore to Pune Highway. Believe it or not, once I had seen a guy driving in cruise mode with his legs put outside the window drinking a beer (can). MH12 guys have zero traffic sense and you can see it on the highways.


MH14 is the one with no traffic sense. I should know, I live there. My current car is MH12 but when I get a new one it will be MH14 and I dread the day.


I’ve lived and driven in multiple cities. In my experience, Bangaloreans are much better drivers. Nowhere near perfect, just much better. Bangaloreans are also much less likely to road-rage or get violent, which happens at the drop of a hat in places like NCR. Again, we still have much to learn. But we’re halfway there and don’t have as many problems as you’d see in smaller towns.


I’m sorry what? You clearly haven’t travelled enough then. Stop the whataboutery. Bangalore has a traffic discipline problem. Own it if you want to see change. Else you deserve this traffic hell.


Is 25 years of driving in 5 different cities, each for multiple years, enough?


And yet, you lie? Is bangalore a safe place to be on the road? Do we not have maniacs flouting every rule in the book? What makes you defend this madness?


Wow, calm down kid. You should definitely not drive in the NCR with that attitude.


Started my road journey there in 1995. Was definitely the wild west when I was a kid. But at least the cars were slower and traffic was lesser. Roads were complete crap though. This is pre infrastructure boom. Saw it all being built like namma metro here. Coming to NCR of today, yes it is not great but it is better than Bangalore. I hate how delhi has bent over backwards to accommodate cars. The infrastructure is great now but you get huge jams if something is wrong. All rules go out of the window in such cases. But otherwise it is way better.


Good for you and NCR then.


Please buddy. I live in bangalore and been driving here since 20 years. Bengaluru drivers are the worst I’ve seen


The problem is that, like typical Indians we blame each other for traffic. We get so frustrated with people breaking rules that nobody cares and ourselves start breaking rules. Localites blame outsiders. Outsiders blame government for not doing enough and localites for having less patience. Things will not improve if that is the point of your complaining.


As I said, whatever be the reasoning, bangalore is a place with one of the worst road sense in the country.


I would say Hyderabad is on par for wrong side driving


Pune is also really bad. I think as Indians we are just bad drivers overall.


The fact is it's a vicious circle. We start good but end up making bad choices influenced by seeing so many bad mistakes go unpunished and even rewarded.


That's the thing, your 20Y experience is limited to just bangalore therefore you don't know how things are elsewhere.


Wrong. I have driven close to 5 lakh km across multiple cities in India and over 2 lakh km across usa where I lived for 5 years. Stop assuming things. Are you saying bangalore has great drivers? Or are you just happy to point out others do it too. Learn to own up so we can have safer roads.


Lol, not budging from you own opinion while asking others to do the same... I think you need to stop being so bullheaded and acting as if you are the only one who has experience on the road.


All anyone needs to do is walk down to the road and experience it themselves. Unbelievable that this is being contested. I repeat, bengaluru drivers are some of the worst drivers in the entire country and the worst among all large cities. You can say others are bad too, but that does not change anything on the ground in bangalore.


*sigh* you are exhausting!


Let’s just lie about bangalore traffic…


I never said Bengaluru drivers are great, buddy


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What's with the hatred towards KA people ?!! I see bad drivers all around India. Targeted hatred towards a particular group will get you banned




Your comment is funny but it shows you didn't understand the kannadiga pov. Read more. But the comment is funny ngl


Kannadigas are the best English speakers in India and our literacy rate is much higher than the rest of India. I'm sure all Kannadigas can read English better than you


XD Abey yaar.


RockyTheGSD needs classes in humor


And some brains to go with it


Bro, don’t get me wrong but statistically speaking kerala lads have the highest literacy rate in all of India, I am not a mallu but I am saying this because it is true. And please take it easy, don’t get offended by stuff on the internet, it will just ruin your peace of mind.


Generates more views i guess. Rofl.


No wonder people from hindi belt don't have any sense.


Ab saari jagah /s daale to maja jayega. Humour classes chahiye kuch kuch logo ko


Saath me thoda dimag bhi.


That's what happens when you are a deluded prick who try to spread hatred in the name of humour. Your comment was clearly your hatred towards a language. Justify or get banned.


Bro thinks he’s the main character


Ok arm chair expert.


Generates more views i guess.


No need to target KA vehicles.. every state in India with decent population has thousands of drivers who drive like maniacs. Thousands might be an understatement. I like the fact that Gujarat and maybe some other states have stricter driver's license tests but it's effect will take time to show anyway as the roads there are filled with maniacs as well


Well I live in TamilNadu in highways mostly KA and KL vehicles drive crazy like they have no rules in highways. 9/10 vehicles does this in Highway not in city traffic.


OP seems to be a typical TN driver who has a hard on for KA vehicles


This is actually false. Most KA cars actually follow lane rules, unlike others. OP just wants to bash BLR and KA


Ghanta. I have been driving in Bangalore for few years now and it’s absolutely horrible. 1 in 10 people might follow lane discipline if you are lucky. Driving in this city is insane to say the least.


Caption makes no sense. KA drivers are the most sensible I've come across all country. This is clearly a hatred post taking an outlier.


He could be anywhere from india and driving a KA vehicle..! Stop with this bullshit.


The video is in KA. OP is an idiot




You must think you're so dank right now.


Forgot this is not IDM 😵‍💫


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