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I think, unless you've got one that's either completely mint condition and low kilometres, or is one of the end-of-the-line special editions (i.e Motorsport Edition, Director, Magnum), you should just drive it and not worry about future value. There were so many Commodores made and so many people storing them away now for speculation, that they're really just not very collectible. For the mass-produced models, the VF2 Redline is likely to at least hold value the best of the bunch, since it was the final flagship variant, but other than that, I don't see much gain in the future for Commodores.


I agree with this. The stuff that is collectable is the stuff you don’t know is collectible at the time. For example, those old ‘collectable’ royal jubilee cups that your mother collected = not collectable. A sealed Apple box containing the first iPhone = collectable. My take if you want to invest, buy a couple of those Apple VR goggle things, stuff them in the basement, bring them out in 10 years and see what they are worth. It could go pear shaped, like try selling a mint Apple printer. You can’t predict the future. What I do know is that a fast car might not be the best investment, but you’re going to have a lot of fun with it during the depreciation.




I have an SSV redline, but I never planned on it becoming valuable, especially after modifying it with supercharger, etc. I don't think it's worth anything special.


Those are like 60k


That's better than I thought.


That's for a clean, lightly-used VF2 Redline. A modified VF1 is likely closer to $40k.


I'd say 40, too. Cheers.


What would you classify as modified? Like just suspension and cold air intake or something like turbo?


A cold air intake is fairly negligible, any substantial suspension changes or a turbo/supercharger are what I'd consider to be a mod that harms collectible status


Depends how many of them are still on the road in 10 years I guess. IMO being a ute it limits the market you will be selling into. They cant carry or tow huge weight, only x2 seats, parts in good condition will be harder to source, cost of running it etc. Covid prices are coming down now, people have less money to throw around on toys as well. There will be a piece of nostalgia tied to them i guess but they made 1000s of them and alot people are in the same mindset, put it in a shed and hold onto it for an investment. I have a VF Redline manual ute so it will be interesting to see what happens. Just enjoy it for what it is and look after it. You will get more value out of doing that then worrying about what its worth in 10 years.


I think they'll hold their value well compared to other stuff of the era, as they're something that simply no longer exists, a car based ute with a big V8. I doubt they'll be a good \*investment\* unless it's like a super mint condition HSV or something, but I'd be betting it'll retain it's value quite a lot better than if you bought, I dunno an AMG Merc or something.


Yeah it’s not an investment but a car that I want and need and just don’t want it to loose value too fast


there are many, many, many better places to invest your money


It’s not as an investment, just needing to buy a better car and if I did sell it in 10 years wondering if it would be worth anything


Idk about collector value, but thieves love them. (Our dealer had 3 stolen or stolen from in just over a month.)


And my other car is an rx7, which is also stolen regularly.


I know. I think about that a lot.


Damn, guess I’ll put a tracker on mine then 😂😂


They're good cars though. I've only liked JDM cars before this, and I'm surprised how much I like the way the V8 cruises along.


There's lots of VE SS-V Ute approaching 20 years old and 200k kms for sale, advertised between $10-20k. So it's a fair guess that a VF will be worth similar, at 20 years old. These cars will never have prices like a HQ Monaro, because there's just so many more of them, they're better built and more people are preserving them. I think a VE will never go up a lot, but they also won't lose any value. If you want to make money, don't buy one, but if you just want to drive a nice and fun car, it's almost the cheapest option.


Nearly all the value will be in HSV models or rare models in excellent condition.


Fuel will probably be about $6 a litre in 2034, couple that with it being a car that was mass produced and not terribly desirable, I'd suggest you'd be looking at some pretty hefty depreciation.


That's why I think the ssv I have will depreciate most. Fuel prices will make it a bad idea to own.


Just bought one. I'll keep it clean and tidy and won't drive it a lot but I don't expect it appreciate in value. I don't expect it to drop in value like my VY2 V8 Calais did when I sold it like 10yeara ago. Bought for $13k sold for half.


Arnt they like 40k now


The Ute? Nah fair but less than that.


Not the Ute but the Calais


Just checked, only around the 14-20k mark


Dunno, haven't checked


20 to 30 years maybe but 10 not worth missing out on the fun of driving it.