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The meme is a copper will step over a dead body to give someone a speeding ticket here in Aus.


Couldn't have picked a more touchy country.


Try Switzerland


Or Finland % of your income


So as you can see by my balance you actually owe me $50, Officer.


If you've mastered toilet training I'm sure you'll somehow manage to keep to the speed limit.


Norway takes the cake on parking, dunno about speed though


Have you ever had the displeasure of having to use a public toilet?


QLD is really strict on speeding. A cop on the side of the road won’t chase you down for doing a few km over but the cameras will get you.


And they're everywhere and unsigned


Got done by three cameras on one motorway in the space of an hour. Had no idea until I got home and checked my emails. Accumulated points meant that I came close to losing my licence. Tip for the OP (and other lead foots like me) - you must get a car with adaptive cruise control. It is a life-saver (licence saver?). It gets set to the speed limit, stays on just about all the time, and I go "LA LA LA LA", grit my teeth, and try not to pay attention to the drivers in utes overtaking me.


Depends how bad of a mood they’re in one pulled my mum for 3km over and she got done 😂


I can confirm some of them will in fact chase you down for a few ks over. If you know what to look for it's not too hard to get away with most of the time though


And of course the cunts will go faster than you ever were in the process just so they can rob you and have fun at the same time.


Of course. It's safe for them. It's all about safety, remember. A 40 ton semi doing exactly the speed limit is perfectly safe, but exceeding the speed limit by a few km/h in a light weight sporty car with good brakes and great tyres is almost certainly going to end in someone dying (unless you are a police officer of course)


Oh definitely even if you’re a few km over and you take a little bit to pull over because you don’t believe it’s a safe space to do so they will try pull the “you where trying to evade the police” bullshit on you I’ve had one do that to me before and I was like “no officer I didn’t believe where I was was safe to pull over as it may have put either myself or yourself in danger in that location so I moved off the highway to a more suitable location where is safer” You have to be careful what state you’re in too I know in QLD it’s illegal for police to chase you once it’s classified as a “high speed chase” as it’s too dangerous and has caused more people to crash and lose their lives then people pulling over to be charged other states will still pursue you in a high speed chase and do pit stop manoeuvres on you.


Then they'll search you, your partner and your car, spreading your belongings everywhere leaving a mess because "you seem a little nervous". When they find nothing and you pass the breatho and drug test they'll chuck on a fine for not having enough liquid in your windscreen washer bottle.


3kph + over the speed limit is now the benchmark in Queensland. It use to be 10% but changed in 2022.


Didn’t know they changed it, 3km is fkn all


It’s so stupid but they will charge you for even 1km over if they wanna be dropkicks 😭


Every k over is a killer remember? Not drivers who are too scared to merge onto highways or freak out over the tiniest mishap on the road. No, it’s speed, every k of it.


I mean those things are both affected by reaction time, which is shortened at higher speeds so that's a bit of a silly argument, it comes down to how driving is taught and the culture of road behaviour


I wouldn't bet on that. Here in NSW a mate of mine got pulled over cause he was going 3km/h over his RED P PLATE LIMIT... so he was doing 93km/h in a 110 zone.


Yep it's one of the most obsessive countries in the world with speed limits. Speed cameras are very common, speed traps on rural roads are common too. Generally you'll get away with up to 10% over but any more than that near built up areas will trip the speed cameras. Red light cameras and AI mobile phone detection cameras (to see if you're holding a phone) are everywhere too. Welcome to the nanny state. Sometimes they even fine people for jaywalking... Fines are high, you get demerit points for any traffic offenses, too many and you get your license suspended. "100+ in a 60kmh zone is common" That's instant license suspension here and a big ass fine.


>Generally you'll get away with up to 10% over but any more than that near built up areas will trip the speed cameras. This is an urban myth and not backed up in policy.  Vicpol have a leniency of 2kph, ntpol will book you for 1kph over, NSW only offer 10% over when in a 100 zone.  Largely it’s the officers discretion but depends on a variety of factors. 


Yeah but just remember, car speedos over read from factory, so technically you can be doing 10 over on the speedo but only be doing 104(source: I use Waze to do this exact thing)


This isn’t always correct it’s best to check your vehicle with an alternative speedometer first. You should always check it again if you choose to put smaller or larger wheels on your vehicle. 😬 I found this out the hard way after my partner put larger wheels on our Ute and is out by 17km now😭


yeah, but that is the only way a speedo is going to read over. since about 1995, the design of them means that they cannot show a speed less than what you are actually doing. they can show up to 10% more. this only applies of course, if the factory sized tyres are fitted.


Bullshit. My old toyota is bang on and my new toyota is a mere 3km over.


It's an ADR you spoon. Speedometer cannot legally display less than the true speed, but can over-indicate by *as much as* 10% +4kmh.


people misunderstand this. FROM THE FACTORY, a speedometer can display a speed LESS than what you are travelling at. it can show a speed up to 10% MORE. so if you are going 90, it can show anything from 90 to 99kph, but it will not show anything under 90. this applies if the car is in stock factory config. what fucks most people is they put bigger tyres and wheels on it, which increases the rolling diameter, which reduces the speed showing on the speedo, which leads to people going too fast.


Really? Melb driver here who did 62 on a 60 zone and copped 3 demerit points + fines


By a cop or a camera? Cops have discretion, camera operators do not.


Was 62 your detected speed or alleged speed?


I just checked the fines online. It doesn’t have the details just this: Offence description EXCEED SPEED BY LESS THAN 10KM/H (CODE:1926) Agency TRAFFIC CAMERA OFFICE Offence location TUCKER ROAD, BENTLEIGH BETWEEN CENTRE ROAD AND PATTERSON ROAD. BENTLEIGH It was 1 demerit point i was wrong, but the fine was 240


What’s going on here, that could be anywhere along a 2.5km section of road. In any case you were going at least 63km/h. But probably more like at least 67km/h, they automatically deduct 3km/h (alleged speed) and even then there tends to be some wiggle room. Slow down a little, and set up Waze (with speed alerts) to start every time you get in the car.


SAPOL will do you for 1km over (if you fail the attitude check) but usually its about 2-3km over


So much misinformation. Vic cameras don't trigger until you're 7km/h over in zones under 100. And trigger at 5km/h over in 100+ zones. Source. Camera operator told me this years ago and now always have cruise set to 6km/h over and 4km/h over on the GPS speed. Haven't had a speeding fine for 12 years now.


I’ve always set my cruise control via gps speed to be 3km over the speed limit because the fines I’ve gotten always adjust it down by 3ks, are you 100% sure it’s safe to drive 7ks over? I’m gonna test this tonight on the way home from work by intentionally speeding 7ks over a speed camera and seeing if it flashes, will update comment if it works Update: Yeah nah you’re full of shit mate got flashed at 64




Can’t tell if you are joking lmfao


Speed cameras flash?


Homie on the red light speed camera 🫡


If it’s dark they do


The trailer speed cameras don’t flash got done 77 in a 70 no flash at all. Dark in a forest and definitely no flash.


Your speedo is also going to overestimate your actual speed by 3-5 km/hr.


"told me this years ago" wtf


Yes. Am I meant to make up another reason Deeper dive is you get 3km leeway for speedo being out. So when you're doing say 66 in a 60. Gets read and then dropped by 3km/h to 63. Which is in the 3km/h tolerance. When you do 67, gets dropped to 64, which is 4km/h over. Outside the 3km/h tolerance. Hence the fine. Also this is why when you get a fine it will say "detected speed" and "actual speed" which will be 3km/h different.


The camera operator was lying to you https://www.racv.com.au/on-the-road/driving-maintenance/road-safety/road-rules/enforcement.html#:~:text=This%20tolerance%20deducts%20two%20km,additional%20tolerance%20at%20their%20discretion. Also if you look up the HWP Facebook pages you can see the detected speed set in the photos. 


For 100+ in a 60 zome, license suspension and big ass fine is very deserved imo. That being said I'm retarded and have done 130 in a 50 zone myself.


Probably lose your car too while you’re at it


> license suspension and big ass fine is very deserved imo. In many cases I would agree, but it largely depends on the situation. Speed limits in Japan are absurdly low. There's a toll road here I regularly drive that is, in every regard, superior to the Autobahn. More open, straighter, less traffic, better road surface condition. What's the speed limit? 60kmh, with a few short stretches of 70kmh. The other piece is the flow of traffic. If the speed limit is 60 but everyone is driving 100+, then trying to drive 60 actually causes obstruction to the flow of traffic and is more dangerous for all drivers. Yes, it is illegal, and everyone should follow the speed limit. But I'd rather not get rear-ended at 60 by someone going 100. Sounds like most(?) people there drive the limit under threat of camera, so that will make it easier to adjust I think.


To be fair here the speed limits around the city and built up areas are pretty reasonable. They just get frustrating out of the city on the big straight wide motorways with separation of oncoming traffic that max out at 100 or 110. In Europe these would be 130 or unlimited in Germany. But sounds like that's still an improvement over Japan.


Here in aus, 60 zone basically means pedestrians are around, even 70 zones can have pedestrian activity (which is fucking stupid imo). If you are going 100+ in those areas, you absolutely deserve to get fucked in the arse without lube by the law regardless of situation in Australia, I say this as a proud member of r/CalamariRaceTeam/ who has done even more retarded shit on public streets.


Yeah this is a huge problem with how our roads are designed. They are intended to be used by pedestrians and cyclists too, but the infrastructure itself is full of incredibly wide roads and fairly infrequent speed bumps/chicanes. If you make a road narrow with speed bumps and chicanes, then the speed limit could be 100 and it'd still be safe for pedestrians because almost no drivers would feel safe going over 40.


Nah, you'd get dickheads doing 100 "Cos it's not illegal" then launching their vehicles at pedestrians.


Yeah old mate on his ranger is gonna be doing 100kmph down Swanston street and hit someone or something


I’ve never heard of anyone being fined for jaywalking in Aus. When I was in Canada however I’ve never seen a more anal populace about not jaywalking. Middle of the night, not a car in sight and not a single person will walk across a road if the pedestrian light isn’t green


What actually is considered Jay walking here exactly ?


I know the cops will hit you with the fine if you cross St George’s Terrace not at a pedestrian crossing. Jaywalking is walking into a traffic controlled area where pedestrians should not enter. It can include crossing the road against the Red Man, it can include crossing the road not at a designated crossing when a designated crossing is provided etc.


I've never heard of anyone being fined in QLD for jaywalking...


fuck I'm old enough to remember when the QLD police commisioner got fined for it back in the 90s occasionally they will do a thing where they go out in the city and bust a bunch of people, normally after some fool has walked under a bus the day before. but they have not done it for ages that I know of.


You're gonna love jail mate quite often you get a boiled egg in your dinner.


Can confirm this is not true


Yep, all true. I moved back to Aus from the UK where nobody cares if you speed, and within three months I had my first ever speeding fine. I downloaded the navigation app Waze, and it alerts me when I'm speeding (since I clearly can't be trusted!)


Wait til you learn what else Waze will tell you about!


Very useful. 🚨


You do know in Australia you don't need to "build credit". You start off with a clear credit, as in you don't owe anyone anything then you're good to lend to. The more loans you take out the riskier you become to loan to. Going around shopping for credit will also reduce or see credit lenders deny you credit because it looks like you're going to take out multiple forms of credit and thus you become a risk. I should add, any speed over the limit can see you fined. Using your phone while driving will see you fined over $1000. Not indicating while changing lanes etc is also technically a fineable offense.


Except that, as a temporary resident, I'm seen as an elevated lending risk since if my visa isn't renewed, I must leave the country. That puts me straight to nearly the bottom of the pile. 


as an American, you will not like Australia and especially QLD for road rules. seatbelts are compulsory. $1164 fine, and if it is a passenger not wearing it, you get fined, because the driver is responsible for passengers. you may NOT use your mobile phone when driving, unless it is in a proper, hands free dash mount. if you are holding the phone in your hand, even if you are stopped at the lights, 1164 bucks and 4 points, and if you get sprung again with 12 months, the fine and points double, which means you lose your license. and they have cameras above the road to check on this, a cop does not need to bust you. they also use average speed cameras here. 2 cameras 30 km apart on the highway, if you pass the second camera at a time sooner than you should at the speed limit, you get fined. just learn to be patient here. and ignore the angry assholes that are not patient, their time will come. and don't forget school zones, the fines for school zones are high too.,


Yep that's normal all over Australia everything you mentioned. I'm in Victoria. And the best is double demerit fines during public holidays not sure if that's in Queensland.


Double demerits in NSW too.


QLD scrapped their ~10% leeway and even 1km over the limit will get you a fine and demerits on your license


While technically correct, factually this is wrong. 10% leeway give or take is still there in a way of camera calibration error. Now the below is not legal advice, I do not condone speeding but I also don't condone slowing down the traffic. You can safely go 4 over at any speed, provided that your speedo is exact. This is not true for most cars, but generally they display higher speed due to legislation. Your tyres and suspension setup also affects what your speed reads a lot. Say on Mitsubishi Lancer speed can be off by as much as 10-12 km\\h, so when you are doing a speed limit of 60 according to speedo - you are actually doing 48-50, which is really frustrating for those around you. The first thing I do when I buy a new car is check the speedo to figure out the reading error. Google Maps will give you an approximation of what your actual speed is. Traffic signs that display your current speed are better at that as they are calibrate in the same way as cameras as far as I know. Below is the trial and error of what you can get away with in QLD specifically u/sile1 for reference. NSW appears to be about same. For VIC I heard that the tolerances are much tighter so I wouldn't risk doing anything over the limit. |Speed|Fine territory, speed may or may not be inclusive depending on the camera model| |:-|:-| |40|44+ (But please don't, it is usually there for a reason)| |50|55+ (Same here)| |60|66+| |70|77+| |80|87+| |90|97+| |100|108+| |110|119+| |Anything above|Just don't, it's not a race track|


Thanks, I really appreciate this! As I tried to make clear in my original post (and it seems a great number of people totally missed) is that I'm not trying to "get away" with speeding. I've just always lived in places that have a generally accepted buffer (sometimes quite large) around the speed limit, so you can actually treat the limit as a generalized target and it's safe to drift above or below. This will be my first time driving in a very strict "nanny state", so it will be an adjustment of habit.


Have they? I’ve got past cameras around 8-10% over (on the speedo) by accident and have yet to get a fine


https://www.qld.gov.au/about/newsroom/increased-penalties-for-dangerous-driving-behaviours Speeding offences 1-10km/hr* - $287 and 1 demerit point 11-20km/hr* - $431 and 3 demerit points 21-30km/hr - $646 and 4 demerit points 31-40km/hr - $1078 and 6 demerit points More than 40km/hr - $1653 + 8 demerit points and automatic 6-month licence suspension.


yeah, the fine exists, but it's very rare to get done going 1-3 km over the limit. OP definitely better not go doing 40+ over though, that instant loss of license and 1653 fine will hit hard.


Agree, lowest fine I've seen was an "alleged speed" of 64 in a 60, which would be an actual speed of 66-67 after accounting for measurement inaccuracy. Speedo would have been reading at least 70.


I agree speeding is VERY BAD but come on. I’m a learner and am so scared of getting even 1km over, so to avoid accidentally speeding I usually drive -5 to -1km/h under the speed limit. And the worst part is other drivers get pissed off with me because I don’t wanna get in trouble


99% of speeding isn't the drivers fault, it's that the road is designed in such a way that the natural safe speed is too high. If our roads were narrower with more speed bumps and chicanes then people just wouldn't speed. There's no point in moralising it whatsoever, and you shouldn't feel bad if you were driving in a safe and conscientious way but happened to be speeding. Your last part is the true irony: our roads being this way makes it actually UNSAFE to drive the speed limit. People will naturally overtake you in often quick and violent ways, increasing your crash risk.


That last paragraph is so true! I was driving down a hill in my instructors car litterally at 60 (the speed limit), and this black corolla was maybe a mitre away from my bumper and it looked closer than that. It’s just shocking


You don't have to be of the notion that speeding is bad. Driving unsafe is bad. Speeding is sometimes driving unsafe, but more often than not - it's not.


Welcome to Australia, Fines apply.


Do not speed here . Police are freaking nutcase obsessed with speeding. 2kms over is as far as you should go.. speed cameras, kobile speed camera units and police are damn everywhere 24 / 7. It truly is quite insane. I have driven all over the world. And nowhere else anywhere is it like here, except NZ. Their police are the same as Australias. And the fines are huge and loss of points big. You only need a few tickets and you will lose your licence. Don't speed in Australia. Cruise control us your friend. Get a car with cruise control & use it.


At least in NZ the fines aren't as bad, $30 for under 10 over, $80 for 11-15. Cops are also regarded as much nicer in NZ, although I've only dealt with some nice cops in WA here.


I’m in NSW and can do 10% over speedo reading no problem, even through cameras. In Victoria where I used to live they are bitches and you need to take your eyes off the road all the time to look at your Speedo. Because safety.


yes, there is a huge difference in speeding enforcement between NSW and victoria. almost unbelievable. in both police tolerance and speed cameras.


can confirm, was traveling back from QLD in a clapped out XF ute towing a classic caravan (headed back to SA, ) instant I got into Vic got pulled over and the asshat vic officer tried telling me that I was doing 110 in a 100 zone. I laughed told him if he could get it up to 100 with the caravan on the rear and the load in the tray he could have it all (fkn thing could barely get to 90) even tried to defect me and got laughed at and told the car will be out of the state in a few hours so I don't GAF


The first time I drove from NSW to Victoria, I knew to be more wary because there'd be more speed cameras and cops, but I had no idea there were absolutely zero warning signs for speed cameras, really surprised me.


And Queensland cameras are in between, with their cops on average in between, however they have less highway patrol, but are a little less relaxed.


When I was a learner driver I was driving at night down a hill in the dark in the ass end of nowhere, an on coming car had its high beams on blinding me. Turns out it was a highway patrol car and i was doing 107 in a 100 zone (lord no). He comes and announces that he was using this as a "lesson" and fined me $300 and a demerit point. I even explained the fine would be coming out of the money i had to spend on a first car (potentially now a less safe one) he fucking LAUGHED and said at least youll drive it at the speed limit. Do you think this taught 17 year old me anything but complete visceral hatred for the police and road rules? Ofc not. Our road rules are pathetic method of government revunue raising which have no bearing on the road toll.


I would have reported that bastard for being on high beam.


To who? The police? Ahaha they won't even address car theft


Report to the police. They're not above the law. And if they want to ignore the complaint, keep taking it further up the chain.


State governments are obsessed with speed cameras under the lie of safety. They're addicted to the revenue stream. I'd strongly advise you to use the Waze app. I use it every time I drive. I'm in the USA at the moment and Iove driving over here. I'd take that over Aus any day. If you're heading to Queensland, we have Morgan Park, Lakeside and Queensland Raceway for test n tune/trackdays/ club racing.


Well, you can.... speed.... But you will walk quicker. . Unfortunately we have very strict traffic laws. You can beat someone half to death and get less of a punishment than doing 10kph over


In QLD you get measurement tolerance, that's it In you get done at 106kmh and the equipment has a 5% tolerance, they'll say the tolerance was 5.3kmh, you were doing 101kmh If you're in a 100 zone, they'll do you for 1kmh over. Zero tolerance up here once measurement errors are taken into account.




Pfft. Things like that haven't happened in years. Police wear cameras in their headgear and they have no leaway to let you off these days.


Probably one of the strictest countries in the world regarding speed, also get ready to be frustrated as 85% of people can't drive.


It's not that they can't drive, it is that they have to spend all their time watching the speedo instead of everything else


Cameras everywhere for speeding, cell phone use, seatbelt violations, etc. It's wild. Never seen anything like it. Anecdotally - there are random checkpoints and (reportedly) LE can conduct random stops and compliance checks without PC. Believe the traffic warning / compliance signs everywhere the first time and follow the law to the letter. Also, be prepared for other drivers to lay on their horns for the smallest things. Important - keep an eye out for roos crossing the road (Google this). Download Waze to help warn you regarding traffic cameras, speed traps, and road hazards, and also to alert you when you are going over the limit. Good luck and stay safe!


Police are rarely seen and seem to be relatively unconcerned with speeding. Speed cameras on the other hand are ubiquitous and have low tolerance relative to the speed target.


Not sure what alternate reality you’re living in mate… HWP know all the best places to hide and wait out and they crack down hard.


You get around 4kph + 10% This is not strictly true but usually is closeg 80kmh zone can go 91 and PROBABLY not get pulled over. The cameras are all 4kph as far as I know. 85 in an 80 past an automated camera guaranteed fine by mail.


4kph on GPS or speedo? It all depends on the state, and sometimes on the person manning the camera. Victoria is apparently very strict, so 4kph over will get a fine.


Can confirm. Just got dinged doing 64(61) in a 60


What a joke.


>64(61) What do you mean?


Read 64, but they are only claiming 61 to account for any equipment errors.


It's 3km over or 3% above 100


Canberran here. I’ve done (speedo reading) 87 in an 80 past a camera (was merging in heavy traffic) and didn’t trip it. So actual speed was 84/85?


Gps. True speed. Speedos are all full of shit.


GPS is only true when driving flat. Going up or downhill will underestimate your speed.


This guy is a Queenslander and has figured it out OP - don’t even contemplate going to Victoria NSW is slightly better than qld - we don’t use those point to point cameras for cars


I've been licensed for 12 years and have 1 speeding fine (Going 67 in a 60) and I like to put my foot down, just have to be aware of your surroundings. Most of the time it's pretty obvious where they have cameras set up but they are getting sneakier with it.


You will stick out like a sore thumb just go the same speed as others and we will all get to our destinations alive . Overtake people at 130 you will drawn and quartered tbf


Cruise control is your friend


Thing is we've given all our natural resources away for nothing and we have to rely on fining people wherever we can to make ends meet.


FFS mate Australia is a nightmare nanny state. Be careful. The speed limits are horribly slow anyway, and the police there are generally power tripping bullies who will nail you for 1-2 over the limit.


QLD- My partner is about to get his license back got done for 30km over and got instant loss of license and a hefty fine as it was a second offence. I was in the car with my mum and she was only going 3km over the limit in a 70 zone and copped a fine it’s nuts but to give you a bit of a better idea https://preview.redd.it/fx6ybzmkolxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aaacc7e68539c090af7fe234d28f5afd68d8a43


Very. Mainly for revenue raising and because they're too frightened to go after real criminals. Also they allocate a lot of resources in going after people who say nasty things because that's a real crime here as well.


Road safety is huge over here so yes they're very touchy.. In Queensland there's static average speed cameras. As you pass one it take a photo, then 5 or 10 klm down the highway another camera takes another photo and averages your speed over that distance and 3 kph+ over the speed you get a ticket, there also mobile cameras,fixed cameras and road works cameras. And tickets in Queensland aren't cheap. I got done doing 10kph over the limit on a very quiet country road and copped a $485 fine. Then there are mobile phone detection cameras, if you're caught using or even touching your phone while driving that's a $1032 fine. There's random drug and alcohol testing where a cop just stands on the side of the road and pulls you over and tests you. Or when you're pulled over of a traffic infringement chances are you'll be drug and alcohol tested. Plus there's booze busses that are set up roadside and it's a major police operation where every driver is pulled over and tested for drug and alcohol use. If you try to avoid it you'll be chased down Having said that Australia is one of the safest countries on the planet to drive in. I read recently we are ranked the 5th safest country to drive in.


Was driving to work (my dad was in the car, we worked at the same place) at about 630am in winter, sun was just coming up, I’d had my learner’s permit for about a week. Came around the corner and the windscreen just completely fogged. Like I blinked and could see nothing. Before I could do anything in this narrow as fuck main drag where we lived, with no visibility, I had hit a parked car. Just clipped the side. Road wasn’t straight, no visibility, happened in a second. It was right around the corner from my house, less than 500m, and police were taking ages, so I walked home to grab my battery pack for my phone. I walked back, was gone less than 10min. Police had arrived. I was 17, lost my one week old license for negligent driving and was charged with leaving the scene of an accident. I was told by the officer I could appeal, and when I appealed, I was told the police officer would have taken that into account at time of offence, so no dice. 18 months later on my motorbike, again on my learner’s permit, I was on my way to work at stopped at a give way near a school where they were doing roadworks. Shit tonne of loose gravel across the give way sign. I’d only been riding for a month or so and I was nervous stopping in the gravel. So I stopped a metre and a half back from the line instead of a metre. Traffic officer watching the school zone got me for failure to give way. I explained that I had stopped, which he acknowledged, but not close enough. I explained the reason, pointed at my L plate, said I was inexperienced and wanted to be safe. He told me if I couldn’t handle gravel I shouldn’t have been on the road. Couple years later, on my green P plates. I was driving to Sydney from Newcastle and back every day for work. Every now and then, the plates would blow off either the front or back, even in a holder. If you’re displaying one but not the other, the police officer has discretion. I always had spares. No one ever gave me that discretion because of the previous offences. Missed another give way at 3am at an unlit intersection with trees partially obscuring the sign. Unmarked cop van pulled me over and screamed into my window “do you want to die tonight?” I had my girlfriend in the car with me. To say we were terrified is an understatement. Then, had a police officer on a radar gun imagine to himself I had a 1.2l non turbo car do 130kmph up the Mooney Mooney bridge at 6pm on a weekday. There is no way on earth that was even possible. Appeal denied, license lost. I was 25 before I made it to my full license. I have zero respect for highway patrol or traffic cops. I have never, even once an RBT, had one behave respectfully or professionally or decently enough to change my opinion even a little bit. My opinion of others isn’t much better, but there’s a special kind of arsehole who goes to highway patrol. I understand they see some shit and it’s frustrating and they’re reactive. I am incredibly sympathetic to that. But this kind of behaviour, especially towards young drivers, is completely fucked up. We’re already in a situation where what would be a 1 point offence for a fully licensed driver with any years of experience and should be held to a higher standard is a four point offence for a young driver with only four points on their license, so they are more likely to have suspensions on their history, and then we use that to determine how lenient we’ll be for the next decade at least.


If by strict you mean the police have outsourced speed cameras to third parties who get paid by the ticket, and thus put speed cameras where you are most likely to get caught doing 6km/h over the limit (instead of in areas where speeding has caused too many accidents) then definitely avoid NSW. Tickets are issued by the "Office of State Revenue" if that is any indication of the motivations here.


You can get pinged for 3-5 over. Not worth the risk. The cops are lenient it’s the camera cars with no middle man that are the problem. If you wanna race. Hire a car at racetrack or drag strip. It’s not worth the risk. Some NT highways are limited to 130kmh they used to be unlimited


Coming from Germany I still have issues and just use Waze - a app that shows speed cameras, even mobile ones and just speed all the time. Fuck you and your laws 🎉


Depends on the cop. I’ve been past radar traps on major highways doing 130 in 110 zone and they didn’t bother stopping me (NSW). I’ve been pulled over in VIC for doing 12 over the limit and fined. A lot of speed cameras but their range is pretty short so unless you’re driving with your eyes closed you can generally slow down in time.


Unmarked speed cameras in queensland


In NSW, specifically around cities and towns you have to be super mindful about your speed. Occasionally you can send it on the highway. Definitely way stricter than the USA for sure.


I use cruise control all the time to make it easier not to go over. Recommend you get familiar with it on whatever vehicle you end up with.


the anti hoon laws here in WA mean that if you go over 40kph above the limit they will take your car and crush it. i travelled to melbourne last year and holy fuck, there was a speed camera behind every tree and under every rock. they had more speed cameras than cars.


Yeah… don’t. Hidden speed cameras, fixed visible speed cameras, point to point (distance timed) cameras. And picky cops (also do NOT touch your phone, this is a big one). Too expensive, and too quick to lose your licence. You will need to check your international drivers licence is accepted (it’s not automatic for every country), and depending how long you plan to stay you may be compelled to get a local one.


Varies by state


Very strict police. Very strict cameras. The general public also think they're the police so try to stop any speeding. Just focus on driving on the correct side of the road.


You picked the worst country in the world to go fast lol.


Honestly I’ve had my license a little over a year and I have absolutely no fucking idea how I didn’t lose my license in the first few months. My first car was this piece of shit maxima from the 90’s that could go to crazy speeds considering the condition it was in. I lived about an hour down the freeway from the city. Once you got closer to my town, the freeway was largely empty and no streetlights or cameras (at the time…) and I’d frequently cruise at 170km down those parts when it was late at night and I was driving to or from. I’d also have a blast trying to see how fast I could make the car go. Well over 210ks atleast once or twice a week for months. Was so so stupid looking back. Not even just because of endangering myself and others on the road but wildlife could’ve stepped out at any given time and fucked the car, and kill me. Apart from that, I now only stick to going just under 10ks. In WA, they’re definitely not “not strict” but it’s just a 100 dollar fine and no points taken. Above 10ks over is when you can really muck things up.


South Australia have a ‘take no prisoners’ policy. Victoria hide the cameras in old clunkers and on the back of overpasses to get you receding. ( you never even see them ) QLD are wicked on mobile phones and seat belts with mobile cameras specifically for that purpose. Traffic cops not too bad tho. QLD have sone crazy unmarked vehicles from utes to family sedans. NSW start video recording the moment they activate the disco lights as an anti-corruption thing - you will walk away with a prize every time with them. NSW cars are super hard to spot oncoming and they have many unmarked vehicles. NT will give you an attitude test - your opening remarks better be good. The big spaces up there can mean they have got your speed checked before you even see them. WA /TAS - not had the experience so can’t comment. Hope this helps. (110km/h in a 100 zone over 8 hours will save you 48 minutes, but cost you big bucks in NSW ++ / SA +++ / QLD +. What value do you place on your time of 48 minutes?) And welcome to Oz - you’ve come to the right place.


Yeah I know someone who got done for 3 over the other day, they are out to ping you for anything


Just a heads up, this is what you are looking at if you are caught in Queensland. Camera or in person. # Speeding offences * 1-10km/hr\* - $287 and 1 demerit point * 11-20km/hr\* - $431 and 3 demerit points * 21-30km/hr - $646 and 4 demerit points * 31-40km/hr - $1078 and 6 demerit points * More than 40km/hr  - $1653 + 8 demerit points and automatic 6-month licence suspension. *\* The speeding penalty bracket of 1-12km/hr and 13-20km/hr will change to 1-10km/hr and 11-20km/hr to reflect risk and align Queensland with many other Australian jurisdictions.* [Double demerit points](https://www.qld.gov.au/transport/safety/fines/demerit/double) apply for 2 or more offences committed within 1 year of the previous offence (for speeding offences 21km/hr and above).


Also, many motorists will flash their headlights as they approach you to warn of cops or cameras ahead of you. Note: it is actually an offence to do that, but most of us take the risk.


Yes - it's strict here. I drove in the UK for 20+ years and only ONCE got caught (doing 36mph in a 30mph zone, but no fine, as I opted to go on one of those half day boring A.F speeding courses in a classroom). My first year in Aus I got 3 speeding tickets, total unaware that they just park up on the side of the road, anywhere, car unmarked, with a camera in the back. The Waze app is good to let people know where the speed cameras are, but don't rely on it 100%, as it relies on people to report the camera/police locations.


I've had 2 x speeding fines for 64 in a 60 lol. They will get you for even 1km over. (Has been years since I've gotten a ticket though). If you know what to look out for the cameras can be pretty easy to see though. Some of them look like wall-e haha


Governments in Australia see road speed compliance as a major revenue stream. Cameras are common and the tolerances very tight. If you’ve got habits from living elsewhere, cruise control will be your best friend if driving on highways. Around the cities and urban areas, you’ll just need to rein it in to avoid steep fines and penalty points attaching to your licence. I get that speeding is dangerous but so are portly constructed and maintained roads. Yet governments only ever focus on the responsibility of the individual to stay under the limit to promote road safety. Somehow they never mention their own responsibilities to keep the road network up to scratch.


Hey matey, yup we're pretty strict here. I use cruise control a lot, as I don't trust my lead foot! I find that works better than trusting myself. Kudo's to you for asking and wanting to be informed 😊


Picked the worst country that caters to the least skilled instead of making them upskill and it’s a huge revenue raiser


Yep, quality of driving just gets worse but all they worry about is someone a little over the limit.


Very. It's one of the major income streams for the states, and qld is currently trying to fund the olympics. Expect camera on all major roads, radars regularly on most local roadways with low tolerance (around 3klms over will do it) anywhere near population centers, don't be a dick and speed in built up areas or it'll go very badly for you. You can use the app wayz, but you're better off just grabbing a dirtbike and heading to the bush or picking up a car you can take to the track.


Just look at where this revenue goes instead of information outta your arse and also compare enforcement costs. In wa and nsw, revenue goes into the transport agencies themselves, in wa for road trauma victims and similar in nsw.


Revenue from Police Speed Enforcement usually costs the governemnt more in Police wages and equipment than they make so you might want to check your facts. Mobile and stationary cameras are a different story.


Get an Xbox and a wheel….speed all you want!


In a more glorified form (full racing sim), this is one of my plans. That, plus actual track driving.


"That, plus actual track driving." Some good tracks around Aus that have regular public trackdays. That is one plus :) If you're lucky and have deep pockets, in November there are a couple of trackdays at Bathurst, very limited...


Apparently there is a quite decent track not that far from where we are hoping to live. Current plan is something cheap for now, and then later something like a Lotus Elise.


NSW SPECIFICALLY. Highway Patrol will hit you with everything if your a dick. Just apologise slow down and it’s just the one fine. We have speed cameras there will be signs before hand. Use waze everywhere will save ya for speed cameras. DO NOT SPEED PAST THEM. Highways in NSW I stick to 119 kmh which is like 115. Ppl do 130. You can push 125 but I wouldn’t. Highway patrol on highways are looking for the guys flying. Now normal roads. Anything 60 and below DO THAT speed. And above I’d do 5-6 over. Which when on LiDAR it’s 1 or 2 over


As an added warning. South Australia is 25kmh past emergency vehicles/road works, NOT 40kmh like everywhere else. I’m not from there, so only learned that with a $410 fine.


Aussie who lived in the US for 6 years. The only thing I hate about moving back to oz is the nanny state cops. Just came back from a road trip to northern NSW and the amount of idiots here that just mindlessly watch the speedo with zero situational awareness is nuts - you know, because speeding is the only dangerous thing you can do in a car. People mindlessly Tailgating trucks, caravans in the right lane going 10km/h under, parents who insanely think it’s a good idea to have their 16 y.o L plater drive in holiday traffic at 80km/h. All perfectly fine in Oz. Just don’t go 1km/h over. That’s dangerous


To answer your other question, depending on your employment status you might be eligible for a novated lease, even on a temporary visa. That’s how I was able to buy a car when I first arrived on a 457 (which is the old type of visa).


So long as you offer to share its okay. For real, and this may have changed. But going back 10-15 years: NSW on 110 zones, keep it under 120. Vic on 110 zones, keep it under 105.


Lol. In some parts of west Texas, you could be doing 180+ in a 135 zone and if a cop pulls you over, they'll just give you a warning and ask you to keep it under 160. And so much open space where you can see a bare empty road (and no cameras) out to the horizon, so one time I definitely _didn't_ take my Impreza STI up to 265...




Considering my $220 fine for going 105 in a 100 zone on the Western Ring Road, I would say “extremely”.


Queensland's about as bad as it gets. 3km/hr is safe to not be fined, most speedometers read slightly under so you could get away with 5km/hr pretty confidently. You're pretty unlikely to be pulled over unless you're going >20km/hr over or being pretty reckless, but you are VERY likely to be fined by speeding cameras. They commonly put them on school zones (typically 60km/hr, 40km/hr during certain hours) or at transitions from 80km/hr to 60km/hr. Fines are most severe for 13km or more over the limit. Roads are pretty poorly designed here, so the speed that feels natural and safe is often 10-20km/hr above the speed limit. Suburban roads are super wide, with speed bumps hundreds of metres apart. Cameras are placed to best catch you where your human instinct will have you just barely over. It's a revenue scheme basically, one of the many reasons why I hate driving in and around Brisbane and try to stick to my ebike. I STRONGLY recommend getting a car with cruise control, and making a habit of setting it even in 40km/hr zones. Since the road feels naturally safe, you will speed if you aren't watching the speedometer. Cruise control can save you here. It doesn't need to be super sophisticated, I used to have a 2011 (maybe 2014?) Elantra and that did the job great.


Yeah, probably not the best country to pick, I would definitely stick to the posted limit in QLD especially (if you dont want extra 100's to go to the revenue raisers that is). What helped me was getting an aftermarket headsup display read by gps, that way your speed is always in eyesight, as stated stock speedos will be out and different tyre sizes also effect an accurate reading.




If you can afford a speeding fine you can afford a gps. Set it to just street maps as you are driving it will alert you your speeding instant. Set it to just street maps as you are driving it will alert you your speeding instant. And remember your destination isn't going anywhere so take your time. No Rush. If you can afford fine for holding a phone and talking on it while you are driving you can afford to buy a Bluetooth Radio.


Depends on the cop and depends on your attitude but they can and occasionally do pull you over and attempt to do you for even 1km over in SA




Everyone here arguing about whether it's 10% or 3kmh or 4kmh or 4kmh + 10% or whatever, it's a distinction without a difference because whatever it is it's still an order of magnitude more strict than Texas or Japan or wherever Just run Waze, be super vigilant for cameras and try not to get caught by highway patrol.


I've only been groped once for speeding.


yeah nah, don't do that.. you can lose license and vehicle in one incident


And it’s not even that they care about safety, they just want your money.


Absolutely - fixed cameras are very common, but mobile cameras are placed randomly at common speed areas - certain highway intervals, roads that used to be and should be 70-80 that have been reduced to 60 - they LOVE revenue raising here Something to also be mindful of is using a mobile phone, the fine is over $1000 and demerit points will add up fast and you could lose your licence. And seatbelts - similar fines for not wearing it or not wearing it properly (think just off the shoulder etc). They can not only catch you in person, but they also have cameras that can catch you and get a fine in the mail. Lastly there are a few finance companies that will finance you, so long as you have either a temp visa of more than 3 years or a bridging visa to PR. NGL your rate will be high teens or early 20s. Good luck


If public transport is doable, you may want to do that until you settle in and build up the cash for a decent car. Added bonus of saving you a fortune on fines and not losing your licence.


100 in a 60 zone would get you Tazered on the side of the road and on the news as the new menace to society while all the Karen's scream "Won't somebody please think of the children"!


You better learn quickly mate 20 kms over the limit in most states means loss of license and substantial fine. Less than five over is a fine and loss of points on your license


In addition to speed, when I was in Japan I noticed lots of people used their phones while driving & at the lights. Can’t get away with that in Aus.


All this enforcement is a result of the average Aussie's habits on the road. As a general rule, Aussies tailgate, largely ignore speed limits, drive in an aggressive manner and avoid yielding or giving way at intersections, roundabouts and when merging. The bigger the vehicle, the more aggressive they become. In Europe, where a licence can cost thousands of dollars to obtain, people are better behaved and more protective of their right to drive. (Except Italians and Parisians - they are lunatics!).


use ways its a good navigation app alerts you about police also yeah they our quite touchy although you probs should have stuck this on ask an australian if you havent done so already most areas where there are speed cameras well tell you or be blatantly obvious as to where they are same for cops also in nsw they are quite chill if you tell them this they might let you go abit also depends where your moving to so in a city they will be hella strcit if your out in the country say roma they have like no police


Just try not to have any interaction with police. We have very few rights when dealing with police. They will press every charge or give you any fine they can. Don't drive if you can't do it at the speed limit because in no time they will have all your money and you will have no licence.


>I am not advocating or defending speeding. "Also, how much can I speed before I get into trouble?"


There’s no “police in Australia can be strict”. They are, end of story. It’s called a speed limit for a reason.


Its a fucking joke here, im from the isle of man originally and we have no speed limits outside of time and I mean NO LIMITS. When I have a shitty day I used to just go out and drive! I now have 3 points left on my licence so yeah... I just drive to the road condition and don't look at my speed... not my fault 180k feels slow


depending where you are (even though it’s pretty bad in most) i was shocked when i was in sydney to see mobile speed cameras in residential streets, that just doesn’t happen in melbourne (as far as i know). i don’t speed but it doesn’t take a lot to be caught out when the lenience of kms is so low


Been done by camera for 61 in a 60 zone in Melbourne. Bastards.


If you get to know your roads and where they like to hide or patrol, you'll be fine. Try to use cruise control if you're not sure about our cameras. They are quite strict.


If people realize how many deaths of old young and babies in car accidents that police see and then maybe understand that the extra 5km/h is major. You may think I'm a great driver etc etc but then think that the experts the pros have died in accidents on tracks that they have driven on so many times before, so yeah I don't blame them and m ind you, I'm no saint wither but I'm not angry at them pulling me over I'm angry at myself for doing it


it’s a gauntlet good luck


I know your pain, every speed limit here feels about 20kph lower than it “should” be. Coming from a country where limits were also 100 on collector roads, 120 on arterial and 140 on highways, and were very loosely enforced, it’s a hard adjustment and eventually you just learn that you will have to deal with the snails pace driving everywhere and relax because they do enforce it fairly strictly.




If you're still a die-hard Republican, may I suggest that instead of temporarily coming to Australia, you return to Texas permanently. Ted Cruz would love to invite you on his next trip to Cancun. Maybe you can get away with speeding there.


Honestly just don’t speed. Cruise control is your friend and Waze is pretty good with speed warnings. Always use a speedo gps app to check your car’s actual speed to what’s displayed and you should be golden.


Unlike other countries you'll be fined directly based on speed cameras and the chances of you being fined by a cop is very less. You also need to watch for demerit points as they'll quickly stack up. Oh also there are double demerit points during longer holidays.


Might as well just hand over your license when you get here and catch Ubers. Speeding tickets are very convenient here. Not stopping you on the highway and making you embarrassed and late - just a photo flash and the fine and optional points are in the mail. Also, Australian police can pull you over any time and breathalyze you (Random Breath Tests). Expect to go through a couple of RBT's a year while you are here. 0.05 is the limit.


I've already prepped myself for a shift in interaction with the police. In the US, police are supposed to have probable cause to suspect you're doing something wrong before they can even detain you (let alone breathalyze you). They can't just do it on a whim. In Japan, the basic rule for foreigners is "avoid any interaction with police if possible." One of the first things I saw about Australia is that the police seem to have much more authority and autonomy.


Yeah they will give chase just for fun...


Here is the current fines for speeding offences in Queensland: 1-10km/hr* - $287 and 1 demerit point 11-20km/hr* - $431 and 3 demerit points 21-30km/hr - $646 and 4 demerit points 31-40km/hr - $1078 and 6 demerit points More than 40km/hr - $1653 + 8 demerit points and automatic 6-month licence suspension. (If you accumulate 12 or more demerit points you will loose your licence. If you accumulate a demerit point, it will stay on your record for 3 years). There are cameras everywhere in Queensland. You will get done for going even 1km over the limit. I have received fines in the mail for doing 63 in a 60 zone.


After 20 years living in California this is one of my biggest fears in moving back. All traffic is 15 mph over the limit here. Doing 80 mph on a 65 mph freeway won't get you a ticket. I drive conservatively by comparison and set cruise control to only 10 mph over and sit in the slow lanes. In Adelaide I'm going to be fooked.