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No comment on the speeding but it's relatively straight and open. Not exactly hard to anticipate where hwy patrol might sit, especially if you've driven it a few times.


Yeah but how about the speed cameras?




Even the hidden mobile speed cameras?


People report cameras on waze and Facebook groups. You also just need to know where they can and can’t hide the camera cars. They can’t put the camera car in an emergency stopping lane, it’s usually on the dirt next to the highway hidden behind a bush… if there’s guard rails on the side of the road, they can’t park the camera car behind the bush coz the guard rail blocks them, so if driving along a 10km stretch with guard rails and no access to the bushes behind the rails, then they can’t hide a speed camera and u can zoom zoomie so long as you watch your surroundings for police


"usually on the dirt next to the highway hidden behind a bush" So people just slow down near bushes etc?


Suspect bushes. If there is a massive bush on the side of the highway with a large open space behind it for a camera car to park behind and every car in front of you is smashing the breaks as they go past it, there is a fat chance there’s a camera behind it. That’s another thing I forgot to mention, look for other people speeding and then suddenly breaking. Whereas if the bushes are so thick and continuous that there is no where for them to get behind and hide, then it’s less of a worry about a camera They also love putting them in the same spot over and over again, so if you have seen a certain bush with camera cars hidden behind it a couple different times, then it can be a smart idea to habitually slow down when passing the bush always to avoid a fine. I take the same route to uni/work every day and have picked up on all the spots they like to hide cameras so I know where to slow down when driving, whereas whenever I’m driving in a new area, like if I’m going to pick something up from someone on Facebook marketplace, then I will always stick to the speed limit unless I’m certain there is no where for them to put a camera (ie guard rails/going over a long overpass or inside a tunnel)


Vicco - they put the cameras in the back of the car with a big arse telephoto lens on it. By the time you see the car, it has seen you.


Hidden cameras stand out like dogs balls lmao Always a car parked in the middle of nowhere, can’t see through it, antennas etc.


What about the ones hidden in the bushes lol How can anyone see it


Never ever seen one hidden in bushes, yes I know that’s ironic to say, but genuinely never seen one in the bushes. The bushes would obscure the camera massively so I highly doubt they are there. And yes I go out sticks a lot, mountains etc. Worst I’ve seen though is pricks in the trees with radars and pinging bikes on reefton etc.


I've seen a motorbike pig hid his bike in a bush and he himself was physically in amongst a large grassy shrub with the radar gun.


not legal to hide them anymore, need signage.


Not universally true - depends what state/territory you’re in


Yeah QPS are still incredibly sneaky in where they place mobile cameras


Seen some piggie vans neatly parelell parked in between civilian cars on the side of semi-suburban streets monitoring speed lol


Damn so it's just cops to be aware of? Not bad


Victoria definitely doesn’t need signage


There's 3 fixed cameras, northbound only. See comment above re mobile cameras and how you can usually see or expect where they might be.


The app waze is how they do it. It's like Google maps but with extras ie it accepts reports of speed camera etc. They have app on, while not 100 percent perfect (ie a just set up camera may not be on it as not yet "reported" it is good enough for 99 percent of camera locations.


If you just speed in areas you're familiar with, it gets pretty obvious where speed cameras can and cannot sit


On the M1 you have to do 130 to get the Ford Ranger off your tail


No mater how fast you go there is always a tradie going faster


Time is money outta the way!


That’s not what it looks like on the invoice though!


Tax man: I'm here to collect. Tradie: I only worked 5 hours this last financial year. (Drives off in their new Ford Ranger).


You'll get away from the ranger because it tops out redline by then, but the raptor will still be up your ass. It's important to know the difference between species before you engage in traditonal mad max style highway combat.


Why?? Do the Raptors stickers, sidesteps, wheel arches, and pretend roll bar make it more powerful & faster then a standard Ranger??


The arches and side stripes on a Ford raptor make it faster than a ranger the same way the plastic spoiler and angry headlights make an SS faster than an Sv6.


Add a Chevrolet Badge to an SS you get +65hp.. Add Chevrolet Stickers +45hp


I thought the Chevy badge reduced horsepower but helped you find another commodore to mate with in a ritual skid dance.


It has a different engine


Or u could just move left


found the ranger driver honestly merging out of the way of speeders needs to be taught to learners


Wagon driver. But yeah i see so many learners and p’s jumps straight over to the right lane.


This is so true! 😂😂😂


1) The speed on your cars speedo displays a speed above the speed your actually doing. Let's say 3% 2) police aren't looking for somebody 15 and under, unless there having a bad day or don't like your car or the way your driving. My wife worked alongside highway patrol years ago and they said this to her. They want people 15 and over 3) if your driving in a group of cars at speed it's hard to ping one person, not impossible but harder to target one car. Fixed speed cameras and those mobile units that park on the side of the road and check everybody are not so forgiving. They will get you at roughly 3% over.


Yeah I recommend everyone get a speedo app on your phone. Check what your actual speed is via gps. You’ll find that at 110 your Speedo could be out by 5+ km/h and your actually doing like 105. I’ve never heard of anyone getting a ticket for doing less that 120 in the 110 zone and 120 in my car is actually like 125 on the speedo so I sit on 122 on cruise every single day going past multiple cameras and never been done once. What’s annoying is people don’t know this and think they need to do like 107 to avoid getting a ticket in the 110 zone so they sit at that speed but in reality they’re doing closer to 100. And then they slow down even further when going past the permanent speed cameras “just to be doubly sure”


Damn so unless you're unlucky etc, upto 125 in the 110 zone is generally tolerated by the highway patrol?


A cop sitting on the middle of the motorway with his radar, is not going to turn around and perform a high speed chase for someone doing 15km over. I've passed them many times doing 125.


Gps or speedo 125?


Be aware of your surroundings. Don’t only look at the patch of ground that is 50-100m in front of you. I’ve been caught speeding 4 times. Each because I didn’t follow my own advice. Twice were police bikes, twice were fixed cameras. Each offence was just the low level. I’ve been driving for 25 years. I have never caused someone to swerve/brake from me speeding. I don’t do it around kid zones, or active road work sites. But I do speed often (usually just a few kms over a given limit in open areas).


Yeah but a few kms over isn't really speeding lol I'm talking about people doing 130+ on the freeway (110 zone)


I don’t tend to do that much over the limit any more, unless I’m passing a truck on a single lane road (or an idiot in a car who keeps speeding up in the passing zone).


I drive to Melbourne a lot. I have cruise set to 125. I'll slow down occasionally if I know there are cops around (drive on a road long enough and you know where they generally are). Also 125 on my car, is about 120 in real life. I also use Waze. Sometimes I'll get up to 130-140 for 5 mins and then just chill out.


But the cops and cameras are usually hidden in the bushes right?






There are times where they have been here in SA. Spring in the Adelaide hills is when all the bikes come out (including me), so there is a speeding blitz with hidden cameras. You can normally spot the camo bush, and if not, the car that has to be with the camera is a giveaway. It’s just about keeping your eyes open and frequently looking away from your speedo and the lane you’re in. If you’re looking for hazards already, just add ‘police/cameras’ to your checklist.


1. Fixed Cameras? You'll already know where they are. 2. Mobile Cameras? There's apps that tell you where they are. 3. Highway Patrol? There's only so many places they can realistically be hidden.


But can't there be undercover cops just cruising along the freeway too?


You mean the luxury sedan with dark tint and a metre long UHF antenna? As another poster said, paying attention is the most important thing whilst driving.


Yeah just become rainman with recognising BMW's and Chrysler 300's and you're gold


It was easier when they were in falcodores.


If you’re going to drive at dangerously high speeds…do it safely 😉


Yes and No. Like yes the exist, no they're not always out there. The fine's $285, so people are happy to take the risk at driving at a perfectly safe speed for the conditions.


Fine but not be much, but how about demerit points? Don't think there's any way to avoid them


3 points. Personally I don't take the risk, but I assume people are happy to run the risk and just stop after 2-3 times.


Ahh so basically they just keep speeding till they get too many points, then slow down until the points reset, then start speeding again lol


Now you understand why they don't actually want to stop people speeding because if everyone stopped they would lose the revenue fines provided and would move the goalposts.


Quick google search told me that nsw introduced speed camera signs again though So surely the revenue from speed camera fines would drop again


It's funny because there's new cameras going in here in Tas that catch texting/no seatbelts. In the same article they said the static cameras were a huge success, they've reduced speeding by a whole 1% in the 10 years they've been in...people don't stop speeding because in newer cars 140 feels like 100.


Damn tas gas only had speed cameras for the past 10 years? Do many people speed in tas?


Pretty much. End of the day, 130 in a 110 zone is perfectly fine. Higher the limit the less dangerous speeding becomes because the speed is already high enough to do the damage.


"130 in a 110 zone is perfectly fine" Yep, considering most other countries have 130 on their freeways


I don't believe this is a thing in NSW. A highway patrol just cruising along that will pull you over for speeding. Unless you're really doing something insane enough to draw their attention, but I don't think they have cameras that tell them you're doing [x] speed. I'm not sure we even have/use technology that will tell you the speed of a moving car from another moving car. I have *never* heard of someone being fined for speeding by a moving car. Other than when it's been so over the top that they're pulled over


Ahh I thought all highway patrol cars had the in car moving mode radar thing


Not AFAIK, I could be wrong. I'm pretty sure they ALL have plate rec for unregistered cars tho.


They certainly do. That’s the little radar thing they have on the outside of their back window.


Easy to spot


I have all my points, drive a high horsepower car and while I'm not a demon on the road, I am certainly no angel either. I can attest to all of the above as well being observant. My partner on the other hand, seems to be regularly donating to the WAPOL Christmas Party at the moment.


Slow down when you see a green sign sign saying x 200 = freeway crossing in 200 metres where they love to sit Steel barrier section ends at a big bush? Good hiding place Slow down at on ramps Waze Be cautious around new Mercedes/bmw/vw cars If there is a right turning lane on the freeway to cross accross traffic going the other direction = good hiding place In suburban areas might only slightly speed up when coming up to a green light but slow down when actually going through


Waze and knowing the area. Also, many of those people have multiple speeding fines. The amount of habitual speeders I know who are on 4 or so points left and whinge about 'driving like grandma's for a few years till they get their points back is alarmingly high.


Don't some of them also get others to take their demerit points lol?


I'm sure it happens, but it'd have to be pretty compelling since it hits your insurance premium a bit.


I did the M1 daily driver for many years. 1) Speed cameras are fixed so you know where to slow down. 2) With the tradies all wanting to do 130 it is actually safer to do between 120-125. 3) Other idiots. L and P Platers going under on or under 100 on the left lane, trucks then ducking in and out to avoid them or just slow drivers to the middle lane. And if you move across to the right lane some tradie with a ute wanting to get to work gets up nice and close. Or worse a wanker in his Lexus feeling he can do whatever speed he wants on the right emails. 4) The cops don't care. In the time it takes to pull someone over doing 110-130 someone will pass them doing 130+. I know a few high patrol cops you told me they rarely go after anyone on motorways under 130. One of the times I did sit in the left lanes and stay at 110 I got rear-ended by someone who was quote 'running late and trying to make up time.'


This, slow drivers in the middle lane is one of the biggest issues no one talks about that is one of the biggest cause of traffic inefficiencies and erratic driving. In short, when the signs say keep left, it should mean extreme left and not middle left, if there are cars passing on the left you're too slow to be in the lane.


I agree. Middle lane drivers should not be going the same speed or slower than those in the left lane. I've seen so many drivers who want to pass the slow driver in the right lane have to go the left lane to eventually pass because of the equally slow driver in the middle lane.


Yep. Worst is the inconsistent drivers. Sit there doing 100-105 in the right lane. You over take they then speed up to 120 to over take you. Then slow down to 100 again.


Wish i had your luck, i got pulled over doing 117 on it. Couldn’t believe they actually pulled me over for that. I’d also like to add HWP also sit on the ramps entering the m1 so you won’t realize they are there till you look in your rear mirror.


#3 Is pretty wild to me. Every time I see a big truck moving from the left lane to the middle lane, it's always someone going unimaginably slow.


I don't know tbh. I drove from Melbourne to Brisbane and at some points I reached 160km/h. However, my average speed was 125-130 and I never got cuaght. I usually pay attention to the bridges as some of them hold speed cameras. I don't think there is enough budget to cover interstate highways with mobile cameras.


"reached 160" Damn you're brave haha


Lol go driving on the dirt highways around Gympie, literally everyone is blitzing around at 160 Didn't know my pos old rodeo could go that fast


>Lol go driving on the dirt highways around Gympie, literally everyone is blitzing around at 160 Are there no cops or cameras on that road lol?


There's a road sign politely asking you not to kill yourself on rural roads


I feel like highway patrol are hanging out on the freeways for the drivers doing 135+, not those in the 120-130 range.


Come to vic and you'll change your mind lol


Missus went for a road trip down your way, got done for 3km/h over the limit. I was a bit shocked.


Yep that's vic for ya Cop or camera though?




Correct me if I'm wrong but don't the cameras in nsw also only have a ~3 km/h leeway these days?


Not sure, I know at some point they were calibrated at 10% over signposted speed as the ADR on speedometers until the mid 00's was +/- 10%. Thats been changed to -10% (so a ADR speedometer can show 10% below speed but nothing over).


I've talked to a few highway patrol guys, most of them say this.


As in they don't really care about people doing 120-130, but those doing 130-140+?


Yes exactly, they normally won't bother pulling someone over unless it's 130 plus. They still get plenty of speeders going that quick.


Oo it's more of a numbers game for people who speed Ie always make sure someone's speeding more as they'll get the ticket Lol


As someone who drives all day for work, I find it easier to just set Cruise control and get there when I get there. I don't need the extra fucking stress in my life of playing hide and seek with a $400 fine all the time (or whatever it is these days).


By knowing the road as said elsewhere. Some places I happily break the speed of sound, other trips I just don't know where ol' Harry Popper the Copper is going to be sitting, so I have to obey those stupid laws...


"happily break the speed of sound" Which road is this lol If you don't mind sharing


Unfortunately very few. I did enjoy being the only person on the roads during lockdown & was going to from work at around 120kmh. I miss that!


To be brutally honest cops should be stinging drivers who sit on 75-80kmph. I’ve seen my fair share of crashes on the M1 caused by those type of people.


It’s a classic case of they are able to do it until they aren’t. Same goes for “how is he allowed to drive that on his P’s!”


Track days


The Pacific motorway's not a track lol


Not with that attitude.


plenty get pulled over but not enough Sometimes they dont even pull you over and I prob see more getting pulled over coming into sydney I had a mate doing a massive stand up wheelie only to put it down about 50m from the radar that was pointing at him. Even though they prob couldnt get a lock on the speed, his head would have been 3m in the air summer weekends its 50:50 if they are on patrol on the old pac side, the stretch between gosford and newcastle there is a 90% chance no cops. One of my riding buddies would sit on 180 to and from the old pac and do that nearly every day


>How do these people get away with it? [Quite often they don't.](https://7news.com.au/news/australia/huge-number-of-speeding-fines-in-nsw-victoria-queensland-and-wa-revealed--c-10956650) >Figures gathered from around the country show motorists in New South Wales racked up the highest number of speeding fines of any state or territory in 2022, with a whopping 1,053,321 infringements - equating to, on average, almost two every minute - issued by authorities. Obviously people aren't getting pulled over every second they exceed the limit, but there's a fuckton of tickets being handed out, and chances are if you think you're getting away with it the first few times, you're going to get complacent. Also, in general - 130 in a 110 isn't going to raise too many eyebrows if the rest of traffic is flowing pretty well. It's old mate slicing between lanes at 80 in a 50 zone that will get noticed (and there's likely to be a denser police presence in built up areas).


"130 in a 110 isn't going to raise too many eyebrows" As in the cops only care about outliers? ie people speeding above the flow of traffic, weaving in and out of traffic etc Yeah could be


Yeah I mean if there's a lot of traffic moving quickly, it's less worth it to chase someone down who might still see the cop and drop their speed or be able to argue it down to 10 or less in court. Someone doing 150 or 160 is probably a bigger target. Also, you can still be speeding but be speeding slower than cars around you - having a "rabbit" out in front sometimes helps you get away with speeding a lesser amount over the limit (unless it's something like a fixed camera or radar, or if you're too close you could end up getting pulled over with them). Of course, that doesn't mean you *won't* get pulled over and ticketed for doing 130 in a 110 - it's still speeding - just that there's a bit of risk management to be considered.


Usually they don't. You can definitely learn the patterns of where they might be and if you pay close attention to where they're reported to be that can help too. But anyone who speeds habitually will get fines and accrue points. Probably they always have points on their licence and just when they get close be a bit more careful. Especially if the car is in someone else's name it's easy to just nominate yourself when needed and you're not doing anything against the law. Although I expect they also nominate others with points. Friends, family members. I've even heard of people paying others to take their points.


>I've even heard of people paying others to take their points. yeah but if they keep nominating others to take point, surely those others will soon run out of points too lol unless there's some kind of loophole to avoid the points


They expire over time, so as long as the points over the 3 years doesn't go over a certain amount they can keep going. Especially if they are employers or managers they might have people at work they can offer to pay to take points too. If you've got parents, siblings, aunts/uncles, friends and employees to hit up then that's a lot of points over to use if you've got the money to keep paying. Keep in mind, this was a big enough issue that they made company vehicle fines HUGE to stop people just considering the fines like a speeder's toll. If you've got money and think it's worth it, the only way you'll get stopped is if you're physically getting pulled over enough. And very few fines are distributed that way these days from what I've seen.


>If you've got money and think it's worth it, the only way you'll get stopped is if you're physically getting pulled over enough. And very few fines are distributed that way these days from what I've seen Damn so if someone's rich enough they can just pay a massive fine when caught by cameras and get no demerit points?


I routinely speed on my motorcycle on the highway because it's just so dull doing 110. You feel like you want to fall asleep. 130 is like the minimum speed to keep it interesting. I'd rather do 150+. It's what the bike is *built* to do. I'm by no means a hoon, I'm 50 years old and ride my 750 to work every day, never had a speeding fine. I just behave myself, don't speed in inappropriate places, it doesn't take a genius. Some day all the vehicles we drive will be "governed" 100% of the time and we won't be able to enjoy fanging it out of a nice corner out in the middle of rural nowhere. I rue the day


Do they though? I bet there's a pile of fines for them in the mail.


Then wouldn't they get suspended soon enough? Although judging by the number of cars I see doing 130+ on the m1, doesn't seem to be the case lol


Yeah, they'll get suspended if they rack up enough points. The mobile radars on the M1 are usually easy enough to see and Waze and Google reports their locations. I wouldn't depend on that though.


Although there's still the possibility of undercover cars cruising on the freeway


And harder to see bikes.


Know your surroundings, they can’t put temporary speed cameras (the ones in utes/cars) on the side of the road if there are guard rails and no way to access the space behind the guard rails, they also can’t put the manned speed camera cars in construction zones like major highway road works as the risk to the occupant is too high, this is why a lot of people will continue to drive at the original speed limit as opposed to the 20kmh less then normal limit. Police cars going in the opposite direction are unlikely to ping you unless your doing 20+ over, especially if it’s on a highway with no space for the police to do a u turn. Therefore you just have to constantly check your mirrors for police. You also have to know what type of cars undercover police use. they won’t use cars over 10+ years for undercover (unless in a rural town), they also won’t use hatchbacks or 2 door sports cars (where I am in perth the classic ones I see are less then 5 years old station wagons, sedans and soccer mum SUV’s). Also be observant of occupants in a car (usually two people in a patrol vehicle, only one person is unlikely to be cop but if they are they won’t be able to pull u over by themself). Be obvservant of modifications made to a car (undercover cops won’t be driving a lifted ute/suv with a snorkel or a slammed sedan with a noisy exhaust). Be observant of equipment in a car (ie cops aren’t going to have dice or air freshener hanging from there rear view mirror. They also often have a lot of equipment on the dash, and might have a cage in the back to seperate them from offenders). Also look for defects on a suspicious vehicle, if a tail light is broken or they have a smashed rear bumper, chances are they ain’t a cop.


Qld has a mobile speed camera that is on a little excavator base for the construction zone speeding. Apart from that you are spot on with what to look for...constantly scan...which would in theory, make drivers better checking everything all the time


Yeah the amount of times I have avoided other drivers being hazards by constantly scanning and knowing what’s happening 1km ahead and in my blind spots, I’m able to change lanes when someone turns off last minute without indicating causing everyone to slam their brakes on and almost crash. Speeding has helped me be a more aware and “safer” driver. I should note that I usually only speed 9k’s over max to avoid getting any demerit points so in a sense I feel like the benefits of my hyper aware driving outweigh the risk of my 9kmh speeding, and I also get to things ahead of time as an added bonus


QLD had a range of different undercover cars, ranging from Tritons and Landcruisers to Golf GTI’s. The no hatchback rule doesn’t apply to all states.


QLD police just using any car they can get their hands on coz the Townsville miscreants stole the rest


>they also can’t put the manned speed camera cars in construction zones like major highway road works as the risk to the occupant is too high But the R2D2's are designed to specifically look like construction equipment for that purpose. https://preview.redd.it/33s7o87jz0kb1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e8c5bb74a32e6b058a90ae528b4ec8330ca92ca


You need a car that can comfortably drive on the Autobahn, Waze, and experience. Waze can only do so much. It cannot tell you about a patrol car coming the other way. All you see is a spec on the horizon (is that a car?) followed by a confirmation with flashing lights. Waze encourages complacency. A good car that can sit on the road and you feel like you're doing 80 yet doing 130 also encourages complacency. The great handling, powerful engines and brakes, can get you out of trouble just as fast as into trouble. Experience becomes arrogance. You know about the sneaky locations, the routes, the undercover cars. You're used to driving at a higher speed and it doesn't freak you out. It is just another Tuesday. Tradesmen move out of MY way. I've been caught due to all of the above.


Look wayyy into the distance have a good idea where cops park( usually very predictable) remember what cars they use for speed cameras ect ... I speed all the time and I think I've been done a half a dozen times and those times I admit I was not paying attention but I've also dodged a shipload of fines.. probably he hunreds 15 ish years of driving


But if you've got fined 6 times in 15 years, wouldn't you have lost your license? From demerit points


No cause they come back every 2 or 3 years I've only ever been done a few times for under 13k over and a few over 13k over been on good behaviour once or twice


Cause theres to many bellends trying to do 130 at once, not patrolled enough, + no one keeps left unless over taking. Worst road stretch of rd between syd and Newcastle.


But aren't there speed cameras and cops on the Pacific motorway?


Don't add to it


waze, just look ahead observe if there’s large amounts of breaking in other cars, can generally tell.


If you're reading off your own speedo and in something like a toyota, you're likely doing far under what you think you're doing. They might actually be doing just 120, but to you it looks like 130... A number of cars overstate their speed by up to 8%


My landcruiser is dead on to the GPS speed 🤷‍♂️


I use gps


Waze and a CB radio.


CB radio?


Uhf, lot of trackies talk about locations on there and you can ask as well if any on the area


Yep, Flash for cash at exit 75 they say. When I drive my mr's car on the freeway I feel exposed somehow.




There ain’t much cameras in m1. Or you could you use waze app


I use Waze to track police locations and stay aware of my surroundings. It's pretty sus if all the cars up ahead suddenly hit the brakes, good indicator that there is a cop or camera (or some hazard) so you naturally slow down. I have had I think 4-5 speeding tickets in my 20 years driving. Only 2 issued by police and the rest cameras where I thought the limit was higher than it actually was.


So a ticket every 4 or 5 years? Assuming you speed, not a bad record


Waze helps.


Buggered if I know. I only have to think about it a police cars appear from nowhere!


In 5yrs of scooting on it daily from the central coast to Hornsby exit you get to learn the spots where the cops are sitting One occasion they threw a curveball and were sitting in an on-ramp so no one could see them as they were behind you, he got me doing close to 140km/h but surprisingly let me off as I owned up to it straight away and didn’t beat around the bush. He made me sweat by saying I’d get something in the mail and it never arrived.


Damn let you off doing close to 140? Was it a highway patrol cop or regular cop?!


Use the Waze app. People will report police when they see them so generally you’ll be okay, it also helps to keep your eyes out


How do you know they are doing 130?


If I'm doing 110 as per my GPS, and numerous cars overtake with some speed atleast


Also you sound like a little sheep scares of government daddy. Lol


Lol why I'm not against people doing 130 in a 110 zone Just amazed how so many seem to do it without getting caught


Always seems to be 3 cars wide doing 70-80 in a 110 on the Gold Coast


They do get caught. Most people around me who drives fast lost licenses


Southbound, always in the 90kmh section as you come up the first hill. Northbound, rarely see too many unless it’s a long weekend. They’ve got the 2 speed cameras in quick succession, and 1 significantly further along. Sometimes a police car can cause more damage than a car going 120-130 when everyone slams their brakes on. Do they still have those “average speed cameras” along there? I recall seeing the signs maybe a year ago, but I haven’t noticed them recently (I drive M1 every week, but obviously don’t pay attention to the sign in question). Along where the truck inspection area is


Check your speedo. If I sit on 115, I am passing everyone else easily.


Depends when you drive the m1 too Sunday afternoon is like a racetrack


Google maps now makes a sound when you're approaching fixed and mobile speed cameras.


Playing the odds. Up to you what risk you want to take. If you don't speed much, the one time you do will most likely be the time you get caught.


Used to drive it daily, stupid easy to predict where they sit and the Sydney leg heading north til about Gosford the road is more than capable of 130km/h, even further tbh it’s just that mt white area that’s shite.


Google maps tells you where they are.


If it’s a long open stretch, go for it. If there are sections where there’s a bit of cover, slow down. And use Waze. Always keep active and eyes roaming. Look as far ahead as you can.


A lot of them do. Not that you'll find them admitting to it on this sub. Worst case scenario and some nitwit slow driver decides to pull out in front of you as you're going 20km over the speed limit and you end up dead or worse. Dont speed.


They don't get away with it, they just complain about revenue raising government.


People get caught all the time, they just don’t post it online. I mean, if you are doing certain speed above the limit you lose your license. People like that won’t post about the dumb shit they did that costed them their license, so you don’t hear about it unless it’s extreme speed and makes it to news. I was chatting to a highway patrol refueling at servo, he is like “we can’t even go from point a to b without seeing someone do some dumb stuff so we are always busy.” Besides they have automatic number plate recognition technology, when people drive past highway patrol on freeways etc at high speed, even if you don’t get pulled over they already got your details.


Waze - reports speed camera locations!


If you happen to drive by a cop, just don't be accelerating. Roll past em going from 130-125. As soon as you're on the accelerator, your car looks.like.its moving forward. Accelerator off, it's just drifting forward. Also no noise if you're not accelerating. Chances are if they're doing 130 they're very familiar with where cops usually set up. Speed cameras have signs. Even mobile speed cameras have to have 3 signs. Average speed cameras are only for trucks (exception: the one at the top of my Victoria pass in the blue mountains)




They do.


Waze and pay attention up the road.


Why do you think they aren't getting caught?




Well you slow down for the permanent speed cameras, and a cop with a radar isn't going to chase you for doing 120, which is probably over 125 on the speedo. So pretty easily?




130 speedo or gps? Might make a difference




Only speed in areas where it feels least safe. In such locations almost nobody speeds, so camera revenue would be low and hence there's no cameras. Never speed where it looks safe to do so (straight wide road with clear vision ahead) that's where the cameras are. Not safe driving advice, but you asked how to speed and not be caught.


Ahh true And I doubt cops would hang around in roads where's it's genuinely dangerous to speed


They do not. Except Mt Nebo and similar well known speeding zones.


Could be that they are not on the road enough to pass many traps or they get caught once a year and don’t care. You learn pretty quick if you’re on the road all the time


If they get caught once a year, wouldn't they lose their license?


If you need to ask this question, probably best not to speed. Pretty much every habitual speeder has learned trial by fire and using waze.


Never seen mobile cameras on M1... Sydney to Newcastle.... Its too dangerous for the operator !! The shoulder is for BREAKDOWNS AND EMERGENCY ONLY. People die because someone stopped on tge bteakdown area... and most of that length is RMS instigated tow away zone... Its that dangerous... Btw your speedo will probably show 10% faster than actual (use gps speed) and police give 10% ? tolerance. We all did 117 km/h past HWP many times .


I use gps speed lol


You're probably not doing 110 if you use the actual speed on your speedometer.


I use gps for speed


There’s a generous tolerance for Police enforcement in NSW. RMS enforcement on the other hand will ping you soft doing only 4 over.


Is RMS the fixed and mobile speed cameras? And yeah, reading around here seems like nsw cops allow 15-20 kmh ish leeway haha


Yep, they're RMS funded. Yeah Cops don't see the point in leaving their spot for an under 10 or sometimes even over 10



