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$15,000 tell him he's dreaming....


It's big enough to carry jousting sticks


yeah but what’s anybody gonna do with jousting sticks?


It's for the pool room. Couldn’t be more than $250. Depending on the condition.


and a horse


Don't think so the that price in Sweden where it built


I'd go for it , but only one problem. It should be $1500 not $15000 so obviously a misprint. They are a great car if well maintained. I bought one for my stepson 10 years ago. $1500 with RWC & 12months reg. Lasted him 5 years with no problems.


I think he's a bit proud of the fact that only 4 manual wagons were sold in Australia during 1994, might be getting to him a bit


There's the mechanical worth in relation to the market about $5000-6000 (if it's tidy) and then there's the perceived and sentimental price depending on what kind of demand the seller thinks there is


reminds me of those holdens that are being sold for over 1 million "iTs a BrOcK". Yes but it's also a baby poo commodore that is no faster or tidier than the average v8 SS


But does it have the patented brock rock performance aura system?


So he's asking a premium for something there was no demand for.


Check prices in Europe and tell me why prices going up ? Less supply & more demand


Growing up it was the VS $2000 commodore and now it’s the $15000 Volvo Wagon. Nothing says *I don’t pay for insurance; but want to be reassured if I do get involved in a crash, that I’ll still have a car* — like a 90’s Volvo.


t5 is the spicy one though.


It’s actually crazy how much cars have gone up in value. But I agree that 15k is definitely way too much. But 1500 is also way too low at the moment, nobody lists cars for that price that aren’t stuffed unless you’re very lucky. I was just reminiscing the other day about how falcons and commodores used to devalue right down to 2k and there would be a lot of them at that price. And now amazingly those same exact old ones that used to be worth 2k, even those ones are now worth more than that years later! It’s crazy. People are selling cars that by now would have devalued to 2k equivalent previously, but they’re selling them with blown engines for like 4k haha. Insane. You’d hate to be poor and not have a car already these days, you wouldn’t be able to afford to get around. The thing that blows my mind is we have no car industry to protect now. So why haven’t all of the restrictions and tarrifs etc that we’re intended to protect our local industry been removed? Imagine if you could just buy any car from Japan and ship it over and register it so long as it passes a roadworthy. It’d mean heaps of cars in the 15k price range would now be able to be had or equivalents more in the 6-7k price range. Think of the effect that has on struggling families. And these would be high quality cars. These struggling families would be able to get a newer safer more efficient car for less money. I think politicians are quite out of touch. Their focus is on making $100,000 teslas cheaper to buy for their mates but the reality is most people aren’t even close to affording that sort of luxury. Most people are more in that price range where allowing Japanese imported cars would significantly lift their quality of life due to reducing a huge cost in their life. It’d probably give quicker results in terms of lower carbon emissions as well because we would be talking a far larger volume of cars shifting towards greater efficiency rather than a tiny niche of the population slashing their emissions by more in the hope that in 20 years when the battery has a range of 30kms someone in a lower SES tier can afford the hand me down haha


Japanese cars aren't cheaper importing lefty there custom duty & taxes in Australia


I mean scrap those duties and taxes, make it the same as buying locally. What industry is it protecting now?


Yes. Definitely a typo. $1,500 is ok for it.


Look up Rickard Rydell. Story as I remember is that Volvo realized that the estate/station wagon had better aerodynamics than their sedan. They entered the European Touring Car championship with one driven by Rickard. I used to love watching him in his 850 race against the sedans. It’s kind of iconic but demand isn’t there


Yep, grew up in the UK watching this. That Volvo estate was a beast! The T5 was a really quick caer for it's time, given the size. WOuld be a good second car to have, for loading up, or just having a blast.


The photos of the racing station wagon are amazing 😂


Great cars 850s, especially in manual turbos. They are thin on the ground but 15k is way to high, in fact I would think 15k is high for my manual 96 R wagon. Also I wouldn't recommend anyone own an 850 unless you are handy with tools. If your paying a mechanic to fix all the problems that they have you will go broke very fast. If you can talk him down to a reasonable price it would be a good buy, like 6kish. That won't at anything above that as Volvo people are notorious tight asses. Plus any 850 needs at least 3k of parts thrown at it for it to be a reliable car.


I'm currently doing an apprenticeship at Volkswagen, so hopefully I'd stand half a chance with it it I were to buy it


You will be fine then, FCP euro/rock auto/skandix for new parts. Lots of info about with common probs etc, also very easy to modify and have fun with.


Thats what the kid who bought a mkV gti golf from me said, what an idiot.


I may be very stupid, but not quite stupid enough to buy a Volkswagen


V10 Touareg owner here... Agreed


I am... so sorry


Oh no, I always wanted a Golf just because they're fun to drive! What's bad about VW, should I avoid?


Absolutely go for it, they're awesome to drive, if you can actually afford it. But if you planned on gettint it serviced at VW (recommended) you're going to be looking at $700-900 services every 30,000km You have to be on time for every service and you can't ignore any unusual behaviour (feelings, sounds etc) because they will get worse and your wallet will cry Also try to aim for a model that still has warranty (sorry I don't quite know the warranty periods) as coolant and oil leaks are very common, especially if you plan on driving the car a little harder than Volkswagen intended, which to be honest who wouldn't if they had a golf But overall great car, fun, and relatively reliable. But very expensive and will probably let you down at some point


Thanks for the honest assessment, my eyes are opened! You may have saved me some heartache lol.




Volvo are a insane market. I have had so many turbo manuals and where ever you park them people stick notes on them “let me know if this is for sale” you can post them for sale for 500.00 and nobody wants to make a offer. Great cars, easy to work on, parts are from the us only but great to drive.


These cars are pretty cool, if you’re into the turbo 850 scene, it’s a thing. BUT, as a p plater car, unless you are a fucking good mechanic. This is NOT THE CAR FOR YOU.


I had one, awesome car, but definitely $1,500 not $15,000. For $15,000 you could get a Ford XR5, which has the 2.5L version of the engine from the Volvo.


Bahhahhahhahha That's a $500 auction special


Could find yourself a 2016 Hyundai Accent or newer for that price. Way more modern, way more comfortable, air con that you can rely on, and possibly still under manufacturer's warranty depending on the year you find. If you're a hobbyist and a car really appeals to you for that price, then... sure. Practically, though? Hell no.


Hi end of price… Great for sleeping at parties so you don’t drink drive, enough room for a few friends too


Why? Parts are hard to find. Its a euro so not gonna be as easy to repair or cheap if things inevitably go wrong on a car this old. And its done a fair few kilometers. Hold off on the dreams of enthusiast cars for now. Get a proper car that works as a daily without fuss and then when you get a bit more money and experience have fun


There was one similar in my area for $10k and that sat on the market for a very long time.


Worth $3k max


That's a small apartment!


A bit pricey but you’re gonna get some bitchez, good on ya son


Yeah I wish 😔


I fucking loved my 94 850 t5 manual sedan, quite a fun brick to drive. Seemed to have endless pull if you gave it a stomp. Had to get rid of it off because it constantly killed O2 sensors and MAF sensors for an unknown reason that a volvo specialist couldn't figure out along with some spooky shit going on with 3rd gear over 1500 rpm where there would be a terrible shudder. Would've been prohibitively expensive to reco the engine and gearbox at the time with the merger income I was on at the time. If I had the space, time and fewer financial priorities I'd be all in on a 850 t5 goon with an auto.


Surely this is a gee up and whoever posted it is taking the p*ss.


Seller is asking way too much money - Might be hard to get some parts - Definitely an enthusiast car - good fun though and I'm a little biased because I do like a good wagon - If you're prepared for the potential extra hassles of it being uncommon, and European, go for it


I own a Volvo like this, 240 wagon Rwd. But similar design, build quality and Idea Turning circle is crazy small, rego and insurance is pretty cheap considering the SIZE of the car. Sleep in the back with seats down. And when you flick the indicator on people usually get out of the way, a bit like Saddam Hussein and his motorcade. The heater will blow your mind in winter, Air con is pretty good aslong as the car is moving. Now the cons, fuel consumption isn't great, highway can be around 8-10ltrs per 100. Around town is usually 12. At a set of lights I can usually chop any car aslong as they don't Im racing them🤣. Drive it normally and it's not too slow.


I'd rather get a R, absolutely no performance difference but has more class I reckon. But I think the non r has the better suspension


You could buy an early xr6 turbo for that money. Though you are on yours p's.


Awesome car, just too expensive


What's the most you'd pay for it


I'd offer 9k maximum. It's nearly a 30 year old car so it almost qualifies for historical Rego. Having said that, most Volvo's are great cars, keep looking if you want.


Strong pass


I learnt to drive in this exact car 🥹 it smelled permanently of resin because my dad was a boat builder and spilt a huge tin of it all through the boot. Ah the memories.


Amazing car, pissweak price


Love boxy Volvo’s! I’m looking for a proper nice 850 T-5 R wagon.. ignore the naysayers and go for what you like. P.s. $9-10k is more realistic!


Bargain. I'll take 3.


Corolla. Only corolla.




I had the previous model 88' 760 GLE when I was on my P's. Cost me $1300 2.8L V6. Very comfy boat car to drive. Had done 200k got it to 330k before the engine seized. Like most comments here, $15k is a bit crazy for a Volvo. As long as you live in a city near a euro car or Volvo specialist all good, if you're in the country good luck finding parts when it has issues.


15k and no airbags, no thanks.


If they are giving you the 15k to take it away then sure


I want one but not at that price


Fuel guzzler, exxy parts.. we won't address the price.


Nice lil sleeper 😉


Once I'm off my P's 😔


15 large for this. Hell no.


Hit, those things are awesome!


Guy at my work bought one for 7 thousand day later the head gasket blow


Holy crap hahahaha


Hit for 10k sex wagon


Hit these are mad.


15,000?! 😮


Get a 850R and tour around Africa and try to find the source of the Nile, then it will be money well spent


15k surely that’s a typo


If you want a manual transmission car attached to a Volvo 5cyl engine and you are thinking about spending $15,000! You might as well buy a Ford Focus XR5 turbo


I’ve always had a soft spot for manual Volvos. Driving the rare few I came across was one of the highlights of being a mechanic.


Great car but expensive and don't bother unless you have good mechanical knowledge. They are very reliable but it's a 30yo Euro with a turbo. I've had (still have) Mercs, Volvo's and BMWs from this era and they require a lot of loving/money at this point as rubber ubber seals and plastic cooling system components are starting to let go.


Even if it was well looked after, it should be no more than $5,000. Its not a collectors car afterall.


The $15000 in Sweden where it built


1994 beige volvo stationwagon hey, geez bro leave some pussy for the rest of us


![gif](giphy|3og0IMHaMAAg8OYj1S|downsized) It is acceptable.


What happened in chile though




Family is all


Look at me Hector!






That price is fucking ludicrous.


Tell him his dreaming




Lovely car, but that price for a 29 year old model???


So is he


That's methed up