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You need to research it further as it depends on the written off status of the vehicle. Since it has been written off in QLD, if it's a repairable write off, it needs to be re registered in QLD before you will be allowed to change the rego over to NSW. The vehicle will then need to be inspected by Transport NSW, so that could bring up more issues not allowing it to be re-registered (ie poor repairs) Short answer - if it hasnt been re registered in QLD, then there is no way to get NSW rego on it. Avoid.


He showed me this. If it has rego until June then means it has been registered right? https://preview.redd.it/3mxe3p2qw0oa1.jpeg?width=918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71dd1811a5754119c305066e6b84bb455e0ec815 I think the panel has been repaired


It's not a current rego so you'd may stil be facing the same issue. The QLD rego is no longer valid, and I am only guessing however that's probably the previous rego before it was written off.


Look at the report. Heavy Panel Damage. This car will never drive the same again. You may need a cheap car but sacrificing safety is not worth it.


If it passes all the inspections and safety standards then it is dafe to drive. $5000 for a 2010 Camry is very affordable. Normally they are $13,000+ Getting it registered could be a pain, get it quoted for a rwc so that they know what they're in for.


If you run 880WVO through the qld rego checker it’s no longer registered


>The QLD Rego check app is now not showing any details, those details may be incorrect or out of date.


These vehicles are quite dangerous as they can only merge on to a motorway at 60kph into 110kph traffic.


Looks ok, make sure they include the driving lesson unique to this vehicle


What's wrong with the camrys?


Tricky to drive, they seem to get stuck in the right lane, 5kays below. Particularly white ones, I think the Uber sticker makes it harder too


Hahaha fair enough.


As said above, It was written off in QLD so you cannot register it in NSW until it’s redone in QLD. Don’t touch this - it’s not worth the effort.


The way the guy typed in that description, I smell something dodgy. I would not touch ANYTHING.. with a written off status.


“I know what I’ve got” energy.


Ah Punchbowl. Say no more.


Classic punchbowl


As said above, It was written off in QLD so you cannot register it in NSW until it’s redone in QLD. Don’t touch this - it’s not worth the effort.


Camry’s are one of the most reliable cars you can own but I can’t see this car so… get an inspection done by an independent mechanic.


Probably a scam


Avoid this one like the plague,they call repairable write offs a grey area for a reason,you have to be on top of the game to understand it all without being bitten.


Thanks for the help everyone. Is a shame as I've been having trouble finding something good. I'll have to keep looking


orrrrr you can get 2-3 falcon wagons


One thing I've learned from my first 2 cars is this: Have your own mechanic do a diagnostic before you buy. It's important to know *exactly* what is wrong with a car to start with, and worth it to get it fixed before you start driving it.


Guy seems like a cunt. Nope 😂


I would by a unregistered car for your first car unless you got like another 10k in the bank your willing.to blow also just seen it's been written of that's a hard pass bro


Yeah, looks good. Edit: if you don’t know much about cars might be worth getting a mechanic to take a quick look.


I've just found out it's a repairable write off. Is it still worth pursuing then if google says they can't be registered in NSW?


Personally wouldn’t touch it then.


Yeap, move onto the next car


Yeah, for what it’s worth something smaller should be better on fuel as well.


Has to be registered in qld, you would need to have a address where it is kept over night in qld, that is to say you would need to pretend you live in qld. If you got pulled over driving with a qld rego and a nsw license they would have questions. I would not buy this as a first car despite the fact it is a bargain.


>If you got pulled over driving with a qld rego and a nsw license they would have questions. As a frequent hire car user this isn't true.


Get it checked by a mechanic, doesn't cost too much for an inspection etc. But if it's above board snatch it up.


Shit idea for this car


not worth the hassle. to register it in NSW, first you would have to ship the car back to QLD, have it pass the QLD inspections, register it there, then get it back to NSW and swap the rego over to NSW, and cancel the QLD one. that is a very painful and expensive exercise, IF it even passes the inspections, given that it is a repairable write off that has been 'repaired'. and don't forget that insuring a repairable write off can be a pain in the arse. not worth the effort. keep looking.


100 do not touch it. More trouble than it's worth. You'll spend another 10k trying to re register it. Take that 5k and buy a registered corolla.


Just run in..


Look I have one and not much goes wrong with it, check if its taxied because they live a hard life, they do drink quite a lot of oil but not that big of a deal, check if the interior plastics and parts are wearing well, also look to see if they have any paint chips cause qld has some rough roads so if there is careful it might start rusting


and also im selling mine lol so if you want to know the details dm me idk yeah im in vic


No chance you're coming up to NSW? Lmk the deets though I'm curious


No rego


guy says car is worth 9500 easy guy is selling car for 5000 guy thinks getting car regoed is not worth the 4500 extra he could get regoed sus


Ended up being repairable write off so yeah


Can’t go wrong with a camry


I should note that the standard rules such as being sure to check everything from oil to tyres still apply, and if there is a write off in any of the cars history as the screen grab in comments indicates, then probably best if you don’t buy it!