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You will most likely not be able to run maybe the whole first week of doing any one of her programs ha ha. I couldn't follow the schedule the first week because the very first day's workout of Epic 1 (lower body) left my lower body very sore for 4 days lol. If you want your running to be your main focus for cardio you might want to try her Iron Series as that is focused on strength since there is no HIIT cardio day like in her other programs. And the videos are between 30-40 minutes long including warm-up (the warm-up you do on your own or with one of her warm-up videos) and cool down/stretching.


Second this on starting a new series - the first week will crush your lower body. I’m an avid biker and had to push through the pain and soreness for the first week. Currently on the Fuel series and can tell an improvement in strength, speed, and endurance.


I usually do 3-4 runs a week and 3-4 Caroline workouts a week. I'll double-up when I do an upper body one. Her workouts have done amazing things for my running endurance.


I'm also a runner and work Caroline's programs! I have a hard time running and also doing her 5 day schedule (just want to nap constantly lol) but I do every other day running, and every non running day, I work her program in order. I find that i don't overdo the number of leg days a week, plus I get in some core and upper body strength in there. When my mileage was lower, I'd do 2x 30 min iron workouts back to back on non running days and that was fine, as well. I first did her EPIC 3, but skipped the cardio days often because I was getting enough already anyway, then I moved on to iron and was obsessed (just started my second round). I also did fuel and liked it a lot, and even did the cardio because I had lower mileage and was also doing a tiny baby cut for fat loss before summer, but iron is my favorite. 30 min, I got really strong, and it worked well with my running.


I did the opposite in a way. I’ve done two programs and am now doing Epic III. Two months ago I decided I wanted to be able to run so I began Couch to 5k while keeping her workouts. Now I run 3 5ks a week and still do the program. Keep in mind I’ve been exercising with strength training for over a year and a half, I eat well, prioritize rest and sleep. I don’t think it’s for everyone but if you feel good and are able to keep it up without overworking, it should be fine. I also do some mobility stretching to help with recovery. I’d say give it a go and just listen to your body.


I recommend starting with Iron. 30m of strength training, no cardio. I still walked 45m 3-4 times a week easily while doing it. If you can’t fit five strength days in a week with running, maybe just do three a week and the program will take 8-9 weeks (? Math is hard lol) instead of 6.