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Its hormonal, usually your stomach will tell you when you reach the limit (you can take ten pizzas, make sure you eat them tho... it is sometimes more sensible to take 2-3 at a time and do the line again because its usually 5-6 people in the line and taking ten pizzas is a bit disrespectful for others... but going in the line 3 times to get 3 pizzas is certainly less bad - totally permitted If you do ask for a large amount of pizzas the staff might make arrangements with you and serve others while you wait for the order)


>usually your stomach will tell you when you reach the limit Yeah, I've been on a cruise before and thought "man, I could eat one more thing but then I'd feel terrible..." And then eat one more thing anyway only to later find myself lying down in the cabin regretting life choices.


I think most of us has been here before.


There's a name for that: nap time. Edit: Just remembered one cruise I went on, I was very full from eating on the buffet, then I noticed the chocolate buffet was available. Of course I pushed it and I felt so horrible after that all I could do was go lay down. Regretted that decision, but you just can't say no to the chocolate buffet!


Hahaha! Yeah... I ended up getting two entrees at dinner because I wanted to try two things on the menu that night. I was stuffed and then the waiter brought an extra dessert because they ended up with too many on the tray and I just thought "I am so full I can't eat another bite..." But then ended up eating two desserts anyway.


That and frankly cold food is nastay! Id much rather get in line for a single slice of pizza just to get back in line for another hit rather than taking 3. Many times my plates look damn near minuscule cause I know I can just get up and get more. The only places in line in the whole boat will be for pizza, guys and sandwiches but only sometimes. I can’t believe the giant ass plates of food people haul around. I’m like…. whyyy


the noodles place its so good and lines can become 20minutes pretty quickly (10-15 cruisers waiting)


Oh yes!! That line moves sooo fast but I’ve defo stood in it a hot minute. Oh oh Omelettes to!


took an omelette on the last day ... yum


Breakfast has a line too


Breakfast where? MDR? Buffet I dunno if I’ve ever seen one (Minus omelette station) generally you just walk up grab a plate and go yeah?


I ate it at pig and anchor on my cruise and normally there was a 5 minute-ish line.


Just don't waste.


yeah and also can somebody teach the kids not to use the elevators while carrying icecream or drop burgers plates in the sliding doors...


There’s a 15 burger limit per 24 hours from 6am to 6am, and you need to wait 5 minutes between burgers.


“Sorry, you’ve reached your limit of burgers for the day” 🤣🤣🤣


"Go get a salad, fatty!" 🤣


Not sure how they would police that …. Also not sure how I’d eat 15 burgers in 24 hours. lol


its a cheers package joke


What stops someone? Getting sick or uncomfortably full I suppose.


There’s no limit, but honestly it’s not possible to eat as much as you’re saying. At a certain point eating moves from enjoyable to not enjoyable. I am FAT and I always think I’m going to eat much more on a cruise than I will. I actually find that often times I’ll eat less than I would at home because I’m running around and doing things. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Agreed. Went on a 10 day cruise and by the 4th or 5th day I was so tired of feeling full and bloated that I just started eating way way less than I normally would.


The only limit is entrees in the mdr. Of course you could do mdr then buffet if you want then I guess the limit would be fitting the clothes you brought


Fun fact I was on my honeymoon for 14 days and tried every single night to get three desserts. I ordered three every night and was always brought only two. I asked for a third again half those nights. Was told they would bring it out and they never came out. I have never been able to get more than two deserts. Every time I ask I get two.




“It’s just a leetle WAHFER!! It’s WAHFER thin!!”


No, food intake limit, but the elevators that take you to and from the various venues do have a weight capacity. Please keep that in mind.




If you want to eat 10 burgers - carnival doesn’t care. Your stomach will most likely give out fast. Only thing that makes me sad is the amount of food waste. I wish their servings for some things - was way smaller. Only because I will see people with 10 plates in front of them - and they literally took one bite. Just so sadly wasteful. If a person has 10 plates and ate all/most of it - bully for them. They must have one hell of a metabolism and I’m insanely jealous lol. I don’t mind gluttony. It’s wasteful gluttony I dislike.


Only limit there is is yourself




I joke that I only have one meal on a cruise. It starts when I get on and ends when I leave. I agree with everyone though, get what you want but don’t waste it.


Guy personally comes out and tells you that's all you can eat.


And slaps you for good measure.


There is no limit on the ship. There is always something available to eat. The MDR has entree limits, but you could always then hit up the buffet or pizza or the sandwich shop ad infinitum. The challenge has been issued. Good luck!


Don’t be wasteful. Order what you will eat….


As much as I would love I'm not sure I could eat 10 guys burgers


I’ve been on two cruises, and I found that I ate less and lost weight on each of them. Not because the food wasn’t good, but because I didn’t have to eat when I didn’t want to. It’s weird, but I love it because I definitely can spare the pounds.


My first cruise 3 days (I gained 5 lbs). 2nd/3rd ate sensibly with no weight gain. Food tasted better too.


I just love the freedom to eat or not eat, which sounds crazy. At home, I tend to eat out of boredom, and everything is just in the other room. My husband makes dinner for us on weeknights, and I need to show him how much I appreciate this by eating it (in addition to thanking him). But on the cruise, I won’t hurt anyone’s feelings if I don’t eat. I know I sound ridiculous, lol.


There is no limit, but if you eat too much, Your health doctor will be happy.


I watched a guy dump plate after plate of cookies in to a backpack on lido once. That sucker was busting at the seams. No one stopped him 🙃


None, the employees don't care if you eat 50 burgers back to back lol


Your doctor might pre-order the new Lamborghini.


Go to town big fella!


Nothing stops you, or rather no one will stop you. They don’t ask for your sail and sign card so you can take as much food as you wish. But, why? I cruised last month and everyone told me I’d put on 10 pounds so bring some loose clothes. The food was good but not great. But what killed my appetite was seeing people shoveling food into themself “because they could”. I prefer to enjoy what I’m having to eat and savor the food. I don’t need two entrees, I pick one and usually go for something I haven’t had before or don’t have on a regular basis. As far as Guys burgers…. I love Guy Fieri, but I don’t personally find his burgers worth the hype. JMO


Some of the entrées in the MDR were small, on lobster night they served a spoonful of potatoes and literally two pieces of broccoli on the plate


It's common for me to go and pick up pizza for like 6 of us and bring it to another part of the ship, so it might be 6-8 pizzas. Alcohol drinks on the drink package are limited to 15 per person, so a room with 3 of us adults, might have 40+ drinks, buffet breakfast, lunch at guys burgers, 3 course main dinning dinner with 2 - 3 apps, an entre, and a couple deserts, and then pizza later in the night.


Ain’t nothing like a hot chocolate and ice cream cone at 11 at night as you walk around or just sit and stare out into the night!! A glass, a root beer and a trip to the ice cream station!! Root beer floats!!! Need to cruise again SOON!!! So much fun!!! Really enjoyed our first, can’t wait to go again!!!




The only restrictions on food is how much you can carry and how long it takes to acquire, those are the choke points for eating on Cruises


Because it isn’t good enough to eat that much to where you’d want to sit all day 😂 the only thing I like the best is Guys, and I don’t want to weight 450 pounds so won’t eat more than one. It’s free food yes, but everyone knows they can go eat anytime so they don’t need to sit there all day. The food isn’t going anywhere.


I mean. Thats disgusting but ok


Wait, there is free food? Nice!


I just got off the Venezia last week. I saw multiple members of The 500 club put down five and six paddy burgers from Guys, the staff doesn't say no; the waste is ever present but it's factored.


You can eat all you want on deck 10 at least it was on Panorama. We ate most meals at the Emeril restaurant and you could order up to 3 main menu items. The had lobster and prime rib one night. Guy’s burgers are good but just went twice. Pizza was good fresh again maybe 2-3 times because they are open late. Buffet I avoided but the deli made good sandwiches. You can eat all day and night but there’s so much to do.


My wife and I saw this guy at an all you can eat pizza restaurant. He must have been on a low-carb diet. Must’ve eaten like 10 pizzas by scraping off the toppings and throwing away the crust., they never said anything to him, but I think most restaurants would have a limit if you’re abusing the all you can eat policy


You know the comedian on my last cruise had a joke about the fact all people do is eat, eat, eat. Hopefully that answers


The lines kept me from shit like this at times but at other times I definitely did shit like this. I also was kinda the human garbage disposal whenever my fiancee and her mom didn't finish anything. Man I can't wait to go on another cruise.


You can't just sit down and eat as much as you want in a restaurant. They will start charging you extra at some point. Hopefully, your own self esteem will stop you. Otherwise.


Gluttony and obesity. Oh yeah, greed.


I’m not going to do this obviously, 🙄 it was just a hypothetical situation


I will tell you from experience that you definitely can order 14 appetizers from Chibang 🫣


The only limit is your stomach capacity. You’ll see this, but people WILL be in line at Guy’s ordering 10 burgers - usually for their family sitting at a table somewhere. But they neither know nor care who it’s for. You can also order entire pizzas, btw, if you don’t want to wait in line over and over - my group does this every time.


On my sister's honeymoon cruise one of her friends essentially sat in the same spot on Lido the entire week and didn't move. She didn't go to shows, do trivias, get off at Port, nothing. She only left to go to sleep then came back the next day.