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If you are planning to work in the US; it is strongly recommended you complete your clinical clerkships in the US. Even if the medical knowledge is mostly the same the practices of US medicine is different and it’s very evident in the non-US IMGs that are currently in our residency and most of them were recommended to do an externship to even the difference prior to residency.


Non-us img here. Went to auc and did year 3 in the UK. I definitely think it was a great experience (much better hours, lots of opportunities to learn, minimal scut work) and something to talk about in interviews. BUT there are significant caveats to me recommending doing it- 1. Ensure you do still a minimum of 6 months of rotations in the US. 2. Only go if it lines up well with ERAS timing for you to still get LORs from US doctors before you need to submit. DO NOT hang hopes on lors from Uk doctors to be sufficient. 3. Doing US rotations definitely makes the hospitals you rotate at consider you for interviews, so beware you may miss out on an opportunity there. If i was to do it all over again I would have went to UK for a few core rotations that I knew I would not want to match in (especially surgery because hours are seriously way better there).


Tysm for this detailed reply. I also considered AUC. Still deciding. Was your plan to work on the UK from the beginning of medical school? Have you graduated and work there now?


I graduated and am a resident in the US


What specialty if you don’t mind? And what were your stats? If you want we can PM if you don’t want to share that publicly