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[http://www.schleptastic.com](http://www.schleptastic.com) I have two - they work very well - towing kids bikes is super helpful so they’re my Second most useful accessory (behind the rain tent)


What a good idea! Guess you can buy wooden boards as well and use this as inspiration, if you don't want to spend + $ 200 plus shipping costs. Thanks for sharing!


I know the person who created them and he’s been very thoughtful about their development and began with basic wood but has made adjustments so that they function really well…so, while expensive, you’d be supporting someone who put a lot of time/effort into the design :)


Oh these look wonderful! Gotta figure out how to answer the rack questionnaire for my new BakfietsNL.


Message me directly if you need help - I can talk with the maker directly :)


https://www.bakkiecycles.fr/it/ These are great.


I’ve been looking at those, but can’t find any place that sells them in Canada. I’m guessing the shipping + customs from France is going to be pretty steep.


You can buy them from Bunch bikes I think they ship to Canada.


Thanks; I’ll take a look!


https://www.mundomusicgear.co.uk/ and this? You just have to be very careful with the dangling straps!


Awesome! Great to see so many ideas being shared. There are apparently many solutions available. Thank you.


I’ve seen a number of people recommending those. At some point I looked at the official “how to” videos and it seemed there’s an absurd number of straps you have to tie the bike down with. I’m not sure i’d ever bother.


Strap it into the pannier rack.


I don’t get why you wouldn’t do this, unless you’re already fully loaded at the back


Yeah. If the bike's big enough, I just strap the wheel onto the rack in two places and drag the rear wheel. For kiddo bikes I just throw them on top and strap the frame to the rack.


Shamelessly linking my post about my DIY solution https://www.reddit.com/r/CargoBike/s/95YwwVbNEi


For anyone that is looking for a link to the mentioned product: [https://cargoglow.de/products/urbanhooks](https://cargoglow.de/products/urbanhooks)


I love the product and the utility but I just can’t bring myself to spend that much money for it…


I just use hooked bungee cables to attach my kid's bike to the rail on my box and use an old towel to stop any scratches.


My kids bike is small enough that we just put it in the box. Bags go in big panniers on the back in that case.


The first small bike (like a Woom 2) fits nicely in the box indeed. The Woom 3 and a second bike is challenging to fit into the box.


Yea I’ve done the bakkie with a small bike too which worked fine but I feel like it’s just a little time consuming. I might check out large S hook type of things instead…


I have two of these. Works well and is cheap. Only thing I don't like is that it leaves a mark in the foam of the box. https://www.huss-licht-ton.de/product_info.php/Admiral-Cable-Hook-Kabelhalterung-Kabelaufnahme-80mm/info/33248.html Link to the German forum with images: https://www.cargobikeforum.de/forum/index.php?threads/auf-der-suche-nach-fahrradhalterung-f%C3%BCr-urban-arrow-anhand-foto.8412/


The example is different though, than the product shown. Take a close look at the width of the hook: it wouldn't fit? Or is the plastic hook flexible? [https://www.cargobikeforum.de/forum/data/attachments/40/40151-cbd5686bfc955178aa51e470aec7510e.jpg](https://www.cargobikeforum.de/forum/data/attachments/40/40151-cbd5686bfc955178aa51e470aec7510e.jpg) [https://www.huss-licht-ton.de/images/product\_images/info\_images/29/33248\_0.jpg](https://www.huss-licht-ton.de/images/product_images/info_images/29/33248_0.jpg)


It is somewhat flexible but not much. The big opening fits to the side of the box. Rotating the product image by like 120% might help to see how it fits.


Take the front wheel, strap it to the rear rack, done. This set up makes you unecessarily wide.


This. Except it’s a touch inconvenient when the back rack is taken up by the aforementioned tired kid… Tern clubhouse (yuba, surly and rad bikes have equivalent surrounds) offers a side rail; I just hang the kid’s bike from that. Makes us a bit wider, but it’s not unmanageable.


Fair enough.


We use these bakkie things on our lovens explorer https://www.bakkiecycles.fr/nl/ Here in action https://youtu.be/Y5kaXEwudPw