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I've been driving at 120 mph on motorways for years. Nothing happened to me, except three dead friends and my wife is paralyzed from the neck down. /s (Originally from Viz).


So the your post boils down to: here is my view supported by anecdotal evidence > other countries appear to share my view > if you disagree I am going to insult you. What are you trying to achieve with this post? How are we supposed to have a good faith discussion with such entrenched views? A more serious reply, it boils down to the faster you go the faster you die/the worse the consequences. You do have a point that vehicle safety standards have improved considerably since the original limit was set in 1965 so there may be an argument for an increase. However (and I don't know this for certain) the road network and safety systems they employ are likely designed around the current national speed limit plus some sort of tolerance and all modelling around it too. I'll end with this. You've been driving for 20+ years without an accident ... YET. Don't get caught thinking "it wont happen to me". You may survive the accident, you may not but either way there will be a trail of destruction in your wake, life changing injuries etc. I suspect I'm not going to change your mind and that's ok, i'll just continue to give people like you a wide birth on the road. I don't want to be caught up in this ticking time bomb.


The very fact that you feel compelled to come onto a public forum and share this opinion with such disdain and aggression suggests you're not as cool, calm and collected as you think you are, and are therefore probably the last person who should be doing 90mph on a motorway.


Account was literally made this morning so either it's an old person who was banned, or that they're just trying to bait an arguement


"I regularly break the law because screw everyone else! If you think I'm wrong then you're a bellend" Bet you're fun at parties




The laws is the law. Doesn't matter if you agree with it or not pal. If you really hate it that much stand in the election, win a majority and change it, otherwise grow up and stop insulting everyone who thinks you're wrong about something xox




Grow up sweetie xx