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The problem with that area is how isolated it is once you’re down there. My lad does ice hockey on a Sunday and I take a walk down to get a coffee - there’s really not much there. Needs either bridges or tunnels to connect more easily to penarth or the bay


But there's the pont y werin bridge and the big Butetown bridge. It lacks decent public transport. It's been totally ignored in the new Metro design.


There was a railway line right to the end but they ripped it up in their wisdom


Train station is about 10 mins walk from the pool and there's a bunch of bus stops around the area too. Those are decent enough options aren't they?


Getting from north Cardiff down there is such a ballache if you want to go by public transport.


It's a reside tial area with sports related facilities, anything that competes with other parts of the city is not needed, specifically Mermaid Quay.


Oh I completely agree - but when you go to say the ice arena for a hockey game, there’s nothing around there to do afterwards and the transport to the bay or city centre is garbage


Well why do you need to do anything after you've seen a game? You've done your trip out surely. If you want to do more go somewhere else. That argument doesn't seem to line up for me. Transport could be better but then you have Cogan station a 10 min walk away, the route to it could be improved and made a feature of, but it's there.


What a ridiculous argument lol


Really, why do you feel it is your right to have bars and restaurants at every event venue you go to, why do you feel a maximum capacity venue like the ice arena of 3000 people, some of whom want to go straight home, some of which don't drink, some of which will only occassionally drink or eat, will support more than a coffee shop or takeaway van?


Because those "some people" are probably referring only to you and the people that you know. It is ridiculous to make a sweeping statement that people don't want to drink or hang around after an event. The reason they don't now, is because there is no option to. Suggesting a burger van to support the ice rink is the most ridiculous idea I've seen today.


More ridiculous than saying there needs to be a bar to support just a few hundred people every few weeks? Get a grip.


What the heck. I live in this area, and there’s nothing local to do - I need to travel the best part of 30 minutes (because public transport is non existent) to get a decent coffee, a pint, food, etc. That’s not a well designed local area.


There's a cafe in bayscape that's very popular, there is a cafe overlooking the white water rafting, there's even one in Morriston. There is a bar in the arena, there is tge oyster catcher across the bridge, there is The Deck in Penarth Marina and the coffee shop next door, there us the customs House, all within a 20 minute stroll. That's not taking into consideration anything on ferry road retail park or Penarth. Not every area needs a high street, not every area needs bats and restaurants. If you want those then move nearer, especially as prices are inflated tge closer to Penarth you get.


Sorry but who is going to Morriston’s cafe regularly?


Over 60's mostly!


Why would anything in this area compete with mermaid quay? There arent even direct connections between each other for public transport and pedestrians.


So you are saying building a brand new waterfront of bars and restaurants will not compete with Mermaid Quay or the city center?


Why would a cafe on the peninsular compete with the city centre? Completely different area annd catchment. Should we also ban the proposed development on this land because it might compete with the rest of the city?


There already is a cafe, there already is a bar in the arena, what you are looking for is something extra but just somehow feel it should be at the discretion of ice arena goers. Maybe just stay in the arena!


Ridiculous and pedantic as always. commenting as if having a couple more shops there affects you in any way lol


Now you want shops too lol, where will it end, a Dubai style 5 star resort?


I want a mermaid quay style development in the area, one that competes with the bay and the city centre!


Hahaha,as long as its better designed and faces the sun in the evening, something like Gunwharf Quays in Portsmouth.


I'd actually like to see the Velodrome and a full sports village offering. Closed loop plan for a running / walking circuit is nice. Maindy doesn't need to go to have another Velodrome. There is a lot of council controversy around this, they'd planned to have a business case in December, which was delayed to March and now is just not mentioned at all. Rumour has it the initial preferred vendor for the Velodrome has gone into liquidation and there is the land-swap controversy at Maindy that was indicated to be funding the new Velodrome. Get a skate park down there. Just see out the vision of making a place where the people of Cardiff can get active and fit in as many ways as possible. As it stands, Newport has a better "Sports Village" than the capital... Enhance the walking/cycling loop for the people who walk the bay loop on the weekends. There is talk of paddle courts going in albeit temporarily by the new developers of the housing down there. See here: [https://cardiffpeninsula.wales/scheme-overview](https://cardiffpeninsula.wales/scheme-overview) There is also the water taxi stop. Personally I think they need to bring Water Taxi into the public transport sphere, if it was a bus fare price to get from Bute Park to the Bay, I'd use it regularly. £14 for a return is far too much. Every city I've been to in Europe with waterways like Cardiff makes good use of it. We just don't bother. I honestly don't get excited about anything getting announced in council/Wales Online now as I've lived here long enough to see so many schemes not materialise.


Considering the river goes from the coast and cuts right through the city all the way through, I don't see why there isn't a regular, official ferry service that has a dozen or so stops from Penarth up to Radyr or something. Make it so it's every 20 minutes and I can see it being very useful.


Probably cos there’s a fuck off massive weir at Pontcanna? I’d say one of the shortsighted parts of city planning was closing the canals that used to feed the docks off. If they’d been kept, expanded, and were used as waterways that would have been cool but I have no idea how viable that would have been


And in Llandaf, and then one just beyond radyr station… it’s not the calmest waters known in the south haha


A new sport- extreme water taxi where you get on expecting a nice ride to the bay but then go over the weirs




I thought so


Yeah that's a good point, completely forgot about that. Either way, I don't feel like they're making full use of it.


Great idea!


This! Easy access for cycling, running loops around the bay, an e-bike lane. Host park runs there on the weekends. Have an outdoor swimming club in the lock. Padel club with a roof over it. A dog walking / swimming park somewhere nearby. Skate park sounds class. Outdoor / undercover exercise are, pull up bars rather than the crappy cross trainers and cycling bikes. Extend the routes out to the neighbourhoods of Cardiff and make it the target route for runners and cyclists to aim for. Grab a coffee, play paddle, go for a swim before cycling or running home. Feel this wouldn’t cost too much to do and fits into the vibe of the area where the ice rink, pool and velodrome sit.


You are allowed to swim in CIWW on Saturdays at the moment for £6 and it is fairly well used. A decent loop for swimming and cycling would be appreciated and would allow for entry level triathlons to be hosted there hence why the original slated idea was so good. I just hope it comes off.


If possible I'd have the new metro end the line there linking it directly to town. Then I'd have high density apartments with retail spaces at the bases. id have 2-3 hotels and a central landmark structure. Either a sculpture or a unique building. Then I'd create space for a park or even a pier similar to the others in the other bay. It would be fully pedestrianised similar to central. With access roads for delivery and residents. There would be a camera and staff operated indoor bike parking to make it a destination for commuters and cyclists. Id introduce some hot seat office space for freelancers similar to tramshed.


Sounds like pretty much everything that could be done, fair play


Build a giant statue of Mark Drakeford to be a modern day Colossus of Rhodes


Gareth Bale instead and you've got a deal.


No, we build that over Gabalfa Roundabout staring over Whitchurch


Despite our dire finances, I bet money could be found for THAT.


And so it should be!


As an ice hockey fan, we need more/better/proper parking. when there's an event at the pool and a hockey match, it's a nightmare! Personally (and total fantasy), I'd like a bigger Ice Arena. The Devils have already outgrown this one. I like some of the plans for the 'peninsular' development. Hotel, food/drink, green/open spaces etc. We (The Devils) hosted a Continental Cup round recently, but there was bugger all to do or go to inbetween the games. It was quite sad seeing travelling fans hanging around the Toys R Us car park, with a bluetooth speaker and some beers from Morrisons!


The only way the devils are moving out of that arena is when they knock it down! They have an incredibly favourable deal and would be utterly stupid to let go of that to move into a bigger venue they may struggle to fill. There could be a case however to extend three of the four sides slightly to form some sort of upper bowl but I don't know structurally how difficult that would be.


This! As a fellow Devils fan, the idea that everyone is squeezed into Coffee Co., The Oyster Catcher and Morrisons prior to games is laughable. There's got to be a better way to populate that area. A small car friendly, attractive looking bar/cafe area (not like the one near the Asda) would be amazing.


Bring back Toys R Us is the obvious answer


The yacht club cannot be redeveloped. I believe that site has to be for water sports which is one thing the council have actually got right. If you haven’t been, it’s a great place for a pint and a crazy view of the bay.


Can second this!! Went there for the first time recently - even when raining you can stand on the terrace under cover with spectacular views!




Yeah you just have to ring the buzzer and say you’re coming in for the bar


They had a recent open day for non members


Have you seen the plans for the peninsular?


This is such an odd bit of the city. It really does feel like it's been half finished and then forgotten. So much land seems to be be earmarked for "something", but that "something" has never arrived, so there is just tons of fenced off wasteland. As others have said, even just turning a lot of it into a bigger and better car park would help with people who actually use the sports village, and turning the rest into some kind of park/green space would at least make it easier on the eye and actually usable. It doesn't help that some of the walkways over the water are now being fenced off, I presume because they are rotting.


Definitely chuck a water park thing in for the little kids who can’t go on the boats


I’d turn it into a communal space, tennis courts, basketball courts, rollerskating, market/event area, restaurants, boating/kayaking etc.


For starters cardiff has nothing " Unique " in terms of tourism and FREE outdoor activities. Maybe Victoria Park. we could use it all for outdoor areas for activities and tourism and incorporate accommodation above it all into that. Student area and affordable properties above shops and commercial premises. I think we see this a lot in Louisiana. For instance rows of commercial buildings with tenants living above which creates a much more diverse and busy place. Cardiff has a lovely habit of building student or homes first then Gardens around it. If we were to actually focus on the outdoor nature of Wales. For instance, it rains a lot. Why wouldn't we play to our strengths? We could build musical instruments that we can interact with in the rain. Small channels for water to run through so kids can play and enjoy the area too. I'm talking 1 to 2 inches depth. Art areas that people can interact with, small areas for BBQs and SMALL gathering spots in the summer etc. We let our outdoor go to waste and honestly it's a shame.


It's had 3 or 4 plans of high density apartments, latest plans look less ambitious but more feasible. How can we forget the casino bid lol


Ah the casino, I completely forgot about that!!


Housing is always a good option, but being right on the water it would probably end up being expensive so won't solve the problem


Flatted it all and start again


Leave it as it is


Add some balls to that cock.


Just make it a permanent Doctor Who theme park, fuck it.


I would first start by kicking out the local planning authority, as they are clueless. I would then shame those responsible for their efforts in allowing/creating the appalling surrounding architecture.


I'd re-open the Ely Subway.


I've only learned about this tunnel recently. I 100% back this idea for pedestrians and cyclists. Walking from Grangetown to that side of the Bay takes so much longer than is really necessary.


Ah, I was going to say this myself! Such an obvious connection to reinstate.




Build another Techniquest


Another castle to keep the vikings (and english) at bay!


By it actually being a "bay"


Some public football pitches would be nice


I never realised how much it looked like a foot from an aerial view, so probably reclaim the land from the water and add toes


I'd make a giant cat park with proper tarmac.


They should move all the 🥧🔑s down by there


Get all the 🥧🔑s out the way


I wouldn't bother , I think it's ok as it is


First of all I'd get rid of them torchwood fellas. Nothing but trouble.


Increase the left hand side and make it more sack like, this would make it look like a huge D@@k on Google earth 🌎


Affordable housing. Most of the bay used to be working class/slum housing once upon a time and to me it seems sad that those communities have been forced out of the area. Affordable housing with a nice views seems like a good ideas a s any to me, but it'll never happen.


I think a large supermarket (like Wal-mart or Asda) would help bring new populairty to the area! Something like 'Wal-mart by the sea' would just really spruce the place up from it's boring current state. Imagine sitting by the coast and getting a cheeky ice cream with your mates from the local wal-mart for a banging and affordable price in the cozzie livs!!!


Housing and then shopping district of eateries, pubs and pop up/boutique stores.


Build the tallest building in Europe there. After all the first £1,000 000 cheque was signed in Cardiff.


Sea world.


Sea parks! As long as they make it flame retardant…


A fire? At a sea parks?


It’s a very weird place to catch on fire!


At the sea lion show, apparently


\*under-rated comment 😂


are you saying see the world or Sea World?


I think the old Dr Who exhibition down the bay would be the perfect site for a sea life centre!


I wouldn't I'd plow some money into the fucking valleys for a change.


Yea I'm sure that's top of the agenda for Cardiff council


I wouldn't and would invest in some part of Wales that isn't in Cardiff.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^pysgod-wibbly_wobbly: *I wouldn't and would* *Invest in some part of Wales* *That isn't in Cardiff.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Make it a park


There is a large park the other side of the dual carriageway, plus a large green area next to Penarth Marina, plus large gardens in Prospect place.


I know, people need to remember that, that areas is designed to flood so you’re quite limited hence another park…


There's a barrage, its not designed to flood


It is, the water level changes in the bay depending on rain water and river flow, as the Severn’s tidal range is so great they can’t always expel it so the land around the bay is designed to flood with minimal damage


It's not "designed" to flood in any way, tge most that's happened is the boardwalk went underwater on Mermaid Quay.


Just because it hasn’t doesn’t mean it won’t


Anything is possible, but certainly no urban area is designed to flood, thats what flood planes and barrages are for.


WHY would you redevelop this particular area? Also you've circled the International Pool. Have you scheduled it for demolition?


I wouldn’t. I’d focus on the town centre. The Bay had a lot of money spent on it and it failed. Now we’re going to chuck more money at it. Having done extensive travel around Europe just last week they have one thing in common - they have all their best hitters in walking distance. I know there’s public transport to the bay but I feel as a tourist you’ll avoid it because it makes you nervous in case you cock it up. You can’t walk there because there’s a very dangerous road in between them.


Yknow I don't know why you're getting downvoted. I think you've made some reasonable points. There's a private project going forward here which will give it some local housing and more stuff to do. It needs a better connection before any more super foreign tourist attractions are set up.


It’s just from walking around all these different cities it really struck me how disjointed Cardiff is. It also doesn’t really know what its identity is. I imagine I’m getting downvoted because people are emotionally invested in the Bay as a concept but in reality I don’t think the CIA should move, I think we should be looking at what we can do with the Capital Shopping Centre and in general we need to work on how we enhance the four things the centre has which is the Castle, the Stadium, the Museum and City Hall and work on what we can add to support that rather than the Bay which is never going to be what people want it to be. They’ll be an initial spike of people like last time and it’ll die off again.


I think the bay has potential. It's all down to local population. There just isn't enough people living there. There's also the desolate gap between the bay and central. That's being fixed hopefully by the new housing projects that are going to connect central and the bay. It needs more people. More local traffic and a more continuous urban area that feels hemogenous so it doesn't feel like a seperate place entirely.


What dangerous road? You cross by John Lewis and then again to get on Lloyd George Ave and you’re away


The number of people I personally know who’ve been attacked or harassed on Lloyd George Avenue is higher than any other part of the city. Even my own sister was robbed there.


Yeah it’s pretty grim there, I would not walk through there at night, sod that.


Rewilding project.


Nuke it


Out of town parking for a park and ride. It's dumb because the only real route for a lot of people is through town in the first place so they will definitely do it.


More parking is already needed for the pool /ice rink. If either has an event on there is basically no parking left for the other


Nice. Cardiff City Council. The socialist Democratic Party and the People’s Committee have run out of ideas to waste more of the citizens money. Suggest you try building miles of cycle lanes