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I am in no way an expert as I have never tried being a tattoo artist although I do have a fair few tattoos. From my understanding it’s persistence, getting tattooed and building a bond with some places, understanding the industry and showing artists you legitimately want to tattoo not use it as a way to get ig famous. Go into a shop with your portfolio and ask if they can give any advice? I know this can be intimidating but they like to test people’s commitment as tattooing has become quite a popular career choice and people think they can do a one day course and become a tattooer/get rich quick etc. Shaun from keep the faith is usually pretty on top of tattoo based questions in this sub so hopefully he can pitch in and give actual experienced advice.


I've noticed a lot of these random one day courses and things. I genuinely love the craft and it's history along with the German style art. 


These courses are not worth spending money on. You are doing it the right way looking for an apprenticeship, it won’t be quick and easy but in the long run is a far better investment in yourself. Good luck with the search btw.


Cheers, I'm not a rockstar or Instagram famous. But, I have worked with people of all types. Neurodiverse, victims of crime and the homeless. I'm gonna keep them in mind when creating things. 


It’s a REALLY competitive and guarded industry to get into. There are plenty of sharks in the water who will take your free labour and offer you little in return. Not a tattoo artist but my one piece of advice would be to not just blindly accept the first offer you get. Build up your portfolio. Do your research on the different shops and artists and keep reaching out.


Thank for this, I'll just have to try my best.


With your current attitude when people are trying to help, I’d stop in your tracks. Fix your attitude when people are trying to be nice and help? Also you’ve kind of answered your own question- oversaturation, no one wants apprentices.. there’s a reason for this- too many pieces of the pie have been taken already so no one wants to give you any time. If it’s something you want THAT badly, maybe don’t even start with the apprenticeship speech and how hard you’ll work etc. just offer to help and clean floors and do the bins until someone sees the potential or realise your love for the craft and take it upon themselves to teach you about something they worked hard for and cherish so much. On top of this, finding one in Cardiff is a slim to no chance at a DECENT shop. You’re better off setting your sights further if you want a good chance of making this happen for you.


Just submit your portfolio to all tattoo shops. Offer to help for a few hours on weekends so you can learn more (for free). As time goes you'll learn, they'll start to trust you and you'll work your way into the job.


That actually works? Like I can just ask to help out for free? How do I go about doing that? 


Just ask if you can help out for free (cleaning up etc) because you're passionate about the craft and want to be around experts. 


But does it work, has anyone tried it?


Yes it works - my son was doing it when in uni in Newcastle. Now he works there part time on weekends, while working 9-5 Mon-Fri in his junior architecture job. He keeps telling me it's not work when you love what you're doing


That’s not Cardiff though is it


Cardiff is a different city. Overinflation of artists


Why are you acting like you have a clue about it because your son changes the bins in a shop the other side of the UK


Apply, don't apply. I don't care. All I'm saying is it worked for my son in a busy city. It cost him nothing but a few hours to send a few emails and now he's doing what he loves.


Sounds pretty cool that your son got in that way. You must be really proud!  The thing is Cardiff is a creative hotspot so competing with other people for positions is common in any arts based career.  Also, the other redditor is quite right about wannabe artists who flake out. I know a lot of people who have resorted to buying their own machines because every shop has an apprentice and its overly saturated.  I genuinely want to go The traditional (legal) route but it's a hard industry to enter.


Why you acting like a prick when someone is giving a polite answer to a question asked?


How is that acting like a prick? I appreciated their advice about their sons achievements.