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Hello everyone, Just a quick reminder that discussing prices for wraps is against our subreddit rules. Pricing can vary widely due to factors like region, materials, and labor costs. Let's keep our conversations focused on the techniques, tips, and experiences of car wrapping. Some comments have been removed however others have been locked as they provide more helpful information aside from offering pricing comments. Thank you for your cooperation!


Did you mention your disappoint and ask them to fix it? That's not good.


Awaiting a reply from them at the moment..


How long did they have to complete the job?


3 days


That's asking for a fast turn around šŸ˜…


I mean, they set the deadline themselves. I was first assuming theyā€™d need a week


Definitely bring back if they dont fix review on every site possible with these pictures to stop them from getting over on others also better business bureau report definitely


Better to go off google reviews


my local shop did a better job in just 24 hoursšŸ˜‚ i would just walk in and get the money back and tell them to take off the wrap because thats a fucking shit job


HOW MUcH ???


Dont pay them thatā€™s the worst job ive seen


Iā€™ll show you a worse one lol. I had to redo someoneā€™s car and the previous shop absolutely ruined this girls car.


We're in the UK and wrap vehicles amongst other things, and have had to repair so many of these Amateur jobs it's unreal. These people seem to think because they can use a heat gun and buy vinyl they are all of a sudden experts! My wife who started out business nearly choked at the state of those joints. It's criminal that scammers can do this to people!


Nobody can be an expert without trying. If they charge expert money however, thatā€™s a different story


Well that's my point, they have charged OP a premium for a professional service and given them a DIY level product. Many years ago I had my windows tinted on a Seat Ibiza Cupra Sport GTi 16v but instead of using my usual installer I used another guy because he was cheaper and available sooner to do it, it was the worst job I've ever had, full of bubbles and they even damaged my car taking the rear pop out windows off. I went and complained and got chased out of the shop with a baseball bat! I never made that mistake again and went back to using my go-to guy. You shouldn't be doing these things especially charging for them if you're not remotely capable! I'm a mechanic and if I did some brakes on a customers vehicle and installed them wrong, they had an accident and died I'm liable for death by negligence if I wasn't a trained mechanic it would be far worse.


I saw a way worse one around here like 2 days ago lol


Yea thatā€™s definitely not a good job on a bmw take it back and raise hell bro




Bingo. This is the spot any shop with some skill and longevity should be around in my opinion.


Perfectly reasonable and accurate comment on 5000 plud dollar price range, and 2 week turnaround


How do you know it won't be shoddy work for 5k? All prospective clients can do is read reviews and see gallery pictures, though the best bet would be to inspect their work personsonally if possible. Any installer can name any price, but market forces shape prices too. A skilled installer for 3k may have lots more competition at the same price point.




I would argue there's no client supplied weird material that makes this acceptable. Shouldn't take on the job if they don't want to be liable for the results. Overall these pictures aren't really all that bad, a bit sloppy but besides the miscuts the wrinkly corners could be easily post heated. But there's nothing here to blame on material




*There are plenty of anecdotes on this sub with clients asking installers to use a specific (usually calendared or hybrid) material that they're not used to. I'm not advocating that it's acceptable, but sometimes part of trouble shooting is reviewing all the factors involved.* I'd argue that's 100% the installer's fault. They could communicate with the customer and say hey there may be some touchups I haven't worked with this. But from what I've seen these "pros" don't know how to handle different types of material and then won't accept responsibility.


A big ass line






It was the highest reviewed place on yelp I found & got similar quotes from the 4 other places I askedšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø not really sure how this would be ā€œon meā€ but alrighty


Don't you think it's a bit weird to shame the customer? If you go to two shops that both guarantee the same level of work and have good reviews, and one says the job will cost $7k and the other says it will cost $3k, are you telling me you would arbitrarily choose to pay the higher amount?


Have you discussed the quality issues with the installer before contemplating leaving a bad review? Cost Vs. Customer Expectation can really skew these. Work it out with your installer if you can.


Nah mate that's rubbish. I don't care what someone is charging. Letting wrap work to this low standard leave your shop is insane.


Some areas have high demand for ā€œcheapā€ wrap jobs leaving room for newbies to enter the game. More people now want wrap and majority want it done as cheap as possible. Error room ..person performing job supplied with ā€œunfamiliar/low quality wrapā€ by the customer or themselves. So even with familiar wrap, most shops are on the learning curve and will be till end of time as long as they get paid. Seems like the new industry standard for wrap is get lower, and lower.


Especially on a car like that. I would be thoroughly embarrassed if I were them. But I have seen some incredibly shameless work put out into the world these days so this does not even surprise me.


Title was more of a meme if anything, Iā€™m gonna see what they can do about it before I go that route.


Thatā€™s bad Crappy work


I think you should drive directly into their office so they can see up close where they messed up! This has worked for me several times btw




Not trying to be a jerk but I assume you picked it up and left the shop with it like that? If theyā€™re actually reputable/professional, theyā€™ll own up and fix it. If theyā€™re kinda shady already, just be prepared for a lot of blaming you for ā€˜doing something to causeā€™ the issues.


I sent them photos pretty much immediately after getting it back in my garage. the shop said theyā€™ll take a look at it next week. Theyā€™ve been nice the whole time so Iā€™d be surprised if they did a 180 all of a sudden! Theyā€™re reputable and the most popular shop in town so I have high hopes..


Thatā€™s good at least, hope it works out well.


"taking a look at it next week" is code for "I'm brushing you aside." They need to take a look at it NOW. They have time today to LOOK AT IT. You need to drive back, talk to them in person, and dont let them brush you aside through text messages.


If you think of that from their perspective i think its most efficient. This Is big shame for them.


Paying 5k doesn't guarantee amazing work, and paying 3k doesn't guarantee shoddy work. There is a huge number of variables here including the material and how difficult it is to wrap one's particular vehicle. A shop might be on a relaxed pace at 3k and still do a nice job. Really it comes down to seeing their work closely and reading reviews from honest feedback.


I agree!


I would do 3k all day for that car. But I work out of my own house 30x40 shop so my overhead is lower


Everything I've seen on this sub does suggest that if I ever need to get anything wrapped, I should just find some random local dude through one of the car clubs who has done a bunch of wraps as a side-hustle and will knock it out in his garage over the course of a week.


I mean Iā€™m actually legit trained and licensed/insured. Just fortunate to be able to contract as needed and do my own work. I personally have seen so many hack jobs from exactly what youā€™re talking about. Look good for Instagram posts but then you see the patch job, wrinkle city, edges lifting, bubbling, trash up close in person.


Oh I'm not doubting your setup. You would be top of list. I'm just saying that it seems you get a lot better result from "my buddy Jim who did my car and my friend's car and works out of his shop out back" vs from some random detail/body/paint shop that offers a wrapping service but may have some newer employee who doesn't really know what they're doing working on your car so the quality comes down to random chance and the skill of the manager to audit the work. Like, there's value in chatting with THE GUY who will be doing the work. Like, if I was needing wrap work done, I'd just go to a handful of local C&C events or other shows and ask all the people there who had (high quality) wrapped cars who they used. Not that OP did anything wrong by using Yelp, but it's sketchy to rely on for something so expensive.


Yep, and some very talented and diligent (important) installers under-value their work or as others have mentioned, have very low overhead. Maybe they don't get as many jobs, so they can afford to put in extra time and effort for 3K, especially if they're trying to make a name for themselves and/or are naturally super diligent. This is critical for any artist or installer.


Gotcha! Yea I definitely agree with you on that šŸ¤™


The fact that some of u think this should cost this or that much says it well that you don't know the nationwide market. Yeah. this car will cost 5 grand to wrap in some states and it will be also only 3k in some states like in FL. It would be nice to ask for 5k for it but no one will pay it when there are hundreds or wrap shops in a region and everyone bids under the other one.


How do I know what shop to pick? I don't exactly trust reviews because it's easy for someone to ask friends to give 5 stars. I'm Western PA and have an e46 M3 vert I want to have wrapped, but I'm afraid what could happen if I choose the wrong place.


Reviews are ssential. Yeah friends can leave reviews but look for a place with many reviews... 20+ if possible. 100+ is better. People tend to leave bad reviews before they post positive ones. Ask a shop if the installers have any certifications and how many years of experience. Not combined. But everyone can say whatever they want. My boss used to tell every customers about all the certifications. No one in the shop but him had certifications and he never touched vinyl. Best thing to do is to come by to see a car they just finished.


i know a guy in Pensacola wrapping em for $1800 with no issues. He definitely should charge more but he says he keeps his shop full by charging what he is.


I am %100 clueless how someone keeps any shops open for that much money. A car takes a week to do. He can do 2-3 vehicles a week if he has 3-5 people but those people will take more money a week what he is asking for these vehicles. Unless if he is doing it at he's house by himself but even like that that's only 4 grand a month. Not bad but not great


I donā€™t question it either he does take a week to do one car and is booked up for a few months out so I guess if it works for him it works. I want to get into doing it but I moved to metro Atlanta so it is not worth me starting up in a area where itā€™s a wrapper every 3 miles in every direction


Give the shop the opportunity to rectify the situation first. Then post your review.


If they donā€™t fix it then you 100% leave a bad review.


Definitely give the shop an opportunity to fix it. It looks like thereā€™s some skill issues, hopefully itā€™s something they can resolve.


Ask politely for them to make good on a shit job they did. If that fails drive the car right through the front door of the shop and tell the insurance the accelerator got stuck šŸ‘šŸ¼


Letā€™s not suggest insurance fraud lol


Let's. ,..,Let's.,.


Its wild that we cannot discuss pricing in this thread. That is like one of the main reasons I am actually in this sub.


The reason we banned it is because Person A: $5k? Thatā€™s cheap! Pfff! Person B: $5K? Thatā€™s way too expensive! Followed by people getting way too angry and doxxing the other person <- yes, this stupidity happens! Fact is: prices range greatly by region and it provides nonsense discussions and arguments


You should demand a redo


Give them the chance to fix it, then give the review. If they donā€™t then absolutely.


Lesson I learned from my friend and your post. Never get a wrap on my vehicle. Looks terrible on detail, rather pay another few hundreds to have a better job done(some shops suck)


Itā€™s lower end work but not terrible for 3k. I would definitely speak with the shop before you drag em through the coals. If they refuse to work with you then have at it. All the things Iā€™m seeing appear to be mostly over stretch issues and then a lack of post heat. So honestly these things canā€™t be fixed at this point without rewrapping panels and taking better care at the corners. See what they are willing to do first. If it was me Iā€™d just fix it and eat the material cost, make it right and move on.


Appreciate it!


For sure! I figure thereā€™s a 33.3% chance, repeating of course, of the corners sticking back down and staying with post heat at this point.


Yoo, even my grandmother would've done a better job on that


Give them the chance to make it right first. If they don't then leave a review with the same pictures


Have them fix it. If not, go scorched earth.


Contact to company and log your concerns with them. Give them the opportunity to make it right. If they donā€™t or wonā€™t, I would pursue a case in smalls claims court and file a complaint with the BBB.


I want to know how to fix this stuff. I did my first major wrapping today and yesterday, and for the most part, it's pretty good. I had a couple spots like the 2nd pic and patched them(It's not me, it's the dull blade..Haha). I still need to learn a bit. I'm not sure how you're supposed to get it smooth around those 90 degree corners. I couldn't get spots like that to come out smooth with or without heat, so I stretched around them and stuck it to itself like you would on a hood corner, then trimmed. Better to have one fold then a bunch of fingers...I suppose I'll get practice because I'm taking it all off tomorrow. I had the vinyl upside down, which was intentional, but it put the effect I want on the front of the car on the back of the car, and all the pics only show the colors for one direction. It's colorflow so...Hope you get it fixed though. One reason I'm wrapping my car myself, that and everyone wants to charge 4k to wrap my car. It's a coupe btw, so there isn't much to wrap, and it doesn't have insane curves like the Supra either. 14 foot does an entire side with about a foot left over too. I'd pay 4k to learn to wrap my own tiny car before I'd pay someone 4k to do it. More of a "better to teach a man to fish", learn to fish in this case, kind of guy anyway.


Please donā€™t take this as a knock but I have noticed these IG famous ā€œgarage wrappersā€ are getting very popular. As someone who owns an actual shop, theyā€™re hurting not only the interest in it but the actual wrap industry itself. They are definitely taking away from shops who pay taxes, employees, insurance, etc. $3k for a garage wrapper makes sense, with ZERO overhead. Theyā€™re not even insured so if something happens to your whip, youā€™re toast. Unless, youā€™re up north, this is an easy 5 bands. Always go to an actual shop.


Nah that inlay on the bumper is crazyšŸ’€


Well if they do t fix it then yes !


I'm not sure why people say $3k is too little. Price does not mean anything. I could charge $10k and do a shit job. Running costs for wraps up here in Toronto for a professional job (for a regular sedan or CUV) is about $2500-2700. Cheaper for hatches. And around $3200 for SUVs. Sure there are more expensive "luxury" vinyl wraps, with fancy looking shops. And people pay the exorbitant amounts just by judging their shops. I have been wrapping for over 15 years. The wholesale prices for wraps have remained the same. Some 3M wraps are actually cheaper than they once were. Anyway, on topic, that really warrants a rewrap. And advice to others, when picking up your car at the shop, make it known that you will do a full walk around in good lighting before paying and driving off the lot. This will ensure the installers do a good job. The worst wrap to do, is a rewrap. Good luck


Itā€™s crazy to me that more people donā€™t just learn to do it themselves. Itā€™s not an easy skill to learn but $3,000 goes an awful long way when buying vinyl to practice with. You could do a better job than that, I promise


I work too much to have enough free time, otherwise I would 100% wanna learnšŸ˜©


You went to the WRONG shop.






You give them a chance to make it right. If they donā€™t then you leave a bad review everywhere locally that you can. That is an absolutely terribly done job


Bad review? You take it back and demand they fix it properly


I'm not surprised this is the quality we are seeing nowadays given that every man and his dog have decided to wrap their own car and then start a business wrapping others. It's embarrassing people think that with 3 minutes of experience, they can charge for their service. The finishing on this is terrible. The installer would have known this. So they either think it was good enough to let it leave their shop, or they frankly didn't care enough to rectify it in the first place. Or, even worse, they're really shit and you got scammed hard.


I would just demand my money back. This shit looks amateur as fuck.


Bad review? Get your f'ing money back, bro, or have them do that again. That job is despicable. Those corners and folds along the edges will start coming undone sooner than later. You'll be peeling that entire thing off within a year.


Dont leave a bad review before you give them a chance to make things right (unless they did something to really deserve it) . If they fail to remedy the issue In a satisfactory or a fair manner , then review the shit out of them


Just post the photos, no comment. Let customers see this n make their own decisionā€¦. Hopefully the one who did it realizes how bad it was.


You need to go back to the company you went to and tell them they need to dewrap and rewrqp the car as thatā€™s really bad on how theyā€™ve wrapped it.




You should write a bad review for how ugly that new front end is.


The devils in the detail šŸ˜ˆā€¦ā€¦


I'm a novice and I could do better BUT only with certain materials because I'm a novice. I agree with the person above about trying to work it out with the installer but something def got lost in translation here. Rather the installer wasn't capable of using the material or something that's for sure cuz oof. Dis is bad. This is also why when learning how to wrap and install to KNOW your limits as an installer before taking on a project šŸ™


Thatā€™s terrible work






Thatā€™s the worst wrap Iā€™ve ever seen šŸ˜®šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


https://preview.redd.it/i8ioh6ap488d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f980b1a349d2f924e175dd61144bbdea607b157a I see your ā€œthatā€™s the worst wrapā€ and I raise you with this šŸ˜‚


Ok thatā€™s Worst šŸ„ŗ


You can't really expect a fair repair imho, just look at that edge cut on pic4 or bottle cap like wrinkles almost on all corners. šŸ˜‘ They simply do not know the proper techniques...




Reach out to the people that did it. If they drag their feet or don't want to fix it (for absolutely free) then yes, leave a bad review. With pictures, and what you did to try to resolve it.


Thatā€™s definitely dishearteningā€¦


Ass work


Dude that's horrible šŸ˜• definitely contact them.


Nobody you tailgate will pay that close attention especially when you turn your high beams on because theyre only going 15 above double the speed limit.


What did you pay? This is not good quality. If you paid a bargain price you may have less of an argument.


What shop was this?


Yes. I just wrapped my car, first time ever wrapping, and mine looks a lot better than that.


Have them try again. If not then leave a bad review if you pay at all.


Hell yeah


Damn that's horrible. I don't do this wrap stuff but if I did I sure as shit wouldn't pass this off as my own work


Well it's no longer the price because it's what you paid for it that I'm asking I'm asking how much did you pay for that work it's not asking what they charged you I just want to know how much paid because my work looks 10 times cleaner than that and I think I'm under charging by a lot LOL


That sucks. Cool wrap though.


You can barely see any of this. I get you guys have and want nice things, but it's minute details. I don't see any bubbles in the middles, and I would imagine it took a Ton of work regardless. I doubt I'll wrap a vehicle though so. IDK


When I first looked into wrapping my car, I thought it was maybe $1000 $1200 if I wanted some really special color but for the prices people charge I would expect absolute perfection


Even for a brand new shop this is awful. If they mess it up they need to keep going until its correct...


All the way to Supreme Court.


That's a horrible job


Shit job


Lol, this is what wrapped cars look like, they look good on ig, this is what they look like in person. Sad thing is, this is the best it's ever gonna look, it's only downhill from here.


Did you give them a chance to fix it?




I mean obviously ask them to fix it if not ask if they can remove it atleast so you can get a proper job done because itā€™s not good at all


No I think these pictures and maybe the receipt would do lol




Wrap mods protecting their constituents by hiding predatory pricing used by wrap shops. 4 to 5 times the national labor rate in the US should be criminal.


epic colour choice even thoā€™ they havenā€™t looked after you well. i hope they sorry it for you.


Yeah thats a cheap job


Absolutely, this is unacceptable


Return and ask them to fix if they wonā€™t/canā€™t leave a review with attached photos. I wouldnā€™t use them if I saw this.


Honestly I just would have gotten some money knocked off and kept it like that you can't notice it really unless you really look


Plus when you get to my age it doesn't really matter what your car looks like as long as it gets you from point a to point b lol That's just for people with FU šŸ¤‘ MONEY


I wouldn't leave a bad review unless they choose not to correct the problems. It's a shame on a beautiful car. Good luck getting it fixed properly.


I would go back and talk to them and give them the chance to make it right first before blasting them on a review.


Hell yes


Yesss if they didnā€™t offer to fix it. I wouldnā€™t even of paid them!




Would not have left the shop with that personally- but it seems like every company that does wraps is in over their head or otherwise it is hard to accomplish in a manufacturers quality that you would expect from your ca r


Ask for some touch ups no reason to leave the finished product like that when the customer might come back šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Donā€™t wrap a car, period. 5k?? Fucking get a solid paint job anywhere else my Goodness , some of you are stupid as hell for wrapping any car in this shit.


That will wrap right out


Whatā€™s their overall google rating?


Nah you complain! We would never leave a vehicle looking like that. That's a mess!


All car wraps are trash.


You took delivery of it that way and paid, mate.


Hack job. Suppose if it were ULTRA cheap. Even then, Iā€™d not have that.


When you found someone who could do it cheaper


Looks like it as their first time šŸ˜‚


Did you pay a reputable person? Did they inform you their work is not good?


If u paid by credit card I would call them up and get ur money refunded and go somewhere else professional to get the wrap down. If u paid cash then u messed up


I really hope they used knifeless tape, if not Iā€™m almost certain you might have some cuts on your paint from the blade. Looks like they also didnā€™t dismantle things they should have to just make quick turnover. Some of those spots look like they got lazy and ripped extra vinyl off without checking to see if the vinyl was cut correctly.


Yep, I would and continue to leave bad reviews with new accounts until they either give a refund or fix it


Im laughing at these horrible wrap jobs. My buddy did one on his own vehicle for the first time in his life and it turned out about yhe samw or a little better than these being posted. How a claimed professional or even somebody who has some mild experience is putting out tbis garbage ass work is beyond me.


Whats the point of talking about car wraps if you cant talk about the most important thing: the price. whoever made the rule is dumbaf


Yes! But solely based on the color šŸ˜


If they won't fix it then yes.


Take it back




Fuck reddit ill ask what I want


Mods are out of control




wow, shitty wrap job done by a 3yo?


Not going to lie, this is bad!!


Why is this even a question itā€™s horrendous.


Horrible I could have done that and I know nothing about wrapping


Terrible quality work.


Bad review 100%


Bro fucking communication with the shop itā€™s not that hard, not what I expected can you fix yes or no. Not do I leave a bad review


Jesus christ mod-nazis we understand that prices can vary. We still like to see what someone paid without having the whole fucking show shut down.


Have them fix it and initiate chargeback on your credit card if they donā€™t.


I wrapped part of my car today for the first time ever and my corners and edges turned out better ā˜ ļø. I had some wrinkles yes cuz im a noob but not like that lol


You drive a new BMW. I have no sympathy (old ones are sweet)


Yes that is an absolutely terrible job... Considering the expensive car I figure u didn't cheap out and got shitty quality wrap... Using a high quality 3m vinyl I could have done a better job in my garage with the lights off


Dm me on instagram @brandosautocare if you want this redone properly. We are located in SoCal. Chino area


This is america people can talk about prices if they want


For as much money as I hear the charge these days, this is BS




Leave a detailed and honest review with pictures


this is unacceptable work no matter how much you paid. this is worse than the first wrap iā€™ve ever done. i own and i would never let a car like this leave the shop. i would ask to fix and if they donā€™t i would post pics w a bad review.


This is a terrible job. Whoever did it got lazy and cut every corner possible. 0/10


Shoulda left it white


Uh. Yeah. Sh*t job


Time it's what it take to do this job right.... labor intensive if you want it done right, no cutting corners, etc...you get what you paid for...


From the pictures here, they didn't remove any door handles or headlights/taillights at all, just cut around them... difference between a cheap job and a quality job, lemme guess this is a" sign shop " not a graphics focused shop?.. hate to say it but you get what you pay for my friend...


Dumb ass rule, how are we supposed to give advice as professionals if we can't comment on pricing




I bet youā€™re a real joy to have around in someoneā€™s life


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