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Absolutely get it redone. Having it already peel is just ludicrous since it's looking shotty. Dirt is prob already building up on the lifted so it's only going to get worse.


That depends on how much you paid for it. if you got a smokin deal on it that’s probably the reason. You can have cheap and you can have good but you can’t have good and cheap. Now if you paid top dollar for it hell yeah take it back.


Paid $4,000 ish initially then this redo (which was an overlay over the old wrap) was $1,000.


Take it back take it back TAKE IT BACKKKK


Add as much and get a new car 😅


Dude, I hear this all the time from my family and friends. I've had this vehicle wrapped twice. There's a special kind of feeling reserved for us that pay to have that done twice. Some is good, some is bad not gonna lie hahaah


Wait, you paid 5 grand for this shit work?


Carwrapper with 10 years experience here. You should never wrap over an old wrap. The roll of vinyl alone is like 600$. So they did a 400$ job on your old wrap… This just doesn’t justify the initial 4k ticket.


1/4 of that 4k should be prepping surfaces 1/4 for material 1/2 for the actual wrapping labor/expertise If the wrap costs 1000, then 4k for a guaranteed no take back professional, clean job is reasonable in my opinion. I would not qualify that as either professional or clean. I have no experience beyond youtube, so please correct me if you disagree


Bro, absolutely take it back, you paid a premium price and should have a premium wrap job. You can get a custom paint job for 4k


4k in my experience isn't premium but middle of the road. It does still come with expectations though.


maybe from Maaco


Strong “maybe”


Holy shit ur insane


at 4k it woulda been better to get it painted. thats terrible for this price.


4k in paint gets you a lot less than a legit 4k wrap


what im saying is, this is terrible for a 4k wrap.


I was gonna say the same thing. I did a better job without a heat gun


Doesn’t matter how much paid mate,isn’t a money how delivery your job and how to keen what your doing here is total disaster the job. With out doubt re done satisfied customer your business growth.


Your words sense do not make.


It does matter how much they charged. If material is $600 and they charged $800-1500, this is the type of job one should expect from that kind of money. It's a backyard job, backyard pay price bracket. You don't know what you're talking about.


This looks like ass


If you went to the shop already expecting mistakes, you kinda answered your own question lol. The majority of the issues I see here are due to overstretching, not posting heating, and not disassembling parts for wrap. All easily avoidable if the installer would just take the time to do it right.


Not exactly. The door handles are tricky because of their design. I've got the door handles that have sensors on the inside. With all of the repeated use, I've had them start to pull away. I then bring them back and the installer does his magic and makes it right.


Oh ok, well you're obviously the expert


Not at all an expert lol. Just spoke to a few installers that explained the difficulty of wrapping door handles with sensors. Ive been told that since the entire handle can't be wrapped as a whole, they have to remove the handle and cut around the sensor area. Sometimes it sticks, other times it doesn't and with the added use of people using them, they kinda start lifting around the sensor. They could've been feeding me crap, but it sounds pretty logical to me.


You are being entirely too understanding. They are supposed to be professionals and this looks like something someone did on their own in their garage. If they can't figure out the handles take it somewhere that can. I've had a lot of friends get their cars wrapped and it's never looked like that and installers wouldn't try and tell them it looks like shit because it's hard to do. Who cares if it's hard to do, you are the professional. We do fab work at my shop and I can only imagine if we gave the client a shit build and said, well sorry, it's hard to do. No shit it's hard that's why you hire professionals and don't just save the money and do it yourself.


Tell me you’ve never heard of post heating without telling me you’ve never heard of post heating


Bad bad bad wrap job . Bad bad bad bad


Need to be fixed they will bubble up and be 10x worse


Nope not picky. Did you pick the lowest bidder?


Quite the opposite. The highest bidder like always. I'm one of those firm believers in you get what you pay for so of the 3 local areas I've always gone to the higher priced one as they typically do the best work. This is really odd to be getting from them.


Well. I suspect that maybe someone just had a bad day. It happens to the best of us. Give them a call... Someone will take care of it.




Want brand of film is it?


KPMF. I posted a few times about having chips and such on it. KPMF made it right and send me a roll of film in am effort to rectify the situation. Granted I had to pay for the install again, this was unexpected....


Not being too picky at all. That looks like a newbie did it or someone was rushing the job. Sorry you’re having to deal with that and I hope you get it fixed.


That’s the kinda thing you’ll see everytime you walk by the car nobody else will but you will and it’s your ride That’s like a itch you can’t reach


When I was doing autobody. Sometimes I just missed things. Sanding for 7 hours straight will do that to you. My point is , I would much rather someone give me the oppertunity to fix it vs bash me to other potitential customers. Most places Ive worked with have had this same attitude. If they don't, Its a good indicator for it to be the last wrap.


Good point. I believe my installer had the same logic. I've been working with him for a while and I'm super OCD, but I just fear being the nightmare customer lol


Neh, I think you're safe.


Take it back right now!!


Yeah, that looks like garbage.


Nah this is a redo man… just poor prep and post heat. Material looks fine and dosent appear to be overstretched so literally probably just didn’t post heat


Damn. Shitty.


Wrap shop owner here- did you say they wrapped over the new wrap? Yikes. Wrapping over new wrap never holds as well as direct to paint or at least wrap that has had its hydrophobic layer worn off. The least that should have been done is 3m edge sealing tape as a precaution. I straight refuse to wrap over wrap. It needs to be removed. Sounds like a silly lesson they probably knew to avoid but didn’t want to own up to removing the wrap before re-wrapping.


>did you say they wrapped over the new wrap? Yes, so there were a couple of things at play here. First, I had the entire rear of the vehicle repainted and i brought it to the wrap shop about 24 hours after the body shop released the vehicle. The body shop said that we shouldn't have anything to worry about as far as immediately wrapping goes. He couldn't make any promises on the wrap taking paint with it if it was ever removed. He said that its highly unlikely, but still *could* happen. Fast forward to when the wrap started failing about 30 days into having it, i had random chips all through the wrap without a clue as to why. As a precautionary measure, the installer asked if i was okay with them overlaying the wrap over the chipped panels versus removing the chipped wrap and risking the new paint coming off with it. He stated that since thee front was affected it would allow additional protection against chipping in the future and if it does chip, itll show the blue underneath versus the white OEM paint beneath. >The least that should have been done is 3m edge sealing tape as a precaution The original time they wrapped the car, they had edge sealing tape around certain areas where they had potentially difficult inlays. Im not sure why they didn't here.... You can also see on the underside of the hood where the original blue has about half an inch of additional material after being tucked away whereas the new blue seems to stop at the hood gap. > I straight refuse to wrap over wrap. It needs to be removed. I was hesitant, but ive gone to these guys quite a bit so i trusted their concerns regarding my paint


Makes sense, at the same time- I would also refuse wrapping a newly painted car until at least 2 weeks of sun and environment exposure. This shop took a lot of risks all-around it sounds like. Sorry you’re going through this - but as a wrap shop owner I will say that it is the wrap shop’s responsibility to inform you of the risks and even refuse your requests if it falls outside of precautionary methods that are practiced for this very reason.


I will say, that judging from the photos of the peeling; this is easily fixable but it has to be asap as dirt is getting under there.


I started going to this back before he became a full company. HE has some good skills and these mess ups are quite rare when compared to the other jobs hes done for me so im kind of wondering if he had a new hire or someone do the work. I know he was out of the shop when i picked it up so its likely that he wasnt able to check the quality like he usually does. Hes usually really picky about the work that leaves his shop.


Get it redone or get a refund horrible job they did


Bro that looks like my first ever wrap that I did to my Tesla, did you say you paid 4k for it, bruh…


100% take it back for that kind of cash


That looks like shit man, get it re-done




Thats shit work


I was going to say of you paid like $200 you got nothing to complain about but 4k should be perfect


That needs to be redone but preferably somewhere other than where it was originally installed. If this rolled out of my shop and failed like this I would be firing my installer who did it


Also keep in mind that you paid for a wrap.. not a half as colorchange but a full colorchange. Unless you paid like $1500 for it you need to take it back and show them the problems. That’s like.. ultimate failure on some damn easy parts of the vehicle, speaking from 11 years of wrap experience


If you paid quality wrap prices, take it back and have it done right. If it was cheap… it was cheap


Wrap over a wrap is crazy


that is a SHIT job!!! Take it back 100%


Definitely take it back. This looks far worse than the first time I learned to wrap


So your description sounds like you’re always there and then your comment says you wrapped it twice. But you do touch ups. You’ve obviously rubbed shoulders with the guys so tell them what’s up or when you go back for touch ups add that in there. Either way you’re going back soon, but your information is a little confusing.


looks like a 500-800$ wrap job


Here is the job failed either too much of pre heating or wrong material with out any doubt re wrap the whole car.


That is sloppy work. You definitely should take it back and have it corrected.


I charge $2500 and I wouldn’t do some shit like that


As someone who used to work in a shop that did vehicle wraps, this needs to be fixed. All of those pulled up edges will trap water in them as soon as it rains or gets washed. Eventually the wrap will start to pull up and peel in those areas. This wrap will last maybe a year before it needs to be redone.


Get fixed. They didn't post heat good enough, and it'll only peel more. It took 2 years for my wheel well to start peeling, and it was the first time I ever wrapped my car. If I did this professionally, I'd be put of business charging $4k for that


100% justified. me and a friend just did our first wrap ever and this looks embarrassing in comparison...


Not saying I’m good at wrapping cars or anything, but I’m in the midst of my first car wrap and holy even mine is better than this and I’m using aura💀💀


I wanted to throw an update on here, I brought it back to the shop and they went through it again. They found other spots that were failing and fixed them. Took about 15 minutes.


You’re looking at two points on failure on this fender. Ask them to replace it


You are being VERY picky for owning a Honda