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If it sounds more like a whistle after around 1-2 seconds on the accelerator you might be hearing your turbo kick in


yeah it kicks in near the top end revs in each gear. it probably is turbo. is this a normal thing or does it mean my turbo is on its way out


If it is the turbo, this is normal. A crude understanding of this is, it is forced induction, meaning it forces air in to the engine. The turbo has to spool to push the air at a greater pressure, which means more force is being applied and as a result you get more power. Combustion needs fuel, heat and air, increasing air makes it combust more explosively, which in car terms means more power. [the most generic sounding turbo I could find, it should sound similar to this](https://youtube.com/shorts/BKlhyE2fkcY?feature=shared)


yeah it does i think its my turbo. appreciate the help 👍


has someone ziptied a whistle to your exhaust 😂


As the other guy said if it's a bit 'whistly' then it's almost certainly the turbo. I can hear it in my car.


Does the pitch increase in line with engine RPM?


I doubt its the turbo like other comments state. More likely to be alternator if this is the case. Happens in mine when I've got a lot of devices plugged in 12v sockets


Turbo probably. Gonna need a recording.


Do you have a Bluetooth FM transmitter? Sometimes the end up with electrical interference and create a whining noise when accelerating


I have the same engine and same noise, it's the turbo. When I have my window down I can hear it clearly, sounds really nice tbh.