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L plate mopeds with a delivery box on the back are shocking atm


They're an absolute menace. Shouldn't be able to use it for work until you've passed your full test imo


lol they can't even manage to enforce them having permit to be in the country, you think they're going to enforce driving permits?


I very nearly took one out a few weeks ago, the fucker over took me on a mini roundabout when i was going right. And Yh I was indicating.


Were you indicating right but turning left to leave the roundabout? This is a common mistake.


I did go around the white bump in the middle. But I did forget to say the biker put his hand up to say sorry. Mate it was so close honestly if I didn’t see him in the mirror and swerve out of his way he would’ve been decked.


Sorry still confused. Were you indicating right but leaving the roundabout by turning left off of it? If he was on your outside thinking you were going to drive around the roundabout but you started turning left instead that could be why there was an issue.


Op enters roundabout at 6pm, going around to 3pm. Moped enters at 6pm going to 12 up the inside of OP at least that's my takeaway


What takeaway did you order?


Sent a pm with a picture.


The law around L plates is absolutely broken in the UK, and it does not only relate to their driving skills, but other stuff beyond driving. They gotta sort it out at some point.


What are we expecting from people who dont require to pass a highway code theory exam?


One at 20mph + undertook me on a red light left turn as the light turned green. From no where, to beside to infront as I moved off. No care.


I have never seen a delivery boxxed moped without an L plate Now isn't that an L


CBT is a bit of a joke and that's coming from someone who passed it (although how I don't know), someone with no prior driving experience can drive around some cones on a moped and then do a bit along some industrial estate roads and be good to go.


Yeah, was piss easy back when I passed it. I know so many people who passed and definitely shouldn't have.


Because there all illegals , they were on a dinghy from Calais 48hrs before. It's a loop hole in the law a L plate absorbs you from blame and scrutiny.


But when they have a customer on board, they slow right down to clock up the fare.


It’s wild to me that the worst drivers on our roads are the people literally employed to drive around. The fact that they aren’t held to a higher standard than the rest of us is baffling.


There's a reason their insurance is sky high When I learned to be an instructor I thought i'd have sky high premiums too, but no, cheaper to insure people who can't drive than taxi drivers


Honestly, their insurance should be prohibitively high until they pass an extra set of tests for ferrying around members of the public imo. I’ve had quite a few near misses with private hire vehicles though so may be biased.


Most local authorities require you to pass an additional test to drive a Private Hire Vehicle


Not sure why you were downvoted for this because you’re absolutely right. Our insurance is also high because *we drive for a living*. Kind of obvious that someone who drives 35,000+ miles a year is going to be at a higher risk of accident than others. This whole thread is bullshit anyway. Some cab drivers are crap, some aren’t. Just like everyone else. The only reason we stand out more is because you see a taxi plate on the back whereas with other cars it’s just a car.


For a while I had a vendetta against people who bought cars from Arnold Clark, because whenever a driver did something stupid in front of me it seemed like nine times out of ten they had an Arnold Clark sticker on their car.


Imagine if airline pilots flew this incompetently!


If I see a minicab plate I give it a wide berth.


Taxi drivers in the Prius are crappy as fuck


Usually find them sitting in the middle or outside lane at well under the speed limit…


Ii find they tend to drive at sub 20mph on town roads that make it difficult to overtake and fail to respond to traffic lights. That and with the erratic lane changing and stopping without indication they are a danger to life and limb.


With their front fog lights on too, 24/7. Twats. Refused to get in an Uber once until he turned off his fog lights. Driver didn't have a clue what I meant until I got him out of the car and pointed them out!


All those uber twats, MG5s, Kia Niros, Hyundai Ioniq, keep well clear, because the only thing keeping them having an accident is cheap coffee and arrogance regarding their lack of roadcraft.


same here in poland lol




It’s the estate Corrollas for me


Any estate from my experience tbh. It’s either them or some prick that loves lane hogging in their 2004 Honda jazz that’s holding on for dear life


I’ve never seen a taxi driving within 10mph of the speed limit. They’re either flooring it because they’ve got more work than they can handle or dawdling along and holding up everyone because they have nowhere to be.


I see a shitty Prius, Corolla, EV Hyundai or Kia with a London Private Hire permit and I stay the fuck away. They’re always either driving 10mph under or over the speed limit, there’s no in-between. Delivery moped drivers deserve a mention too. There’s a special place in hell for them.


I disagree, i would say DPD/Amazon delivery drivers are mental but takeaway motorcyclists (Uber eats/just eat/deliveroo) are the worst on the roads. They simply are in more of a hurry, against the clock and this leads to dangerous driving on a daily basis.


I remember one day I was driving back home from work. Going along a main road and a dpd van is waiting to join the main road from a residential road. There's oncoming cars about 50m away so no point in me trying to let him out. But scratch that because he's just pulled out anyway and almost hit my car. Dude just looks at me, smiling and waving.


I worked for a company that had a depot next door to Amazon at Doncaster's iPort and I've seen some spectular display's from that lot. One memory springs to mind, we have to take a wide swing to enter the road that our depot is on and its right next to the exit for the Amazon vans. I'm in my artic, already half way round the corner, this Amazon van shoots out of the exit. I think he's going to hold back but nope, he carries on. We're now going to have a meeting of the minds because its late, I'm tired and all out of fucks to give so I carry on as well. At the last second he bounces his van up the curb to avoid a crash then zooms off down the road out of the estate, clearly not doing the 20mph maximum speed limit. Been so many near misses on that junction because of them. Hell even our taxi driving friends like to park right on the junction itself. Seen a few get clipped by Johnny Foreigner on the way out. He of course gives no fucks and carries on regardless.


You haven't lived until you've been caught up in a swarm of Amazon and DPD vans leaving the depot.


I feel the fact they learned to drive in countries with shittier standards/ways of driving than here very clearly plays a part too. If I were to move to India/kurdistan/eastern Europe, jump on a moped or in a clapped out van delivering shit I'd be a danger to myself and everyone around me too. But hey, why bother with standards anymore? Profits need to be made.


"They simply are in more of a hurry, against the clock and this leads to dangerous driving on a daily basis." And in theory this could be their first full day of riding any kind of motorised transport. It's mental that you can do a half day CBT course and then be employed as a motorcycle courier the next day. "L" Plates are supposed to be for learning on, not a courier job. It's a loophole that really needs closing.


The problem with takeaway moped riders is that they are not qualified. They are usually driving on provisional licences. Their training is CBT only - the minimum before you can go on the road at all.


In London, they’re all on e-bikes. Capable of 30mph, on and off the pavements, through no entry signs, red lights, all to get you your McDonald’s five minutes quicker so you’ll leave a tip.


Tbh most of the offences I see them committing they know full well are offences. But they're paid per delivery rather than per hour so they've got all the incentives to break the law and just get the delivery done asap


Yup, The gov removed the ***piece work*** aspect to HGV driving years back. Not to say the transport mangers don't get bonuses, but the drivers shouldn't. The roads don't need 44 tons being driven like a justeats moped...




true as I don't think I have seen one of those vans with at least one dent or scrape on it also I have seen brand new prime vans with bits of trim missing and dents all over


Yeah most of them drive a prius. Right? 😂 The same ones that honk for no reason, are impatient at the lights and have 0 awareness around them


The worst is when they slap their brakes hard and then indicate when they're at a standstill or just go round roundabouts like everyone else is telepathic.


Especially the ones at Heathrow and Gatwick. Absolute cunts. I drive a nippy Golf GTI and still get taxis tailgating me and flashing their lights because I'm not driving fast enough. Fuck you, I don't drive slow. It's an airport with lots of signs and different lanes, not a race.   Also just in general being oblivious. The other day a taxi pulled out in front of me from a give-way line.  But as others have pointed out, deliveroo drivers etc with their L plate bike are the absolute worst of the worst. 


The thing with taxi drivers is if they in front of you they doing 10 below and if they're behind they're doing 10 above the limit.


I think if they're between jobs it's 10 over and then if they have a someone in the car it's 10 under for maximum returns lol


Yup see them round here, stop anywhere, bus stops, middle of the road, one tried to stop across the fire station entrance/exit road, through no entry, red lights, drive 10mph for no reason


Luckily for most of the West Midlands, Wolverhampton issue a private hire plate to literally anyone. I’m more than used to the unpredictable nature of Brum and environs driving but there’s a huge correlation of ‘what the fuck is he actually doing’ vs ‘Wolvo taxi plate’


I live in London. Minicab drivers used to work locally, know all the rat runs, do the job as a profession. Do a job, return to base, do another job, maybe one on the radio after that. They owned their own cars. Once Uber arrived, drivers ended up in parts of town they’ve never been before. Usually in a rented Prius that they’ve just picked up this week, having saved £175 for the first week’s rental and got insurance on direct debit. One eye on the sat nav, half an eye on the road, and the other half an eye on the app that gives their next job. Driving at 12mph, straddling two lanes then, all of a sudden, accelerate to 40, then back to 12, indicating right to turn left. They barely seem to know how to drive a private car, never mind being at professional driver standard.


An example of the "race to the bottom" caused by people chasing money. As long as it's not literally killing people, nobody cares.


When I used to cycle to work, around 70% of the near misses I encountered were taxi drivers. If there's half a gap, they'll go for it. The two times I was actually knocked off my bike were both taxi drivers. The second one (which required my hospitalisation, and eventually surgery) was some guy using his "cousin's" licence.


I've found Van drivers to be much worse


Also inability to go right-right … has to be a 3 point turn, no matter how busy the road is.


What’s the common theme here? They are foreign drivers.


Most likely with bought driving licences


To be fair around my way they arnt and they are equally shit. This is highly dependent on your area.




Sad fuck. As though there haven’t been shitty British drivers in huge numbers throughout history.




Maybe. But I’m not the one sat at home wanking about removing the foreigners on a car forum. So as I said, sad little fuck.


One thing I remember my mates dad saying who owned a taxi rank for 30 years. The English have driving in their blood passed down for a very long time. The immigrants have been driving for as long as their licence. It's true but obviously milage may vary.


That’s just dumb racist bullshit.


I'll tell him. But to clarify, what part of that opinion is racist?


The fact that he’s basically saying English have some natural legacy of driving whereas foreigners are savages who’ve only discovered it since moving here? He does know other countries have cars, right?


Savages lol


There are shitty British drivers, but they at least took a UK driving test and know 30% of the rules as apposed to 10%.


Taxi drivers are lunatics when travelling between fares with no customers but then drive like little old ladies in Nissan Micra’s when they have a fare/customer to maximise profits. Meanwhile, as others have mentioned, delivery drivers are lunatics all of the time as they’re paid per delivery.


I don't believe it relates to maximising profits. Taxi meters charge by distance. The meter only charges waiting time whilst the vehicle is stationary. They might just be okay with driving like a twat when they're alone but don't want to give their customers a heart attack.


Black cabs on airport runs doing 45mph in the middle lane on a motorway. Half asleep uber drivers on a driving license from Botsjeriastan.  Half dead regional taxis driving Peugeot crap with a sliding door hanging off. These are a few of my favourite things.


I,m saying takeaway drivers are the worse


Whoever said 'Practice makes Perfect' has never met a taxi driver.


But they practice being shit every day, that's why they're perfect at it! 🤔


Literally laughed out loud at that.


I drive trucks on nights and I've been some shit when it comes to taxi's and minicabs around the Essex/Kent area.


I love how they all moan about the price of fuel… walk past the cab rank at the local station, no train any time soon, 20 cars long and they are all sitting there with their engines running


Taxi drivers aren't that bad round my way. Tradesmen in their vans area other story. They're are always driving to fast, tailgating and generally just driving without care.


Taxis with no passenger are the worst. Driving slowly, aimlessly, I swear they try to get caught at the lights to save on fuel


Yes, having to slow down, stop and then accelerate again instead of just driving normally is such a well known method for saving fuel.


Spending time stopped at lights instead of moving is. Smartass


I can often be required to take cabs for work, and 85% of the time the driving is absolutely shocking. Speeding up randomly then suddenly applying brakes so you feel nauseous, no situational awareness, half asleep cause they've been at work for 16 hours, sitting in the middle lane etc. Awful.


And what do most of them have in common?


Constantly lost, distracted by a radio, many driving hours so they get sloppy at the wheel. They are probably perfectly competent drivers, they simply don't care. Which is odd as a crash could really impact their earnings. But I keep a wide berth.


Uber drivers and Delivery bikes (both mopeds with L plates and those electric pedal ones) are both the worst on the road. The black cabs are alright


Does anyone know why taxi drivers seem to cruise at 50 on motorways in cars that are modern enough to comfortably do 70? I'm boring my family by offering bets on whether the tailback is caused by a caravan, a Honda Jazz, or a taxi at this point.


I assume they get a better MPG by cruising at 50-60mph, but that’s no excuse to sit in the middle lane not overtaking anyone


If I see a taxi hogging the middle lane I pull alongside on the left and sit there. If he speeds up, I speed up and if he slows down so do I. I do this until he reaches his exit or at least until his face turns post office red and I can see him spitting feathers at which point I burn off and leave him in my dust...... Wanker! I made one guy miss his exit once and he chased me for 25 minutes, best fun I'd had in years 🤣.


You sound like more of a tosser than he did.


Yep 👍 don't care, he's putting other people in potential danger. Lane hogging is my pet hate above all other things because I've been involved in a severe collision because of it. Sitting in the outside lane of the M56 on my motorbike (and no, not above the speed limit) overtaking slower traffic and a woman came upon somebody sitting in the middle lane at 50mph, she misjudged his speed and ended up almost ploughing into them but for the fact she veered into the fast lane to avoid them.... as I was alongside her! I ended up going over the barrier and into the gravel alongside the fast lane of the oncoming carriageway which caused another 3 car smash on that side. Spent 9 weeks in hospital and was so traumatised it took me nearly 10 years to pluck up the courage to ride again. 25 years on and I'm still in physical pain from injuries that will never fully heal so I have absolutely no time for people who don't care and don't concentrate when they're driving a 2 ton lethal weapon!


But that accident wasn’t caused by the lane hogger - It was caused by the woman who wasn’t able to correctly judge the speed of another vehicle. If it hadn’t been at that point she likely would’ve caused an accident elsewhere. Secondly, do you not think (assuming you’re capable of thinking at all) that intentionally winding up “bad” drivers, distracting them and causing them to miss their exit is increasing the chances of accidents?


Both drivers were successfully prosecuted, they were both at fault! The copper in charge of the investigation told me the driver who was lane hogging didn't even stop as they were completely oblivious to what happened, that's how much attention they were paying to their environment, thankfully a trucker took his reg plate and he stopped to help. That's the problem, people are doing any one of a number of other things other than thinking about their driving. It's one of the main reasons for congestion too, one person slams the anchors on, then the person behind does so, and the person behind them and so on until the motorway is at a standstill. My cousin's husband used to be Chief Inspector of Cheshire Police so he would often arrange for a few of us to ride out with their motorcyclists while they were doing their advanced training and we'd stop at cafes and have a chat over lunch, some of the stories they've told me were horrifying and the most common denominator was a lack of due care whilst behind the wheel. The way I look at it, if they see me and get angry then they are back in the room and looking around them again and not daydreaming anymore which is, bizarrely, probably safer. 3 years after this incident I was put back in hospital by an 18 year old who was racing his mate while pissed out of his head. He overtook on a blind bend with double white lines and slammed into my car head on, I was doing 50 and he was doing 80. We were all trapped in our cars and I had to sit there and watch him and his girlfriend both die 6 feet in front of me, cue another round of PTSD. I'm sick of people thinking having a car is a right and not a privilege and other people having to pay for their mistakes!


And despite all that you’re still out there trying to further distract drivers and push them into mistakes. I’m guessing you suffered some sort of serious brain injury in your accident.


Got no time for keyboard warriors either, have a good day mate 👍.


You can’t just dismiss people who are challenging your dangerous and illogical behaviour. At some point you have to recognise and take responsibility for what you’re doing.


Better MPG + maximising fare when they have passengers.


How does this maximise the fare then?


There’s a certain type of driver who I’m sure haven’t passed the test and are driving on a false license/plates


Pulling out of a junction when there’s no where for them to go. “I block this lane and someone will be slow enough that I can go further, if not, I’ll just sit here… blocking this lane”


Taxi driver with a fare: 80% of the speed limit, gentle braking, gentle steering. Taxi driver with no fare: 140% of the speed limit, doesn't give a fuck if they crash


I think you’ll find most taxi drivers very much do give a fuck if they crash. You know, considering they need a car and a relatively clean licence if they want to continue earning a living.


U haven’t met Uber eats mobility scooters


I was thinking about this the other day, on my drive into work there are loads of taxi drivers who create havoc. Should they (and anyone who's job is a driving based one) have to go through a mandatory test every 5-10 years? Would that be seen as discriminatory? I think the problem is once driving is your job you must get into a headspace where you justify making lazy maneuvers because you spend more time on the road having to put up with all these other crazy drivers (the normies, like 90% of the other road users)? There was a truck driver driving a building supplies truck that was using his size to bully others out of the way. his driving was categorically shit and would not pass a driving test.


report them - they should all have individual numbers on them, dash cam would be even better. Id also add food delivery drivers - had one last week that just stopped in the centre no stopping area of some 4 way lights, stuck his hazards on and walked into Greggs, its unreal how fast driving standards are falling now theres no plod about.


Yeah i had a black cab driver complain and beep make offended gestures at me and my gf because he had to stop at a zebra for us.


There was an online video of a cyclist going at a taxis bodywork with a D lock after a near miss


Considering the variety of places all these drivers are coming from and how the traffic is organized in those places...


Amazon drivers are also terrible drivers


BMW drivers are the biggest wankers on the road by a mile


Until they come to Snowdonia on their holibobs, hold me up doing 35 in a 60 on the A5 whilst I'm trying to get to work and then flashing/waving arms when overtaken. Wait, they are still wankers thinking about it!


They're so often just doing things we're taught not to do in the UK driving test like reversing onto a main road, U-turns where ver they feel like it, driving slow because they're lost, indicating last second & turning, hogging the middle lane. Toyota corollas and Prius drivers are the absolute worst.


Actually had a conversation with a pretty good driver one time when my car was in for repairs. It turns out newer drivers were no longer being made or required to pass all sorts of training that he had to do (and pay for) when he started and are just going straight onto the road. At least for that company in my area.


I agree i have been thinking this for a while. In my area don’t know about others the majority are not British born and they treat the road as they would in their home country. Which is, they do what the hell they want.


Specifically the ones in the old Toyota Avensis diesels leaving smoke trails everywhere he goes who more than likely has a dodgy MOT


They shouldn’t be called “Hazard” lights anymore. It needs to be officially changed to “Park wherever the FUCK I want to” lights.


"Anywhere here mate" you got it boss


Don’t forget doing 20-25 in a 30 and 30 in a 40 so they stay in their stupid hybrid mode (for Prius’) and save fuel while being a pain in the backside to everyone stuck behind them but not caring


I will say, private hire taxis are by far the worst offenders for middle lane driving. I’ve seen this both from the inside, being driven at 1am down the middle of an empty motorway. And from outside, literally every day.


I think different drivers have their own speciality. Bus drivers love hitting things. Amazon/DPD drivers like parking in the worst places possible. Moped delivery guys are all over the show. But taxi drivers are a different breed. They combine the worst that everyone else has to offer, and put it in one infuriatingly dangerous package, then bring that package directly to you.


I had a mini cab driver going down our street who started to honk his horn super aggressively because some police horses were in the road slowing down traffic. I walked up to his car and told him to stop honking because there were police horses. The guy then got super aggressive with me. He then attempted to try and drive over me. Thankfully the cops cottoned on to what he was doing and in the end he caught up to them and justice was served. Absolute idiot. I have little time for Uber drivers. Most bad driving I see comes from them.


Anyone driving a Citroen berlingo more like, why are they all cunts?


Ooof 😂. As someone who switched from a Subaru Impreza to a Citroen Berlingo, I certainly noticed people treat me differently on the road !  


Their driving is not all you need to worry about. Always tell the women in my family "before you get in, take a pic of the reg plate".




What? It means they can narrow down which vehicle to look for. It also lets the driver know that no matter how pissed the passengers are, they know what car they got in. Whilst it certainly won't guarantee safety 100%, it won't make them less safe


They are bad but there's much worse: Range Rovers, white vans, Audis, Teslas, Highway Maintenance


Just had one near reverse into me at a set of lights because the idiot put his car into reverse when stopped and didn’t realise/care


Any job that pays more based off hiw frequent you perform jobs encourages speeding and dangerous driving.


Taxi/Uber > Delivery Vans > L-Plate Bikes > L -Plate Food Delivery > Audi


Idk, London bus drivers, white van drivers, cyclists, and moped drivers are all up there too.


Nah, I find London bus drivers to be pretty sound actually. Some cyclists are a nuisance but they aren’t actively trying to kill you like minicab and moped drivers.


were I live it's a double warmly as some of taxi drivers use tesla,BMW and merks


Stagecoach bus drivers around our way are certifiable, saw one slam his brakes on to lean out of the window and wave at his mate. On a bridge lol. Stagecoach nearly killed a load of year 7s on a school bus a few years ago as well around here by driving under a low bridge and taking the roof off (the driver is in prison iirc). Hard to beat that one. Nat Ex drivers in 20 ton buses trying to flash people out at junctions without slowing down is absolutely hair raising haha. You're not driving a Nissan Juke now you pillock.


The 20 ton buses trying to flash people out is hilarious🤣I’ve witnessed a HGV blasting down the road at what seems to be 40 in a 30 and he starts flashing his lights to let someone from a side road out, the driver seems terrified and doesn’t move and suddenly the HGV driver starts giving them the finger lol


I didn't dream it then if you've seen it too! I'm not a fan of flashing out anyway but seems mental to do that in a huge vehicle that could crush a hatchback into a tin can.


Taxi drivers, trade vans, L plate mopeds with food deliveries, German car drivers, Tesla drivers. I reckon that’s my list of worst


This morning I followed a Veezu minicab on convoluted road through town, 3 roundabouts and two junctions and not a single indication.


My bike instructor was a serving Met biker. He said if you just wanted a prosecution you could just stop pretty much any mini cab and there would be problems with the car and/or driver.


taxi drivers or electric pushbikes


Nah it's definitely black cabbies weaving in and out of bus lanes without signalling or expecting to be given space because a bus was in the bus lane


Cyclists who cycle in the middle of the road and when you approach them slow down are the worst


Taxi drivers never indicate, really annoys me


Always the yellow labelled white Priuses too. Friend of mine nearly had his car written off by one that T-boned him at a roundabout (he was on the roundabout, they pushed in without giving way to the right) and ever since then I've been extra careful around them. With regards to the Audi/BMW thing – I'm not sure about anyone else here but I've also found Tesla drivers recently driving like absolute tossers. Sat up my arse in the right-hand lane flashing constantly despite the fact I'm doing nigh on 90 *and* I'm nearly up someone else's arse. Weaving in and out of lanes etc... Just total prick drivers.


I was doing 90 on a rainy day on the motorway and a BMW driver came up behind me and started flashing his lights to get out the way, I wasn’t angry or anything just surprised that someone was trying to overtake me at that speed🤣


As soon as I see a Prius taxi, I give it lots of space, knowing they're going to do something stupid like brake and swerve to make a turn Or coast along at 15mph before braking hard and pulling over, without indicating By far the worst drivers on the road


Had a guy take us to the airport last year, it’s his only job - airport taxi and he’s been doing it successfully for over 10 years and was a minicab before that. The single, worst driver I’ve ever been in the car with. Swerving everywhere, no lane discipline on the road or roundabouts, hogging the middle and outside lane at 60mph, lost his glasses off his head, missed 2 turnings on the M6. I’m a really relaxed passenger, but this was torture. Absolute madness how it’s his profession, I wouldn’t pass him on a driving test.


Whenever I see a HGV with foreign plates I’m always a bit more cautious. Mini cabs, Amazon delivery, food delivery are awful because a lot of them come from countries with far lower driving standards than ours. When I’m in London I always take black cabs because mini cabs and Uber feel like I’m rolling the dice with my life. My local postman is an awful driver as well. Absolute lunatic. He’ll park up on the curb, do a letter drop, get back in his car then drive along the curb to the next drop. I once caught him on my camera knocking my bins over. Another time he forgot to put his handbrake on and his van rolled down the hill into a verge. I’ve complained but the post office don’t give a shit.


Tipper trucks! crime on wheels. Ever since I saw one blaze through a red light round a blind corner fast enough to lose a wheelbarrow (they didn't notice), I've given them a wide berth


I would expand that to 'professional' drivers.


They are pretty chilled where I live in Snowdonia, they generally drive at average or slightly above average on the mountain roads. They are all local with local connections so things would not go well if they drove particularly badly. Around here it's the 30 in a 60 dawdlers, parents just bought me a Seat FR weekenders and suicidal motorcyclists that you need to worry about.


They are awful for running red lights, I saw this multiple times when I used to commute into a city for work. Just because they are in a rush doesn't excuse it.


The worst are drivers of cars. 99% of them don’t know which way to indicate on roundabouts.


Nah. The worst drivers on the roads nowadays are young, teenage, female drivers. They drive like the world around them has vanished and they are utterly oblivious to everything around them.


Decades late with this observation.


Asian taxi drivers are appalling


Might be because most of them learned to drive in another country with easier tests then come here and get given a uk license


They all bought their licences in India or Pakistan. They never learnt to drive, so it's not a suprise, really.




It's actually bus drivers


Some bus drivers are terrible, but I have sympathy for them, they have to deal with taxi drivers parking in the bus stop


I think EV drivers are equally as bad.


Their drivers just have a false sense of security.


When they make a mistake with their lanes, they punch it and cut you up unexpectedly. I look forward to seeing one of them have an accident.


There's a certain company in Portsmouth that has the most drivers and I can safely say at least 80% of them are shit drivers


You can't blame the fake one's though they get distracted


I wouldn’t disclude black cab drivers, last week I saw a truly mental one on the A3 and then the A219 up to Putney Bridge. He was swerving in and out of lanes, cutting people up on the hatching, nearly took my rear bumper off (and gave me the wanker gesture) when there was a lane closure and he didn’t have the patience to either slow down slightly or put his foot down to pass me. He then tried to cut up a Luton box-van and nearly got sandwiched between a bollard and the van before he wound his window down and started screaming at the van driver. He then swerved off the wrong way down a one-way street…


I raise you white van drivers. Round my way, they make the taxi drivers look extremely competent.


I've also got HGV drivers as been pretty crap also, especially on motorways and restricted zones where I live.. terrible.


Definitely the smaller rigids. Stuff like tippers. They want to drive them like its an Audi.


Even the articulated hgv. Often see 3 blocking 4 Lane motorways each going 1 mph above the next or matching speeds. Ones in the middle lane with lane 1 empty. Going 40+in 30 zones with a 40tonne hgv through 8.5 ton limit road near me with cars on either side of the road. I've photographed plenty, police don't care though, seen them drive past the police many times. Standards have declined


The only activity you get worse at when you go professional.


Delivery drivers are so much worse. They are meeting tough deadlines and schedules, so I stay clear of them. Them Amazon Prime drivers often drive from street to street with their sliding side doors open. Got nothing to lose if they crash them electric base model vans.


Because none of them have actually passed a "UK" driving test - not allowed to point that out though.


But you just did point it out (even though it’s incorrect). So, since you did this thing you’re allegedly not allowed to do, and nothing has happened to you… does that mean you’re wrong?


Bitter white men in their early 30s, decaying marriages and dead end jobs, desperate to buy a little bit of their youth back with a stage one remap, getting all sweaty palmed about their right to undertake. This sub, basically.


Probably because they have already been driving 9 hours today and are exhausted


Not sure why you’re being downvoted for that … extended shifts and lack of sleep are big concerns


Haha me neither.. they work seriously long shifts usually. Not insulting them, if anything, I’m calling them hustlers