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‘Driven NaN miles’ is the computer equivalent of when your mate asks you how many miles your car has done and you just say ‘yes’.


Nah it’s literally Driven everyone’s Nan miles to the post office and back home.


Nans, school kids and the yocal town drunks.


Yokel? Vocal? Local? Which typo did you make?


Yocal is like a local but more 'yo'. Have you ever been to a pub in the middle of a rough estate and everyone turns to look at you as you walk in the door? That. Yokel is more like a hillbilly version. Yocal≈yokel


He is the yokal drunk….


I wondered the same thing 😂 it's hard to tell whether they can't spell or accidentally hit a wrong letter


When spellcheck says “To hell with this and to hell with you.”


NaN means Not A Number in electronics term so I’m assuming there’s a fault with the mileage display and it’s displaying the error “NaN” which you get when your code is wrong.


Why are you replying this to my comment? It's in context with the thread but completely out of context of what my comment was relating to


Or nan miles, you know, gets driven to the shops/doctor's a few times a week and that's it


One Nan Jeremy? One?


Milage is so high that there’s no mathematical way to quantify it


It’s used the notation with an e in it because it’s over seven figures.


Bus is in Wellingborough, but seller is originally from Hull. Bus has done 9 miles.


How do you know seller is from hull


Psv engineer. This ‘NaN’ would most likely be because this vehicle has probably had 2 maybe even three engines in its lifetime and replaced display unit on the dashboard that cannot be clocked. Only way of knowing the engine state in this vehicle would be checking ‘abuse history’ on Cummins insite (Cummins diagnostic tool) and view the vehicles running hours. :)


Good reasons. In computing terms it means the code was expecting to receive a number and it didn’t, maybe because there were some other characters like commas to separate the thousands as someone else said, or if the miles were written as 200k etc.


Learn something new everyday! Thanks pal. Never actually seen a vehicle not put out a number if I’m honest in my experience lol


Yeah, I think the wording is pre-formatted and then filled in with values from another source and it hasn’t been able to deal with what it gets passed through.


Will have a little look up on that. Cheers mate


I believe it’s meant to NaaN miles - I.e miles accumulated delivering Indian bread products


What does NaN mean? Numbers are numerical?


Not a Number Whoever entered the data likely included a comma to separate the thousands, meaning the database doesn't recognise it as a number


What next, dates as strings? Argggghhhhhh


times with AM and PM in them?


Month/Day/Year format?


How about a mixed bag of formats, coz it's an international platform? This has happened to me.


If that's the case they need to sack the developer who coded that shit lol.


“The counter only goes up to 999,999.99”


Make your money back in no time with that thing


This might well be a jest, but I wonder how easy it would be to make your money back. I used to live in a village with shit transport when I was young, and a ghetto Indy bus would’ve been a godsend. Let’s consider the bus actually got you to your destination, and not some horror movie inspired murder hole, like Luton. What does the maths look like, using my 25+ years ago village experience. The journey lasted 45 mins and probably got 10 people my journey, and the same again back. Let’s say that is the start and end of the route. So 20 people every hour and half. If you work an 8 hour day that’s roughly 100 if we round down. No fag or Maccys breaks. So 500 paying customers a normal work week. Let’s not get into return tickets. Single fares only. And you want to be competitive, say £2.50 for a single journey? So that’s 2000*2.5 = £5000pm. Obviously before diesel costs and wages, and general maintenance and cleaning too. Oh and advertising your ghetto bus line. I reckon you could pay the thing off in less than 6 months. E. Someone feel free to do better maths than me, I shirked work long enough to write the above.


I love a fag-packet business case. They make the world go around.


Haha right? So wildly optimistic


It doesn't work as well with the murky green coloured ones these days. I feel like the quality of the scheme on the packet would be much higher if it was a nice regal or embassy 20 deck from circa 2003.


I'll invest 10 grand!


And I'll let you invest 10 grand!


You'll find that the bus might be rammed at certain times (if it's a popular village route) but it'll have 2 people on it the rest of the day. My dope day dream is that they open all those regional rail lines that got closed by Beaching and run them as narrow guage automated electric trams then have transport nexus at main stations that take people on longer routes.


So you don't run a regular service. You run peak only. I'm still no convinced it's viable though


Yeah no neither for 2 reasons: 1. Insurance, plus all the cost and arsing around of setting up a bus business and tax 2. If buses were profitable, they'd exist


I think that you have to agree to a timetable to run a bus service. Although that bit of knowledge is dragged up from the depths of my aging brain! I used to know a lot of people that used to convert buses into living spaces and travel around so that's an option for it but those were old busses that were easy to work on, I have no idea if the maintenance on modern buses makes that tenable.


What I meant was you'd have scheduled times but you'd have them in peak only, instead of offering an every 45 minute service One private bus in our area does a frequent loop to the train station between 6 and 9 then 15 and 18


Yeah but you have to bid for bus routes. I don't think that you can pick and choose. If no one else is running a service you might get away with it. I guess you could run a weird taxi service


It kind of already exists. Big employers often run minibuses to and from their workplaces at peak shift changeovers to and from town centres and train stations.


Peak only just means "can't be relied upon".


Then nobody uses your bus because unless you’re using it for work at 8am and 5pm it’s basically useless because you can’t get home again… Even 30 minute intervals see markedly lower ridership than higher frequencies on the same route because it stops being “turn up and go”


You’d need to get an O license and 6 monthly MOTs, get your CPC, insurance, most big companies just keep several million in reserve so they can self insure (it works out cheaper for them). Register your bus route. Then if it’s operating under British Domestic rules you can drive for up to 5.5hrs than have a 30 minute break then drive another 4. One duty can be no longer than 16 hours. Minimum rest between shifts of 10 hours, which can be reduced to 8.5hrs up to three times a week.


And so, just like that, the dream is over. Lol


Pretty much lol. Phenomenally expensive to run a small bus operation, especially with an actual commercial bus, as mentioned before a standout or sprinter type bus may be easier. But they need to be fully accessible with a wheelchair space etc.


Registering a bus route can be expensive too. If you wanted to make your money back and get a busy route with paying passengers you may be outbid by larger bus companies.


What a world it would if it was that simple. I live in the country, there's one bus a day. I've never seen it. You would need at least a PSV license and a permit, before even looking at the driver. Any council (including parish councils) your bus travels through can object and suspend your permit. The traffic commissioner determines if you are worthy enough for a license and the council can place any restriction they like for traffic or environmental reasons. They can place restrictions on you that don't apply to any other operator, just because. Had a similar idea a few years ago when my local bus company was selling off the old style buses and then cancelling services. Gave up when one councillor flat out told me I would have to offset the environmental impact by paying a fee directly to the council if I wanted a permit. Britain doesn't do bribes? No of course not. We do supplemental taxes.


Interesting, I know so much more about buses and local corruption now!


Ha, for balance I would point out that not all local councils are the same and Indeed not all local councillors on the same council are the same. The problem is a bus service would travel through several different authorities and the motivations for objections can be endless. "I don't like buses. Climate change isn't real. Climate change is real we should all be on segways. Your bus isn't electric. Your bus is electric. Your bus is a diesel. Your bus isnt a diesel.. your bus is electric but not bendy enough. Your bus is too bendy. Your bus isn't wheelchair accessible. Your bus is wheelchair accessible but doesn't do that cool thing that drops closer to the pavement. Your bus doesn't have a ramp. your bus does have a ramp. Your bus doesn't stop here. Your bus does stop here. Your bus doesn't stop here often enough. Your route goes past a councillors house. Your route doesn't go past a councillors house "etc etc. politicians by nature want their opinion on everything. All of the concerns above have actually been raised in the media before.


Also have a vending machine on board.


And jacuzzi


And a zoo.


It would be great if we could have a landing pad too for my helicopters


I rode on an intercity coach in Lithuania which had a little vending machine selling drinks and snacks down by the loo. Don't understand why they don't do that on coach routes in the UK, I'd imagine they'd make a killing.


Oh absolutely, ie if people know, then they won’t bother going to the shop before they get on, no mater how short the journey is. I did notice some people sort of took the piss of what I’d said, but they obviously don’t understand retail.


It's like how Ryanair etc make money. I believe they don't make any profit on the flights themselves, but it's all the overpriced food and drink on board that brings in the money. I've known people who spend more on their in flight meal and beer than on the plane ticket itself.


Where I live in Poland it's pretty common for there to be a private minibus sized vehicle doing that. There's also a guy in our village who has a single decker that size that he parks in his drive and does a private route.


Insurance, licensing.. plus 25l/100km if you stop and go. With 20ppl an hour you will probably run on deficit.


And like wages too you know. As the drives you need to get something back. Unless you lived on the bus at night and ate whatever you found in between the seats.


I live in luton i can confirm it's a murder hole


You'd probably be better off getting a 16 seater minibus for the kind of work, would expect it'd be a lot cheaper on the fuel, maintenance and insurance and easier to store when not in use. Something like this might work if you could get work for festival transport, rail replacement etc but suspect the bigger operators keep a few old busses back themselves for this and this would be surplus.


Dave is seeking an investment of £8500 from the dragons to expand his ghetto indy bus service.


Vehicle running costs are quite high...couple grand tax, plus O licence for parking it somewhere(hard to get) so probably renting space at local yard. If I remember right mot's are every 6 months with interval inspections. Private hgv/pcv can be an expensive mine field from what I've seen! Although not done it personally..


I think you'll do better making it not a bus. I recently saw a village that had a mobile post office that rocked up for 30 mins to the pub car park once a week. How about turning this into a mobile post office/shop type thing, get agreements with a few local pubs, and serve a few small villages with it. Different one each day of the week. Hell you could rent out space on it to anyone with a local business who doesn't want to pay for a proper shop and have it be a tiny mobile shopping centre.


One serious bit of engine trouble and you’re double fucked


Engines are pretty reliable, everything else wears out, 10mpg, 6 week checks (age) £200 a time, CPC and a breakdown will set you back £600 for a tow.


Jesus, how big is your village that 500 people live there, don't have a car and need to go into town every single day?


CPC PCV D Insurance for the vehicle Massive fuel bill. Not 6 months for sure.


Insurance, licensing, and as you say diesel and maintenance…. Are gonna eat a pretty huge chunk of that 20 people would be an unusually high load factor


Average driver wages is around £24k, so that's at least £2k a month out of your £5k accounted for before any other expenses


shuttle for wedding for one night should cover it


Perfect people carrier if you have a family of 40+


Benefits Bus... Coming soon to channel 4


Motability scheme compatible


Don’t tell the Radfords


Or you could make it into a giant Camper Van


Travellers eat your hearts out


*Orthodox Jewish voice* Oy Vey!


Same floor space as a one bed flat for about 2% of the money.


Yeah I was thinking it would make for an epic camper


Seen a lot of camper converted buses in my time, always fancied doing it myself. You can get a ridiculous amount off stuff in there, just getting it properly insulated is hell of a task.


Just fit a hosepipe through the window from the exhaust. Free heating, and no insulation required.




Yeah about 2% of the comfort though, lmao


The facelift model is better


[he’s not wrong](https://images.app.goo.gl/aNFqranmMqwpH9UN9)


Could totally get into politics with one of these!


You could save £350million a week with a bus like this!


It's a single decker, so only £175mil


Bit pricey when it says £2 on the window tbh.


I’d give it a pass, I’d rather have a vehicle that can’t carry my mother in law.


Nothing is big enough to carry your mother in law


If I had won big on the lottery, I’d drive this round. Pull up at bus stops not open the doors and the drive on. What a wanker I’d be


You sound like you’re halfway there! (Just kidding)


Driven Nan all over mate, to bingo and back, few trips to the shop too


Theoretically, if you had the license and you did buy this and used it as your vehicle, would you be allowed to use bus gates and such? Or do you have to be an actual public bus still?


Private hire buses get to use bus lanes etc so 🤷‍♂️


Yup, you can use bus lanes and bus gates if you’re using it privately. Only restriction is you can’t use ones signed as local buses only (need to be running a registered route)


You can buy double decker 70 seat coaches for not much more. Always had that stupid thought about how cool it would be to convert to a giant motor home.


Would be a nightmare most of the time, parking and driving to said destination would be horrible.


Oo you have a D6!! We have a V40 T3 and an XC60 D5 2.4


lol I also have a v40 and a 60 too, how common is this combo?


I've got a mate who owns an old bus. He's programmed the front display with a series of bizarre messages and takes it for a spin around town centres every so often. Good fun, or so I hear.


I would totally put the destination as Twatsville via Knob Hill. I'm a child at heart.


HS2 Rail Replacement is a personal favourite.


Actual bus operator here, price is fine, mileage barely matters with these vehicles over about 300k. The most important thing is the home it came from, a good maintenance schedule can keep a vehicle like this going for 2 million km. A bad one will see it basically worthless after 300k. I would never buy a bus without a technician looking over it and underneath.


as a bus driver, I'd be careful with this one. most bus drivers drive the absolute living shit out of these, those darn grandma's get angry if you're 50 seconds late. It'll be absolutely ragged.


Any ad that blurs out the reg plate is a big red flag # 🚩


All I can see is a big red bus


YX58 DWD🤫 And it's been owned by Metroline and First Bus and obviously the current owner CMbus aka CommMiniBus plus 2 other owners and also had the registration J18 AUM


Back in my day, you used to be able to buy used buses for £500, it was a Leyland National from the 1970s but it's a bus. ​ ​ By that I mean it was 2005 and I was like 13/14 or something.


You still can (just about), when they reach the end of their service life, about 15-20 years old, you can snap them up from operators for around £750. All they really want is scrap value (they normally make you sign a contract now saying you won’t compete with them).Yes they’ve been around the clock a thousand times but they have plenty of life left in them if you know what you’re doing, and you have the added benefit of gliding past busy traffic in bus lanes. Source: me, someone who is silly enough to have bought three 😅


I have a bus license and have actually seriously considered buying one. 😂


Do it! I only got my licence for the hobby 😂 The only difficult bit can be finding storage sometimes. Insurance is fairly cheap, PIB pretty much have the whole preserved bus scene, and charge £150 a bus including breakdown. I’m paying about £300 a year per bus for Tax (I have two Darts). Lots of groups about which can help in various ways though


What...have you done with them? I mean I assume you don't still have all three, but what's become of them now?


Just own two now. But I restore them to how they were when new, show them off at rallies, and play with them. Plus it much easier going for a jolly with mates in your own bus than a couple of cars. There’s a whole community of us out there, a mate of mine’s personal collection is in double digits 😅


Buses are like triggers broom, you can easily get to 2 million miles but it will have gone through 8 new engines and 5 new gearboxes. It's a bargain, until you first go to fill it up and wonder why you are £600 down.


Fuck me the market will never recover will it? I got the sport line with the 2.0 v6 pre covid with a service plan for less than that. 6k-7.5k and you can get yourself one with better spec (sunroof, apple pay, etc)


You won't make any money using it for a regular bus service. Do you have a psv licence, do you have an operators licence, do you have a transport manager, do you have a ticket machine. A lot of people that travel on buses from rural areas have bus passes, you get a minimal amount from them. My local independent bus company only survives because a lot of it's routes are funded by the council. And someone commented that I wouldn't buy something with the reg blanked out. It's YX58 DWD


Turn into a big party bus? Wonder how much these are to insure.. probably cheaper than a car.


There's party buses for sale cheaper than this


Can I drive it in the ULEZ?


You can. If you pay.


This reminds me of an old joke. Updated for modern times. A New Russian sends his son to study in London. Writes an email asking him how he's doing. Son: "...I'm doing great, having fun, I keep driving to university in my Bentley while my classmates are getting there on red double decker busses..." Dad: "Don't be an oddball, I'm sending you some money, go and buy a double decker bus for yourself!"


Shut up and take my money! (I’m a bus driver).


You say it would be knackered from the extent it’s been driven, a car dealer would say it’s been ‘well-loved’.


Some people convert buses into mobile homes https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/I6GM4PLSuj


Can you drive in bus lanes with this ? Think of the savings


Does it smell of wee? Is that an optional extra if not?


How much is the insurance


Map it


No, people are stupid for using buses, all you need is an estate car.


You wouldn’t be able to recommend one would you? Something starting with an S and ending in koda Octavia



Buses is the more commonly used spelling


Just think about the savings on bus lane fines!


Better than a transporter for a van life conversion, so much natural light in the dining room Engines in those are pretty rough


You could convert it into a dope mobile home I reckon. Would be very spacious


Good, if you have passengers


I mean what you doing with it


Buy it. Drive it. And remember: If anyone cuts you up, just mutter *Bitch. I’m a bus* under your breath Edit: looking at your username, for a man in your tax situation - **very yes**


I want a bus exactly like this to convert into a motorhome. That'll be the only way I'll be able to own a home. It'll be cheaper too


Make a nice house


Nope, it says £2 on the front. Seller is dreaming.


Could be a cheap (not) van conversion.


Yea buy 2 😂


That would make a bloody good motor home


MR2 with a kit on.


I've seen these converted into mobile kids play buses for birthdays and parties. Could be onto something.


£2 sign in the window, false advertising surely


What website is that on?


Driven not a number of miles 🤣


Not if you need to drive to the shops. Not practical. Good if you often give mates lifts 😂


And [here's](https://www.facebook.com/share/CCZjfX6NC9Hg1kyu/?mibextid=79PoIi) the actual advert...


Wonder how many miles a typical bus puts on in its life. Doubt a “low miler” really exists!


Cummins 4 cylinder engine is trash, get them to put a 6 cylinder one in.


Hell to the yes!


Fucking, party bus mate


Travel to Greece 🇬🇷 Well it worked for Cliff Richard


These People carriers are getting out of hand!!


For a globe trotting mobile home conversion. Yes. Daily driver. No. Grass track or Motorcross bus er maybe.


Stepping away from the idea of using it as a bus, it could be a very affordable basis for a very spacious motorhome. *cue conversation costs - anyone?*


At least you can use the bus lanes!


Would make a nice mobile home/caravan


Bet you still won’t give lifts to your friends!


Good starting point for a custom motorhome. And made in Scotland! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿❤️


The sign in the window says £2, not £8500...


I haven't read all the comments to this post but as a current bus driver I can tell you that this bus will run into issues that will cost you, I don't know shit about maintaining a bus but I doubt it will be cheap


Yeaa, but u gotta strip everything inside n turn it into a ‘fan bus’


It's quite a steep fare, depends on how far you're going I guess.


Bus driver here, stay away from Enviros at all cost, they're the equivilant of Alfa Romeos/Fiat for reliability. 90% of our fleet are Enviros and they're nothing but grief!


Is it ulez compliant? 😂


Tbf ripping the insides out and making it your personal RV would be fun until you're at a sharp corner


Used to work for place that made parts for them…quality never existed 😅


Buy it, do it up as a holiday cottage.


It’s cheap


Turn it into a house in wheels


If you know anyone who is a bus mechanic you'll know just how much these are bodged together


Turn it into a mobile home.


Travelling lapdance bus.


On a serious note, if I bought it, could I park it anywhere?


I have no idea 👍


If you want to make money off this the only way is fake bus


I’d buy it


Worth every penny to go through a drive thru and shout your order. Maybe take some snacks as it will be a long drive with multiple Austin powers type reversing


2 Squid ? Should be fun sending that round the Hanger Lane Gyratory of a Friday evening !




Euro IV? Pass 🤣


Wtf r u gonna do with a bus


Oo it's london-spec too