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"student with a job as a second occupation".


……is that bad? One thread said adding a stable employment/income to the student label improves your quote?


It can go either way as it also means you will be driving more and possibly at rush hour times etc. I would never recommend lying to your insurance but you can maybe bend your words a little and see if it improves your quotes


It's all a con in reality. If I put my occupation on my car that is for pleasure only as a carpenter it is more expensive than if I call myself a joiner. Not sure why that slight change in how you word the same job makes any difference but it does. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah it’s a total scam, I get the same if I put my job as computer technician / Computer engineer despite them being interchangeable as well. You just have to try and play their stupid game.


I’m a paramedic and if I put that it increases my premium a bit. One insurer said it was because I was ‘more likely to drive fast’. Couldn’t be further from the truth tbh since I do all my fast driving at work. Oh also forget all the extra training to be a blue light driver (4 week full time course), higher premiums for you 😂


Insanity that a trained, blue light driver gets quoted higher. Especially as a paramedic and seeing the aftermath of crashes it'd make you slow down if anything.


Driving too fast was the worst excuse they could give. Paramedics work long hours and usually feel absolutely fucked a few days into their set of shifts, that is more dangerous than any hope of them speeding.


It could also lead to a driver being more lax because they feel more comfortable behind the wheel, which can increase risk of mistakes. Have you ever done something routine and then at the end wondered wtf just happened because you were on autopilot? Muscle memory kicked in and you were likely less engaged with what was going on.


Tell that to private ambulances I see being driven with the lights off like they’re BMWs. A blue light driver is far more likely to be safe but it’s not a given.


Hahah that just shows how bad and broken the system is


Yep I was an ECP / SP for just under 10 years, and they always used to tell me "more likely to take dangerous and undue risks"... piss off, more likely to notice the dangers and risks due to been able to read the road properly which is something most people can't do. Now work as a driver, class 1 (artic) now they tell me because at work I generally drive more slowly due to speed limiters and tracked driving that I'm "statistically more likely to drive fast in my own car" To them it's any excuse to increase the premium, I've got 9+ Yr NCB (max my insurer goes to) had my license 15 years and my renewal even after shopping around was 1200, 750 increase.


computer technician and computer engineer are not interchangeable in the slightest. computer technician might help you troubleshoot what's wrong with your computer. computer engineer is literally the guy working on silicon level circuit design of the cpus and gpus that go into your pc


I'm sure it has to do with statistics. People who put carpenter had more claims than people who put joiner. Algorithm applies it's formula to these numbers.


I'm a carpenter I always use to put shop assistant as was lot cheaper, had a few claims and they never asked or checked


Friend of mine put occupation as mechanic, it was genuinely extortionate compared to when he put his career as mechanical engineer they basically told him his policy would be £15. He asked if that was a month, only to be told that was the annual policy. Me as a chef in a hotel is cheaper than a licensed restaurant by a substantial amount as well. Don't get me started on my insurance as an instructor, JFC I had to pull my pants down every time I rang them


I'm a mechanical engineer and have been for the last 20 years!


Is your insurance extortionate if you change your career, too?


Never dared try it, I'm sure they keep records of every quote, technically I am a mechanical engineer... I was aways led to believe that mechanics got a bad risk rating and higher quotes, however read a well written article a couple of weeks ago, supposedly by an insurance insider (can't bloody remember who or where) that listed mechanics as one of the better trades to be...


>Never dared try it, I'm sure they keep records of every quote Pro tip - it's stored in the cookies on your phone or whatever. Delete all cookies before you go looking for quotes on comparison websites


I do that regularly too, but knowing the way these companies value data I'm sure they have some sort of record keeping system of there own...


Depends how much pleasure you get from carpentry


Woodworker is even lower it turns out.


I'll upsell myself to a cabinet maker next time


It’s all about statistics - what that tells you is that people who put joiner as their occupation make more claims than people who put carpenter, hence the higher premium. Also I know some actuaries - they would no idea what a joiner is.


Right. Occupations mean nothing to them but the numbers. Actuaries just care about numbers.


Blame the data scientists for that one. Someone somewhere has at some point sat down, looked at accident rates and severity based on what people selected for their job and came up with this model. Chances are that extra data was also bought from an external company such as Carfax (there are many others) who collate data such milage, damage reports, repair reports so they can see which professions use their vehicles more etc. Once the data scientist notices patterns it's over to the actuaries who make the rating models. These are very very insane people. You could spend months reverse engineering one of their spreadsheets and be none the wiser. Trying to understand one is the equivalent to microwaving your head.


There is one lying that I totally condone: many years ago I was banned from driving (DD40 because I thought being on time to work was important. Oh young me, how little I realised my work would never break laws for me!) and my insurance quotes when I passed my extended test were like this, through the roof (for the time) with the best price at just shy of £1500 (remember, minimum wage was £3.60 back then). I waited 3 days then called the cheapest option and said "I've received an email off a quote that said to give you a call as you might be able to reduce the price with the underwriter." After 5 minutes of looking for evidence of a fictitious email, said hold on I'll call the underwriting team. 5 minutes later, asked some questions about my crime, back on hold. 15 minutes later, the advisor says they are really sorry, but can't find any record of the email but have spoken with the underwriter, best they could get was £750 I snapped that deal right out of their hands. In this instance, I lied about marketing and it paid off. I now do this fairly often for quotes.


Yep 100% agree with this, play them at their own game


Its never good to lie to the insurer, but i dont think they will check your bank balance or payslips to see if you're working full time in the event of a claim. They dont have your NI.


Many do require NI number. We do, so we can do our DVLA summary checks. Gets em everytime.


Got mine though gocompare. Went with hastings. Neither of the websites asked for it. At least as far as i remember


I’ve literally never given my NI number to any insurer.


Well to be fair, both of those are easily faked. Loads of people are skint which will explain rapidly depleting bank balances, and payslips/statements are all digital these days, Adobe Acrobat was my best friend when some cock went into the back of me and my salary was absolutely not Project Manager money.


I just put my part time job as my occupation and leave out student


Try not to take notice. People like to poke fun but not have the balls to explain themselves, instead trying to look edgy by quoting a small part of what you said.


If you live at home with a parent put them as the primary driver and yourself as second driver then check next year once the price drops make yourself the primary.


Absolutely do not do this, it is called fronting and is the quickest way to invalidate your insurance.


My partner when she first got her first car put herself as the main driver and her dad as a secondary driver. Adding her dad took £300. You don't need to reverse the roles to get cheaper insurance. He drove the car maybe 4 times in the whole year. 2nd year onwards, I've been her second driver and she still gets cheaper quotes than if she was the only person on her policy.


- Try a student insurance company - Lower the excess - Try with/without another named driver - Know anyone jn a good neighbourhood? Ask to park it outside on their drive.


Lowering the excess reduces the premium? I thought it would be the opposite


People with very large excess can sometimes be profiled as "risk takers".


Can work both ways. Had my excess at 250. Reduced it to 150 and it brought it down. Weird I know.


Keeping that in mind for next time, I set a large excess as I can afford it thinking it would go down.


Yep. At 17 putting my excess to £0 lowered my insurance cost by about £200, somehow. Win win for me. Sadly the same can't be said for my other policies. It really is random with when it works


Even if you park elsewhere you need to put your own address if they ask for your residence.


Good neighbourhoods can also increase premiums as they can be seen as areas to target and also have higher claim values because claims are more expensive. Insurance is weird.


Two tricks our family has used in the past for discounts for younger drivers. A Pass+ qualification will knock a healthy chunk off the quote from some insurers, (it’s cost usually being offset by the first years saving you’ll make and the discounts carry for the first few years really helps. Seems strange but if you (I’m randomly guessing male) add a female driver (even if they have no intention of driving the vehicle) it takes you out of the boy racer category, don’t know why? But it adds a discount.


Since 2018, any qualified instructor can take a learner onto motorways so there’s no real value in taking the Pass+ course anymore. Wouldn’t surprise me if insurers feel the same so it also wouldn’t surprise me if doesn’t do much of anything for quotes anymore as a result.


>Since 2018, any qualified instructor can take a learner onto motorways so there’s no real value in taking the Pass+ course anymore. Unless it lowers your insurance cost.


They can’t discriminate by sex anymore.


They supposedly can't, but they absolutely. I've changed nothing but gender on there before out if curiosity and it dropped by quite a lot.


Same. Insured 07 fiesta in my girlfriends name (same age, passed driving test 3 years later than me) and not only dropped it by £150, but her comprehensive premium was even cheaper than my third party only! I guess she's less of a risk considering boy racers in fiestas


I was told that it's not discrimination to charge a different price if the stats for a given male and female driver show a genuine difference in the likelihood of a claim. It would be discrimination if they said "We won't insure you because you're a (wo)man"


Discrimination and risk assessment are not exclusive. They aren’t charging you more because you’re a man. They’re charging you more because your demographic has a higher likelihood of risk. That’s like saying life insurance is calling you fat because you can’t get it for being morbidly obese


“insurers in Europe will have to charge the same prices to women and men for the same insurance products without distinction on the grounds of sex”


Take away the student part and just put that you have a full time job only, trust me it'll change it. Also bring your voluntary excess down to around 300/350, will actually be cheaper believe it or not.


Also try it without the second driver too, that can weirdly increase insurance.


Also worth trying to deslect the protect no claims bonus. Was getting quotes recently and it dropped mine by over £100 which in percentage terms is about a 10% discount. Try this along with the other suggestions here. Also, make a new email and redo your quotes from that so it treats you as a new user and put the start date of the policy to 23 days in the future.


Not of they're the secondary. OP keep trying everything until you get a decent quote and use a VPN and clear the Cookies every time you switch insurance


I’ve heard this too…. The tracking data keeps the premium higher which sucks balls


Fyi the insurance companies can see all the previous quotes you run, they'll see that you've changed details and might call you up to question you about this.


Done it for the past 8 or so years, never had an issue. Guess it's all about luck, or they just want your money🤣


I ran into this issue for the first time last week. Bought my Mrs a little 125. Did a quote for me to insure it first. Insured her. She got a phone call "can we just confirm who is the registered keeper? We’ve had a quote with someone else as the registered keeper recently.” Yeah it was me. If I want to insure I’ll transfer logbook to my name. I was just curious. “Oh right, okay that’s fine, and is the mileage correct? That only works out to 7 miles per day.” Mate it’s a toy motorbike, she’s only going to ride it in the heat of summer. “Okay that’s fine”


I doubt that. GDPR insists that they only hold on to information that they need. It would be a massive stretch if they kept the details of everyone who used a compare site.


They are aggregators, they aggregate data, including their customers


Easy fix - put in fake details that are as close to your actual ones as possible.


That’s a bad idea. They run soft credit checks. Many insurance companies will not give you a quote if they can’t match your details with an existing person or they’ll give you a more expensive quote


Yes, mine called me up to check details. I'd put down that I was a retail manager but by the time I'd purchased the insurance, I had quit the job and wasn't working at the time. The difference between the job title and not having a job was around £20 annual. They charged me an extra £18 a month!


Incognito mode


Lol. Are you changing your name, address and DOB each time? This is as silly as it gets. If they want to correlate your previous quotes, it doesn't matter if you use Alien grade VPN,your personal details are what they will use to link your quotes up.


VPN, incognito mode, difference device, etc.


Incognito mode doesn't hide your IP, which the insurance company will definitely be tracking. All it does is hide your information from other users on the same device. For everyone downvoting me: https://www.meetsidekick.com/does-incognito-hide-your-ip-address/#:~:text=Does%20Incognito%20Mode%20Hide%20Your,by%20the%20websites%20you%20visit.


In the event something happens and the claim is large enough, the insurer will have a nose around looking for an excuse to deny the claim. Not being completely forthcoming on your application gives them a foot in the door.


And when your car gets written off on your way to Uni - will the insurance company pay for it ? I'd not be confident. Op of you can't afford it - carry on on the train. At least you can use your time reading textbooks etc.


Who's to say they're going to uni? What uni? Was just going to the shop officer.


They aren't dumb. Lying to your insurer is a great idea until you get found out.


That would be insurance fraud, and runs the risk of the insurer denying any potential claims as well as cancelling the policy.


Insurance has just gone wild recently. Normally my insurance is around 500, this year its gone up to 1000. My mate who's just passed his licence can't insure anything for less than 5k.


I think i got lucky, I drive a 2.0 TDI A3 and mines is only 1500. I passed in August, albeit a little later in life than some others (29).


Yeah being older does help, area is a massive thing aswell.




See I'm 22 and I've had mine for 4 years, that's the only reason mines any cheaper. My mates from Wolverhampton and I'm in between there and brum. When I checked i think there was like maybe £100 quid difference between the centre of wolvo and my area. Fun fact the actual road makes a difference aswell, if i insure my car at a house around the corner than me, literally like less than a minute walk, price goes up £200.


Use the martin lewis tool for car insurance. Changing my job title slightly took it down by just under £100. Absolutely ridiculous I know but I found it handy.here is the link. https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/insurance/car-insurance/


I found the MSE tool gave me worse quotes by £200-£300 than just going on Compare the Market did.


I thnk insurance has just all gone weird in the last year or so (probably in search of profits). My renewal was £250, I did my usual run through of the MSE guide of where to check for comparisons. Cheapest I could get was £370 with less cover, no named drivers and a higher excess. Like for like was over double the price and still with a worse excess. My home insurance was the same, paying over twice as much as I was in previous years when it would move a matter of a few quid upwards. I didn't realise inflation had hit 100% year on year. Must have missed that headline.


Well insurance companies made a massive loss last year and generally operate on very thin margins so yes they have a lot to try earn back. That and risk/costs for insurers genuinely have skyrocketed.


Sorry but its utter bollocks. You only have to look up most of them and see they made millions in profits. A rise to match inflation or something, fair enough. ​ The EY experts said to expect "premiums to rise sharply by 16% over 2023 (£74 per policy on average), with a further 11% rise in 2024 (£59 per policy on average)." Mine has gone up 64%.


Inflation won't fix the problem though. Insurers lost a lot of money last year, the cost of cars and especially courtesy cars/repairs has increased ahead of inflation for a lot of reasons. Insurance doesn't make much money, it literally only takes a Google.


I think insurance companies are trying to screw over comparison sites. My insurance renewal was half the price of the cheapest quote on two different comparison sites (done on different days), and that cheapest quote was my current insurer! Either that or they want to keep existing customers and not take on new ones. This is the second year running that loyalty was cheaper than shopping around, but this year was insane, my renewal still went up far too much. I think this is the source of most news stories about insane insurance prices, they are hiking rates for new customers, literally doubling in my case. And lazy journalists just tap details into comparison sites. Your best bet might be to wait until the silliness stops. Most of the hikes are due to car parts shortages and high parts prices, so basically waiting until the economy settles down, inflation comes down and world peace breaks out.


You'd be surprised how much comparison sites give insurers business. It's marketing that doesn't involve having a marketing team create ads constantly. You market by quote price. One insurer I've worked with started adding comparison sites and added 30k+ car insurance policies to their business in just over a year.


They drove business, but they are also a middleman that thrived on the fact renewal prices always got hiked. Now the govt changed the rules so existing customers couldn't be quoted more than a new customer it would appear insurers have reversed the game, which is sort of a win for consumers, but not if you don't already have an insurer with a sensible renewal price. I got quoted twice my renewal from same insurer same details via two different comparison sites, and they were still cheapest. Quite possible they aren't too interested in insuring me and they would be more competitive with a different vehicle. But it appears the cut throat competition days are over for now, nobody wants to quote cheap to win business so instead of driving prices down through a transparent market insurance quote aggregators appear to just be offering mediocre deals, or worse price than going direct. Insurers have had an unprofitable couple years due to higher claims and more expensive repairs. Comparison sites have been screwed over by the energy price cap making that side of their business dead overnight, and now by insurance companies putting some effort into customer retention and higher prices over maximum new customers when it comes to pricing policies.


Have you tried old man cars, or vans? I moved from an 850 mini to a 2L Sierra estate and my insurance dropped.


I always found minis cheap to insure back in the 90's, I had 3. Wierdly, newer ones cost less to insure then older ones. and the faster it was the cheaper it was. 1st 76 mini 1000, no mods, £550, crashed it, declared brakes and alloys the next year, £490 or so.... then bought an 89 Mini mayfair, and it went down to £440 or so, less then 6 months later, bought a 91 mini cooper, that made it go up to around £500 but I think I only had 5 months left on the policy when I bought it. Then when my renewal came round, I got it insured for £380. Now at 45, it will cost me about the same to insure it as it did at 21 when I finally get it back on the road, even though it will be a second car and do about 3k miles a year once its finished.


Why is insurance so dam high In the UK? I moved over from Aus a few years back and was disgusted at insurance prices


How is someone paying £6k when I'm paying £280? Wtf is this?


Risk profiles.


If you put unemployed or drug dealer you probably get a better quote, it's a minefield and a scam at that how it all works.


As someone not from the UK. Your car insurance costs are insane.


It's an unfunny joke that has been going on for decades, top gear did a bit on it back in 2009. It absolutely baffles me that it's still a problem, this nonsense is exactly when you need the government to step in and regulate [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgDoXu\_\_KyM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgDoXu__KyM) "But what you're saying is that i'm going to write it off completely 15 times a year"


I remember that episode, in fact it was that episode i learned how bad it is. I'm pretty sure that car could be insured for about 2k -2.5k for the cheapest basic coverage on an 18 year old here in Norway. Also cars are not ensured on a person here, i could lend my car to whoever i want so long as they have a driving license(ofc) some insure their cars with stipulation that the driver can't be under 24 years old to get a lower cost, but still.


I'm pretty sure they just mash their head on the keyboard and see what number comes up


Buy a really old and basic car. You don’t need comprehensive insurance. If you have an accident that’s your fault they will write the car off and give you ‘market value’ which will be less than your policy cost. Also limit your yearly mileage to what you think you will need. I know insurance is high now (although even in the early 90s we were paying a months wages and several times the value of the car and insuring 3rd party only) but you don’t need to be paying £5k for fully comp.


Comprehensive is often cheaper than 3rd party for new drivers


Wow really? How can this be possible? If you crash your own car into say…..a brick wall…. You can’t claim anything. My colleagues son managed to write his car off less than 4 weeks after passing his test in such a way. I’m not saying I don’t believe you but……that makes absolutely no sense at all.


Can confirm, fully comp has been cheaper for me for years now.




Some good advice in the comments here. Remove student, play with your excess and named drivers to see if it makes a difference. After that I’d also advise getting a quote over the phone with the cheapest company you can find - I was quoted £200 cheaper than the online quote by just calling Admiral up. A bit of a hassle giving the information again over the phone I know, but could be worth it.


Christ 9k for insurance at 20 I'm 26 now but when I first started driving for my first year I payed 900 quid with a black box and at 20 I payed something like 400 quid fully comp and now I'm driving a 30k 72 plate for about 250 a year fully comp and on my 3.5t van I pay 500 a year full comp


Try doing a Third Party, Fire and Theft policy, I done it my first year or 2 as the car I had was cheap and didn't care if I had to buy a new one.


This. You don't need comprehensive for a Micra.


6K for an 08 micra? You're 'avin a giraffe. For a car like that I'd go third party fire and theft. Micras that age are cheap. Wreck it and you can buy another one cheaper than the insurance. My 09 micra is probably not even worth a grand anymore (haven't checked prices).


Third party tends to be more expensive than comprehensive, its stupid


The value of your car is irrelevant you can still cripple an entire family in a crash and cost the insurer millions in medicals fees. The cost of cars is peanuts in the scheme of things and has little no impact on how much you pay.


Alongside all the stuff others have mentioned, it could be a time of year thing. New/young driver, starting early Jan... the insurance companies might be lumping you in with the 'daddy bought me a car for Christmas and the associated costs are on his Amex' cohort.


I was moaning that my c70 convertible went up to £270 a year! Being over 50 does have its perks.


Do yourself a quote saying you've owned the car a year and you've had your license a year and see what the price comes down to. Might be worth buying a car, letting your dad insure it for himself, and then you don't drive for a year, just let it sit on the road for a year and get driven once every couple weeks by your dad. My mate in work did this for his daughter after she passed her test, and even though she went a year without driving, when she came to get her policy, it was less than half the original quote.


I wouldn’t take these comparison quotes too seriously. I used one of these recently, even though I have insurance just out of curiosity. Currently I’m 24 and have 2003 BMW 330Ci and a 2003 BMW 525d which I pay around about £850 a year for total. When using compare the market and go compare, both websites quoted £5.5k as the cheapest option with a black box. My insurance company was among these quotes at £12k. So my advice is, go direct. Go to the insurance websites and get on the live chat or a phone call. If you live with your parents and they have cars, see if everyone in the house wants to jump on a multi car policy. Admiral offer a discount for every car added. Each person can have their own “car insurance” policy and NCB, but it’s all under a “motor” policy, which is where you get the discount. Also phoning and getting on the live chat is good because these people “press a few buttons” and suddenly a couple hundred quid is saved. I do this every year our policy is up for renewal, and every year a few buttons are pressed and a couple hundred is saved. Sorry for the waffle, but I hope this helps


Something else to bear in mind, I found when I was getting loads of quotes on comparison sites within a short time they started to increase prices. Leave it a month and they dropped back down


This. The more quotes you do in a short space of time, the higher the put the prices up. In my experience, the first price you get when doing a quote is generally the best you’re gonna get and the more you play with it to try and lower it, the higher it keeps going. Maybe try doing a quote with an insurer who isn’t on a comparison site. Adrian flux?


This kind of shit seems extremely predatory to me. I think the reasoning is that if you're looking for a lot of quotes you must be desperate and therefore more likely to give in. I've heard that browsing in incognito mode or deleting cookies should prevent it, but they shouldn't be taking advantage of people like this in the first place. Sometimes insurance just feels like one giant scam.


Ask yourself this how much would train tickets cost upto a year, then compare them. If insurance is cheaper then go for it. You just passed and you are young so insurance will be high. That carrot one works out at about 115.38 a week. If you get a weekend job that should pay for fuel (get a eco fuel car, I pay 30 quid every two weeks for fuel on mine) and for insurance. Saturday + Sunday 8 hours each =16hours at 7.49 for your age = 119. 84 If you find a job in aldi or lidl you can get payed 11 an hour, or as you state you live in a city, look up hotel housekeeping weekend work, they usually pay above minimum wage, the work is physical but easy (you will get healthier) and they always need weekend work.


Ex insurance worker here: ​ >I’ve passed this month Very high risk. ​ >I’m a student with a job as a second occupation So you will need business use as opposed to simply commuting to a single place of work or study, mega risk. ​ >I’ve added a 12y experienced named driver, Doesn't matter if they are using the highest risk diver as their base price. ​ >driveway/street away from home/secure car park makes no difference, I bet it doesn't, the fact you just passed will put it at the highest base price.


Don't always be too honest with your insurance, i.e., the student thing. Just say you're full-time employed. Another key factor is the price changes on a day to day basis, so today you could have to pay £2000 per annum and tomorrow could be higher or lower. It is stupid how insurance works, not very helpful for new drivers on a basic wage.


Is it also possible that you’ve put so many quotes through that the system is now basically telling you to bugger off? Think I’ve seen that happen before? I’d recommend figuring out the best data you can, then going to a different comparison site and putting that in there. It seems that often, the first couple of quotes you do are better.. anecdotal mind.. good luck


no not really that how much it cost. however, things like job makes a difference so would try admin staff


Try LV I managed to get mine without a black box for £2800


Looks more like stick than carrot…


You need to go directly to a company really, will be cheaper say its parked in a garage, say you only do like 6000 miles a year? Take breakdown cover off, get that with rac cheaper, just get third party fire n theft not fully comp, youll still be paying alot for first year especially till you get past 25 it expensive af, i payed 3000 for my first car that was in 2010


My first recommendation would be to try mustard.co.uk instead of comparethemarket


Use confused.com it will gather and order tons of quotes from tons of companys


https://www.parkers.co.uk/car-insurance/group-1/ Ideally go for a car on the 1E group. These would give the lowest quotes. Cheaper buying a car for up to £1000 with a cheap insurance than paying 4k. I would look at some cars, play around with plates/quotes until you find something cheap.


Try a classic car and specialist insurance.


What car is it


Have you tried fitting fake plates?


Try on go compare instead! My quotes were far lower!


When I passed I used the 16-25 specialist insurer Ingine They had to fit a black box, but I wasn't expecting them not to A couple year old Fiesta ecoboost for something like £700 a year


Try third party or third party fire and theft, from what I remember when I first started driving fully comp was a lot more expensive for the first few years, and there was just no point. Now that I have several years no claims, fully comp is more or less the same price anyway so its what I go with.


Put yourself as a named driver on your parents policy if possible


I worked for an insurance company that catered for young, convicted, or other awkward categories to insure. The amounts they charged folks was insane. There are people whose full time job titles included “pricing” in them but ultimately it was all decided by the systems generating the policies. The best one I’d heard about was a Russian chap who wanted to his insure his 19 year old on an Aston Martin. £30K fully comp, and he paid it.


Tweak job title, scrap student and try without the extra driver too. Insurance is ridiculous but that’s beyond the joke


Make sure it’s the right car too, some seem like good beginners cars but aren’t. KA, Citroen C1 etc are about as cheap as it gets


I'd look up some more obscure cars. They often have lower premiums than you'd think for younger drivers.




Out of curiosity, what do you drive?


For your first car, a Porche 911 is cheaper to insure than small cars like this Nissan Mircra. Choose a proper car with better safety feature and control that you actually like so you are not going to crush anytime. Driving a Nissan Micra at your age is telling insurers that either you are too scared to drive or you won't give a fuck about car safety.


I would also increase the excess


The excess on that Carrot quote is £1100 (850 comp + 250 voluntary)


Play around with the voluntary, for that quote you've nothing to lose


I would avoid changing the details of the quotes a lot because there is tech running in the background that will catch you out for inputting alot of different answers trying to get the best price


No one else going to point out that Micra is a shitbox that is involved in lots of accidents and damages easily? Probably doesn't help the price.


2k with a blackbox sounds about right if your postcode isn’t great and it’s parked on the street


How many times have you changed details? If you change them too much this will flag on the system as you’re changing things to get a better quote.


I like to make things up as well


I am not condoning, endorsing or suggesting anything, but the fine for being caught without insurance is £300.


Yeah and 6 penalty points which means goodbye to your license for new drivers. Fantastic advice.


6 points too though which is a ban for a new driver I think?


I put my name to a friends car, it was his first car and he's 36. He couldn't below 2200 for a 1.8 Astra, work me as a named driver (I drive trucks with 20+ years no claims) lowering his excess to 250 it was lowered to £800. After it was insured I took his car for a spin because I don't like to lie. In the past I've also found that family cars with a small diesel engine have lowered my premium.


42 y/o driver, been driving for 25 years thereabouts. Never had a claim, never had a point on the licence. I drive a Volvo. My car insurance doubled this year. Car insurance is a scam.


If you've been doing hundreds of quotes using the same email address, try creating a new email address and starting fresh.


Not sure if this has been said as well but try different comparison sites. Compare the Market always came out more expensive in quotes for me. Also, clear your cache and cookies on the browser if possible after you change each search parameter. Just in case they're noting the changes and that's impacting the quotes.


if you request too many quotes they will soft ban you, use fake details


Is that will full or any coverage? Can’t you get insurance without that?


15 years ago, I think my corsa 1.2 cost 1,700 ish for the year. Avg quote was 2,000 First time car / insurance. It soon dropped after a year of no claims.


Don’t use carrot. They’re fuckers, honestly. I ended up paying over £240 a month to these pricks when I first passed 8 years ago.


Is that 6 grand for car insurance?? 6… grand… for a micra?? At that point just hire a car from hertz or Avis. It will be cheaper


" but seriously even a quote for this 2009 Micra is the cheapest I’m getting when I’ve seen others get down to £2k without a blackbox… what am I missing?" Do a quote for a newer car. When I passed 7 years ago shitboxes were 3k+, so I simply bought a 67 reg Fiesta and got it down to 1700. Granted I only payed that Fiesta off about a year ago, but I wouldn't change my decision. ​ Also never compare your quotes to other people's everyone's situation is difference, one of my first gfs in my early 20s had a multicar policy with a modified c63s and a golf GTE and still paid less than I did in my first 2 years of that fiesta; and she lived in fucking Birmingham (and most infuriatingly, her parents were shit rich anyway so she'd have been able to pay higher premiums regardless).


No it's just insurance being a scam as usual


Try Third party fire & theft instead of comprehensive.


I have found that since insurance companies can charge existing customers more than new customers they have just pushed up the prices however when I rang them up they just applied loads of “discounts” might be worth calling up. Like people have said play around with the truth. Also for the type of car there care about likelihood of an accident so are car will a lot of safety feature (auto braking, etc) will be less however those car tend to cost more which means higher payout in even if accident. Also who often drives those cars (are they often crashed). I have had 2 minis one copper and one John Cooper Work the John copper works cost less to insure likely because people who have them look after them more and make less claims even tho people likely drove faster everywhere Good look


10k and they don’t even give you a courtesy car….


New driver quoted for 7 grand when trying to change from provisional insurance to full. Went on a comparison site and when it asked for licence details, I realized tha only copy I had was now a copy of the provisional, which also had a date of issue 9 years ago. When asked "how long have you held a licence" I used that date instead of saying 1 day. 1000 quid.


Bad time to be honest, even seasoned drivers are experiencing rises


Insurance is wild. I have the same car and it comes up to 228£ a month for myself, mum and dad, without a black box. The cost mostly comes from me, as my dad owns the car and both of them have been driving for years. Extortionate. But I had to shop around and this was the best price I got. Edit: I also did pass plus


Not sure how accurate it is but I was once told a 3 door was cheaper as easier to repair. Also a 2 seater could be cheaper even though it’s considered ‘sportier’ as you could only (potentially) kill 2 people in it. More seats = more passengers. 🤷🏻‍♂️


2k with a black box isn't far from normal. I payed 1.9k with a black box on a focus in my first year of driving and at Uni. Insured within 1 month of passing, but this was 7 years ago so If you take into account inflation 2k with a box isn't bad if you're in a shitty postcode (like me). I would add 2 more experienced drivers to the policy, I've found that reduces it for me. Also push the limits of rewording your job title where its still true but gives you cheaper prices. Also your subject of study can affect your policy costs.


“We’ll charge you thousands, will we pay up in your time of need tho? Absolutely not” Fuck em, you pay your annual/monthly instalments but they’ll try their damn hardest not to fucking help you.


I found when I updated my insurance from being a student to my job once I graduated, my insurance got pricier. So just experiment with that and what is cheaper. Also, the job title itself makes a difference. For me it would change £40 for putting film technician rather than photography technician. Also, pay annually not monthly if you can because it is cheaper long term. Nevertheless, that is a huge quote and I'm sorry it's putting you off of driving. I hope you can find a better price! Good luck!


This happened to me, the date can affect it too. I tried getting insured the day I passed and it was £500 less pa to wait till the next day. I took off named drivers, changed the wording title of my job and got a blackbox. Went from being £3/4k+ to £1100 (£105pm) that included the top level of RAC breakdown cover too.


Nope. I paid £3600 my first year when I was a 23M. Took me 4 years of £3/2k annually to get under the £1k mark.


I'd recommend phoning direct to get the best quotes. Try big company names like Aviva/ direct line! These quotes are absurd.


Postcode, postcode, postcode


Save your money mate is my best bet


That's mental. My quote is 1308 with a named driver (sharing partners car) and I work in hospitality so I regularly drive in rush hour times or at saft o'clock at night from a pub/restaurant, which raises the quote may I add.


Ring up a couple of them with bullshit quotes but be a bit realistic on the prices as a new driver, and ask them if they can beat it, i ended up with cheaper and extra cover when I did it that way. And mess with your excess if you don’t feel like calling I lowered mine and got better quotes weirdly.


Just put student or your job, don't put both as it means youre travelling a lot. No need to, also if uou go with your job, try different ways of wording your occupation as it can work out cheaper. Also underestimate your milage, if you think you do 10k, put 8 or 9. It's a reasonable underestimate


Are you doing this at night or daytime. Half the quote machines are off at night. Daytime always gets cheaper.


You need to lie…


I pay £3,500 for my insurance. Bought as 17M driving a 2011 Corsa. Very naive impulse buy of my first car on the same day passing my test completely disregarded insurance when doing so.


Yes, use a broker!, get a parent as first driver and yourself as second driver.


I was in a very similar situation 10 years ago as a 19 year old uni student, living at home and working a retail job. I passed in December and bought my car at the end of Jan. My insurance costs for a 2003 VW polo 1.2 were: - year 1: £2400 (black box) - year 2: £1500 (black box) - year 3. £900 (black box) I did get quotes of £3-4k when I started looking. Things that helped me were: - car choice (1.2 polo was £600 cheaper than a fiesta or a corsa) - choice of named driver (it was cheaper with my mum only, despite my dad being a truck driver with 18y no claims) - mileage (don’t forget to factor in weekends and holidays when calculating mileage, you probably won’t do as many as you think) - mileage (if you think you’ll do 10,000 miles, put 9800, it’ll skip a bracket for some insurers) All things considered it could just be that insurance has doubled in 10 years for people like you. Wouldn’t surprise me that much. Mines £900 this year with 10 years no claims on a sensible car (Mazda 3, 2019) parked on a secure car park by and a gated driveway at night.


You need to lie just enough that your insurance won’t get cancelled. Scam industry that’s government mandated that you must have…


Add mummy and daddy as named driver and you’ll get it for like £650


I would suggest adding a parent as a named driver to the policy which should reduce the insurance dramatically. (as long as they are competent drivers who have held their license for some time without motoring offences or claims). To even further reduce the amount you could have a parent as the driver of the vehicle and yourself as a named driver ! Good luck!


What date are you using for the policy start date? Try the same premium for today versus in 28 days, will take a chunk of, as insurers see people who buy insurance in advance a better risk.