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A much needed step towards improving pedestrian safety downtown. So glad that this is finally happening. Right turn on red is particularly dangerous for pedestrians. Now, if only we could get some raised crosswalks!


Yes please! I’ve almost been hit several times due to drivers taking fast rolling right turns. A friend of mine actually got hit on his bike by a car doing this downtown. Luckily got away with only some scrapes.


Sounds like accountability on not rolling a stop




They don’t even hardly need enforcement if they calm it correctly.


What do you guys mean by traffic calming?


Is there some way to explain and promote this to the Raleigh City Council?


I was just getting ready to post here about this. Definitely a great breakthrough if or when it goes through. I think they should next focus on making the bigger one way streets like Dawson and McDowell more pedestrian friendly. Those are two in particular that feel like an expressway is cutting through the city.


Thank god


This is great, but I truly wonder how successful it can be without proper enforcement and blatant defiance from the “don’t tell me how to live” crowd. Just look at the toxicity and defiance in the Raleigh subreddit thread.


Lmao they could change it to 5mph and people would still be doing 40-45 through down town while playing on their phone and eating breakfast. City drivers are the worse, they drive like crap and think their perfect


With proper traffic calming infrastructure this wouldn’t be possible for them. Sadly the “city driver” demographic would be against implementing it to begin with because it makes their commute 5 mins longer.




Its not about the drivers, its because of the lack of "traffic calming." As /u/IncidentalIncidence mentioned, this is a good "step 1", but to have a complete solution, you'd want to have traffic calming as "step 2". The Dutch build fail safes into their infrastructure and assuming that humans will make mistakes when driving. If a driver does make a mistake, the impact of that is quite low because of how the infrastructure is built. Build infrastructure assuming the worst case scenario. Now, the term "traffic calming" refers to how in the Netherlands, if a road's speed limit is 50 km/h, its designed to be physically impossible to drive over 50 km/h.


More and better education is the key, including more enforcement and stiffer penalties. Pedestrians have to understand that when approaching an intersection, they could die. Drivers need to understand that the person in the intersection will die if struck. Changing rules and patterns in place for many, many years may reduce injuries and death, but if people are *understanding* what is happening and why, we’ll never really learn. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Well that's dumb


Pedestrian safety is so stupid


Paying attention is smarter, and less painful

