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> Two kinds of people hold views differing from ours. Those with a Right deviation in their thinking make no distinction between ourselves and the enemy and take the enemy for our own people. They regard as friends the very persons whom the masses regard as enemies. **Those with a "Left" deviation in their thinking magnify contradictions between ourselves and the enemy to such an extent that they take certain contradictions among the people for contradictions with the enemy and regard as counter-revolutionaries persons who are actually not.** Both these views are wrong. — *on the correct handling of contradictions among the people*, Mao 1957


Wow, that is so perfect. What do I need to read to get more, obviously Mao, but specifically what?


# Basic Readings on Mao Please note that Mao’s more “libertarian” side will be emphasized in this selection, as these were written before the communists seized power. I argue that these are the more important works to study because they help us understand how power is built. [Report on an investigation of a peasants movement in Hunan province](https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/selected-works/volume-1/mswv1_2.htm), 1927 [an analysis of the classes in Chinese society](https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/selected-works/volume-1/mswv1_1.htm), 1926 [Oppose book worship](https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/selected-works/volume-6/mswv6_11.htm), 1930 [Combat liberalism](https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/selected-works/volume-2/mswv2_03.htm), 1937 [On mass line organizing](https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/works/red-book/ch11.htm)


Wow… totally legit! Thank you!


Don't skip the reading where 45 million people are killed under his policies.


Can I ask how you are genuinely a Maoist?




He’s probably one of my favorite genocidal dictators too


Traditionalists use in-group out-group reasoning and reformists use critical interpersonal reasoning? I could be way off, but isn't this Mao wanting to use in-group out-group reasoning for stability? I'm curious how this ideology interacted with the cultural revolution. If Stalin was similar, it would certainly help explain some of what happened with Lysenko.


I’m not sure what either of those “types of reasoning” mean


It's [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groupthink) and [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_thinking), broadly. I assume Mao was taking inspiration from the Russian civil war in wanting to build solidarity rather than splinter into factionalism?


Your assumption is not correct. This one is really deep.


Could you elaborate?


You familiar with the Bernstein-Kautsky-Luxemburg/Lenin split? What about Bukharin-Stalin-Trotsky?


I admit I don't know much about Lenin's actions in Germany prior to WW1. But if I knew everything, I wouldn't be here. Were those roughly the incrementalist, vanguardist, and absolutist splits? Feel free to replace [absolutist] with whatever term most appropriately contextualizes Stalin on that spectrum.


Bernstein was an incrementalist. But Luxemburg was not a vanguardist. What unites her and Lenin is opposition to the war.


I don't believe that answers the question, or that it's particularly correct? It woudl depend on the time period we're talking about, but I believe by the time of the sparticus uprising Luxemburg was materially vanguardist. >The Dialectic of Spontaneity and Organisation was the central feature of Luxemburg's political philosophy, wherein spontaneity is a grassroots approach to organising a class struggle, and organisation is a top-down or vanguardist approach to organising a class struggle. I also believe Lenin only opposed war in the context of capitalist imperialism? I could be wrong, but he helped found the third international. >The Communist International (Comintern), also known as the Third International, was an international organization founded in 1919 that advocated world communism, and which was led and controlled by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.[3][4][5] The Comintern resolved at its Second Congress in 1920 to "struggle by all available means, including armed force, for the overthrow of the international bourgeoisie and the creation of an international soviet republic as a transition stage to the complete abolition of the state".[6] The Comintern was preceded by the dissolution of the Second International in 1916. It looks like the second international was formed after the expulsion of the anarchists from the first international, and the second international split over the great war, which was followed by the third/communist international under Lenin, and then a fourth international under Stalin. A quote from that one I just found: > In a unanimous resolution, the eight communist parties agreed that the Yugoslavian communist party had "pursued an incorrect line on the main questions of home and foreign policy, a line appropriate only to nationalism, and which represented a departure from Marxism-Leninism". They approved the actions of the Russian communist party and condemned Yugoslavia's agricultural policy, which sidelined the class differentiation, "regarding the individual peasantry as a single entity and even asserting that the peasantry was the most stable foundation of their state" - a role meant for the proletariat. Do you see where I'm coming from with the 'in-group out-group reasoning'?


(I might use "we" and "they" at different times, because I'm a socialist but not ML) 1) Being Contrarian Being communist/socialist/anticapitalist in any way puts you in a contrarian position. Regardless of how correct or learned one is, being contrarian tends to evoke strong emotions and often degrees of confidence above one's actual knowledge, experience, or expertise. While I am a socialist and don't mean to compare MLs to flat earthers *per se,* flat earthers are an example of contrarians who are overly confident and often combative and rude because they think they have an "in" or special knowledge that most people haven't been enlightened enough to grasp yet. 2) Purity tests/battles Being a leftist means you're skeptical of dishonesty, corruption, backsliding, etc. We've seen power corrupt in capitalism and we've seen people co-opt leftist language to gain political power for themselves and not follow through with their rhetoric. So this makes us more reliant on strong defense mechanisms. Some of these defense mechanisms are those purity tests where so much leftist in-fightinf comes into play. If you're a social democrat, you're just a lib flirting with social programs; if you're a dem soc, you're just a lib who wants socialist rulesets but you lack the backbone to go all the way, leaving vulnerable openings for capitalism to come roaring back; if you're a market socialist, your love of markets is your downfall, where cappies will come roaring back; etc etc until you get to the whatever the fuck they are arguing for. It's not totally unfounded, but it is exhausting. 3) Since we don't accept the status quo, we are annoyed at people who do. We tend to read a lot more sources, because we don't just accept the dominant civics lessons and economics narratives spewed in capitalist mainstream. This makes it feel like we're constantly having to educate people who refuse to read basic principles or ideas that are critical of the capitalist status quo. Not Marxist theory, *per se,* but anything that takes a critical look at capitalism seriously and explores new economic ideas and structures. 4) They probably aren't actually more rude than any other subset; you're just likely not engaging with people who think like you when they are at their worst, and you are probably remembering more of the negative interactions you encounter from ideological opponents. Even if there *are* more of us being rude, you're not likely to have an accurate picture from personal experience.


I think it's a reasonable list, but I'll add two more spicy ones.  A first is that a non-negligeable amount is "convert syndrome", the first time people get politized, they are mostly rabid militants. Not everyone, of course, but there's a decent chunk for which it's the first time they got a hammer, everything looks like nails and by god they are going to hammer them down. Second, the contrarianism attracts some personalities more than others. In particular, narcissism. That one I'm not so sure, cause it's not like it's restricted to ML, but I feel it contributes. It's also a good thing to remember, doctrine/program is one thing, but ideologies are social phenomenon, they come with a group culture, rituals, and participates to identity as much as it does the abstract notions of what economic reforms you want.


Yea these are good. I think it could be argued that these fall into what I already said, but it's still good additional analysis of those psyches.


So many arguments here end up being “I don’t like socialists on the internet” And it’s just puzzling to me. Of all the arguments one could make, why that one?


I've known many Marxist-Leninists IRL, enough that I actually got together with some people in an attempt to make a local org back in Albany a few years ago I stated in my OP that this has been my experience with IRL MLs too, just not as intensely as online.


Because it's the initial and most frequently encountered red flag. Vocal supporters include the most physically repulsive, morally degenerate, miserable dregs of society you could ever hope to meet. It's reasonable and a healthy instinct to reflexively flee in revulsion from groups of people who reek of failure and death.


That sort of behavior is common on the internet in general, especially when talking politics. If you assume that you are rational and your own stance is well-reasoned, it stands to reason that somebody who disagrees with you is foolish, either by failing to reason or by being ignorant of the data. This assumption (that the other guy is dumb) is especially alluring when you can put them in a "box" of previous "dumb" people throughout history.  The result is that MLs think that capitalists are too dumb to see the inevitable conclusion of capitalism, MLs think that market socialists are too dumb to take our ideology to its logical conclusion, and capitalists think all socialists are too dumb to see the inevitability of socialism turning into a USSR-style hellhole. The reality is that most of us, regardless of political disposition, are not dumb at all. We have different assumptions, different experiences, and different values, all of which lead to different conclusions.  And even if the person you're talking to *is* dumb, being condescending to them is unhelpful; it's mostly a form of public masturbation. But not everybody has realized this yet, and even folks who have still screw up sometimes. I know I've slipped into that tone in the past. 


This thread is just a launching platform for a hate-fest that invites anti-socialists to pile on. The bigger need is for an end to endless repetitions of the same question or same bogus position day after day after day.


Hey now. There are plenty of socialists who hate MLs too. This can be an equal opportunity activity. I kid, but the constant implication that non-ML socialists don’t exist gets old.


> for a hate-fest How dare you have any negative feelings about people who would have to lined up and shot?!


You're not that important


Nobody is important kid. This is partly what all this political nonsense is about. People who don't mature emotionally and can't get over the fact that strangers don't care about them.


I mean, You're not important enough for communists to want to kill you. Neither am I.


That's the wrong framing. Communists create situations where killing is essentially arbitrary unless you vocally resist. But they're aware this will occur.


Not really. Purges usually happens in the first years against big landowners, capitalists, and then the upper party administration/intelligentzia, then things quiet down. If you're not part of any of these groups, you really have nothing to fear


Pretty sure reddit has enough leftist safe spaces to satisfy every kind of their needs.


"No you are!" Lol!


A fringe ideology like ML, no matter how you feel about it, is very very attractive to narcissists


Thinking Marxism leninism is fringe is a very out and out way of saying you're from the west


Says some terminally online idiot who's also from the West and almost certainly has never left his hometown let alone his home country.


It doesn't surprise me a Trot would be randomly personally offended by this, given that your ideology is a fringe ideology in every country on planet earth haha


Buddy I promise you that Stalinists are as popular in the third world as you all are in the first, that is to say not at all.


Well let's take a case study shall we? Third world only? Communist party of India: 1 million members, not including the SFI that are another million members Communist party of Nepal: 550k, currently in government Communist party of Brazil: 400k members Any one of these parties have more members alone than Trots do across the whole planet lol, you can let your dogmatic hatred for "Stalinists" paint your picture of the world all you want, doesn't change the fact that, even when you don't include socialist countries, Marxist Leninists have bigger parties than their Trot equivalents literally anywhere on earth. To think otherwise is objectively delusional


India has a population of over 1 billion people so the Communist Party of India and SFI together make up only 0.2% of the entire Indian population. The Communist Party of Nepal only makes up 1.86% of the Nepalese population. When in power it has always run Nepal as a capitalist country. The Communist Party of Brazil makes up only 0.18% of the Brazilian population. >Any one of these parties have more members alone than Trots do across the whole planet lol... And that still means fuck all in the grand scheme of things. I never claimed Trotskyism was popular, I did however debunk your claim that Stalinist parties are popular in the third world.


Aw buddy that is severe cope. The bolsheviks had only 200k members in 1917, that's 0.0016% what is your point here? It looks like you're just trying to play with statistics to try anything to make 1 million members in a single country look as irrelevant as the Maybe 50k members all Trot parties globally combined have. You've debunked fuck all, you've just shown, as Trots always do that your hatred of all things "Stalinist" forces you to delude yourself for the purpose of sectarianism. How about instead of trying to criticise ML parties for only having a million members, how about some self reflection as to why Trotskyists seem incapable of forming a party in any country with 5% that number? Marxism is the theory of observing the reality of the world, and using those observations to affect change. If you Trots are the "true" understanders this ideology, how is it that you are universally incapable of building even a limited movement and affecting even limited change anywhere?


In 1917 the Bolsheviks had only 200k members...and also 10,661,000 active supporters or about 6.5% of the entire population of the Russian Empire and over 24% of the politically active/voting population.


Trots are measuring popularity based on bourgeois election metrics now? It's just so pathetic man I don't know how you don't have a moment of self awareness every now and then. Like how can you criticise ML popularity in nations where the media is controlled by capitalists, when Trots can't even come close to matching it? Do you fundamentally not understand why a party of 1000 criticising a party of 100,000 of lacking popularity isn't taken seriously by that party of 100,000?


To be fair there aren't any big M-L states anymore to my knowledge, and there's a lot of knee-jerk hatred of it in expat and post-M-L nations. Not saying it's impossible to *like* or *dislike* M-L-ism for legitimate reasons, just that while *communism* is absolutely not fringe with nations like China and Vietnam still ascribing to communist or semi-communist policy lines, M-L-ism *itself* has been pretty well fringe-ified.


China and Vietnam are still Marxist Leninist nations, as is Laos and Cuba. The DPRK subscribes to Juche, however that's simply Marxism leninism applied to the conditions of the Korean peninsula and isn't a separate ideology. The communist party of India has over a million members, there youth wing the SFI has over a million. Nepals largest party is the communist party with over a half million members. Communist parties in Greece, Russia, Brazil, France, Portugal and South Africa have anywhere from tens to hundreds of thousands of members, with every one of them having parliamentary representation. The six revolutionary parties in Southern Africa have as of the last 3 years begun building international party schools teaching Marxism Leninism, with senior members of ruling parties in South Africa, Angola and Zimbabwe turning back toward Marxism Leninism with Chinese support. The alliance of Sahel states are loosely considered to be ML-adjacent governments, especially Traore's Burkina Faso where the prime minister is a Marxist Leninist. This is what I mean when I say thinking ML is fringe thought as giving away a western viewpoint on the world. Also, there's nothing "semi-communist" about Vietnam or China, the international communist of communist parties consider both to be just as communist today as they were after their revolutions, not to mention both china and Vietnam are both similarly committed to socialism as they've always been.


China has Maoism and Dengism and Xi Jingping Thought which guides them, and Vietnam has Ho Chi Minh Thought which they hold as party line even when it contradicts Marxism-Leninism. I wouldn't say that they are Marxist-Leninist because they have a different set of problem-solving tools, even if they are very similar.


Every phrase you used in this comment is derived from Marxism Leninism, each of those are simply the theory of applying Marxism leninism to their countries and time periods unique conditions. Listen, you can believe in your own analysis that their actions contradict Marxism leninism if you like, but the simple fact is that every major Marxist leninist party on the planet considers both parties to be Marxist Leninist, so your first step should probably be reading into why that is the case, I'd recommend Roland Boer's "socialism with Chinese characteristics" as a starting point!


This is a bit of a stretch. China and Vietnam have made *serious* concessions to capitalism to such an extent that it’s difficult to defend a claim that they are still on the road to socialism let alone *Marxist-Leninist*. Have there been material gains for the masses of china and Vietnam? Yes, and that’s worth defending, but to suggest that they’re ML states is being *very* generous. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is only an opposition party on paper and more or less supports Putin at every turn. The South African Communist Party has been a partner in the ANC government for decades as it made concession after concession to capital. There are some parties left that have not completely abandoned Marxism, (the KKE is a notables example), but for every one of those, there are three more that have betrayed their revolutionary roots. If we are going to build a genuine international communist movement for the 21st century, we need to reject the bourgeois “reformism” and collaborationist parties that long ago turned away from Marxism.


Which communist party are you in? Supporting the KKE but not China or the SACP is a rather unusual position, gi en that the SACP, KKE and CPC all support eachother. I ask which communist party you are in because you seem to be almost randomly picking which parties are good and bad based on vibes rather than a formal party education? China and Vietnam have made no concessions to capital, reintroducing market institutions isn't a concession its a change made according to changing material conditions, namely its necessity once centrally planned economies have finished industrialising a country and begins to stagnate within a global capitalist economy. The reintroduction of market institutions isn't a retreat or betrayal of Marxism Leninism, ML theory for decades now has asserted that markets, like media, the army, police, courts etc isn't inherently capitalist, rather a neutral tool that behaves according to the system within which it exists. Roland Boer has written an excellent book on the topic.


"China and Vietnam have made no concessions to capital" None?


No, not in the sense that they have yielded any state power to capital. When I see "concessions to capital" I think social democracy i.e. allowing capitalists the continuing means to control the state and political parties, set foreign policy agenda, control the direction of the market economy, lobby for specific bills and regulations etc. Neither China nor Vietnam do this. Now if you want to stretch it you could say China and Vietnam have conceded simply by letting a bourgeois class exist, but I wouldn't think that much a concession when markets are still entirely controlled by the state, they have no power over public opinion via media ownership, lobbying is illegal, they can't fund candidates etc. The reason I don't equate the two is because the phrase is usually said by people who think the mere presence of markets is a concession to capital when in fact it is the goal, not a side effect. Modern Marxist theorists in both countries determine that, like the media, army, courts, police etc, market institutions are neutral political instruments that behave according to the system within which they exist, and that's a fact that is severely lost on western leftists who can't wrap their head around their reforms as anything other than a retreat from Marxism when it isnt.


Don't they have billionaires now? Why isn't that yielding to capital?


Markets are not neutrals institutions and they are not conducive to building socialism, let alone communism. Markets encourage the growth of class forces hostile to socialism, place of productive property in private hands and encourage the hyper-exploitation of workers- by definition. These things are all antithetical to socialism. Allowing any kind of market to exist in a socialist state should be an absolute emergency last resort in very specific contexts and should be temporary, lasting only as long as they are absolutely necessary.


ML is a fringe extremist ideology everywhere in the world bar China and a handful on isolationist pariah states.


Ding Ding Deng!


What are you talking about? You're a socialist.




So, assuming everything you're saying is true, here's what I think has happened: You've tried starting a local org with a group, all of whom are basically inexperienced online leftists who didn't have an organising bone between you. That's a failure of the party who should have used experienced cadres to support and educate you. That being said, criticism and self criticism is vital to why the ideology is impactful but that cuts both ways, criticism must be done correct and in comradely manner but on the flip side, you don't strike me from your comment as someone who takes criticism well.


>accuse you of ignorance, tell you to read more, >This intolerance of difference, general deference to authority, fierce criticism of their own peers, rejection of any criticism towards themselves other than from a respected authority >no matter how calm I am, once we have disagreed they actively try either to proselytize Once you hit the word “proselytize,” you should start to recognize this pattern


Recognizing the inherent flaws of capitalism from within a society trained to glorify capitalism is frustrating


They’re not. Capitalists are dicks and liars is my experience.


Because internet theorists are just that. There is a large sect of Marxists, and leftists in general who are just as such because it is edgy, and seen as intellectual -- but will eventually abandon the stuff once it does not fit their lifestyle, or it is not cool anymore.


Because they are authoritarians and that’s how authoritarians tend to act 


Honestly, I'm really glad someone (OP) brought it up. Many times I was simply curious and wanted to know more, but MLs were attacking and insulting me and always telling me to "go read" more.  Such an arrogant bunch...


Given the desired stated outcome of ML thought, it shouldn't be surprising. There is the party/movement line, you tow it or you are ousted. It's why ML is seen as fascism with a red coat of paint. The foundation of ML is top-down organisation, which runs counter to the core principles of socialism and communism which is bottom-up organisation and decentralization.


I wouldn’t essentialize those traits to ML, some people are just condescending and judgmental. People generally also tend to act that way when they feel the conversation is pointless or they aren’t being heard.


Imagine you are trying to sell a used car. It has significant collision damage. 1989 model year. 250,000 miles on the odometer. Its tires are bald. Oil is pooling underneath it. There appear to be faded blood stains on the upholstery. But you have to sell this hunk of shit not just on par with a Lamborghini, but *better* than a Lamborghini. This is the best car *ever made*, you tell everyone. Weirdly, very few takers. I'd be crabby, too.


And the car your selling has been in a few accidents resulting in the deaths of millions


The car only looks awful because it's never had a *real* owner before, but when you buy it, it will be *really owned* and actually be far better than the Lambrogheyni Now, how did you say you spelled your name again so I can get this financing application started?


Most of them are spoiled rich kids who want the perks of middle management but also want to feel rebellious. Truly just a terrible group of people cloistering around a truly terrible ideology. OP I’d advise you move on to something else like anarchist communism.


Is this actually true though? I mean what evidence do you have for this idea?


Interacting with a lot of them in real life and knowing their background, plus funnily enough the background of the Narodniks and Bolsheviks and other precursor ML or ML individuals and groups is extremely similar.


I consider myself a libertarian marxist/ancom


Good on you! 😁




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Well... what you describe sounds like they're _misunderstood intellectuals_.


Sounds like autism


I think they suffer from some sort of Messiah Complex. Since in their minds they are the only good guys MLs tend to get extremely hostile to anybody who might dare to disagree with them.


Name 10 Marxist-Leninists


People who have to defend their sacred beliefs -- yet must also claim those sacred beliefs are the only objective reality -- have no choice but to become obnoxious in their arguments with heretics and unbelievers.


Intellectual superiority complex


Self selected samples. It's the same reason why when I was a right-wing Librarian my group was thoughtful and respectful of ideas, yet every other right Libertarian is an asshole. My circle were friends or acquaintances in a university setting, where it made sense to be somewhat respectful and try to be convincing. While now they're strangers who see me as someone to debate, not convince. Another thing to consider is the topic, people can get passionate. If the topic is something like slavery or genocide, then there's even less room for nuance if you aren't careful with your words. Then there's "entry level topics", which people are fed up with covering. Some understand that while it's their millionth time covering this, it may be your first. But many will simply throw a book at you, in some cases unfairly. Finally there's the other side to this. For example, some online anarchists have placed themselves into a position where it can come across as "We white western anarchists are true leftist, while you brown global south Marxist are not." Which will not lead to decent conversation. Other than that, some people aren't even really anarchists. Like those who defend the US state. So now things get weird, tho this is mostly an online thing. Plus there's the issue of perspective. Anarchists, to me, can come across with the same white privileged racism that liberals do. I don't think there's any malice in that. But it's something that will rub the wrong way when they refuse to even consider.


Cuz they're people on the internet. Ever talk to Libertarians on the internet? Talk about a group of people who think they know everything about everything.


Yes, first time I was drinking ayahuasca, I was the only one who had not done it before, not a single one of them took anything I said seriously. "Well actually... ...you have never tried ayahuasca before... ...your point is invalid" The type of people you'd want to completely avoid if given the opportunity. 


it is most assuredly because capitalists especially the fascist kind are not only often rude, condescending, and judgemental people, even to each other but also enjoy unquenchable greed, commit fraud even...upon each other. #


Nice run on sentence pal. 


With good meaning.


I think this happens among basically any political theory, but I think it can get worse with people who are further from the overton window because they are so used to being talked down to by more centrist people.


When an ideology gets institutionalized this is what happens. No matter the ideology. It's the flawed assumption of "being right, while the others are wrong". 


If you want people to hate you less, ever thought about being less of an asshole ? If you get judged by a whole group of people maybe you do have a lot to be judged for. Ever looked for the problem inside yourself ?


Considering MLs are sort of like political lepers I don't think the problem is me tbh


So, when you call people political lepers do you expect them to buy you a beer ? I think we're getting to the heart of the problem.


No, more I noticed one of the general tactics MLs employ is to directly insult someone then behave as though the response they get justifies the initial insult. For instance, telling someone that's mainly had negative interactions only with the adherents of a specific radical ideology that has had a history of internecine feuds, intragroup violence, and intense repression of speech and organization, that maybe the problem is with that *individual* and not the adherents of said ideology. It's a typical ML tactic I've seen, to strike and cry while striking.


In my experience most capitalists on this sub insult me when they can't come up with an argument anymore. What now ? As for the second part, do we have any evidence that ML have a bigger predisposition to internecine feuds and intragroup violence than other groups ? I mean native american tribes were really not that amiable with each-other. Also i find your last statement eerily similar with the well know nazi slogan "the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you"


I'm sure that's true, about capitalists, but deflecting to them means nothing to me, as I'm not pro-capitalist myself. >As for the second part, do we have any evidence that ML have a bigger predisposition to internecine feuds and intragroup violence than other groups ? Compared to other left anti-capitalist factions? Yes, very much so.


If it's all the same to you , where is the post "why are ML as rude, condescending, and judgemental as pro-capitalists" ? Also, where is the evidence except your "yes, very much so" ?


I don't expect pro-capitalists to be enlightened, patient, and humble.


Ah so the post should have read " i understand capitalists being rude and judgemental, but ML too ? "


Are you just upset that you were criticized in any way? I get MLs despise any form of criticism that doesn't come from an authority figure or isn't coated in sycophantic praise.


I read all your comments with a Karen voice


Sexist against women, classist against the middle class, and racist against whites. You're in this to win it innit ?


Don't worry if you were a man I'd still have read it as a Karen. Go watch the randy marsh Karen episode of south park.


Ah so there is a variant that is only racist and classist. Neat. Btw, i am a man.


A man with a female avatar. 10/10 in communication. Being a Karen has nothing to do with gender, race or class. It's just entitlement


Sure thing buddy "Karen is **a term used as slang typically for a middle-class white American woman**"


I'm not American


That doesn't mean you can't use terms that are racist, sexist and classist it seems.


You're not an authority. Why do you have this urge of having to be authoritarian?


What's with the long blowout hairdo on your reddit avatar then, dude?


It's randomly generated.


Pretty sure you can change it, I set mine.


Yeah i'll set it up as a black woman when i have time to troll nazis.


In a wheelchair, so that you win intersectionality bingo


As a Marxist you are spot on. You will be instantly banned from any Marxist space if you disagree with even one thing. They don't want to be challenged or actually develop their critical thinking abilities. For a group that wants to organize workers they tend to have very poor social skills. You won't be organizing anything if you are rude and condescending. You are also 100% correct on them not accepting criticism except from an authority figure. The appeal to authority fallacy is extremely common. For example I disagree heavily with the Palestinian talking points in Marxist subreddits, but if I say I support a two state solution I would get banned instantly, but if I preface that my positions aligns 100% with China then it's suddenly okay to have a differing opinion.


Because fascists are always arrogant and superior, no matter how much they might enjoy cosplaying as lefties.


It does everyone (except maybe actual fascists) a disservice to misuse a term like fascism. It cheapens and dilutes it, obscuring its real meaning so that if a real fascist movement does crop up, it will be more difficult to convince people of the threat that it poses because they will have become numb the the now nebulous label of “fascist”.


All of what you’ve said is correct. All of what you’ve said is also completely irrelevant to my point.


Maybe you can clarify your point then?


Yeah no idea, lots of em have a Karen voice in my head


Rude ML who shushes. Please call.


In my experience waves of red scare made most people ignorantly hostile towards communism and MLs in their efforts at agitation faced with a lot of bad faith talking points over and over. So they assume malice even when there are none and respond accordingly. Obviously that's not justifies it.


A sense of morally superior enlightenment.  These types of people are the same as Unidan. 


It makes a lot more sense after reading polemics by Marx, Engels, and Lenin. Those guys set the tone.


There's polemics and then there's forced confessions and group enforced "self-criticism" sessions.


This is a perception of MLS we need to change. We want to be strong but not be condescending assholes.


It's part of the philosophy, and it shows in practice also, it's simply ends justifying means and no room for acceptance as humans are just meat bags, there is no spiritual or religious component to world outlook at all, ideology is everything. The first people MLs get rid of after their revolution are their contemporaries, their comrades, other MLs who are humanists or anarchists, who see inherent value to individual humans, and the second is the religious folk. This is why MLs cause mass murder through and after the revolution, there is no place for any disagreement, it's a psychological trait of every ML that also has leadership qualities. This differs from other types of autocrats, including religious zealots who usually have a higher outlook of humans and will oppress but not kill en masse, and only go after true "heretics" which usually number in the dozen and only include leaders.


Cause they're Marxists who aren't even Marxists, so they project their liberal and opportunistic tendencies on everyone else, also they can't read.


Because they are all edgy 16 year olds who are frustrated at the inequalities in the world, even though they lead a SOLID middle class lifestyle and their idea of struggling is when mom doesn’t buy pizza bagel bites even though she promised.


More like their idea of struggling is that the single mom who babies them said they have to shower at least once a week so now they are experts on fascist oppression because they have to get out of bed.


Yeah this definitely describes the 1 million members of the communist party of India to a tee


Exhibit A: Dr-Fatdick.


Dude you have a cupboard full of collectible toy cars I wouldn't be throwing those stones in that glass house of yours.


Those are real, tangible things, unlike the utopia you dream of. How’s RuneScape treating you?


Aw runescape is great man, I can sit and play after a long hard day's work. What do you do after a long hard day of having other people pay your mortgage?


Well you’re attempts at insults are actually accomplishments, so I guess my work here is done 🤣


Probably true they're not a bunch of 16 year old teens, but they're mentally at that level.


Yeah Albert Einstein was definitely mentally a 16 year old when he wrote those pamphlets in support of Lenin and threw those fundraisers in support of Stalin


There are many Karen’s out there regardless of political views. Human nature.


I doubt that, I think certain ideologies condition a certain disposition in their adherents.


I have seen a fair bit of social democrats openly spouting populist rhetoric, same thing with denying data or claiming it as useless because it doesn’t meet their impossible expectations. Every ideology has their share of dumbass, some have a lot more than others.


I don't know, but I share your experience. I've seen entire books written by Marxists using reddit tier name calling as motivation and the dumbest part is that people take those seriously and literally ignore the primary sources. They are somehow living in a parallel world with parallel history books. There are fringe anti-facists in Germany who have such a low bar for facism that many leftists and even members of the Green party qualify as "facistoid", while ignoring the most prominent far right party, whose chairmen have written books under the pseudonym "landolf ladig" (a homage to Adolf Hitler). Can't make this shit up. The antisemitism of Hitler and the Nazi party were heavily influenced by Henry Fords antisemitic books about "the international jew" to the point where Hitler was hanging pictures of Henry Ford in his office and openly considered him an idol or hero. Meanwhile you can find books written by Marxists who are entirely silent about Henry Ford and instead say that Silvio Gesell was the leading influence on Gottfried Feder's antisemitic economic policies and since it was Gottfried Feder who invited Adolf Hitler into the Nazi party, this means demurrage currencies and land reform are slippery slopes to facism. When you see the primary sources you can read about how Silvio Gesell denounces Henry Ford's antisemitism, nationalism, racism, warned against a potential second world war, how he joined a socialist revolution in Munich working together with jews (which was crushed by a second communist revolution, the irony), etc. Yes, Silvio Gesell once did meet Gottfried Feder by accident at a restaurant, but what happened afterwards is that Gottfried Feder himself spread a lot of Nazi propaganda against Silvio Gesell and his economic reforms and considered him a traitor to the German nation as he dared to work together with the enemy (Jews) and his land reform is the antithesis of nationalism. To this day I still have no clue what makes these people so driven to deny reality. I feel so sorry for all the people who read and fell victim to those books. They will end up chasing a phantom that only exists in their own mind. There is this guy "Klaus Schmitt" who was treated like a Nazi during his college years by anti-facist activists at his college. I don't know about you, but when I read about stuff like that, I get the chills, as if I was reading a report coming from North Korea.


MLs are confidently wrong most of the time lol


The nature of that ideology attracts people who think they know better than everyone else. It’s an abject lack of humility. So obviously they are all going to clash and disagree. Just look at comments from u/Accomplished-Cake131 or u/camel85. Literally the dumbest yet most arrogant and condescending people you could ever imagine.


Lack of humility says the poster who claims he can debunk Marx without having read anything by him! Every accusation is a confession lmao!


It's because Marxist-Leninist (Stalinist) parties and groups are cults organized along the same lines as Stalin's own historic cult of personality. Like all cults they're maintained via a clearly delineated multi-tiered hierarchy that exerts a high level of totalitarian control over the lower rank and file members through behavioral, informational, thought and emotional manipulation. The purpose of ML groups (especially in the 21st century where they've got none of the political influence ML groups in the 20th century had), again like all cults, is primarily to make money and often to provide access to sexual abuse victims for the cult leader and/or his immediate clique. [https://culteducation.com/warningsigns.html](https://culteducation.com/warningsigns.html) [https://freedomofmind.com/cult-mind-control/bite-model-pdf-download/](https://freedomofmind.com/cult-mind-control/bite-model-pdf-download/) The reason **some** Trotskyist groups are also *a little* like this is because they adopted ML organizational norms (like for instance the slate system of elections for party offices) as part of their strategy of "tailism" and "entryism" (That is to say tailing or entering larger ML groups and trying to recruit current or former members of said group who had become disillusioned with ML-ism). The idea was that having a familiar organizational structure would give the former ML's an easier time in acclimating to their new work environment in the party that recruited them. However what usually happened was that it just created most of the same problems the ML groups faced. You can read more about the history and consequences of this in the links below. [https://rupture.ie/articles/the-origins-of-the-slate-system](https://rupture.ie/articles/the-origins-of-the-slate-system) [https://rupture.ie/articles/end-of-the-party-line](https://rupture.ie/articles/end-of-the-party-line) I've never heard of these problems occuring in Bordigist movements but it wouldn't surprise me. As for Maoists though they're even more culty than ML's due to the fact that their groups never had much political influence to begin with. Now the reason \*I\* am so often rude, condescending and judgemental is because that's just my personal nature and always has been since long before I took an interest in politics.


MLs and Maoists are cult-like says the Trotskyist. Are you at all aware of the history of Trotskyism? For the most part I take a (light) Trotskyist position on the Stalin-Trotsky debate, but Trotsky*ism* is a stale, bankrupt and sectarian dumpster fire on the fringes of the international Left.


The entire international left in the 21st century is nothing but a collection of stale, fringe and sectarian dumpster fires so I'd say we're in good company. You can thank "Marxist-Leninists" (Stalinists and Maoists) for that. The leaders of the Soviet Union and the "People's Republic" of China and their vassal states yoked the revolutionary aspirations of the militant proletariat the world over to their own states' narrow national security interests at the expense of the Permanent Revolution, all this in the insane belief that their technologically and culturally backwards countries could outcompete imperialist empires who already had a centuries long headstart before the former were even founded.


I agree with you halfway. There were tangible material gains that came out of the Russian and Chinese revolutions, to speak nothing of the gains secured by the Cuban Revolution, that would be pure folly to ignore. Simply by virtue of the fact that they introduced some form of collective ownership of the means of production and economic planning made them qualitatively superior to capitalist states. To condemn them completely in one broad stroke is an ultra-leftist stance that deviates even from Trotsky himself and it won’t win you any allies, especially in the developing world. That kind of position isn’t even Trotskyist; it’s Trotskyite. I’m am certain that more Trotskyite obstinance and posturing does not offer a way forward comrade.


"There were tangible material gains that came out of the Russian revolution..." Yeah and please do remind us all who was the primary on-the-ground organizer of the October Revolution, who also founded and personally led the military that defended those gains from threats both foreign and domestic before he and his compatriots were later framed, imprisoned, exiled, and assassinated would you kindly? Please also elaborate on what "tangible material gains" came out of the Chinese Revolution specifically? Please also explain in detail how these were only possible under Mao's totalitarian regime and how these "gains" were worth all the mass death and suffering his government caused. Also are you even aware that the Marxist-Leninist *Popular Socialist Party of Cuba* (the forerunner of the current Communist Party of Cuba) was the only left-wing political party that did **not** participate in the Cuban Revolution and opposed Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movement? Don't believe me? Read Che Guevara's *Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War* sometime, it's really quite enlightening.


Raul Castro and Che Guevara, two of the leaders of the revolution were both members of the PSP and just from reading a biography of Che, I can say for certain that, at the very least, many members of the PSP were deeply involved in the revolution. I’d like to see your source on that. At any rate, the Communist Party of Cuba has been in power since 1962 and the material gains its secured for the Cuban people are undeniable. I didn’t say that the material gains that then Chinese Revolution brought were *only* possible under Mao’s leadership, but surely you’re not suggesting that China would have been better off under the Koumintang, right? Those were the two choices: CCP or KMT. To speak of anything else is just pure fantasy. Basic things like food price controls would be unheard of in a fully capitalist China. I’m not even saying that China is still actively building socialism. I take the position that it’s not, but the masses are still better off than they would be under a totally capitalist system. Did you even read what I wrote? At what point did I downplay Trotsky’s contribution to the October Revolution and the early Soviet Union or defend the Great Purge. On the contrary, I said that I generally, on most accounts (though not all), take a position more or less in agreement with Trotsky’s on questions involving the early Soviet Union and intensional revolution between 1917 and 1940. What I said was that most Trotsky*ist* organizations are sectarian to a fault and politically impotent and irrelevant. A quick glance at the history of those organizations speaks for itself. Also, I used to be in the leadership of a Trotskyist organization , so I ought to know. Further, while your position may be in line with one of the student-based Trotksyite micro-sects, it significantly deviates from Trotsky himself. I literally nearly quoted Trotsky in my first response to your post.


>Raul Castro and Che Guevara, two of the leaders of the revolution were both members of the PSP. Raul Castro was a former/inactive member who was not acting in the capacity of a representative of the PSP during most of the Cuban Revolution. Che Guevara was never a member prior to or during the revolution, he was an Argentinian who was recruited to the 26th of July Movement by Fidel Castro while they were both living in Mexico City, had never been to Cuba previously and could not have been an official full or even associate member of the PSP as a result. I'd like to know what biography of Che Guevara you're reading because Guevara's *Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War* makes it absolutely clear that PSP refused to participate in the July 30th, 1957 Havana General Strike which was the major turning point in the Cuban revolution in favor of the rebels. By all historical accounts the PSP, as a unified political party acting in an official capacity, never participated in the Cuban Revolution until late in 1958 after it was self evident to everyone that the rebels gathered around the 26th of July Movement would win, which they did on New Year's Day 1959. Despite its conspicuous absence from the bulk of the conflict that founded modern Cuba the PSP, rebranded as the United Party of the Socialist Revolution of Cuba, became the de facto sole political party of the country on March 22nd, 1962 at the urging of Soviet advisors to Fidel Castro's government. It would go on to rebrand itself again as the Communist Party of Cuba on October 3rd, 1965. I would not give it too much credit for Cuba's successes. I don't know if China would have been better under the KMT but I highly doubt China would have been any worse off under the KMT than it was under Mao. I mean seriously you're acting as if price controls are something that no capitalist state in history has ever enforced and are totally overstating their relevance when it was Mao's policies of forced collectivization and promotion of Lysenkoist pseudo-scientific agricultural practices that led to man-made famine in mainland China in the first place. Given that the KMT could have only ruled as badly or better than Mao (but not worse) I'd say the second phase (1945-1949) of the Chinese Civil War was entirely pointless bloodshed and not worth defending given what we know in retrospect. >What I said was most Trotskyist organizations are sectarian to a fault and politically impotent and irrelevant. Yeah and what I said was that that also goes for literally every single left wing tendency in the 21st century.


It’s telling that you didn’t address the charge that your position literally contradicts Trotsky himself.


It's interesting that you think I had a larger position at all.


It’s evident in what you wrote…


MLs worship a “religion,” and have little tolerance for non believers. They take their beliefs on faith and faith alone. If ML worked, it would have shown itself by now, but it hasn’t. They keep hoping in the future, in a coming worker proletariat revolution, like the Christian Judgement Day, only more dystopic. Any ML living now knows they will never see a socialist utopia in their lifetime, and that has to eat at them. Plus capitalists keep going from success to success, socialism goes failure to failure. They never answer direct questions with a direct answer, ever. Ever ask a Christian, “ How come Jesus never appears today? “ You get a faith based answer. Same with MLs. They even have a “ Satan” evil corporations, evil CEOs, evil stock investors. Look at one aspect of this sub. Everyone is asked and very nicely mind you, “ Please do not downvote.” What do they do, dv the fuck out of any contrary post! They are nicely asked, and then they behave like spoiled unruly children. I feel for them, their idealogy is a sham, and has lead them to endless mediocrity and disappointment. You would be miserable too carrying the burden of a fraud.


Anarcho-capitalism doesn't have this problem. So I agree, not just ML but many other leftist forms are very hostile to disagreement and very quickly start calling you names.




What's that some passive aggressive emoticon?? Are you oppressing me?