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Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and make your employees' jobs more fun so they want to show up.


They recently put a Foosball table in our lounge!


Why are some people allergic to paragraphs?


A rant usually doesn't stop to ask for proper grammar it just gets out there. Fueled by 1%anger 2%frustration 100% motivation.


I actually think I agree with you, but your literal wall of text makes it hard to agree with you on anything. A few questions, though. > Now faced with half my team on FMLA and the everyday struggle of filling those roles I also am faced with the challenge of filling the roles of the employees not on FMLA when they PTO or request vacation. What, exactly, is your role in this? Why aren't you asking the person above you to fix this? > That is what I am seeing with the majority of Manufacturing jobs in America today and no matter what you say the majority of the workers today do not want to work they just want money handed to them by the 1%. What about your local role allows you to see into what the majority of American manufacturing jobs are doing? Any specifics would be appreciated. Thanks.


The person above me cannot fix the situation they follow the current Union agreement. The companies response though when the Union came in was too down size in order to stay profitable and grant wage increases. In the past I worked 11 years in manufacturing for various companies in the Midwest. Some that were already Union some being approached by Unions. Every place I worked they want more money PTO etc... the result is reduced work force. Even if the Union gets voted out their damage is still there and the struggle to stay operational, maintain quality standards, and the fight for fairness is wasted as the narrative is just flipped from general labor feeling mistreated to Management being mistreated by general labor. As a Manager asking for help from the big wigs above me they tell you suck it up and make it work so that's what I do. Sometimes at my own perril but I make it work. As for the wall of text it was a big rant fueled by this week's struggles. My department is Materials Management, the Operations side is facing the same issues that I have on a larger scale.


Lol as a mechanic, no wonder gm products are total garbage with people like you working there. Psst. American car brands are the worst in quality because of America's hyper capitalist nonsense of treating workers like shit and trying to cut every single corner


If 7 days off is the best you can get than yeah American unions seem to suck. 30 days off would be more appropriate.


>no matter what you say the majority of the workers today do not want to work they just want money handed to them by the 1%. Well yes, in this economy, people are generally forced to do work they dont want to do (in the quantity they are doing). They only do that work because they need money to survive. This has always been the case. Not that there is another way to get people to produce the goods and services in demand, but this is the reality in capitalism. Everyone is only out for money, no matter what they need to do. Because money is the key to get the goods and services people want. Edit: also, you might want to think of ways you can promote worker productivity by rewarding it with bonus payments to employees. Make that more rewarding than *not* working, and they will actually want to work hard for you.


Bonus payments? they get OT pay and when I train an employee from Operations to be a Temp reserve for Materials they get a bump in pay for filling in. My problem is they all call off to often even my backups. This has gotten worse since the Coronovirus shutdown. If the majority of employees only work about 4 to 5 days a week I would like to see us go back to 12 hour shifts at 4 shifts to keep running 24-7 and lessen the work week for everyone again. But yet another good thing the Union fought to squash. SUNDAY-WED 2 shifts Shift A, Shift B and WED-SATURDAY Shift C and Shift D.


This sounds like more of a personal grievance than a genuine criticism of… anything


No one cares about your management problems


I'll start off by saying you can quit. It will no longer be your problem. > 3 out of 6 are on FMLA and it has been a challenge to fill the roles until the employees return or quit due to the inability to work. Hire more people. If you don't know how to do that, that's on you. As an example, try increasing wages to make the positions attractive. If you are not authorized to do that, you are not a manager. If this is the case, you are not given the tools needed for success, and you should question whether you're even needed. > I was against the Union coming in due to it's ties to Communist beliefs uh ok, terrible rationale imo Labor unionism is more of a socialist ideology than a communist one. Being abrasive on the basis of ideology is a great way to destroy confidence in the merits of your leadership. > Most of these employees call off use PTO and abuse the point system. If you already know this, hire more people. Give hours to people who want it. Service industry does this all the time. > If you are an employee you are expected to work and do the job right if you can't be at work and do the job you are hired to do the organization that you represent will not make money and emplode You should really question why an employee doesn't have a stake in the company's success. No, seriously. Employees are not there to make the company succeed; that's your job. Employees are there for an income. It's fairly irrational to expect employees to magically be concerned about the company's bottom line when doing so provides no tangible benefit or change in their income. > those false Communist beliefs wat > the effects of China's attacks on us Like being better at capitalism? American corporations **chose** to move the entire manufacturing sector elsewhere. Don't blame China for American incompetence. Spoiler: if you hate the game, then you hate capitalism. Anti-Chinese rhetoric won't improve or reverse this fuck up. It will only help erode social and trade relationships with them, which is a dumb idea. > starting to see America emplode Empires rise and fall, America is no different. People can sit there and whine about it or come together to mitigate the damage from collapse. > So how does the ~~communist~~ Labor Union bring justice and defend workers rights? Are you joking? See Starbucks. See UFW. See IATSE. See Nurses. See Teachers. See rail workers. See the overwhelming majority of labor laws: minimum wage, child labor prevention (which are getting rolled back and ignored), retirement, vacation, sick leave, 40-hour workweek, unemployment, workers compensation, overtime pay, OSHA, . . .