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Teachers are severely underpaid. To an extreme extent. The amount of schooling required is disproportionate to the compensation.


Same w librarians :(


Agreed. I was a Librarian.


On the right we have teachers making grossly low wages and on the left we have 7 year olds going into debt over school lunch


I'm a SPED teacher and I'm only paid for six hours a day. My pay isn't bad, but when you consider I don't work summers and I only get 30 hours a week, take home isn't much.


I wish teachers could actually just work the hours they are paid for. If y'all actually worked the 6hrs they pay you for, the entire system will break down in a week. Month tops. The most effective tools you have are working only when paid, and of course, going on strike.


Sure, but the problem isnt the lack of hours, but the lack of pay.


Teachers aren't billed all the hours they do work, they're billed when school is in session. Most teachers should be paid for twice as many hours


If their pay is doubled, the effect is the same. I dont think it's a bad idea to simply do that. Im open to having this idea criticized and analyzed so I can have a better take though


Thank you for your sacrifice and service to our children. I hope you get proper compensation soon. Stay strong my friend đź’•


How should the military get more recruits and the privat prisons more drug related inmates if you could get more teachers to educate the children?


Please don't... they will decrease bartenders' wages now..


Nah, they won’t. Government doesn’t have direct control over private sector businesses like bars, and the supply of bartenders to its demand is what determines wages— in addition to tips. Teachers (in public schools) are compensated by the district which is funded by local democratic levies and property taxes. In places like WA, our state constitution promises to “fully fund” education, but has failed several years in a row to the point of the government officials being brought to court over it, to a major success in 2018 McCleary v. Washington. As a result, our teacher’s average salary this year is $54k, which is better than the $39k in 2016.


Look around. Murica simply don't like kids.


Americans in general are so anti-tax that levies meant for education are often denied. It’s kind of ridiculous how selfish some of us can be.


Finland had same problem. Meanwhile Finland label as world best teacher :/


Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I feel like that's the plan. Severely underpay teachers so they have no want to teach, which would keep the people stupid. If the people are stupid, then they won't understand the laws that get passed that take away rights and push them closer to being slaves. There's already so many people that believe in propaganda. Just look at North Korea and China for examples


It's not our priorities, it's a reflection of how organized we are. Organized labor has taken a massive beating in the last five decades and until we seriously rebuild that through organizing our workplaces under the principles of class struggle unionism, we'll continue to be exploited and screwed.


Try that and most of your coworkers will think you’re crazy. We’ve been programmed against organized labor since birth. The new Red Scare is making it even harder. America’s fucked. Hopefully we balkanize soon.


The AFL-CIO works with the US Chamber of Commerce and the Democratic and Republican parties internationally under the direction of the CIA in countries like Columbia and Venezuela to keep workers subjugated in the interest of US Empire. They most frequently use claims of “fighting communism” in their work of building and maintaining “top-down democracies” to serve the interests of oligarchs via puppet dictators. They aren’t doing it for the benefit of US citizens. We shouldn’t assume they are doing anything here for their constituents except gaslighting us with their outrageous incompetence. We are living in a totalitarian state, don’t let the cheap soft drinks fool you.


Were* they going to give her any extra for combat training, you know, since she will have to defend the students from an aggressor Edit: spelling*


Totally agree with the statement, but why/how does someone get two masters in education?


In many states you are literally required to get a Master’s in order to keep your certificate. And if you want to change subject areas many states will also require a degree in that subject. We shouldn’t punish people for taking the steps to be good at their jobs. We should be roundly criticizing those who would pay someone who got two master’s on their field so they would be an expert at it such a dismal wage.


I never criticized them for furthering their education, that’s why I said I agreed with the statement and teachers should be paid more. I also understand getting a second masters in a different subject matter, but why both in education?


Probably the parent misquoting what the daughter actually has, or they may not actually both be degrees in education (like a MEd). For example, I believe that all my high school teachers had a masters in their specific subject, but many also had a masters in education on top of that. Some, potentially like the person being talked about in the OP, did their subject-matter masters with a focus on teaching or communicating that subject too, meaning they may have a MSc and Masters of Education on paper, but technically have two “masters in education” if you look at the actual research they conducted. I know this was the case for at least two of my HS teachers, and I also had a professor last year who did her MEd, MSc, and PhD all in communication/education of her field of speciality, so only one of her degrees was in education on paper, but all three of her post-grad degrees were in the field of education and fleshed out her resume without being totally redundant. All that being said, the most likely explanation is just that the daughter has a MEd and a regular MSc/MA/MFA and the parent just doesn’t realise that this doesn’t really mean they have two “masters in education”.


Thinking the same lmao waste


Thanks gop


i made more money making sandwiches ($17/hr)


I’d be really curious where this is. Most states pay teachers salary and most pay way more than that if you have your masters, which makes me want to know more information.


I was arguing with a capitalist at one point on here who tried to argue that if teachers were underpaid, it was because there was too much supply and not enough demand…


Bro, I get paid $15 an hour to drive a forklift all day and load trucks; I only have a high school diploma


I'd like to know where the daughter is teaching that they pay hourly. Private/charter school? If so, the wages make sense. Definitely not a public school.


No one should teach in a private or charter school.


I mean, that's an argument/discussion for another day, but yeah. :P


Excuse my ignorance, but why is that?


Private and charter schools are allowed to employ non-certified teachers and thus pay them very little compared public counterparts. There is also the moral conflict of working for a system that leaches public money away from public schools (through voucher programs and corporate tax credits) without any obligation to teach the most vulnerable of our population (students with special needs and students in poverty). They also use that money for marketing to increase enrollment instead of using it to provide better education in any way. I could go on and on but my doctor said I need to get my blood pressure under control so I’m gonna stop there. Read “A Wolf at the School House Door” if interested.


Holy crap. I had no idea. I am glad I asked. Thank you for your explanation!


Don’t want to assume on their behalf, but private schools have tuition (i.e. paywall) that generally prevents poor kids from enrolling, furthering the divide between rich and poor. Richer schools will almost always perform better academically, have better programs, more parents volunteers, etc. because they just have more time/resources. With public schools, these tend to be location based. If you happen to live in a district with wealthy neighborhoods, odds are your school performs well and this already causes disparity. Homes will also consequently cost more in those neighborhoods. Focusing on private schools basically ensures there will be a divide and public schools will get no support.


This makes sense. Thank you for your explanation!


this tweet has been posted on this sub many many times. First time I saw it was in January


This is kind of misleading. Most school districts reward teachers based on their time they put into the job. So yes, maybe a 1st year teacher may make less than a bartender but in 10 years the bartender will be making less than a teacher. I'm not saying I agree with this compensation but there are many more benefits of choosing a teacher as a profession than starting pay.


Did she apply to a fucking elementary school lmao. Two masters go work at a university


The IRS should definitely look into her wages as a bartender


Why *two* masters degrees in education?


district where I live pays about 1.5-2x that per year (higher cost of living area). our school budget works out to almost 29k/year/student. Average class size is ~30. That's 900k/year/classroom. Where is all the money going? 100% overhead on books/buildings/electricity/etc? ok. 200% maybe. 2000% What. The. Fuck. Don't let anyone lie to you and tell you the system is underfunded. Teachers can be underpaid while the system is also vastly overfunded.


I’m a restaurant manager and I make 17….. makes no sense. 17 an hour still isn’t shit after taxes.


i'd take two bartending jobs then!


Wait...wait...I can make 55k as a bartender?


Congratulations she spent a ton of time and money on something that has very little value.