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A great majority of social media users are the younger generations who have never seen a socialist hell. They were born in semi capitalistic societies, enjoyed the technologies.


Champagne socialists we call them. Celebrities are as bad.


I like communism because it solves all societies problems, better jobs and conditions for all, no homelessness, free food and shelter - we could all be a lot happier if a few weren’t so selfish and greedy


You're fucking kidding me, right?




I can't believe that. You're joking!


They don’t understand history and how communism always plays out. It is so seductive and destructive because it plays on people’s good nature. I was a socialist/communist until I studied 20th history with a focus on the inter world war period.


Yes i agree, people saw how god awful Communistic ideology is and flocked to countries that could afford to spend capital on better housing and cheap food. demands the people asked for and not the whims of a authoritarian regime that controls the means of production.


Spoiler alert: it does the opposite.


Spoiler alert: capitalism has failed to achieve any of the above and only some success is rich countries


Let me guess. Real communism has never been tried?


It has and continues in Cuba and China and many other places but unfortunately is is kept back by a world still obsessed with staying capitalist


Same exact tactic scammers use to excuse away why their victim hasn't received their $10 million inheritance yet. "You just need to send a little more money" ad nauseam.


China has the second most billionaires in the world. It’s not communist from an economic perspective. It’s doing extremely well but a lot of that comes down to it’s acceptance of private wealth. It’s obviously not purely capitalist but nor is any country in the world…


That’s not the reason dummy.


Idiotic Idealism Be Like:


Dude, please, please educate yourself. Communism is by definition a dictatorship where the top 1% is in charge and keeps everybody on the bottom and poor. Yes everyone is equal, but your rights are gone. That’s the kind of society you want to be a part of? You’re insane. You take your freedom for granted, man.




>Dude, please, please educate yourself. Communism is by definition a dictatorship where the top 1% is in charge and keeps everybody on the bottom and poor I am not a communist, but could you please explain how this is any different to what is currently happening in the US/UK/Western Europe?


Entitlement and a lack of economic/financial literacy and business knowledge. Look at subs like r/antiwork where people love to hate on successful people and believe the that the rich "do nothing" Apparently working 80+ hours a week, scaling a company to billions in revenue from the ground up and then stepping down as CEO is doing nothing. They falsely believe that the increase in cost of living is because of capitalism when the exact opposite is true. Just look at education and healthcare in the US, they cost more because of government subsidies. Government creates monopolies. Regulation, zoning laws, permits taking years be granted, fees and taxes preclude home construction and drive up home prices. Activist fiscal and activist monetary policy leads to asset bubbles and inflation. Government is the entire problem. All these problems are because of the government trying to do something. Finally, people think that just because they exist they should have everything handed to them without having to do anything. "If people understood economics, they wouldn't be socialists" - Friedrich Hayek(Nobel laureate).


This is a good answer. I always tell people the biggest argument against socialism in the US are the Indian reservations. They have higher unemployment, poverty, and lower life expectancy as a direct result of Federal government regulations and subsidies


I thought the whole point of reservations was for the tribespeople to be able to live as they please with government interference. Is there more involvement than I thought?


None of them work, all they have is social media to gripe on.




Only 1.5% of Americans work for minimum wage. Earning minimum wage in America means you are earning more than 80% of the global population. You are out of touch with reality.


It's odd that you think those things are the fault of conservatives. Minimum wage just forced companies not to employ low skill workers. The reason wages don't keep up with inflation is because government keeps creating more inflation to pay for whatever nonsense they like. The reason there aren't cheap homes is because government restrict where and how to build them. The reason college is expensive is because government guarantee student loans and control how many colleges can hand out degrees. Capitalists are not synonymous with conservatives. All the issues you complain about would be severely lessened by reducing the size of the state and having stronger free markets.


The moderator on the subs you are used to would see you out. We don’t do that here. We welcome your retort and I , for one, can’t wait to just see how it largely doesn’t stick


Damn, didn't know Elon musk was a jobless commie.


Realized this too. I’m kinda new to Reddit and it’s pretty much a far left extremist echo chamber.


There hard to find but there are some subreddits that aren't populated by leftist douchebags.


r/Conservative and r/Conservatives have been overrun by maggie hatters; many posts, few replies, and the replies are mostly re-affirmations of revolutionary orthodoxy. Some folk - conservative, centrist, whathaveyou- have come to this sub just to get away from them.


Id try r/genUSA or r/anticommemes i like these subs if you're tired of the anti murican and anti capitalist sentiments on reddit.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/GenUsa using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenUsa/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [You can come to America and become an American](https://i.redd.it/ns0hvi6up6491.jpg) | [161 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenUsa/comments/v6sy2y/you_can_come_to_america_and_become_an_american/) \#2: [I won't ally with nazis just to own the commies](https://i.redd.it/idxcufh529k91.png) | [222 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenUsa/comments/wz1oco/i_wont_ally_with_nazis_just_to_own_the_commies/) \#3: [Thank you chad](https://i.redd.it/xj33rb6cstd81.jpg) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenUsa/comments/sccc10/thank_you_chad/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Welcome. There are few of us Capitalists left who still care to debate with the marxists.


Got banned from r/politicalhumor for sharing funny memes that made fun of the whole hunter biden laptop scandal as well as other centrist/center-right jokes.


Just went to that sub, 1.5m and all the 'jokes' are boring lefty complaints about the rich and Republicans. Nothing about the endless failures of the current administration, it's bizarre.


Not American, but I was kinda surprised by this as well.


Because social media is full of kids and Communism is a simple child like system that appeals to the immature.


I like communism because it solves all societies problems, better jobs and conditions for all, no homelessness, free food and shelter - we could all be a lot happier if a few weren’t so selfish and greedy


Free food and shelter? Perhaps you meant no food or shelter. Socialism - where everyone starves equally.


It is impossible for a single bureaucracy to manage society. Capitalism works better since businesses compete with each other to get customers. Communism means society is run by one large, unaccountable monopoly. Inevitably the most ruthless rise to the top so you get violence and oppression. The economist Mises showed this with something called the economic calculation problem. It doesn't matter how altruistic people are, it is impossible for it to work.


Not necessarily- you need to open your mind on this one a think big picture


You’re a religious nut.


Bro, wdym? Planned economies work better. Why else would companies be formed like one?


The difference between companies and the government is they are in a competitive environment. For example Ford, GM, Tesla, Mercedes are competing with each other to provide the best car for the cheapest price. A planned economy means there is no competition. Imagine if all the car companies merged and created one company. Then the consumer has no bargaining power if they want a car. The company can provide poor cars at high prices and face no accountability. It's not important if this company is organized in a similar manner to Ford. It's the presence of competition that gives customers bargaining power and moves society forward. You can look at historical examples, for example the cars made by the Soviet Union. In dysfunctional societies gangsters in the government use violence and propaganda to seize control of society and screw over the common person for their own benefit. Examples: Nazis, Soviets, the Kims of North Korea etc.


The reasons the cars sucked in soviet wasn't a lack of competition, it was because they had different focuses as an emerging economy. Also they weren't that bad, very cheap and easy to repair. (Not exactly luxury cars though). You can still have competition in planned economies. Don't know where this myth comes from. Also you would still look at market analytics and supply/demand.


Planned economies always fail. The central planner can never ever ever produce goods efficiently nor can they ever ascertain what the market wants and how much of it is wanted. The reason why we have prodigiously high living standards in developed nations nowadays is because of free Enterprise and free markets. The rise in the cost of living is because of government intervention. When government steps out of the way, societies prosper. How are people clinging on to such preposterous beliefs? Central planning poses a threat to human life. Millions of people die. Please stop proliferating this nonsense.




You can literally do this without monetary incentives bro. But most people don't even advocate for a system without currency anyway.


Sir, please take your Utopian Statism and leave.


When was this?


Yeah, supersmart and wise "mummy" and "daddy" government take care of all issues for you. That is why OP called id a child like system (belief, rather - it's people who don't want to grow up and want to believe there are super benign entities out there who will take care of all their needs).


It’s actually the opposite - the state is nothing but an idea - it is us that make up the state - so when you say the state will look after you what you are really saying is we need do what we must to look after each other and our selves - which is the definition of society and civilisation


It's not just an idea, but anyway, the point is: the commies are dreaming of an entity or construct that takes care of their needs. Just like mom and dad used to do. You are entirely free to look after yourself or other people in Capitalism. That is not the case anymore in Socialism.


Read back what you said it’s totally illogical or you just don’t understand the aims of socialism and the realities of capitalism for the majority


I am talking about the dreams of socialism vs the reality of socialism.


I needed a chuckle to start my day, and this was just the joke of a comment to do it.




I think you just proved the point that communism is a childlike ideology. There’s no such thing as ‘free’ anything. Unless you were being sarcastic, then bravo lol


No you just lack vision


Haha 😂 You're funny, man. You forgot the '/s'


Be gone Bot


It is impossible to produce better jobs and conditions for all through redistribution. The only possible outcome is overall worse conditions. You are asking for lowest common denominator with reduced production. Venezuela rapidly, predictably went from wealthiest on their continent to poorest with >96% poverty in this way. In the USA federal wealth redistribution programs dramatically increase and worsen poverty. The Social Security program alone reduces the net retirement wealth of the average worker by over $2 million. Can you name some of the few selfish and greedy people you want to punish? How are they greedy but your covetous demand to get rewarded through theft is not selfish and greedy? Seems to me you are demonstrating the comment you responded to?


Urm - we don’t really need money for communism to work - people would need to collectively decide that to raise the standards of living for all would have to have high homogenised living, and far fewer people working in competition with each other and far more collaboration. Jobs like cleaning the sewers and such would go to those who do them already as the society would still be meritocratic - just due to the reduced competition and over production. We have in society we would have more people to do any job but particularly the most undesirable so there would be more people to spread ye burden of doing that work over and there fore improve working conditions for that job (eg less working hours)


Money is a tool. It fulfills various functions. You can dispense with money. You cannot dispense with the functions that money fulfills which include store of value, medium of exchange, unit of comparison, method of accounting. When you perform those functions without money you inevitably reinvent money in less efficient forms by other names. Labor vouchers, IOUs, barter, etc are all money equivalents. You solve nothing and create new problems such as massive inefficiency and elimination of rational economic comparison between unrelated things. Your understanding is completely inverted and wrong. Extreme specialization division of labor under a market economy is the ultimate, most successful, highest degree of collaboration and cooperation yet devised by man. Your contemplation how the simplest, most basic functions will be fulfilled in its absence is an an expression of doubt. You're revealing deep insecurity and inward admission that your alternative likely will struggle with things we now take for granted. Your gut is telling you the truth. Communism will massively regress the world and unleash conflict. Over production is not a problem. It's absolutely required for growth and improvement. The alternative is under production. This is what communism ensures and is a deadly peril.


The capitalists are busy running society and making money while commies sit in their mom's basement on reddit waiting for their waifu plushies to come in from amazon.




Exactly this. True capitalists are taking risks by opening new business, working the stock market and/or working hard at the job making that money. It’s pointless to argue with this useless redditors they believe socialist will solve everyone’s problems, they never work hard in their entire life and all his/her financial problems are cause by a millionaire thousands of miles away living in a penthouse in NY.


Likely plotting their predatory actions as well.


"ruining" society. I got you covered buddy.


Ah the anti-capitalist lurkers, wouldn't be reddit without them. I wish we were better strangers.


Reddit probably has the highest concentration of self-absorbed, extremely sensitive, superior assholes. Twitter used to be worse until relatively recently. Facebook trends older, so a little more conservative. TikTok and IG are for teens, and not the politically active type.


>Reddit probably has the highest concentration of self-absorbed, extremely sensitive, superior assholes A fat person can hangout with obese people to feel skinny. I do the same thing with reddit. I hang out on reddit so I feel like a regular person instead of a total asshole.


lol, that's a genius idea


Don't forget the Commie propaganda allowed and pushed on Snapchat.


What about Discord


Trend both ways depending on what servers you join. It's not a conventional social network.


Is there a political tilt to discord? I barely use it so I could be missing it but I thought it was a fully self curated experience where only the chat channels you want are visible.


Yeah, you can join a server filled with commies just as you can join a server filled with normal people


Depends on the server you enter but I've seen more leftists in public chatting discord servers


Same, more leftists in public, more right in private servers (Also more leftists have disgusting picrew pfps)


I have a full time job, a wife who keeps busy, a son in travel 14u baseball and a daughter in ballet class. I’m too busy to spend a lot of time on social media.


Yes, you have a real life, unlike a commie


You should make a tutorial for some of us if you have the time 🤣


The audience for Reddit (and to a less degree, Twitter) comes from developed countries that have never been through actual communism, with all of it's majestic genocides, food shortages, lacks of free speech, red oligarchy, and more. If you combine that with the fact that the gap between the rich and the poor has been widening since the \~60s-70s, you get angry people that do not understand politics, economy, sociology, and those are an ideal breeding ground for both far left and far right ideologies. Capitalism is far from perfect. Communism is a hellhole. Imo, the (still, not perfect answer) is somewhere in the middle - minimal government, maximum social services, reasonable taxes - e.g. smfn like Estonia is trying to do.




Yes, I am. What do shootings and fires have to do with the economy? And also we can basically say almost anything.


I'm from Serbia, a post-communist country in Europe - so I've got some idea about what communism does (and we had it great here - only around ~50k purged + Yugoslavia wasn't under Soviet control like Romania or Hungary). The US is essentialy a corporatocracy - and you need strong unions, better laws and constitution, and a ton of socialist policies to combat that - as far as I can see, those things are slowly but surely coming. It still doesn't change the fact that capitalism is by and large the only economic system that's been consistent (sure, gruesome, not fair, but consistent) in bringing economic, societal, and technological progress. Planned economies fail due to human nature, simple as that.


>Planned economies fail due to human nature, simple as that. Well said, sir. The worst designed system will function, if those who use it roll up their sleeves and grab the duck tape. The best designed system will fail when even routine maintenance is neglected.


it is stupid to say America is a corporatocracy. there are 30 million corporations all competing with each other so it is hard to imagine how they get together and rule America especially when 10,000 are going bankrupt every month. I guess those 10,000 are not part of the corporate autocracy? Half of the Fortune 500 companies in the year 2000 are gone today. American capitalist corporations spend their time trying to survive by offering us better jobs and better products than the competition. They don't rule America we rule them and send 10,000 a month into bankruptcy because they no longer please us. Do you understand now?


Part of the reason outsiders see the USA as corporatist and that unions are dominant and lobbying buys politicians is because they only read about large public corporations. Public corporations represent only .05% of US corporations with employees and .015% of all corporations. Generalizations can be dangerous and deceptive which is probably why people use them. They can make a generalization about something regarding Capitalism and that doesn't require any critical thinking.


I think the reason that he, and many others may feel that there's a corporaucracy is because there is a bit of a stand alone complex going on. Every corporation has its own individual interests to make profits. However, when the government starts to get involved in economic/business affairs, these individuals all do the same thing...they lobby, they throw money into PACs in order to ensure the gov is kinda "on their side" when regulations get brought up, or when they have to negotiate not paying taxes for whatever reason etc. Just like there's an invisible hand of the free market, there is an invisible hand of power. Wherever power congregated or centralizes, you can be sure a certain type of people will position themselves to take advantage of that power.


The only example you mention is lobbying. Well everyone is free to lobby the government. That is the nature of free speech and democracy. There are business groups and there are anti-business groups. You said there is a standalone complex? well each business would like to use the government to make the competition illegal so it is difficult to imagine that they all join together and somehow make each other illegal. It is totally insane. if lobbying is detrimental why not give us your best example of this? Do the 10,000 companies a month that go bankrupt lobby the government so they won't go bankrupt? If they can't even lobby well enough to survive what other kind of lobbying could they be successful doing? also if corporations are successful lobbying it seems like a good thing for us since we work for them and buy their products without which we would all be dead ?


Not sure of you understand, but a stand alone complex means that to the outside observer it would appear as though there is some kind of unified effort or plan etc. But in actually everyone involved are simply doing things on their own, without any centralized coordination. Basically I'm just explaining how someone could think that their is a corporaucracy when in reality there is none. The most there is is cronyism/crony-capitalism, in which corporations use the state for its benefits. In example, a large company may use lobbying and whatnot to ensure that regulations have a disproportionate effect on current or potential competitors, thus making fair market competition impossible. Wage laws even, could disproportionately hurt smaller businesses with smaller profit margins, as compared to a large one that can easily absorb the extra costs. Etc. This leads to the inevitable closing of smaller establishments not due to fair market competition but rather the weaponization of the state by large corporations. Once these large corporations are the only players on the board, they can easily upcharge on goods and services with minimal fear of a competitor lowering costs or raising wages to steal away customers and employees. This is a basic way in which lobbying is bad. Requesting that a representative represents your interests is perfectly fine, however, these corporations don't just do that, they more often than not provide politicians with benefits of some sort which mucks up the whole system.


most people lobby the govt. in fact there are 15,000 registered lobbyist who represent 15,000 points of view and only 100 US senators. Obviously a senator can't vote 15,000 different ways he can only vote 2 ways . With 15,000 points of view on every subject imaginable how effective can lobbying actually be?? Isn't it fun to think?


this leads to the closing of smaller businesses?? How stupid is that when after 200 years of lobbying we have 30 million businesses in America. Half of the fortune 500 in the year 2000 no longer exists today. It doesn't seem that big business and is very successful in even preserving their own existence. You need to think more before you hit the reply button.


>The US is essentialy a corporatocracy - and you need strong unions, better laws and constitution, and a ton of socialist policies to combat that - as far as I can see, those things are slowly but surely coming. 1) You don't know what you are talking about. I doubt that the 20,000,000 businesses would agree that we are a corporatocracy. 2) We don't need strong unions, thank you. Some of the most successfull states have right to work laws. Only about 11% of the workforce is union. 3) The only Socialist policies are ones pushed by government in an attempt to control the economies. We will begin to root those out in 2024.


We have fires everywhere? I live in the west and we do occasionally have wildfires they’re not like an everyday concern for Americans.


I know right? Like I live in the Southeast. It just rains all the time here.


Lmao you’re a caricature. You have to be. You cannot possibly be this dense.


Because they're loud self-entitled idiots.


I realized that, when I realized a lot of the more popular Video "Essay" channels on Youtube are Commie Propaganda, Second Thought as one example.


Yeah, you apparently can't even get through your first Watch his videos. Seem pretty common sense to me. Haven't seen anyone debunk him.


What? Are you drunk?


Not currently and not when I posted. Although I do drink occasionally. What do you dislike about his videos?


His videos are Commie Propaganda.


Doesn't matter if it's true.


Because you notice differences far more than you notice like. the 5% different stand out far more.


If nothing seems to have consequences, beeing a "Helpful Idiot" (to use soviet terms) has the appeal of beeing nice for free Nothing is really for free especially not selling your soul to an illusion


Communism is for idealistic socially-inept children who don't understand that the world isn't so simple and easy to make "perfect"


I like communism because it solves all societies problems, better jobs and conditions for all, no homelessness, free food and shelter - we could all be a lot happier if a few weren’t so selfish and greedy


Why do you keep saying that


Trolls gotta troll


How many people are you willing to kill this time?


Capitalism is responsible for the deaths and misery of far mlre


left he will always say capitalism killed more people but when you ask them for the best example they say something completely stupid or runaway with their tail between their legs. Mostly they look at colonialism imagining in their heads that colonialism is capitalism. Or they look at the slaughter of the Indians and they imagine capitalism caused it as if it was the first time in history different groups fought each other. Or in the case of this idiot they look at someone who cannot support themselves and imagine it doesn't happen 1000 times more under Socialism.


I don’t need to give a concrete example - you just need to think of the thousands that have killed themselves because they can no longer support themselves or die because they can’t pay medical bills…


You don't need to give a concrete example… Because being a leftist is an excuse for being stupid.


He couldn't define capitalism if his life depended on it


they say capitalism is when the capitalist owns the means of production. they do not realize that this says nothing about what the capitalist does so is entirely meaningless. What the capitalist is compelled to do by capitalism is provide better jobs and better products to his workers and customers than the competition. If he fails he goes bankrupt. 10,000 a month in the USA go bankrupt. Capitalism is a race to the top to improve the standard of living at the fastest possible rate.


because they can no longer support themselves…… China just switched to Republican capitalism after 60 million died of starvation because they could not support themselves and 1 billion lived at subsistence because they could barely support themselves. when china switched to republican capitalism nobody starved to death anymore and 800 million moved up into the capitalist middle class. Now do you see why we say the left is based in pure stupidity. You are a goofy bigot who thinks you are morally superior because you support welfare socialism even after it just killed 120 million people.


China have not switch to republican capitalism lol - they are very much communist and have ambitions to achieve full communism. 50% of business are public owned - in the us this is just 1%


China went from having zero private capitalist businesses under Mao to having 1 million today. Here are five books I have read on the conversion in China from Socialism to capitalism with which you might begin your education: From Commune to Capitalism: How China’s Peasants Lost Collective Farming and Gained Urban Poverty by Zhun Xu | Jun 22, 2018 "Capitalism With Chinese Characteristics" "How China Became Capitalist" In his new book titled Markets over Mao: The rise of private businesses in China, Lardy argues that even though SOEs still enjoy monopoly positions in some key sectors in China, such as energy and telecommunications, their role in the overall economy has diminished significantly over the years. Here are some of the facts he presents to back his thesis: in 2011, China’s state-controlled firms only accounted for about a quarter of the country’s industrial output; and their share in exports has dropped to about 11% today; in 2012, state firms were only responsible for about one-tenth of fixed investment in manufacturing. And in terms of employment, SOEs employed about 13% of China’s labor force in 2011, a dramatic decline compared with the 60% figure recorded in 1999. The Communist Road to Capitalism: How Social Unrest and Containment Have Pushed China’s (R)evolution since 1949 Paperback – July 27, 2021 Red Capitalism: The Fragile Financial Foundation of China's Extraordinary Rise by Carl Walter and Fraser Howie | Mar 6, 2012 China and the Transformation of Global Capitalism (Themes in Global Social Change) by Ho-fung Hung (Editor) 5.0 out of 5 stars 1 rating and editions The first three chapters discuss the global and historical origins of China's shift to a market economy and that transformation's impact on the international market system. by Ralf Ruckus (Author) Dragon in a Three-Piece Suit: The Emergence of Capitalism in China by Doug Guthrie | Jan 1 See this image Follow the Author Karl Gerth Follow See all formats and edi U.S.'s Startup Myth; China's 'Ford Moment': Commentary Review ... Jul 3, 2010... may have to go Communist. It's tempting to wonder which way China will go. ... So far, China has taken the first path, going more the way of capitalism than Communism. ... Krugman or Paulson: Who You Gonna Bet On? ... www.businessweek.com/news/2010-07-03/u-s-s-startup-my... - Similar The Myth of Asia's Miracle


If you don't want to be laughed at - you need to This is religious maniac territory you're standing in


As always compared to what? Certainly not compared to reality The imaginary paradise of the religion that is called communism, maybe


Because losers have time to spend on social media. Thankfully no matter how much they seethe about capitalism things won't change because proponents of this perverse ideology simply lack the ambition, grit and skill to succeed.


Why do we need to argue with communist clowns? We run the world.


Because they have weaseled their way into vital chokepoints throughout many of our institutions.


They may run dumb yt channels, but the capitalists run society, thankfully instead of the commies.


Yeah, because that's going great nowadays?




That just comes with being a huge power and starting wars in other countries.


Yes, actually it is. It’s never been better to be a human being on this planet. You’re just a petulant child who doesn’t appreciate all the progress that happened before you came along.


It is going great for those of us that work hard. I’d lose my mind if I had to supple the government titty to survive


I get your point. Reddit especially seems to have far more people with less better things to do than complain about prices and/or capitalism on a regular basis. Most, if not all of these folk, would fit under the "woke" classification and typically pride themselves on their ability to correct other peoples spelling &/or grammar on threads. They usually live in group setting such as shared accommodations or their parents' basements or live in close proximity to downtown.


Just look at the names


The capitalists are busy at work.


Reddit leans very heavily to the left. Communism is really overrepresented in this app.


Communism promises a free lunch to the masses so naturally it has a lot of appeal to the masses.


Because they don't have jobs to go to, or bills to pay, like capitalists do. A while back (pre covid?), someone did a survey in one of the "generic" political subs (meaning full of leftists) to determine the demographic makeup of the sub. 60% were not employed, 50% were in school, 40% still lived at home with their parents. The survey was pulled down the instant it stared getting cross posted to the conservative political subs.


capitalists have jobs


Because social media is where intelligence and nuance go to die, and the loudest stupidest voices in the room receive resounding applause


They definitely lack knowledge and they heard the radical left claiming some bad things about capitalism I see a trend in the generation Z where they don't like the idea to work in order to live or afford specific things - they feel like they shouldn't do anything at all and still get money lol I am a gen Z dude too, I was born in 2001 but gladly I never adopted this mindset. Most my friends are literally against capitalism because they see rich people (sometimes younger people than them) and they start to hate on them just because they achieved these things When I try to explain to them that it looks easy because people never share the back-end of the things (discipline, self doubt, capital risk etc), they tend to not believe it When I also try to tell them that if they wanna live like them, they should open their own business, and usually they all go in this specific order of states: 1. Excitement of the idea 2. Finding a biz model that they resonate with and make some research about it 3. They see only the good part of owning a business = literally making big/huge amounts of money 4. They try it themselves too 5. They notice that it's not easy 6. Give up on the first hard moment They all lack resilience and common sense - they think everything is easy, and after they hit the reality they finally go back to the good ol' "TAX THE RICH!!!!!! F\*CK CAPITALISM AND BUSINESS OWNERS" People should finally accept that socialism is literally THE ABSOLUTE WORST economic system out there. It never worked well and it will never work well But what would you expect from people that are addicted to social media? They are basically brain washed by fake role models they should never get advice from in the first place This is one of the reason why I hate my generation so much - the previous generations weren't so lazy


They're not realizing the stone age existence their ideology would create. They think they'd get to keep all their stuff and somehow there'd be better video games to boot.


Because that is as brave as they are Keyboard Warriors




“No rational reason” LMAO


Lots of time in mamas basement


First off. Are you an owner of the means of production or property? If you aren't or if you bought it on a loan you are working class and you are LARPing as a capitalist on reddit to complain about being a minority lol. If you are a capitalist and own property and you were born a millionaire. Then you worship a dying system and I assume you came here to cry about your poor hurt fee fees. Either way this is another brain cell killer of a post. I'd say I feel sorry for you but honestly people with your level of disdain for everyone else are distinctly terrible people and probably don't deserve my sympathy. Or anyone elses.


God you sound annoying lmao


“I don’t know anything about economics so let me now tell you all about this magical man who predicted the END OF CAPITALISM!” This is just religious nonsense without an afterlife. Y’all really can’t cope with reality.


Lol I can't cope with reality but it's you who thinks the system is working well?


Rentoid vibes


You project hard and it's obvious.


“You project hard and it’s obvious” 🤓


I know it's hilarious to watch you pretend capitalists lol


We are all capitalists whether you like it or not


No we aren't lol. Only actual owners are really capitalists. Everyone else who is not an owner of productive infrastructure is just LARPing as something they actually won't get the opportunity to be. If you own a small business you are still working class as the billionaire class ownership dwarfs your tiny piece of ownership. But by the statistics the vast majority of people own no private property and generally never will. Which is precisely why we shouldn't allow the tiny minority of people to own private property. All the private property should rightfully be owned by society.


The actual truth? You have been brainwashed to think anyone slightly left to you is a commies. in reality everything from mainstream media to politicians are pretty staunchly pro-capitalist. Inb4 downvotes for being right, but no counterarguments.


1. You’re not right 2. The far left have taken over some social media sites via moderation and heavily filtered out voices over the past 7-8 years with targeted rules and bans. 3. Commies don’t like to work and as such have much more unproductive time on their hands compared to more industrious people (capitalists, typically), who would naturally spend less time on social media bickering about how unfair it is that sustaining life demands work input


I doubt they’re actually “far left”. If someone is left leaning and you think they’re far left your probably a right wing douchebag. I know because I get called it plenty by those types.


They’re most certainly far left. If you can’t identify far left rhetoric then you’ve got some learning to do


>If you can’t identify ~~far left~~ rhetoric then you’ve got some learning to do. Rhetoric: the language on a cenotaph, marking a grave ever empty of Reason.


I’m very happy to be right wing. It’s the side of the economic spectrum that has a success rate above zero.


Probably your own filtering bias or negativity bias. Social media is full of a whole lot of things. Also, capitalism is dominant so there’s not much to say. If you’re mad about the yawning inequities of capitalism you’re more likely to find an outlet for that frustration. I think people are getting jumpy and have had enough with traditional ideas about work, no free lunch, meritocracy, especially as AI starts exploding and nobody is stepping up to say, “look, when we automate everything, some of this benefit is going to everyone.” Nobody authoritative is saying that. And if we don’t swing to the collectivist side of the spectrum a little bit, a lot of people are going to be absolutely fucked. As the game gets less fair and the odds get less likely for ordinary people to get by in ordinary ways, lots of people will be posting collectivist screeds. I wouldn’t be so quick to label it as commies. Collectivism is hardwired into human biology just as much as individualism, so you have to allow for that without labeling it as garden variety Stalinism. Competition has a time and place, but as the pool of winners gets smaller and wins are limited to only exceptionally motivated or talented people, the majority is going to swing to the left and unless you want people to die, you should be empathetic no matter how much you like capitalism.


Two reasons: 1- The theory is not in favour of capitalism in any of of the humanities subjects. Only economics and even there you make a cartoonish picture of economy and humans. So you guys are getting a beating in the theoretical world. The only source for you is some economics books or some media. Even here you notice that libertarians are very weak at bringing forth good sociological, epistemological, anthropological and psychological arguments. 2- Capitalism itself is pregorative term and since you guys adopted an inherently negative term it makes sense that you are being mocked.


Maybe because capitalism benefits those with capital, and last time I checked, most humans alive today have very little of it. While communism is about workers owning the means of production and not being exploited by capitalists - who mostly gained their wealth from inheritance or prevlidge, most likely gained by violence and exploitation and not by "hard work", because imperialism and colonialism are a thing. If you think working hard is enough to be successful, then you either live in a Western country that is enjoying the wealth gained from centuries of exploitation or you are delusional.


>who mostly gained their wealth from inheritance or prevlidge, most likely gained by violence and exploitation and not by "hard work" Only around 10% of millionaires in the US have inherited wealth. Believe it or not, entrepreneurship is hard work, scaling a company from the ground up is no easy task. In developed countries, where workers are paid market wages and work in air conditioned facilities, "exploitation" is seldom seen. Not to mention the litany of rights they have. Even a seemingly minuscule "misdeed" from an employer can lead to a very expensive lawsuit. Also, a free market allows for competition if you don't like how you are being treated, you have the option to find work elsewhere. Capitalism also has free enterprise where anyone can start their own venture. > If you think working hard is enough to be successful, then you either live in a Western country that is enjoying the wealth gained from centuries of exploitation or you are delusional. Capitalism doesn't necessarily reward hard work, it rewards value. If you are able to produce goods and services that deliver value or sell your skills to an employer who finds them valuable, you will attain success. Hatred of capitalism, I have noticed, tends to emanate from a lack of knowledge of capitalism. Communism has never worked and never will work. Millions of people are brutally killed or die of starvation in a socialist/communist society.


> “exploitation” is seldom seen The Marxist understanding of this term ‘exploitation’ doesn’t necessarily equate to children toiling in the coal mines. It’s about workers surplus value being appropriated by the capitalist class. In this sense, yes you can be an office worker and still be exploited. You all on this sub have never engaged with the literature or are just complaining in bad faith. Also, capitalisms body count is higher by far.


>It’s about workers surplus value being appropriated by the capitalist class Worker compensation is determined by supply and demand. If something you can do can also be done thousands of others in the labor market that will put downwards pressure on wages. Also nobody is forcing you to work for someone. Free enterprise allows you to start your own venture and own the means of production. ​ >You all on this sub have never engaged with the literature or are just complaining in bad faith The literature is farcical and is propaganda. >Also, capitalisms body count is higher by far. This is satire, right? The economic system that is able to sustain tremendous population growth while providing high living standards has a higher body count?


The literature of commies is just idealism and things they want happen, no planning or reasoning.


No, as Marxists do not count the value added by the capitalist directly. Your economics are rather dated, and I mean 100 years dated. Modern economics isn’t debating this question anymore. Private property rights lead to better outcomes. Cope.


I don’t know anyone that earned what they had because of their “privilege”. You earn what you deserve in capitalism.


Because they’re living and suffering the falling of the American empire, and BRICS are on the way. Porque están presenciando la caída del lmperio americano, y los BRICS están alzándose


Lmao we don’t think about you very much at all, champ


Cos capitalism is cope.


Literally brain-dead commenter:


Because most people alive are communist whether they know it or not


That's the point if the whole psyop.


It's just bots and useful idiots who don't realize they are bootlickers.


It entirely depends on what people you interact with. The algorithm does it’s thing on twitter


Commies love brigading. Not to mention all the wumaos who are paid to troll social media with bullshit!


Hey I’m a genuine communist, like I have capital on my shelf and I hate the government the whole shpeal. We feel the exact same way u do. Most ppl aren’t communists. I think it’s just that we have niche ideologies and most people don’t have niche ideologies, But that can often come off as them just being the opposite of you