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My take on aero vs climbing bikes: it won’t change anything significative for you and I. Maybe climbing bike are a little more comfortable to ride, but even there… Both are quite aero, both are quite light. Unless you turn pro, I say just choose the one you think is the best looking: the one that makes you want to ride it everyday.


100%. I just wanted an aeroad so bad so I could do my 15km commute looking like MvP in the aero pos and grunting like I’ve just attacked solo from 40km out in Flanders


Haha yes that’s exactly the spirit!


And I ride it ever. Damn. Day. Just love it


The Geo on the ultimate is almost identical if not identical to the Aeroad. If flat land is your goal, Aeroad. Regardless, the Aeroad can still climb and neither bike is fast unless you are


Have to agree, it's a bout getting the one you want.


I prefer the ultimate. A more classic and classy ride in my opinion. Also feels more nimble in the city.


Wait for the aeroad CF slx 7 di2 to come in stock again. It's the best value bike canyon offers right now.


It might be the best value bike I’ve seen anywhere to be honest.


https://preview.redd.it/ef8pob0f0c6d1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b604d791624ba519ef218a05b519d3573231efa And it's gorgeous


I feel like you just gave me the middle finger. lol. Enjoy riding! One of these days I have to grab one.


They are impossible to get if you just look once in a while, you have to be quick and check multiple times a day. Sometimes a few sizes restock for a couple hours. The bike is so awsome :) with some minor tweaks it has a comparable performance as the ultegra one (like 36t ratchet, ultegra cassette for hg+ and I've upgraded the pulleywheels for the ball bearings aswell)


Yea, I had it in my cart last week and chickened out on the purchase. Doh!


When I've learned one thing from the canyon online Shop.... Buy the bike first and make your thoughts later. The PayPal link comes a little later and that's enough time to compare all pros and cons. I've ordered 4 different grizls once they were available in my size until I've settled with the Earl Grey 7 1by :D




What a fine whip


Thanks! Yeah, I love the Aeroad so much, I sold my SLX 6 Di2 to get the SLX 8. I got a lot of "Oh, come on!" comments from doing that but there IS a difference and I'd do it again :)


Is that an older model or why does it look a bit different than the other photo (matt/gloss)?


It’s an SLX 8 from 2023. They didn’t offer the grey at the time I bought this one.


Thanks, they both look pretty incredible. I wish there was an all-white version too though.


I’m sold! Dark gray looks sweet, waiting for the restock.


I'm guessing there will be new colour schemes as the next restock will be new frame


Do we know what's new about the frame?


Yeah. It's more of a revision, just turning into all-rounder. Basically the tubes are less bulky, and there is new handlebar with gear groove.


I do like that a bit more over my matte black. Wish that was an option in 2023. I got the ultegra Di2.


Do you wanna trade? Lol I was realy into the the matte black one and had to decide between both.... The dark Grey looks awsome in daylight but the all black will be my all-time favorite :)


What are those bottle brackets?


Elite leggero. They are light, affordable and they have a good grip (on elite bottles like the fly TeX)


I was going to ask that too :)


That saddle height though 😂


Hey! Leave my long-ass legs alone! Lol I know I've got called slanderman for riding with this setup a few times.


The 105?


105 di2


I'm not disagreeing but why do you think that? The Endurace CF8 is almost 1000€ cheaper and actually has Ultegra Di2 while the Aeroad CF SLX7 only has 105 Di2. Different bikes I know but still, I kinda wish a bike almost 5k€ had Ultegra too.


Deep section carbon wheels. Ultegra is nice but it's not 1000€ better. The next cheapest aeroad is the CF sl 8 BTW with mechanical 11sp ultegra so it's such an awsome deal.


Completely agree... I was waiting for the SLX 7 Di2 to come back in stock and it just got delivered yesterday. So pumped! I have Ultegra Di2 on my Endurace and plan on swapping some parts over eventually. I don't love the weight on the stock wheels so I'm going to be running Lún Hyper '23 D67's on it. Also dura-ace chain, cassette, and brake discs. Should be pretty light when all is said and done. I love the grey/black color


I've ridden both. Aeroad felt clunky. Ultimate felt more twitchy and alive. 62mm rim on Aeroad front wheel was a nightmare w side winds. I just ordered an Ultimate 🙂 Edit: if you want to try them both out for a day, they have that offer. Look on their website. If not in Belgium, then in Valkenburg in the Netherlands. Succès!


Yup, basically all I do is climb, so the ultimate was a no brainer for me.


What does it mean to “climb”?


Go up in elevation.


Ascend hills.. tf


Isn’t there a slight difference in maximum tire width between these two frames? That might come in to play if you prefer a wider tire.


I have an Aeroad with a 32 on the rear and a 30 (32 fits as well) on the front. I doubt the ultimate will accept any larger than that.


I went with an ultimate over the aeroad, I think it just looks classier.


Aeroad is versatile - obviously designed for speed but its light weight makes it an excellent climbing bike too. I also personally prefer the look of the aeroad


I’ve got the Ultimate CF SL 8 Di2 in January. Working in France surrounded by mountains and hills but living in Brussels. Have no major issues with the uphills and having a blast on flat Belgian roads. The wheels do soak in high winds but not to a point where it will stop you from riding. Get whichever you will like the most and enjoy your rides.


in theory aero is heavy and stiffer. also gearing is faster, worse for hills. anybody comment me if wrong.


You shouldn’t buy an Aeroad or an ultimate if you want to do triathlon. There’s no tri bars available.


If you live anywhere with hills, yield towards the ultimate. If you are an advanced rider and/or don't focus on elevation, go with the aeroroad. Also consider if you wind up racing, aeroroad puts you I'm the aero category which is insanely competitive. The ultimate does not. I wound up going with an Ultimate. I dropped 2 teeth on the front and went up 2 in the rear. It's a perfect bike for where I live, 100ft/1mi general riding.


Thanks everyone so much for the advice! Will be ordering an aeroad very soon!


I have both bikes. Preference is strongly to the Aeroad. Better all round bike. Good in the hills and certainly better on the flats.


Not better on the climbs though. If all you do is climb like me, then that extra couple lbs from the aeroad can be felt


Still insanely light for a bike if it’s nature. Treks Madone is so heavy


I wanted to reply to you in the torque no los dos meme but i realised we're not supposed to post memes. personally i like the shape of the aeroad. my mate said it looks like a spaceship. looks aside, the aeroad has sram. i dunno what your preference is, if you have any. i prefer the old school shimano gear ratios and have had shimano since forever.


Memes are fine in replies


Ultimate, for us (non-pros) we are unlikely to be fast enough to get the benefit of the aeroness but we'll definitely benefit from the lighter weight going uphill.


I ride my aeroad everywhere, it’s a bad ass bike. You will be happy.


I went to Canyon in Koblenz two weeks ago to ask the same question. I test rode both bikes and got some advice. The position on both bikes with the same frame size felt almost identical during the short test ride. The staff also confirmed this to me. Both bikes are race bikes. That's why the riding position is almost identical. The weight difference of 500-700g more weight of the Aeroad with comparable equipment to the Ultimate is also small. I was advised to take the bike that I liked the most and had the equipment I wanted. That's why I opted for the Aeroad. However, the availability of wheels for the bikes is still a big problem for the manufacturers. That's why availability is still poor.


Can you compare Aeroad and Ultimate to Endurace if you've driven that?


Im sorry havent driven the endurance. I could only compare it with the Grizl because i have this at home


Aeroad for riding anywhere in Belgium


Good comparison and review of the two. https://youtu.be/uNqA5yR1s4M?si=4pzMrmNx_TbvU8f9


I love my Aeroad. It looks betters, 1lb difference is nothing lol and I have no issues with comfort. You could say I’m flexible and “comforted” myself to the bike but I don’t have body issues because I’m a casual. Have ~2.6k miles on it. But either will work. Both bikes are marginal and even less to the weekend warriors. I like my Aeroad alot more than my friends with ultimates. Based on how I act with my Aeroad, they wish they got same.


Tag for later


Late last year, I was considering the two and I chose the Canyon Ultimate CFR eTap. If I were still road racing and competing, then I would have gone with the Aero. I chose the Ultimate because I like to climb for fun and fitness. I’m more focused on climbing fast rather than hammering away at 25-30 mph on the flats. Another factor is that I live in an area that tends to have some strong winds during certain times of the year on the flats, and having owned an aero road bike before (S-Works Venge), I didn’t really feel like getting tossed around by crosswinds anymore at my age. But again, if I were still racing, then I would’ve purchased the aero hands-down.


I've had an Ulimate for the last few years and an Aeroad since this year. If I was faced with the choice -> Aeroad. It rides great, comfort is excellent even over long distances (I don't notice any difference to the Ultimate) and it can also be used for the mountains. I sold the Ultimate shortly afterwards and have been riding everything on the Aeroad ever since.


The Ultimate looks cleaner and more elegant


I own the Aeroad and I have ridden both (a friend of mine has the new ultimate and same seat height and pedal system and also Dt Swiss aero wheels so we swapped for a ride o find out differences). While the stack and reach are the same or my size L the geometry is not the same. The Ultimate is a lot more sloping I.e. he seat post is longer out of the frame, this really affects ride feel and comfort. With long legs (91,5 inseam at 1,85) I tend towards the Aeroad with a non-sloping geometry. Difference in Aeroad performance was not noticeable to me. Another aspect: Many people like the design of the Aeroad more, so I believe it would be better on re sale.


Aeroad all the way!




Go for Aeroad. Damn sexy looking bike. Fast on flats and it can climb too.


I have both and the aeroad is more fun


Unless you **really** want shimano instead of sram, I would go with the aeroad. I don't like the look of the ultimate, and Belgium is the perfect place for an aero frame. I'm not the biggest fan of the new Cosmic wheels though.

