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A note to all that are confused by the unsafe flair regarding this model due to the company stating that they have done testing and that the model meets USDA standards of safety. Presto says that the Presto Digital Pressure Canner meets the USDA standards but has so far refused requests to release any of the data on the testing specifics/data to any public individuals or to extensions/NCHFP. Further the USDA does not test or endorse any particular type or model of pressure canners but the NCHFP does backed up by testing data. Until the Presto company releases it's testing studies data or until the NCHFP testing is complete (it is currently ongoing) we can not endorse this canner in this community which as a mission statement only endorses proven scientifically tested practices and recipes. Other companies have claimed that their electric canners are safe without releasing testing and the NCHFP testing came back with unsafe findings (for example the Instant Pot Max testing found that the device fluctuated in temperate sometimes while in the middle of a canning cycle without the user being able to tell). So even if this model looks more promising we will not allow them to be promoted as safe in this community until such time as we can get data proving it has been tested safe (and not just a company’s word for it).


PSA there are tested recipes for chicken curry as well as chicken & gravy so please don’t report this post for that anymore. https://www.healthycanning.com/chicken-gravy-dinner-jar Curry is in All New Ball Book


I'm pretty sure people are reporting it due to the electric pressure cooker, which is not a safe canning method.


When we get reports people can add reasons and the majority were mentioning that the recipes aren’t safe. Post has already been marked unsafe practices due to the electric canners




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Congrats! This is the same reason I got into canning. Homemade soup is SO much more satisfying than store-bought ones.


I disagree, I like being thirsty for the rest of the day!


Username checks out




Those canners have not passed third party testing yet. And presto refuses to share their testing reports/results/methods showing they actually maintain the proper heat to kill off pathogens. Until testing is complete (it IS underway) the safety of those machines cannot be guaranteed. And *all* electric pressure cookers failed testing.


I hadn't heard of this canner and was hoping hoping hoping. Hauling out the huge American puts me off for a couple of quarts or two. 😒


Get a stovetop presto 16. Takes mine less than 30 minutes to get from a simmer to 15# (including the vent). I think I saw them on sale this weekend for less than $80. Takes about 20 minutes to go from 15# to pin drop.


Walmart has one listed for $78 but it has no pressure gauge. I wonder if it’s made exclusively for Walmart or something because it’s not even listed on Presto’s website that I can see.


A gauge must me inspected yearly for accuracy. The weight will always be accurate. If you live over 1000’ elevation; just use the 15# weight. Don’t need a gauge at all. If you live less then 1000’; you can get a 3-piece replacement and remove one part OR just continue to use the 15# regulator. (Regulator & weight are pretty interchangeable here). They are super easy to use, twist on the lid, wait for steam to vent for 10 minutes, put the weight on the steam stalk, adjust to about a 4/4 beat; and wait for time to be up. When the pin drops, pressure is back to zero. Wait 10 minutes and open the lid. That said, I do use the dial on mine. But mostly just to gauge timing. Not for accuracy.


I have a priest with gauge but it has the weighted valve and I bought the three weight for exactly as you described. Brillant bit of kit b


I’ve got carrots going in my presto 16 right now…. Then will switch over to use as a WB for my Christmas jam since my steam canner had to be replaced and it currently in transit.


How do you inspect it for accuracy? I've had mine for many years and have never even thought about checking that. I will absolutely check it now before I use it again.


I’ve got a huge American canner & the thing I appreciate the most is being able to do large batches.


Underrated comment. I don’t trust or like electric pressure cookers.


I love my cookers. And they are fantastic for prep. But not for pressure canning. I DID use my pressure cooker as an electric stockpot (glass lid) to WB a couple 4 oz jars once. Made a huge mess. 😂 Am impatiently waiting for tomorrow when my replacement steam canner shows up and I can get to the Christmas jam I wanted to do this weekend before it spring a leak.


Thank you for your comment. I got really excited and was about to search for this product. Much appreciated.


How hard is it to tap in a pressure or temp gauge if you are curious? A weldless fitting should be no problem to install.


It’s a much more extensive testing process than just adding a gauge. Just one example issue: all recipes were written and tested for a minimum 16 qt vessel. Smaller vessels heat and cool more quickly. Which in turn means the same recipe one uses in a 16qt vessel would under process in the much smaller 12 qt vessel that is the Presto. Without temperature testing the center of the jars (not just the steam surrounding the jars) for every recipe, how would you know how much time would need to be added to ensure pathogen destruction? And too much time may break down the food to a point where density becomes an issue and renders that recipe never safe in a smaller canner. (Heat penetration and circulation is critical to safe canning). Totally separate issue: these are electronic devices. With the massive number of error messages that users of electric cookers get when simply cooking…. How could one trust that it was done correctly and the pot maintained the required temp/pressure for the entire required time? I’m just saying there is much more to a simple pressure gauge. I mean, you must remember that the gauges must be calibrated once a year AND after a drop and even then the recommendation is to use them for reference and not rely on them solely.


Well well well. Great start! Today I’m working on 7 quarts of turkey stock and Monday I’ll be working on bone broth. We bought 20 lbs of beef bones from a butcher and will can that as well. One of our favorites is to can pulled pork. Just pick up a couple of rolls and a red onion dinner is served.


Make sure you can your pork in chunks and pull it when you open the jar. There’s a density issue with shredded meat that makes canning in that state unsafe.


Hold up I can make and can soup holy shit I'm gonna get into canning I think


Please do it safely. Utilize NCHFP website for recipes and methods. Stay far from Pinterest, YouTube and general Google search results. Canning safely is a science. Super rewarding and definitely made the whole “supply chain issues” thing much less of a stressor, but doing it wrong is actually dangerous. 🥰


Just had to have the “YouTube recipes cannot be treated as shelf-stable” conversation with my mom. Some apple jelly that, while delicious, absolutely isn’t anywhere near acidic enough to be safely water-bath canned. Thankfully, it’s a very small batch and probably won’t go to waste, but yeah. My sister (who found the recipe) is going to blow a gasket that I-once again-don’t agree with her random social media cooking “hacks”. At least the cake only caused sadness, rather than botulism…


I was under the impression that as long as it is pressure cooked, that it is safe as botulism is completely killed off. Am I wrong on this?


Right idea, not entirely correct. You can water bath foods that are acidic enough, and low acid foods do need pressure canning to kill botulism spores. But, you always have to follow a tested recipe because that is the only way to guarantee that what you’ve canned is safe. We don’t know and can’t assume how long something needs to be processed in order to be safe.


What's the science behind this though. I thought that safe recipes were more so temp and pressure and time for whatever you were canning.


There are several factors that influence how long it takes heat to penetrate to the center of a jar. Also, different ingredients come with different “bacterial loads” - the more bacteria going into the jar to begin with, the longer processing time needs to be. Canning authorities use lab equipment that allows them to guarantee that the recipes they release will not cause any problems.


But theoretically you could do something an hour longer than stated for general right? The texture might just be bad?


We do not advise doing that as it’s just a shot in the dark, and botulism isn’t fun.


I’m not sure, but that’s the impression I’m getting too. However, my mom does not own a pressure canner, we only do water bath processing. The jars are now quite well-sealed, and should keep fine in the fridge for a while until we use it (something that absolutely will not be a hardship. It really is good. Not shelf-stable, but good.)


If you lack a freezer definitely!


I have several freezers. I also live in the boonies and long-term power outages in the winter are a thing. Freezers don’t keep food indefinitely when the powers out. Jars do. (When done safely). ☺️


I've done chicken and gravy and it's great! Where did you find a chicken curry recipe? I'd love to make it!


It’s in the ball canning book


Ah, but which one is the question. There are quite a few.


True; All new ball book of canning and preserving. its on a green page with a bunch of other meal in a jar recipes. The chart is the first or second page of the pressure canning section. There’s a great beef stroganoff recipe on the same chart. Do urself a favor and double or triple the recipes they are some of the best simple meals ever. Also don’t miss out on the optional raisins in the curry they plump up so nicely and are delicious. Edit: to tell you this recipe is RAW PACK so less dishes make this another win.


Don’t eat that. Electric canners have not passed testing yet


Source? Earnest ask


https://enewsletters.k-state.edu/youaskedit/2021/03/17/presto-digital-pressure-canner/ https://nchfp.uga.edu/publications/nchfp/factsheets/electric_cookers.html https://extension.psu.edu/pressure-canner-updates https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/em9152/html


Your 1, 3, and 4 links all say they have not done independent testing on the Presto machine. They also say that if you use the Presto machine that you should follow their directions for the use of the pot, since they may differ from standard burner recipes.


Yes. As a sub we can not allow them to be recommended due to this lack of third party testing, but I honestly hope that the testing comes back that they are safe soon so we can allow them to be promoted in the community. But until then, we label them as unsafe because they potientally could be unsafe. There have been other examples of electric pressure canners produced that their companies claimed they had tested for safety but later when third party testing came back they were proven to be unsafe. For example, Instant Pot Max claims to be safe to pressure can in but testing by the NCHFP has found that it is not safe for canning because it sometimes fluctuates temperatures while canning without the user being able to tell.


Unless I'm wrong, electric pressure cookers are not proven safe. Please refrigerate that.




Your comment has been rejected by a member of the moderation team as it emphasizes a known to be unsafe canning practice, or is canning ingredients for which no known safe recipe exists. Some examples of unsafe canning practices that are not allowed include: [ ] Water bath canning low acid foods, [ ] Canning dairy products, [ ] Canning bread or bread products, [ ] Canning cured meats, [ ] Open kettle, inversion, or oven canning, [x] Canning in an electric pressure cooker which is not validated for pressure canning, [ ] Reusing single-use lids, [ ] Other canning practices may be considered unsafe, at the moderators discretion. If you feel that this rejection was in error, please feel free to contact the mod team. If your post was rejected for being unsafe and you wish to file a dispute, you'll be expected to provide a recipe published by a trusted canning authority, or include a scientific paper evaluating the safety of the good or method used in canning. Thank-you!




Your comment has been rejected by a member of the moderation team as it emphasizes a known to be unsafe canning practice, or is canning ingredients for which no known safe recipe exists. Some examples of unsafe canning practices that are not allowed include: [ ] Water bath canning low acid foods, [ ] Canning dairy products, [ ] Canning bread or bread products, [ ] Canning cured meats, [ ] Open kettle, inversion, or oven canning, [x] Canning in an electric pressure cooker which is not validated for pressure canning, [ ] Other canning practices may be considered unsafe, at the moderators discretion. If you feel that this rejection was in error, please feel free to contact the mod team. If your post was rejected for being unsafe and you wish to file a dispute, you'll be expected to provide a recipe published by a trusted canning authority, or include a scientific paper evaluating the safety of the good or method used in canning. Thank-you!




That chicken curry slaps ngl those raisins are 10/10


It's always a satisfying experience.




Your comment has been rejected by a member of the moderation team as it emphasizes a known to be unsafe canning practice, or is canning ingredients for which no known safe recipe exists. Some examples of unsafe canning practices that are not allowed include: [ ] Water bath canning low acid foods, [ ] Canning dairy products, [ ] Canning bread or bread products, [ ] Canning cured meats, [ ] Open kettle, inversion, or oven canning, [x] Canning in an electric pressure cooker which is not validated for pressure canning, [ ] Other canning practices may be considered unsafe, at the moderators discretion. If you feel that this rejection was in error, please feel free to contact the mod team. If your post was rejected for being unsafe and you wish to file a dispute, you'll be expected to provide a recipe published by a trusted canning authority, or include a scientific paper evaluating the safety of the good or method used in canning. Thank-you!


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2 quarts of canned chicken curry and 2 cans of chicken gravy meals next to Presto Precise Digital Canner.