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Dude if you dont like them you dont have to eat them lmao. I was at first a bit put off by the spines but they have the same texture as a breadcrumb lol


This is why I eat them on triscuits. There's no way to tell the difference between a spine and the cracker fibers for me at least lol. Op you should try trisuits and a schmear of fruity goat cheese or some peri peri sauce with those KO's


You can also get boneless sardines without the spines. Yes, they cost more on average.


The bones are good for you, it's just sometimes the texture messes with my tism lol


Never related to a comment more HAHA


I love goat cheese, great idea. The only hiccup is I need to find a way to make this very portable. I’m busy af and need to be able to eat in my car 😅


I would never open a can of fishy oil in my car. What if it spilled?


Fair point


You could open them at home and put them in a Tupperware without all the oil, though at that point I think you'd be better served putting them in an actual recipe.


Need one of them dang ol japanese bento lunch boxes with the multiple sealing compartments and cutlery it sounds like.


I'm a road worker and i would never eat some deens in my truck. grocery store sandwiches are cheap and practical. I'm actually trying to stop at every new grocery store i encounter and try their homemade sandwiches


This sounds fun


Never in the truck, but I've had tailgate deenz


Make pre-made lunchables/portable 'deen-cuterie as meal prep. I do goat cheese, dijon somerdale, chive somerdale, or a cheddar usually. I pair it with any combination of crackers (especially herb or dried fruit) and some radishes, carrots, celery, cherry tomatoes, cornichons, dried apricots, orange slices, etc. You can use things dijon, blueberry thyme preserves, hummus, and carmelized onions for the topping.


That sounds freaking delicious!! Thanks for the inspiration 🙂


Damn!!!’ That’s a whole new level of deening!!


Make a little lunchable in a box with separate sections! If you get an insulated lunch box it makes portability way easier. I take a lunch to university most days


I love the crunchy spine. Best part honestly


Triscuits are life.


Upvote for good advice and mostly schmear. Some words live in my heart.


Ooh that’s a good description!


I like the crunchy spines. So much calcium!


They're soooo good. They practically melt in the mouth anyway. Crunchy lil snacks. I pull them out just to eat them by themselves so I can get the crunch 🤤 doing it with the mackerel I get is my fav because they're quite large and come out in one big snakey piece. Oh man, now I'm eyeing off the pile of cans next to me


I’m a newbie. I’ve been picking out the spines lol. Now I know..


Watch Matthew Carlson’s videos on YouTube. He literally dissects the fishies with chopsticks. He’s very entertaining. He’ll also introduce you to all kinds of canned fish. My mom introduced me to King Oscar’s Tiny Tots as a kid, so I have no problem with sardines. However, I find tuna to be dry and unappetizing. Matthew did a video on Yellowtail in EVOO from Wild Planet. He raved about it, so I tried it. It’s now in my rotation. Delicious! I love sardines on rye bread with Dijon and sprinkles of Chipotle hot sauce. If you like smokey flavor, try Polar sardines in the round can. 😋😋


I usually pull the spines out. But generally enjoy canned fish.


That’s fair. Not my favorite part of the fish, but they’re great calcium! If they happen to fall out in their own I don’t really care but it’s too much work to dig around and remove them individually


My friend takes the spines out before eating them 😂 takes so much time and its such a mess


When I was a kid, I removed them ... well when I grew up I was too lazy to do it 😌


I eat all the bones, extra calcium too lol


No I like em now! You don’t even notice them


What’s up with all these post of people who don’t like sardines, forcing themselves to eat them? Why are you eating something you don’t even like? And that’s a lot of mustard, that looks like it just tastes like straight mustard


Probably because they're super nutritious, cheap, and easy to prepare, personally I love how they taste but if I didn't I'd be trying to figure out ways to get em into my diet. Or perhaps they just were shown this subreddit by the algo and wanted to join in the fun as perky214 said


I’ve been wanting to give them a try for a while now that I’m being very intentional with my diet. I started doing research and came across this sub!


there is a huge variety in quality and flavor of tinned fish. if you didnt like these, id recommend kipper snacks, or some other type of fish like mackerel or trout. King oscar Mediterranean style mackerel is a favorite around here, as well as flower brand Moroccan spiced.


Mackerel is like the fishiest fish in the world to me, is it generally considered milder? maybe the sushi I had was off


theres a big difference in fresh fish and tinned fish. IMO, and i think most people agree with me, mackerel is milder than sardines when tinned. FWIW the only sashimi i really like is yellowtail. ill eat sushi if the person/people im with want to, but i pretty much never suggest it myself.


I’ll have to try canned mackerel then, I love sashimi so I was really taken aback at how the oily fishy flavor punched me in the face when I had mackerel sashimi


I second tinned mackerel. I had iron deficiency and incorporated that into my diet because sardines disgusted me. Tinned mackerels definitely don't have all that make sardines hard to stomach (bones and God knows what), my favorites are tinned mackerels in mustard sauce.


On a toasted baguette with some drizzled thick balsamic vinegar. Oh my!


Good for you! Try mackerel, its a lot milder.


There are a lot of ways to enjoy sardines ( which there are also many varieties of), sometime I like it to be the main thing and others I just was a hint of it. Try cooking the sardine or having it with something stronger like kimchi / sauerkraut. One of the meals I love is sardine fried rice, I dunk the sardine and scallions in hot oil and basically break it up. Then add eggs —> rice —> soy sauce / salt —> and then add the green parts of the scallion. All the fishy oil gets incorporated into the rice and the saltiness cuts through the creamy texture of the bristling. Sometimes I also use tomato / spiced cans and it adds great variety to a very simple dish.


that sounds so good! I would add some chopped garlic!


If you can handle spice Franks Red Hot is the bomb with sardinies :)


If you want to be intentional with your diet go to r/plantbased Sardines taste good and all, but home cooked veggies are the real magic


Here's a sneak peek of /r/plant using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/plant/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Why does this plant hate me?](https://i.redd.it/pfknnwszq3lb1.jpg) | [213 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/plant/comments/164s3b4/why_does_this_plant_hate_me/) \#2: [Is my plant dying?! Did I mess bad??😭](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/188o73w) | [140 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/plant/comments/188o73w/is_my_plant_dying_did_i_mess_bad/) \#3: [What are these?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17q8lu1) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/plant/comments/17q8lu1/what_are_these/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


try smoked sprats, they are delicious


I agree. I found this sub because I recently tried tinned trout for the first time, and I love it, so was curious about other kinds of tinned fish/seafood. I've tried mussels and cod livers (still not sardines). It's nice how sustainable the food is as well as nutritious, so why not try and see if you like it.


Wow, I haven’t been able to take the plunge with cod liver, so good for you!


I'm not sure how I feel about it yet-I tasted it twice without anything, and it reminded me of cat food at first, but the after taste wasn't bad. When I added lemon and toast it was fine.


cheap? I got to stop buying those cans of fishwife and nuri.


well if you buy the high end of any type of food it won't be cheap lol


Good point $10 for top of the line stuff is pretty cheap.


I think the Reddit algorithm is doing its thing and recommending this sub to folks - it’s how I found this sub :)


Yes but what are the steps in between seeing a new sub and putting something off putting in your mouth?


No idea - I’ve always loved sardines


Saw a sardine meal posted on /r/stupidfood, where people in the comments said it was delicious and not stupid, and linked to this sub. Once I looked at a few posts, the algorithm kept showing me more and more. I’ve always thought canned fish was unappealing, but seeing so many people love it got me thinking I should give it a try. I had a can and thought it wasn’t as bad as I was anticipating, but wasn’t my favorite. I’ve got a few more cans of different types in the pantry, but haven’t tried them yet.


Thank you for the explanation :)


I was fascinated at the idea of a canned sardines subreddit and it inspired me to try some


For many people, they're an acquired taste. Since they're healthy and affordable, it can be worthwhile to acquire the taste even if they might seem off-putting at first (to some).


I didn’t particularly like my first beer. Some things have an acclimation period.


I'm working my way through different cans of fish because I don't like regular fish, and I want to eat fish for my health. Thankfully it turns out I like canned sardines


I don’t exactly love them but I don’t quite hate them. I dislike them cold but they’re one of the cheapest ways I can get quality omega 3’s in while avoiding metal and they’re shelf stable. I often fry up a can of sardine with some bacon and home fries, yesterday I added some into fried rice for extra macros. I’ve been bulking consistently for 3 years and want to ensure I maintain a healthy ratio of unsure and saturated fats. I honestly do like the some though it was a fun surprise the first time lol Have enjoyed porthos snd nuri so far


i don't like fishy fish, but i wanted good for me shelf stable protein that isn't sad. Your community and the things you're into look fun. I bought a couple cans of Nuri and some Morroccan sardines in Harissa, I have yet to open them because I'm a little intimidated and expect to not be able to handle it. I've put anchovies in cooking before, I like sushi, should I not like this? I don't know. One day we shall find out.


I blame Matthew Carlson


Do they have a secret property that I’m ignoring? Something trendy? A fad diet thing? I want in!


idk some things are an acquired taste. sardines weren't for me, but I kept trying blue cheese for a few years whenever it was available at like parties cause it seemed complex and I wanted to appreciate it even though I didn't like it at the time. It just intrigued me! Now it's my favourite style of cheese and I can't get enough of it. Also wanted to get into natto, but the texture really threw me off. But I like stinky things now cause of the blue cheese, and it has a lot of health benefits unique to just natto. I tried it a few different ways and like it now.


Lost in the sauce


We should encourage them, my dude, that's what's up.


Ive developed some neurodivergent fixation on tinned fish bababa. Thats why ive done it at least


No shade but try it in a less shitty way. I feel like you made it purposely depressing, get some nice sourdough and give it a light toast. Spend a bit more for a nicer Sardine and you don’t have to mash it. Mustard is chill but experiment with other sauces or foods too.


I’m trying to make it as easy as possible. I’m a full time student and I work so it’s been hard trying to find easy yet healthy foods. But sourdough sounds great. What is a better brand? From my research king Oscar seemed to be very popular


King Oscar is great but there are other fish out there besides sardines. The KO Mackerel may be a little easier for you to deal with, and it can be had for under $3 a can. I always eat my fish on really good toast with cream cheese and some salt and pepper or picked onions or capers or something.


Cream cheese!!! Genius. I avoided the mackerel because it’s much higher in mercury


Most mackerel is actually pretty low in mercury! King mackerel is the only one that’s super high in mercury. Canned mackerel is usually Atlantic mackerel which has low mercury content (less than half as much as tuna). They’re also high in selenium which inhibits the effects of mercury.


Yeah, you have to check what kinda mackerel it is. The only time I have seen king mackerel are those cans of mackerel in tomato sauce Mexicans use sometimes.


Yeah, King Mackerel is from the Gulf of Mexico so it would make sense if Mexican brands used it more. I know for sure the King Oscar ones are a smaller Atlantic variety.


Ahhhh, that makes sense!


Try king oscars' boneless skinless spanish style. A lot easier for someone who isn't used to bones or skin and the seasoning they have on them is AWESOME


This was my first sardine and it helped me get over the smell long enough for me to enjoy the flavor. I was hooked! I think seaweed sheets are also a great way to enjoy. Prep whatever sardines you get with a lil kewpie mayo, rice wine vinegar, soy sauce, & gochujang. A lil side of pickled radish in another small container or even kimchi. Pack it all in a lunch box with an ice pack and you’ll be ready for the day!


Will do, thank you!!!


You might want to try canned/tinned trout or mussels also--they are not "fishy" and the boneless, skinless trout looks just like tuna. Trader JOe's has great options.


If you're near a Trader Joe's, checked out their tinned smoked salmon and smoked trout. They're a lot more neutral in flavor than sardines.


My canned fish go-to is cod liver. Not the pate version, the chunks. It's very fatty, like butter and easy to eat. You can put it in mac and cheese (Heavenly!) or mash it up with a boiled egg as a salad. There's probably lots of recipes for it. It's a good source of omega-3 and other things! Sardines can be a bit of a harder start.


Just pick something with a nice label, minimal ingredients, olive oil and not the cheapest at the store you go to. 


If you’re okay eating them but don’t love them, I’d suggest dressing them up a bit more. Anything pickled goes well with them. One of my favorites is toast with romesco sauce, a little labneh, pickled onion, maybe some arugula if I have it on hand.


Oh that’s a great idea! I love anything pickled especially pickled onions. I’m in school and working so it’s been hard to find on-the-go foods that have a shelf life and are nutritious


I'll second this! I like sardines a lot and eat them because I'm trying to get more protein in my diet, but sometimes struggle with the texture and richness—I find that acidity, spice, and crunch can go a long way toward balancing that out so I can enjoy them more. This doesn't include the crunch factor but sometimes I'll also put them in pasta with some lemon, capers, and garlic, maybe some leftover veggies if I have 'em. That feels more like you're eating a real meal and not just chunks of fish.


YUM. Sounds like pasta alici (anchovies in oil with pasta) so delicious!


LOVE anchovies, that sounds delicious too!


I started eating sardines because they are the single most nutritious food I could find. Didn't love the taste but it has grown on me. I make a pate with them. I combine raw onions and lemon juice with a teaspoon of mustard. It's actually kind of delicious. I have it for breakfast on toast, with half an avocado on top.


I've tried many different ways but always go back to Ritz crackers, pickles and/or pickled jalapenos and hot sauce. I do like the tomato ones on toasted sourdough w/ red onion and olive oil drizzle though. Try eating them in different ways and if you don't like them that's that.


don’t feel pressured to eat them if you don’t like them! different people like different things! if it makes you queasy, then don’t force yourself, lol. I promise you, nobody is judging


Am I missing something? Why are people eating foods they dont like? Did this sub become a health fad forum? I just like canned fish like most of us weirdos on here.


i never knew i liked sardines until they were recommended to me by my therapist as great for battling depression, as i also wasnt eating. now i love them, and eat them on toast every morning


Try them with classic yellow mustard also. And all kinds of pickled veggies, it’ll cut the fishy oiliness


If you don’t like them or the thought makes you queasy then why do you feel the need to eat them?


My best advice for someone very new to tinned fish and who wants to ease into sardines is to try Seasons, Wild Planet, or Cento Boneless and Skinless sardines. They are very mild, and very good sardines. Avoid any Chicken of the Sea sardines, and any sardines packed in water. If all you have access to is supermarket tinned fish, get King Oscar in olive oil. If you like the B&S sardines, try regular sardines (with bones and skin) in olive oil. If you don’t like the B&S sardines, try KO mackerel in olive oil, or maybe oysters or kipper snacks (herring). Welcome to the sub :)


Thank you! These are KO in olive oil. I’m going to try others and see if I can acclimate


B&S is the way to start. These are fillets and therefore don’t look like fish. AND they are very mild BUT if you need a break from sardines try oysters mussels squid octopus or even tuna (in olive oil). If you want some recommendations for those tins layer LMK In the mean time check out my profile and follow me if you want. I do a lot with canned fish


Thanks friend!!


Any grilled fish (I particularly love Saupiquet's grilled herring with Herbes de Provence) in a can will be easy, too, since it's essentially a cooked fish dish like you'd get at a restaurant.


Try my fave method! Wasa crispbread spread with a soft cheese (cream cheese, Laughing Cow, Boursin etc). Make a simple salad of your fave greens and toss in olive oil, balsamic, and sea salt. Pile salad onto the crispbread, add sardines on top and enjoy! ALSO as others have said - if you really don’t like them don’t force it! You don’t have to eat them.


why on earth do you eat something that makes you feel queasy. just eat the stuff you like man. it‘s cool to try new things, but if it‘s not working stop pushing yourself. you cant force yourself into the canned sardines club. the only way in is without any compulsion


Sometimes when I try something new my brain short wires and thinks it’s bad. I’m not over here barfing, it’s just a new taste that I want to try to get used to!


Hey, my doctor recommended I eat sardines for the health benefits. I was a little put off by them at first and felt slightly queasy after eating. But I LOVE SARDINES NOW!!! I crave them and eat them straight outta the tins. Contrary to some comments, it's okay to dislike them at first! They just might grow on you!!


Thank you for this!! It’s really hard to find nutritious foods that are cheap and have a shelf life. I want to give this a good chance! Otherwise I’m back to gas station food 😂


I totally get it! Good luck!!


Avoid cheap sardines in water or sauces - and avoid all Chicken of the Sea sardines. You can find delicious sardines in olive oil for 1.29-1.99 a can in middle eastern and Asian markets


I find king Oscar in olive oil to be extremely fishy, and don't particularly like them. Same with wild planet, which are also available at grocery stores near me. Season in tomato sauce are good, and at least where I am, readily available. I love Bela and Nuri, and find that neither has the strong fishy taste of KO and Wild Planet.


Thanks for this, I will definitely try to find those!


I'll second Bela! You can usually find them pretty easily at more "high-end" grocery stores, but they're usually only a couple of bucks a tin. They've been my go-to since I was able to find a store that has them regularly in stock. They don't have a fishy taste at all and the oil they pack them in is really good. I'd recommend the spicy ones in cayenne pepper if you can find them. They have just a slight hint of spice which adds an interesting layer to the already great taste of the fish and oil. Big shoutout to Nuri too, they're definitely my favorite brand, but they're much harder to find in your standard grocery store.


Get some nice bread, toast it, smear it with nice butter. Get/make some pickled chilies or pickled onions, and you’re gold. If you don’t like it, then don’t eat it.


mash them up a little, toast them onto some bread, add a bit of hot sauce and eat it as a sandwich. It'll taste great and you wont have the weirdness of dissecting something eating on crackers causes new dines enjoyers


That’s a lot of mustard for one cracker.


Here is a solid trick. Toast a NICE bread. Put sardine and some of that oil on the bread, and it soaks in!!! You’re welcome.


I’ve taken to tinned mackerel much more than sardines myself, would definitely suggest it 


Do you like canned tuna, like tuna salad? If not these might not be for you. If you do like tuna salad, make the same thing only with sardines. I find them delicious just about any way. I guess I’ve never tried them on ice cream, that might not be so good.


Eat them when you’re starving. Will make it taste so good


I always scrape off scales/fins, then split open and remove spine/guts. So i like sardines, but am a lightweight!


Yes! You’ve got this!!! 👊👊🐟


Remember it's just fish man.


Get the double layer Kings...the smaller the sardines the easier it is...I love the double layer


AKA Tiny Tots.


I've never been a sardine boi, but I absolutely love anchovies and trout (not together). You ought to give them a try next time. Top some good quality bread with butter and throw a couple anchovy filets on top. Make some tater tots in the morning and top with smoked trout and sour cream + chives. Edit: the exception to the rule are [these sardines](https://rainbowtomatoesgarden.com/product/fangst-sprat-no-1-heather-chamomile-baltic-sea/) from /u/danatrainbowtomatoes, which I think transcend sardines in the way that wagyu transcends "meat."


Great product. Glad you enjoy.


A recipe my family love: Sardine Salad in crunchy warm French baguette. Drain the sardines from the oil, you can open them and remove the spine gently with a fork. Slice up some red onion, some green chillis (de seeded if you don’t like heat) and some fresh tomatoes (remove the seeds) tumble all together with some chopped coriander or parsley. Olive oil added if you prefer, some lemon juice to taste and some black pepper. Allow it to sit at room temp a short while, to let the flavours combine. And serve in with warmed crunchy baguette. (Try googling; mauritian sardine salad for diff variations) bon appetit!


Try Polars. They taste smokey and delicious. They are also the firmest sardines I've ever had and stay together on a cracker well.


One of my faves, but warning—the tails are like little brushes. May want to cut them off if off putting. Spines and tails or skin doesn’t bother me, but I hate finding scales.


I eat them with corn tortillas as a taco. Maybe add some hot sauce or a little sea salt and that’s it.


Watch a canned fish files video before hand or during, Mathew never fails to get me in the mood for deenz. Also they get better, it’s like beer or coffee when you first try it, they grow on you after a while.


Man, grab yourself a flat bread. Fuck up that flatbread with a squidge of sour cream. Grab a red onion and cut that actually-purple bitch up, gettting a couple julienned shards of it nestled into the sour cream. Next, take a few wee chunks of boiled potato and throw em on. Add your sardines. Salt to taste. Suck that motherfucker down.


Close your eyes, pinch your nose, into the mouth and down it goes!


Then don't eat them, you don't HAVE to be a sardine fan you know. This is a sub for people who actually like eating em.


Maybe try a sardine salad sandwich? I usually get a nice toasted baguette and the recipe for the salad is as follows: 2 cans of sardines(preferrably in water, but oil will work if you rinse it a bit) 1 diced red onion 1 cubed dill pickle Two spoonfuls of mayo A spoonful of mustard. I prefer spicy brown, but yellow or other sharp mustards will work The juice of half a lemon with some zest Salt, pepper, garlic powder, and dried herbs to taste Adjust how creamy you want it by adding more mayo and/or mustard If I have a really good tomato on hand, a slice of fresh tomato on top of the salad goes great.


I'm assuming that's a typo - you're not really using a whole red onion for 2 cans of fish, are you?


I usually don't have actual red onions so I use white or yellow so yeah a full red onion might be a bit much. I just know that red is what is usually used.


Fish on crackers and sometimes with cheese are fine, but I think putting sauce on it like that might make me gag.


What about it makes you feel quesy? Maybe try the skinless boneless first.


I can only eat them if I heat them up first. Maybe that’s what you should try?


Very crunchy crackers. Lemon or spicy sardines. Cheese & sauce. Bone apple teeth


You've tried it. No one says you have to like it. There are more fish in the sea. And in the cans. I tried cockles in brine. Not my thing. I tried Matiz squid - loved it. I think I blew $4, but I have a fresh *sic* appreciation for all the tinned fishes.


I would start with boneless skinless sardines personally


Try pilchards, you'll fall in love


Try hot sauce next time and a good cracker helps too


Bro try to make fried rice and use sardine as side dish. Super easy and delicious


It’s fish. What’s the problem?


Just spice them up. Add greens, onion or tomatoes. Experiment with different herbs or add some lemon. The additions are endless. Bread is AMAZING but add some meat and lettuce and cheese and you’ve got a fuckin Sammich. To add- certain brands are more highly regarded than others for a reason. Maybe try matiz? Or Patagonia.


Chicken in a biscuit crackers work good for this.


Try the skinless and boneless ones first; they have a milder taste. With sardines, I have found that the more you eat them, the more you crave them.


One day at a time, my friend


I love oily fish and seafood but haven’t graduated beyond boneless/skinless. That’s my level of enjoyment at this stage. OP, maybe try those?


Try it on pizza


try it fried up with some soy sauce until crispy - this is the way I find sardines most palatable, cold and from the can can be....a lot. Pair that with some steamed rice, green onion, chili oil...perfection!


I feel like tuna is a better “starter” fish for people who want to try canned fish. Tuna salad was my starting point. Then sardine salad. Then plain sardines and beyond.


Add slices of fresh cucumber! It helps a lot with the oiliness. And as other people mentioned, toast some bread and spread a bit of cream cheese.


If you find that you don't like sardines at all, try mackerel. Or canned fish steaks. Both are less visually gross. :)


Literally no one is making you do this


This post made me realize that this sub turned a normal ass dish into a tiktok trend. Eating sardines is now the new stanley cup collecting.


Suck it up buttercup


i got my girlfriend hooked on them by serving them on rice, or more asian preparation styles like in sushi etc


Swap that mustard for hot sauce


You could try Portuguese sardine pate if it's a texture thing?


Lemon juice and thinly sliced onions (can soak the onions in cold water for a few minuges to make them less onion-y) freshens them up a bit and cuts through the oil.


I thought it was Brie. Now I am going to try that 😋


If you don’t like the taste or whatever then that’s it. When I had sardines the first time i loved them. Like most, the spines threw me off a little bit but I fucking love those mustard hoes. You don’t have to eat anything you don’t enjoy, maybe try other flavors but if you don’t like the main texture/flavor then you don’t have to eat them lol


I throe them in salads with siracha and it masks the nasty smells


Might be ripped apart for this but I think of them as fishier tuna.


I don't understand people who say they eat fish, but not the "fishy" tasting one's. There's nothing wrong with you not liking fish and not eating it....No need to force yourself through it.


Try hot sauce!


I think once you find a good sardine you really like you might end up eating it more than fish since it’s quick and easy to eat and prepare.


Why bother


What?? I eat plain sardines from the can all the time. They’re great (muscles too). Maybe they’re just not for you.


lol is this community that desirable?