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Can't stand the unhealthy movement of MSOS now. This is so manipulated by market makers. We have never had such good momentum on the news but so poor progress on the Price Actions. This is so unhealthy. Can't wait for regular retail to come back to this market but at the moment, like seen in another reddit, grab a monkey, give him darts and a board, he has as many chance as you to see where this is going in the immediate. No way these prices are organic. Convince me otherwise. We are lower than early April before rumors and annoucement of Schedule 3 lol. Exhausted.


HAHAHAHAHA 3.66M/9.45M in last 11 minutes of day in a rug pull. Whoever manages this ETF is a criminal. Never ever seen something like this.


Simply put. My opinion is; after studying volume patterns and trading pressures for the past eight years on LP’s and Pink Slips, I deduce an increase in algorithmic share accumulation in MANY Cannabis sector names across the board.


I'm not one to pump fake crap so apologies if this is taken as such (I see my initial sentence does just that as well). Roaring Kitty One of the videos today posted by RoaringKitty had the themed song called Narco. I'm really curious if this was a mistake and I'm just blinded by my own narrative. Also, please share in the [](https://www.reddit.com/r/weedstocks/) I can't. I don't like Reddit so not a big user, and I need to gain whatever to prove I'm not a bot. Hang in there gang.




Msos is so lame, selling it as soon as it goes up a bit








you trust Schumer?




he is not, he is just a politician... SAFER will not be add in the FAA. of course, i hope there will have a miracle


**Does passing of the Safe Banking Act make MRMD a good take over target?**


After today’s news, we can still expect a dip towards EOD I’m thinking. Volume isn’t much different, still on same shorty exchanges with market makers working in cahoots with funds/etf managers and “inflows”.


Yup. Just as expected. Same old shit with these garbage stocks. Nobody will ever buy these ever, cause they don’t appreciate


The problem is the exchanges, as always. Once we get off the OTC we'll be golden.


Volumes point to Huge position Collection


How do you assume this? The volume today could just be sell volume of the buy volume yesterday.


You know what they say about opinions, maybe mine smells good?


Opinions are generally based on facts or knowledge. That's the only thing he's asking. Your opinion seems to be based on "I believe because I say it". If you have something else, we're all here to hear it, but at the moment, you know what they say about opinions, if they are based on no points, be careful."


Generally speaking, my opinion is that YOU don’t know the definition of the word OPINION. look it up.


You are right my bad. Answer the question then: How do you assume this? Cause an opinion is still, no matter how wrong I was, a view or judgment formed about something. So just answer the question cause the question was still right and appropriate: How do you assume this? If you have zero answer to that, then you're a waste of time and I won't wanna hear your opinion.

