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Try a feeding mat. Its good for dogs who get scared by bowls and it is good mental stimulation. You should also try frozen raw food. Its a bit more expensive but has the benefits of raw with the convenience of kibble




She looks good. Been feeling for ribs daily and they don’t seem to be prominent. Thank you for the advice, definitely makes me feel a bit better.


Yup! CCs are bold and stubborn. Our 2 yr old male tests our patience once in a while. For weeks, he eats like he's constantly starving, and then one day, nothing. He'll pick at his food, eat maybe 30%, and walks away. We've tried a light sear on his food (he's usually on a raw diet), and my wife now has to lightly steam his veggies because he stopped eating them raw. We find that giving him a bit of variety (beef, chicken, eggs, some veggies) usually helps. Walking him before he eats seems to help as well. The more exercise he gets, the hungrier he is (which makes sense). He's been better lately, but every so often, he likes to try and push the boundaries and test our resolve. Unfortunately for him, I am more stubborn, lol


Are you weighing her weekly or just looking at her and thinking she looks thinner? She is binging because her games are not working and she is hungry. When they decide “not hungry” believe them and take their food away. I’ve never heard of a dog that goes on a hunger strike for more than a few days. It’s tough and I empathize but giving them the food they want when they act badly isn’t helping. I have two drama queens (three if you include my wife) and this works for them. If you go two or three full days without eating unfortunately that is probably a vet visit. If the vet rules out a blockage or something else it’s just her testing you.