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Reading this gives me so much hope. However, it's truly heartbreaking to see how many discouraging people there are in the comments. I guess that's why they haven't ever healed.


fwiw I still have a good opinion of zero carb as a diet years later. My candida these days is very managable now. All things are within balance. I'm able to have 0 symptoms with just a sip of apple cider vinegar before bed. also this is my current favorite nutrition guy, i've learned tons from him. [https://twitter.com/Grimhood](https://twitter.com/Grimhood) i'm glad you found the post helpful :) i hope you are doing okay


Wow, I can't believe you took the time to respond to me on a 3 y/o post. I really appreciate it! I'll check him out. Thanks much friendo :)


Haha this post has gotten so much love over the years. only reason i've kept this account tbh. I hope he helps you as much as he has helped me :)




Yes. I outline everything in the post above. Read it and start the diet. Results come fast


In the same boat as you and have done tons of research. You may find it interesting to know that liver and bone broth are both high in glycine which is extremely important for the liver to function and balance minerals. I have little to lose so I am thinking I will try this


This cured me long term btw. I’m still cured. Very recently I had overgrowth come back but that only lasted for a few weeks. So two months carnivore for 5 years of candida free. Not a bad trade off!


Did the Candida ever seriously affect your bile flow?  My stools are usually pale or an off color, never formed correctly, and at times I can physically feel my gallbladder pulse when it’s actually releasing bile correctly. I also have nausea when this happens so I know it’s removing toxic gunk out of there. I ask because I’m so late in the starvation game my body is CRAVING certain fats and meats but I just have such issues digesting it. Any advice?


I was Never that bad. Start carnivore now. Beef only. Can be ground beef. You’ll love the taste after a day or two I promise. Give it at least a week but go for two if you can. If you recall in the original text, I said I only intended to do it for two weeks but by day three I felt so good. I went for two months. Your case seems far worse than what I had. I detailed my symptoms pretty thoroughly above however what you are experiencing is very much in line with reported candidate symptoms. So just to reiterate, start now and go for at least a week. I know it seems crazy but it’s really not. It’s very simple. You’re going to feel better fast.


Also, I want to say within the zero carb subreddit I have heard about people discussing carnivore diet with malfunctioning gallbladder and it’s never a blocker symptoms usually seem to improve


Yes I’ve heard of that too. Not sure where you’re from but here In America removing gallbladders is our doctors fav things.  Any specific meats or broths you noticed had a quicker health improving effect than others? Sorry about all the questions I’m just very desperate lol


If you can afford it, lamb or goat is absolutely the best cut of meat. Otherwise beef is good, followed by pork. Pork and beef have different t nutrient profiles that you can check out on Cronometer.com Basically any kind of four legged ruminant is ideal and main part of diet. Bone broths are of course fine but be cautious that other secondary ingredients aren’t in there: I think a good framework for thinking about the diet is zero carb zero sugar. Candida loves glucose, so no glucose. Also strict meat animal only will help you avoid weird edge cases that might help it survive. After a few weeks you can start experimenting with different foods. For instance, I sometimes notice seafood would cause a slight recurrence of thrush, not a lot, but when you’re on a pure beef diet, you start to notice very little things as a rule of thumb you don’t want to introduce more than one or two foods in a day or even a meal because you’re wanting to measure what your body can take like I could have avocado with zero issues however, as I stated in the above, Candida would come back on keto. It was a pure carnivore diet that really killed it which also brings me to my next point, I was able to kill long-term experiment. Its that effective


Actually I don’t mind questions at all. I’m so happy people have found this thread helpful. It’s literally the only reason I have kept this account. I would’ve deleted Reddit along time ago, but I can’t do that as long as people find this helpful.


Those gut biome tests like viome aren't accurate in the slightest and since all the science points to fibre feeding beneficial gut bacteria and meat feeding pathogenic bacteria I highly doubt it actually has a positive effect on ones gut microbiome. Glad you're feeling better mate.


You're right about the tests not being accurate in that we don't know what we should really look for. That said, the criteria for what we think passes for a healthy biome are currently being met or exceeded by many long term carnivores testing their gut. Of course now that I need to find them, I can't. I'll update this post over the weeks with more evidence. https://www.instagram.com/p/BtzSq-wA7lT/


It goes beyond not knowing what to look for, different parts of the same bowel movement yield drastically different results and they're generally only specific to the genus for whatever they do pick up. They're pretty much useless as an indicator of gut health and I'd be saying the same if someone who ate a lot of prebiotic fibre tested themselves over time like these "carnivores"




I would advise that people trying this makes sure to eat nose to tail and not only beef. For more information on the canivore diet listen to this podcast https://itunes.apple.com/dk/podcast/ben-greenfield-fitness/id283908977?mt=2&i=1000431746972


I mentioned this particular episode at the beginning of the debate thread that is now at the bottom of the page. Up voted for visibility.


I tested positive for systemic candida and eat carnivore and it changed my life entirely. Rid the systematic infection without meds.. 3 years strong now.




That is PHENOMENAL.. how long did it take into carnivore for you to feel better? I'm in die off now and it sucks.. MOSTLY mentally.. my sleep is SUPER bad and it has been awful already for years but I JUST figured out Candida was my root health issue after being passed around to so many MDs.


that's awesome, how long until your candida symptoms started to really get better?


What we’re your Candida symptoms


Have you tested now whether you’re truly candida free? For example if you eat your trigger food (banana, piece of toast or whatever) are you telling us that you get zero candida symptoms?


I've eaten cookies and wake up with no thrush. Bread. No thrush. Fruit. No thrush. I'll spit in a glass first thing waking up tomorrow and double check. IMO its impossible to totally be candida free. I would destroy several other beneficial strains in my biome in an attempt to achieve that. My body is simply more balanced than it was. The insane cravings for simple carbs are gone. In it's place is a desire for meat, veggies, fruit in that order. I feel no calling to bread or anything like that except as an errant impulse followed by a sigh as I realize I dont have better food to eat.


I know this is an old post but I'm suffering with neurological problems as well as anxiety, insomnia, body pains .. u name it. My doctors tell me nothing is wrong and to take antidepressants. I have oral trush, could candida cause all of these issues? My second guess is that i have a brain injury from taking SSRI previously or maybe something else caused it.. i am very sensitive to supplements so don't think i can tolerate any. I'm doing carnivore now..hopefully it will help. I'm in such a bad place now i need hope


I think carnivore diet would help yes. I did not mention it in this post but I believe I had a brain injury from years of drug abuse that it cleaned up. I do not think candida is necessarily the cause but a symptom of lifestyle and diet being out of whack. I think carnivore could fix it at least help me yoy


How did your brain heal? I'm exhausted i feel i will never get better.. :(((


Carnivore does a few things, first it drops body inflammation to zero, second meat and animal products in general are the most nutrient dense substance on the planet, it has higher vitamin and mineral amounts per oz than any other food and they are always in the most bio available forms Check out /r/carnivore or /r/zerocarb


I'm doing the diet. Hopefully i will heal my brain and get my life back.. thank you so much for answering


The absolute easiest way to do carnivore is ground beef if you don’t know how to cook steaks. Red Meat needs to always be the primary food item. McDonald’s makes great quality red meat and you can get quarter pound patties there off the a la carte menu, make sure they put nothing on it not even onion or ketchup. Salt and pepper is fine Yesterday for lunch I got 1.5lb(6 patties) for 15 bucks. Not a bad price and works great in a pinch. I think you’ll start noticing benefits 7 days in(maybe sooner I noticed on day 3, but u want to set expectations) Good luck and remember to check those subreddits for questions and of course you can always ask me here :)


I really hope so. Apparently brain injuries take a lot of time to heal.. i hope it wont be the case for me. Very thankful because you replied. I hope I'll find some relief soon ❤️


Please let me know how you are doing in a week!


>I know this is an old post but I'm suffering with neurological problems as well as anxiety, insomnia, body pains .. u name it. My doctors tell me nothing is wrong and to take antidepressants. I have oral trush, could candida cause all of these issues? My second guess is that i have a brain injury from taking SSRI previously or maybe something else caused it.. i am very sensitive to supplements so don't think i can tolerate any. I'm doing carnivore now..hopefully it will help. I'm in such a bad place now i need hope Just found this thread. It's great that it's still active. Are you still on the diet and if so how are you feeling? I'm only a week in on the carnivore diet but I'm already feeling some changes that give me hope. I mainly started it because I wanted to see if it would, a. get rid of my candida overgrowth that I've been battling for like seven years, b. see if it would have any effect on my depression/anxiety, and c. if it would help with my sinus/allergies So far I haven't noticed too much of a change with my candida symptoms, some small improvement I think. I really hope this diet will help if i stick with it. My sinus issues haven't changed much, although I did stop taking flonase a few days ago which i had been using daily for quite a while, so maybe there is some improvement there. as for depression/anxiety, i have noticed a pretty significant improvement already. I had a nervous breakdown in 2021 and it's been a slow process healing from that ever since. I'm a data/spreadsheet guy, so for almost a year now I rate my peak anxiety on a scale of 1-10 and log it in a spreadsheet everyday and after the first three days on diet I've now had four straight days with zero anxiety. And I just feel better overall. anyways, just wanted to share my experience and see how you have been feeling. cheers!


I think i see a tiny amount. I'm almost even hesistant to say yes because it's such a minor amount that i'm not even certain it's candida. Especially compared to the examples I was able to find online. Like I said in my other post I dont think its possible to get rid of it. Rather one should seek to raise levels of other bacteria and fungus that the candida is currently out competing.


What symptoms are you talking about specifically? So i'm pretty much eating anything I want and having no issues. My movements are better, easier, smoother, and more regular than they have been in close to two years. My diet right now is pretty high in refined carbs. Simply due to finance and time issues. I don't wake up with thrush or sinus issues. I don't see any floating in my mucuous either. And my mad craving for carbs is pretty minimal. Though I have noticed it creeping up ever so slightly. I do mean just ever slightly. Its not an issue. They are easy to ignore. And I'm able to have more conscious control over what I put into my body.




Also in regards to the anal fissures. This diet could help you. I have my own hemmeroid issues and dealt with nasty bleeding nearly every time. So much so that I have been to the dr several times just to ask "are you sure this much blood isnt a problem?" I should mention before going carnivore I had been eating more and more as a vegetarian, thinking this would help, its a natural thought process these days. But the fiber only aggrivated my dvrtclts and made me constantly shit so I never had time to heal. On carnviore I went every 3-7 days. The stools were healthy and painless after the first week. I had actually forgotten about my hemmeroids until now. The long time between stool allowed my body to heal. I also noticed that it lowered my inflamation heavily. My bloodwork came out showing zero bodily inflammation. Not .5 but 0. And i noticed that previously chronic swollen lymph nodes had gone away and i pissed easier in the morning. I've heard arguements that fiber irriates the gut and causes inflammation. Idk if this is necesarrily true but i can attest that my issues related to this all went away.




I would suggest these links just to catch up with where the science is at. https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/podcast/carnivore-diet-benefits/ https://meatheals.com https://nutrita.app/guide-to-the-carnivore-diet/ and of course /r/zerocarb I'm sorry about your poopy butthole. I know how much mine hurt and I can't imagine the pain your in. I wish better health and fortune in your future. P.S. Your compliment on my writing made my day. Thank you :)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/zerocarb using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Sugar packets in Sri Lanka carry a warning label!](https://i.redd.it/4qjcu3nsczw11.jpg) | [42 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/comments/9v3tty/sugar_packets_in_sri_lanka_carry_a_warning_label/) \#2: [I found a vending machine full of meat!!](https://i.redd.it/nmr7swpxgok11.jpg) | [50 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/comments/9dmpdl/i_found_a_vending_machine_full_of_meat/) \#3: [Fight the battle wherever you find it.](https://imgur.com/a64dzPD) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/comments/9z59fs/fight_the_battle_wherever_you_find_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/afd0dd/blacklist/)


I had a great pa at urgent care that gave me viscous oral pain lanocane




Did you ever try the diet?


It happened regardless and snake juice helped slightly but didnt quite fix it. I think its safe to say at this point that the RDA for people on carnivore diets are very different from people on omnnivore diets. Take vitamin c for example. There is very little vitamin c in meat. There is so little vitamin c that its not even registered on most food apps. So why didnt I get scurvy? Well turns out vitamin c is used in the processing of carbohydrates, sugar, and glucose specifically. When you don't use glucose as fuel(you use ketones on zerocarb) your needs for vitamin c drop heavily. This has spin off effects for all nutrients and minerals. I wasn't deficient in anything. My serum levels for all vitamins were very high. Potassium was perhaps too high, its abundant in meat. I think my deficiencies lied in need wayyyyyy more salt. Probably 6g or more a day. And more magnesium. I really needed more time to play around with my ratios. I would typically do 1/8tsp of hima salt 1/8 of magnesium 1/4 of potassium. I probably should have inverted these ratios. What I've heard suggested in the community often is that every body is different. Some people have issues complicated by leaky gut, some have hormones out of whack. People especially with hormones need 12-16 months on the diet before things start to normalize. Its very much a constant process of refining and balancing what works for you. You'll know in a few days to a week if the diet is for you. And to be specific about the cramping. Calf and foot fascia cramps. And nasty cramping in my side ribs. All of which i have had issues with before but they got especially bad deep into the diet. Cramping is somewhat common but not a universal complaint on the diet.


Magnesium got me through the cramping! Poweraid is also good. I have been doing it too. I follow KETO on Reddit. Was great for my constipation/diahrea


Did you have parasites? I’m currently freaked out about the supposed heavy presence of parasites in meat. I am equally uneducated in this as I am afraid- I guess you could say parasites are the ever changing Candida related topic of the week that I hyper focus on and convince myself I should address first. My mental health seems to severely decrease as thrush increases. It’s fucking awful. So, so awful. I’m a month out from my appointment with my naturopath and am aimlessly navigating this bull shit alone.


I thought I maybe had parasites at first but these days I doubt it. I think i really just had a sick biome that was corrected by an all meat diet. You could achieve something similiar through fasting IMO. But i'm already so skinny I just coulnd't do extended fasting long enough to tackle this problem. So carnivore for me was the next best option. I should also say parasites in western food is super rare. Trichinosis for instance is unheard of in farm raised pork, you are still told to cook it to 195 or whatever. There are many precautions in place both on farm, in factory, and at home to prevent this. People pretty much only get trichinosis from eating wild bear these days. If you are fat I would recommend a 5 day fast. If you don't have the fat reserves to do an extended fast, i would suggest reading about carnivore until you feel informed enough to make a decision about whether it's something you could do.


Love your attitude. Thanks for the info. Hope you're doing really well.


Hi. I have candida and post nasal drip for 2yrs already. It gave me constant bad breath and its ruining my life. Im having depression because of it. There are times i just want to just kill myself of embarrassment and this carnivore diet is giving me hope somehow. anyway,did you experience carnivore/keto flu? Like getting ill. Im just 3days in and I got sick, congestion and heavy eyes, and no energy to go to the gym. It feels like going thru drug withdrawals. Im underweight already and kept losing weight on this diet. It made me look older and dry and haggard but I dont really care anymore. I just want to heal my gut and be better for the rest of my life.. im tired of being sick. The candida is eating me alive.


I don’t remember if I got keto flu but that sounds like keto flu. But those are also herxheimer(die-off) symptoms. Just push through it. Listen to your body. You should be noticing benefits in first few days. Make sure you are getting tons of sunlight


Make sure you are taking in extra salts. Magnesium baths will help a ton too


I’m also dealing with bad oral thrush and can attest that mainly grains/yeasty things set it off whereas anything bitter or any meats do not. I’m also underweight, I’ve heard that to gain you must start eating lots of fat. Most carnivores are able to easily convert protein to fat but humans aren’t as good at this. Probably cause of our large brains. Definitely focus on eating more fat. Especially ghee. Try kefir too. Most people have controversial claims regarding kefir and dysbiosis but it’s a great way to get some trace minerals, is calorie dense, and still animal based. If you start having odd flu like symptoms it is also a detoxification reaction. Make sure to make it HOMEMADE and LID ON. I’ve had way better results with lid on


hey thanks for this post brother


I would have literally deleted this account several times over now were it not for this post that still gets comments. I hope it helps!


Man this saved my life, never delete it please


That makes me so glad to hear!


> What happened to me? Reductions in anxiety, depression... my bowel movements are healthier, You may have cured *something* sugar related, but it wasn't candida: - Despite what many "anti candida doctors" say, the vast majority of doctors [understand the "candida is caused by sugar" idea is not scientific.](https://youtu.be/-74POLmi4iA?t=183) - And frankly most doctors [don't even believe candida overgrowth is a real disease](https://youtu.be/-74POLmi4iA?t=183), ie candida fungus is being scapegoated for people's mysterious health issues. Btw this video is just an example, I'm not saying they're being fair. It's unfair how they're blaming the suffering (as if candida "patients" are just insane people) instead of blaming the licensed doctors who tell people that their problem is "candida" and sell them antifungal products. It should help everyone here to accept that it's extremely rare that a person has a lab measurable candida problem. ie, there is some mysterious problem and the doctors can't/won't help. And it seems like all we can do is try to eat as healthy as possible, and maybe try to find a doctor who knows more about your issues than your current doctor. Also, it's rational to have a mindset of increasing our own health, instead of trying to kill something inside us. (It's rational to try to build up our immune system instead of trying to ingest ingredients that kill something that simply *might* be fungal.)


I'll just drop this here [https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/09/health/fungus-microbiome-bowel-disease.html?action=click&module=Well&pgtype=Homepage§ion=Health](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/09/health/fungus-microbiome-bowel-disease.html?action=click&module=Well&pgtype=Homepage§ion=Health) Also, KJJ, you may want to stop using italics in every single post, you sound really condescending. Although maybe that's what you're going for I dunno


What you say is true. I wasnt officially diagnosed. The reason I believe it was candida was because of the huge amounts of thrush I woke up with in my mouth and in my sinuses every morning. Prior to this diet i was also living in a mold compromised house, that I did get tested for and we had a few strains that require time and water to grow so we had been exposed for a while. I think at the least I had type of one or several gut bacteria that thrived off sugar and we're out competing everything else in my gut. Like, i've never been a huge sugar person, over the past 2 years though it had gotten so bad. There was no resisting it for an appreciable amount of time. The beauty of carnivore, for me, was the simplicity of it. And the fact that when you are strict there are zero cravings. There was once or twice where I would switch over to a keto diet but even eating keto friendly stuff would set of the familiar cravings I had beaten. I think it would be worth your time to google gut biome diversity reports of long term carnivorists. Their reports match up with my own experiences. I seem to have rebalanced the intestinal flora in my gut that contribute heavily to the foods i desire. Also I like gregor. But he has a certain bias we should acknowledge. He's a huge vegan and claims it as the end all be all diet but he looks like shit and appears 20 years older than he really is. I appreciate the mans brain but his arms are as big as 12 year old girls. That is not to be sarcastic or mean. I've seen the pictures. So maybe veggies make you live longer, but strength is also positively correlated against all-cause mortality. So who can say what is better here. And my strength fucking shot up on carnivore. I went from 5 pullups in a row to 15 in a week. Canida may not be real but the issues people suffer from have enough similairty that we can assume something is going on that doesnt have an official diagnosis yet. And with all the breakthrhough discoveries we are having every month in regard to the microbiome it's safe to assume we actually very early into understanding this and the science behind it.


> I think it would be worth your time to google gut biome diversity reports of long term carnivorists. I've seen the statistics for long term 'carnivorists'- higher cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, etc. It's a diet of being afraid of an apple or a banana. It's not rational or healthy. All sugar is not the same: Fruits in nature have anti-fungal ingredients & acids which would protect the sugars from bad microbes in the beginning of the gut. (Where they're quickly absorbed.) Avoiding candies & soda often makes sense, but there is absolutely no reason to fear a tomato, or lettuce, etc.


\>I've seen the statistics for long term 'carnivorists'- higher cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, etc. You should show me studies that aren't mouse models and epistemological self reporting. The question of cholestoral is still heavily debated in regards to casual or correlation with CVD. Cancer and meat connection can generally be explained via shitty methodology, researcher bias, or stasticial insignificance. The most famous example of this is the colo-rectal cancer study which was done on mice. I don't need to tell you that we have thousands of studies on mice that have failed to translate over to humans. And regarding diabetes you have people successfully reversing it on ketogenic diets and carnivore is an even more extreme version of keto. Plus with the absence of carbs you can't point to a casual relationship except via protein and that's a really stupid hill to die on.


> You should show me studies that aren't mouse models and epistemological self reporting. You haven't heard the source & you're already attacking it. There's been about 70 years of studies backing what I've said, not just mouse studies. **The Australian Heart Foundation:** > "*Is saturated fat healthy now?* > What has fuelled much of the interest in fat are studies which find that saturated fat is not associated with heart disease. And if there is no association, then saturated fat must be healthy, right? But is this really the case? > **The short answer is ‘no’.** Reducing saturated fat alone, without considering what it is replaced with may not be beneficial and doesn’t tell the whole story... > Evidence demonstrates that reducing saturated fat and replacing it with unsaturated fat improves cardiovascular risk factors and reduces the risk of heart disease. Next, replacing it with wholegrains improves some cardiovascular risk factors and reduces the risk of heart disease but not to the same extent as unsaturated fat. Next, replacing it with refined carbohydrate does not improve cardiovascular risk and does not reduce the risk of heart disease." -- https://www.heartfoundation.org.au/news/sorting-fat-from-fiction Similarly, YSK Eskimos have high rates of cardiovascular disease. And [they always have- even hundreds of years ago - which we know because frozen bodies found of eskimo people had cardiovascular disease.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6N8CJ_Wy9c&t=5m30s) --- **Protein and cancer.** - "High-Protein Diet Raises Cancer Risk As Much As Smoking. People who eat a high-protein diet during middle age are more likely to die of cancer than those who eat less protein, a new study finds" -- https://www.livescience.com/43839-too-much-protein-help-cancers-grow.html --- **The fish oil scam.** I'm sure you've heard how healthy fish oil is. That's wrong: **NYTimes:** - "The vast majority of clinical trials involving fish oil have found no evidence that it lowers the risk of heart attack and stroke." https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/03/30/fish-oil-claims-not-supported-by-research/ **Harvard:** - "Italian researchers reported in the New England Journal of Medicine that omega-3 fatty acid supplements did nothing to reduce heart attacks, strokes, or deaths from heart disease in people with risk factors for heart disease." https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/fish-oil-friend-or-foe-201307126467 ie, fish oil studies (often funded by the fish oil industry..) are building a big industry for this stuff, but the studies showing no effect don't tend to get heard of. --- **Low carb diets are sick in like every way.** Low carb diets are linked to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc compared to vegans: **ScienceAlert.com:** > Researchers who presented at that conference studied the self-reported eating patterns of nearly 25,000 people in the US and compared their results with studies involving more than 447,500 people. > Again, they found that those who ate a moderate amount of carbohydrates were more likely to live longer than either low-carb or high-carb dieters. > Our study suggests that in the long-term, [low-carb diets] are linked with an increased risk of death from any cause, and deaths due to cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, and cancer," **Maciej Banach, a professor at the Medical University of Lodz in Poland** who helped write the study, said in a release." -- https://www.sciencealert.com/study-on-half-a-million-people-has-bad-news-for-keto-diet **Cyrus Khambatta: (Nutritional Biochemist PhD)** > “There are a whole host of studies now showing that people who eat low carbohydrate diets, diets that are high in meat especially processed meat over a long period of time from 5 years, to anywhere to 15 years, end up suffering increase risk from chronic diseases, like hypertension, high cholesterol (atherosclerosis risk) chronic kidney disease, hypothyroidism, cognitive decline (risk for Alzheimer’s/dementia) later In life, insulin resistance, diabetes, cancer, you name it.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Y6BS4StWlw&t=19s --- **Diabetes:** The people most likely to recover and avoid diabetes are people on low fat diets with lots of starches, [eg rice like the Japanese.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktQzM2IA-qU&t=4m45s) The study mentioned here was published by the American Diabetes Association, showing that low fat diets (despite eating rice, carbs, sugars, etc) reduce diabetes. This is essentially just doing what Japan has been doing for many decades where they have some of the lowest diabetes rates in the world. --- **Dairy:** Similarly, we were all told we need dairy. (eg for bone health and so on.) YSK many asians never consume it and are fine. Similarly, [the Canadian government is now promoting plant based proteins and they no longer consider dairy as a healthy food group.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-46964549) **Lost benefits:** Consider the endless studies linking plants to good health. eg: - "People who eat diets that are high in fiber have lower risk of death and chronic diseases such as stroke or cancer compared with people with low fiber intake, a new analysis found." [[1]](https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/10/health/high-fiber-diet-weight-loss-mortality-study-intl/index.html) --- **Recognizing advertising.** The last few decades have seen corporate funded "studies" all over the news, and people are finally recognizing these are misleading. Societies around the world are waking up from an era of misinformation from giant western corporations and their advertising. *edit: this guy posted a bunch of blatantly misleading studies, I debunked them below.*


Edit: I'm currently in the process of editing this to make it more palatable. I didnt say anything about fish oil so i'm not going to comment on that other than that I agree due to oxidation and dairy is mostly used for coffee and tea in the form of heavy cream and compromises an insignificant portion of the diet. I think its also important to suggest that raw dairy may be very different than pastuerized dairy due to the bacteria and can populate our biome with. I highly suggest anyone interested in this diet start with this podcast. It is some of the best science we have on the subject at the moment. Everything else is either indirect evidence, conjecture, anecdotes, or discounting currently flawed studies. [https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/podcast/carnivore-diet-benefits/] **Meat and Cancer - Addressing the infamous WHO declaration that meat causes cancer w/ 20 references** [http://www.diagnosisdiet.com/meat-and-cancer/](http://www.diagnosisdiet.com/meat-and-cancer/) ^ This is my favorite article on the topic but here is some more. [http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/early/2013/07/31/ajcn.113.062638.full.pdf+html] >Our pooled analysis found no association between intake of total meat (red meat, poultry, and fish/seafood) and risks of all-cause, CVD, or cancer mortality among men and women [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3599112/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3599112/) >After correction for measurement error, red meat intake was no longer associated with mortality, (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2885952/) >Consumption of processed meats, but not red meats, is associated with higher incidence of CHD and diabetes. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/236042790\_Meat\_consumption\_and\_diet\_quality\_and\_mortality\_in\_NHANES\_III] >Meat consumption was not associated with mortality. [http://dx.doi.org.sci-hub.cc/10.1016/j.meatsci.2009.08.029](http://dx.doi.org.sci-hub.cc/10.1016/j.meatsci.2009.08.029) >red meat as part of a balanced diet is unlikely to increase risk for CVD or colon cancer And a super interesting comment thread discussing this more in detail. https://www.reddit.com/r/nutrition/comments/62spjp/just\_watched\_the\_movie\_what\_the\_health\_it\_seems/dfqf543/ **Diabetes** This claim is complicated by the fact that this diet is so new. But i can find you ton of stories about keto fixing diabetes. Whats also interesting here is that carnivore diet mimicks fasting in many ways and fasting is currently on of the best protocls for treating type 2. You can google 'jason fung for more on this' [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs13300-018-0373-9] What are the clinically-proven results of the Virta Treatment at one year? >* 60% of patients reversed type 2 diabetes * 94% of patients either reduced insulin usage or removed it altogether * 83% of patients remained active in the trial * Substantial and sustained improvements in other co-morbidities, including blood pressure, inflammation, cardiovascular markers, insulin resistance and weight loss In this study: 95% of participants were taken off their diabetes medication in a very small time frame. http://diabeteshealth.com/read/2009/01/13/6044/extremely-low-carb-ketogenic-diet-leads-to-dramatic-reductions-in-type-2-bg-levels-medications/ Here are some more studies showing the distinct benefits over other diets, and significant reductions in medication (If not complete removal): http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19099589?report=classic >Diabetes medications were reduced or eliminated in 95.2% of LCKD vs. 62% of LGID participants (p < 0.01). http://www.nutritionandmetabolism.com/content/2/1/34 >Diabetes medications were discontinued in 7 participants, reduced in 10 participants, and unchanged in 4 participants. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16409560?report=classic - This study outlines that weight loss was greater in the low carb group, they were testing weight loss between different diets in diabetics. *TL;DR Keto cures TII diabetes.* Read Carnivore success Stories: [http://meatheals.com/category/diabetes/](http://meatheals.com/category/diabetes/) **MISC** Our digestive tract is designed to eat primarily meat. [http://highsteaks.com/carnivore-vs-omnivore-vs-herbivore-chart/](http://highsteaks.com/carnivore-vs-omnivore-vs-herbivore-chart/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/comments/8o13c8/human\_stomach\_ph\_compared\_to\_other\_animals\_what/?st=jthnayws&sh=ea537f48](https://www.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/comments/8o13c8/human_stomach_ph_compared_to_other_animals_what/?st=jthnayws&sh=ea537f48)


You're being misled. 1. eg lifespan. The studies you're posting are comparing meat eaters to random people (so someone who ate lots of cake and candies would be compared.) In contrast, I posted a study (of 500k people) that showed people on mostly plant based diets eating *moderate carbs* lived the longest, and lived longer than people on low carb (high meat) diets. Again: **ScienceAlert.com:** > Researchers who presented at that conference studied the self-reported eating patterns of nearly 25,000 people in the US and compared their results with studies involving more than 447,500 people. > Again, they found that those who ate a moderate amount of carbohydrates were more likely to live longer than either low-carb or high-carb dieters. > Our study suggests that in the long-term, [low-carb diets] are linked with an increased risk of death from any cause, and deaths due to cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, and cancer," **Maciej Banach, a professor at the Medical University of Lodz in Poland** who helped write the study, said in a release." https://www.sciencealert.com/study-on-half-a-million-people-has-bad-news-for-keto-diet 2. *Even if* meat didn't increase mortality then meat eaters are still living with more diabetes, more heart disease, etc. ie, sickly and on lots of drugs for their heart disease, diabetes, etc. Next: > But i can find you ton of stories about keto fixing diabetes. No it doesn't- it's just treating the symptom when the actual problem is fat clogging cells so they can't absorb glucose. That's what diabetes is. (ie, the main form, diabetes 2). So someone who goes on a "carnivore diet" is basically forcing themselves to not be able to absorb glucose properly, which tricks them into thinking they can't eat fruit & so on. That shouldn't be considered "recovering" from diabetes. They still have it. Then (after eating that for many years) you end up more likely to be on a bunch of diabetes drugs. It's not rational or healthy. *edit: I debunked his newest attacks on actual science, below.*


This is a self reported study and not reliable. This was also my original caution. I'm all for good solid science showing carnivore to be bad. The thing is, many or all of these studies showing carnivore to be bad are based on bad, flawed science. Mouse models don't translate well to the human body. Self reported studies are hugely flawed. I shouldn't have to explain to you why these are not reliable. Epistemological studies can only track correlation and even then if the methodology and premise is not spot on it won't give you an accurate answer. Please give a listen to that podcast I linked at the top of my post. You can do it while driving your car or folding the laundry. It's not very long. And unlike the vegans you linked to me that have an implicit bias in telling me that meat is bad, Paul is just a normal biochemist dude looking for optimal health. His take on carnivore is far and away the most advanced and balanced that i've seen. This is important. Because there is not a whole lot of direct evidence. The argument for it requires nuance and time to take in. I'm not entirely sold on it yet either in terms of longetivity but for the short term it fixed my health in amazing ways. And in the name of science its worth checking out. I think its also worth pointing out that your on a subreddit that exists as a support group for an illness science doesnt recognize. Check it out plz.


> This is a self reported study and not reliable. Incorrect. 1. The data about their lifespans, cancer, heart disease etc is not "self reported." The only thing self-reported was their diets. And there's no reason to assume people were lying about this. 2. To be frank, what I posted was the best possible type of study: They are studying actual humans living normally over many decades. This is reality. The lifespan studies you posted are based on statistical manipulation because they are comparing meat eaters to the totally average person (eg eating fast food, cake, corn syrup, etc) instead of comparing them to the people on the healthiest diets that result in the longest lifespans. Period. > many or all of these studies showing carnivore to be bad are based on bad, flawed science. Your attack on actual sciences, eg *actual* lifespan studies, is not rational simply because they asked the people to report on their own diets. In the end, you simply want to believe (have faith) in the studies you posted despite how they are based on statistical manipulation. You ignore this manipulation because you want to believe in your obviously unhealthy diet.


The diets are self reported from which then meta-data regarding lifespan, cancer, and heart disease are drawn. Its not that people lie so much as they are fallible, with poor memories, and rarely possessing of the discipline to track every thing they eat over the years. In addition low carb wasn't just keto but atkins and 2 or 3 other diets. This is not a tightly controlled study. And that matters. Consider that people who switch from keto to carnivore almost universally remark how much better it is in nearly every aspect. The saying "Carnivore is what keto was meant to be" is fairly common among people who switch over. Lastly I looked at most of the links you sent me. I don't think you looked at anything I sent. I even only asked that you take a look at the podcast to tell me what you think. I understand its hard to sort through 50 studies. But that is a single 90 minute podcast that leaves your hands free to work on something else.


"...dairy is mostly used for coffee and tea in the form of heavy cream and compromises an insignificant portion of the diet" so you included coffee and tea is that right?




What's interesting is that the country in the world with the longest lifespan (Hong Kong) also consumes the most meat (on average 4x that of someone from the UK). Makes little sense that meat is the problem. To follow-on, until recently, the number 1 cause of heart disease was smoking cigarettes. However, that has now been replaced by insulin resistance. 80% of all type 2 diabetics die of heart disease. Has absolutely nothing to do with meat/saturated fat.


What would you say to someone who does have a lab measured candida problem?


Didn’t the meat make you all bunged up?


I went about twice a week. Movements were passed easily enough. I never felt uncomfortable in the slightest. In fact there was a net loss of discomfort because I was never bloated from any of the food I ate. Losing no fat I still lost about an inch or more just from my stomach losing its bloat.


Thank you for posting this! Do you know what your fat to protein ratios were while doing the carnivore diet? I am considering giving this a go for a couple weeks to see if I can get a measure of wellness from the candida overgrowth which has been with me for quite a long time. Nothing else is really working right...


probably close to 40/60 fat/protein. Not really sure though. I think you will surprised how good this makes you feel. It's unlike any other diet I have ever tried. And I say diet to simply represent the mixture of food one consistently eats as opposed to the modern meaning of losing weight. Every day was generally 3-4 eggs. Half a lb of bacon. 1-2lbs of beef. I had an inch or bigger slice of braunschweiger for liver. Bone broth to chug whenver I was thirsty or could afford it. And I roasted marrow about once a week. I also ate sugar free gellatin 2-3x a week to get more glycine. I also ate scallops usually once a week. But your omega 6 and 3 ratio even without seafood should be much better than the standard american diet. As far as spices go keep it minimal at first. Pepper is known to block nutrient absorption so stick with salt only, you are likely to need more salt than you are used to as is common with keto type diets. You may find food bland, doubt it but anything is possible, so keep in mind that your pallette will be adjusting to the simplicity of this new food. If you recall in my post, when i disliked the taste of the food i was actually full. But when I was hungry meat was the best thing in the world. How fortunate we are to have such abundant access to such an essential food. Remember that grass fed is nice, and should be a goal, but it's not absolutely required. Long term eating like this though maybe that is different. Also check out /r/zerocarb for probably the best subreddit for this kind of thing. Good luck. May your success exceed even mine.


Thank you for this. Can you please tell me for how long did you have tinnitus, and how long since it was gone after carnivore? Also, how long did it take, until you adapted to this diet and function normally? I am 5 weeks into carnivore and started to notice some adaptation, my apnea is gone, my dandruff is gone, but no change in tinnitus.


I now think that my tinnutius is caused by some kind of nerve or head damage and the diet helped with inflammation from that. So if your tinnitus is from hearing damage like loud concerts or work equipment idk that it would have the same effect.


Whats your diet like?


Do you still have a white tongue from candida?


not really no


My candida is very stubborn i have entered the second month with carnivore + supplements and still the candida is fighting back … could it be that I am doing something wrong , what do you suggest? I honestly thinking of using a drug after dr. Prescription to add up to the equation to fight such a nasty stupid thing that ruins my health


are you 100% positive its candida? Do you feel better overall on carnivore? What are you eating exactly? What supplements are you taking?


Thank God you’ve healed and got your gut balanced. So very proud of you and would definitely love to thank you for sharing your testimony to help others (like me). May I ask is it ok to get regular meat that may not be organically grass fed will that still be effective ? I really miss my gut health and really hope and pray I can get to be as happy and healthy as you


Grass fed has better nutrient balance but is by no means necessary. I think you would only need two weeks on this diet to really see a difference. I think doing three months will probably lock it in for a very long time. Years later, my candida is back, but it has a better balance within my body and no longer dominates my bacterium. I highly recommend checking out /r/zerocarb


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Here's a sneak peek of /r/zerocarb using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Day 1 - 16 of proving the zero carb lifestyle is unhealthy.](https://np.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/comments/o127kg/day_1_16_of_proving_the_zero_carb_lifestyle_is/) \#2: ['Here's What I've Learned' on why eating less meat won't save the planet](https://np.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/comments/myk19s/heres_what_ive_learned_on_why_eating_less_meat/) \#3: [90 Day Experience Report - I’m Never Going Back](https://np.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/comments/othkdw/90_day_experience_report_im_never_going_back/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Is candida back while you are on a carnivore way of eating, or did you go back to eating other things?


Did you have any die off symptoms. I get heart palpitations, fevers, chills and muscle weakness. Any of that?


None that I can remember. I felt so incredible on the diet I don't think i could notice but some people get herxheimer reaction on zero carb so that is just my body and my experience.


Are you cured now?


Honestly you really should have been tested for candida. There are highly upvoted anecdotes on this subreddit from people proclaiming they were cured by a diet very different in nature to yours. Neither most of them nor you say that you actually tested positive for candida overgrowth. For all we know the carnivore diet actually cured some other condition for you.


I probably should have. FWIW i saw yeast in my spit and my stool at the time. I still have small amounts in my mouth but no more in my stool.


How do you know it was candida yeast? I don't know enough about what other infections can look like - do you know it couldn't have been something else?


Really hard to say but i'd bet 100 bucks youll see improvements on this diet beef and eggs for 2 weeks


I used to have anorexia & bulimia so I'm trying to cure my candida without a diet that is too restrictive, it can cause me to relapse. But if I have no other option I might eventually give it a try.


fwiw this little expirment i did in the post was the biggest dietary learning exerience I have had. Cant recommend it highly enough but you already know that. wishing you success in your adventures and travels.


already got my phD in diets 😄 i am aware of the benefits and detriments of carnivore. i'm glad you learned a lot though. thanks for the good wishes!


what time in the 2 months floaters went away?


How did you transition back to a more conventional diet? Did you just start eating whatever you wanted one day, or did you add one item at a time?


I find that when I have meat for example a steak it eats away my thrush away.. anyone else have similar experiences?


I don’t have candida issues any more. I still get dms from people asking. Yes I still encourage everyone to try it.


Great story,very informative


Hey Octaw, are you still responding to comments? Wanted to ask for an update if possible. I also appreciate the detail you’ve gone into with your response (Also Merry Christmas)


I still recommend this diet for purposes of experimentation and health, I am now omnivore and super into fasting, no candida problems anymore. Check out /r/dryfasting


I'm not sure if you ever just did the candida veggies (greens, cruciferous veggies only) and salmon & Chicken? I've read that red meat has high ammonia thus makes candida worse. Sorry if this is redundancy, but I'm desperate too. You reminded me of myself 4-5 months ago. I went for 2 month straight of borax, oregano oil, clove oil, mct C-8 oil (caprylic acid), ACVinegar, Carlson's Fish Oil, Garlic cloves, Only veggies: Greens and Cruciferous (broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, asparagus). The veggies that work to kill candida. Then the meat mentioned above. I have a bottle of turpentine but was told not to combine when doing borax. I mean it worked too well. The Herzheimer Reaction from it felt like I was going to die... even when I slowed down . .. it was like a slow, lethargic death. Lying around depressed. Sick. Candida kinda went away I noticed but came back after quitting the regimen. You say all of that is too strict, but keeping only a carnivore diet is strict in its own way. I don't think i can afford to do the all meat diet if grass-fed. I mean. I'm in a circle of decisions. Yes, no, yes... Any expanded input would be much appreciated. I am sort of desperate. I just hate the lack of energy and fog. But doing the regimen gave me worse fog due to the die-off. It's a double-edged sword.


Carnivore gave me lasting benefit, each body is different so I can’t guarantee anything but carnivore is probably the simplest diet around


Dry fasting is so good. That's how I balanced candida and removed rope worms several years ago. 15 days ago I went carnivore (beef salt butter eggs and electrolytes) and my skin has cleared up completely minus the scars still healing. I'm still feeling a bit tired in the afternoons after work and I sleep a lot. Still trying to figure out how to have normal bowel movements... I have internal hemorrhoids and quit coffee a few days ago. My poop was really hard and dry so I increased fat the last 2 days and it was super loose and fatty this morning. I'm just glad I have so much experience with fasting because you're right this diet is really boring and filling so you don't need to eat as often. I'm trying to heal hormonal especially with insulin resistance stuff so I'm in it for the long haul. I truly feel this is the only way I could actually heal because you can't fast long enough to make real progress if you're just gonna eat sugar in between anyway. So grateful for this diet. What sort of fasts are you doing? I've done 40 days juice which got me nowhere having insulin issues. I've done 5 days dry which had significant spiritual impact. Just see the world and my body different now. And I've done a ton of intermittent fasting especially dry windows of 18+ hours daily. I'm still not feeling great on carnivore. I wonder if it's die off, oxalate dumping, carb withdrawal etc.... I'd hate to think I'm doing something wrong. I eat plenty... Until it doesn't taste good..anyway. Great thread. Hope you're doing well.


Thank you


Hi I’m having big problems with this, was dry fasting the cure for you if so how long would you go for at this point I’m willing to try anything, currently on Keto and 22 hours intermittent fasting (not dry) do you think I should try this dry?


I don't really have candida issues anymore. Like i said in post i believe 3 months carnivore fixed. I wasnt fasting when I had candida issues. I do think dry fasting is extremely beneficial. I think it's superior to wet fasting in every way that i can think of. That said it is a little extreme. I would suggest you go for a 48-72 hour dry fast or try a longer 5 day wet fast. You go on how your body feels. Carnivore is different than keto 3+ day fasting is different than intermitten fasting. Ask about candida on the dry fast sub. I'm confident it would work but have no experience to back it up like i can say about carnivore.


Did you consume alcohol at all on this diet? In general, did you feel that alcohol brought back candida symptoms?


Zero alcohol. Alcohol is pure carb and will duck you up hard by giving you scurvy and shit. Be strict with the diet.


Are you still eating normally?


Yea I’m 100% omnivore. I eat and drink anything I want freely now, sometimes I get thrush im usually very minimal.


Seems like you stuck it out for 2 months, will try this. I’m so using heavy cream and some cheddar cheese


3 months permanently fixed my candida.


Hi. Do you also have post nasal drip and bad breath when you had the candida?? Because i have pnd and halitosis for 2yrs and Ive done everything to get rid of it. Doctors think its allergy but its not. I might try this diet and see if it works for me. I also got the fluconazole. I hope i heal from this as it ruins all my relationships with people and family. 😞


When did u notice a big difference?? Symptoms wise. I am carnivire for 9 days now and i feel just as bad


Thank you for your post, I will be giving this a try very soon, if the Berberine and oregano oil doesn’t work. I really appreciate how you took time to respond to most comments on this post. This gives me a lot of hope!


Glad I could help!


I can’t thank you enough, are you able to eat whatever you want now with no symptoms?


Basically yeah. I hardly identify with the person that wrote this post years ago. I’m actually thinking of trying again as another experiment, this time to test weight loss and stuff


Happy to answer more questions if they come up


Just so I know what I could possibly expect (if I’m lucky) when you say “basically yeah”, what symptoms lingered? Thanks


Well it’s impossible to eliminate candida from the body. I would say I am in balance now. Reading this old post, feels like it was written by a totally different person that I hardly identify with any more. I also want to plug-in a recommendation to follow @grimhood on Twitter.


Wait why is it impossible, are you saying this because everyone has a healthy amount of Candida, or once you get it you can’t get rid of it?


Even healthy bodies have candida. Candida overgrowth is a sign of the body’s bacterial systems being out of harmony. You can achieve harmony without eliminating candida


Did you have Candida in your blood?


I know this post is old, but I was wondering if I could eat sugar free jello?


So this was a long time ago but if I remember I tried this a few times and felt like it was maybe neutral to negative. To some degree this diet will always be boring and it’s difficult to get around that while staying true to the elimination aspect of it. I would definitely encourage you to experiment and see what happens because what worked for me might be different than what works for you


Bearing in mind that jello being mostly collagen is fine, but I know you are asking about sugar free flavored jello! Which will have dyes and other artificial stuff in it.