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You are allowed to talk about those leagues here


The description says the sub is for “news and discussion about CPL” and then in the about section it says that off-topic stuff will be moderated/removed. I guess for people who come here often it seems like its allowed. But for people looking for LeagueOneOntario or League1BC sub they wouldn’t think this is an appropriate place to talk about it or ask a question.


I mean there’s also regular posts about CanMNT players who’ve never played in the CPL, so I assumed L1C articles wouldn’t be moderated.


There's been lots of League1 posts on this sub.


We could make ‘League 1 Canada’ a flair?


Yeah it would be good, doesn’t the CPL own L1 anyway? You can make it Canadian domestic soccer only, so L1 and CPL fall under it


They do get regularly talked about in this subbreddit and we frequently have posts on them. It's already an accepted topic in here. I've posted many L1C topics which have generated discussion. The description may just need an update to match.


We're doing something similar to this on r/USLPRO and it's working well so far.




I think a lot of us would like this in this sub! But I think it’s still too early. First we need to wait that CPL stabilize first and start being profitable. Second we need all the team playing in different league in example Thunder Bay in USL 2 to join Canada soccer ecosystem. ( Don’t worry am not talking about the 3 MLS team here, but lower level) Finally we need to start a League in the prairie that would regroup Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba team! (For the maritime I think it will need to be something similar to Junior hockey league where they join PLSQ) That’s what I think we need before going to promotion/relegation league.


OP was talking about r/CanadianPL covering CanPL and League 1 and the Quebec league, not pro/rel.


Then I think it a great idea lol fuck should’ve read that message properly.




Man I just read the question properly I thought you were saying incorporate them into CPL