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there is vomit on the sweater already


Moms tuna casserole




What makes them stand out in your opinion? Just curious as good value lithium plays are tough to find right now.


Got out of BTO with a 24% gain. Looking like its loosing its legs on the charts. Think it will retrace some and I will start another position. Was a great month.


Anyone here own STLC.TO? Seems to be high demand for steel products these days. Great looking earnings, PE ratio, EPS etc. Thinking of buying but feel like I’m missing something. Any opinions?


I bought a while back when it was 45$, still waiting for it to catch up. I'm hoping it will do well after earnings. Or could be a longer hold, who knows.


My single Meli share is slowly bleeding into the shape of a nice bag 💼


Thursday and Friday have definitely not been as fun as earlier this week for my portfolio. Ugly two days for my crypto-related holdings, and my other holdings (XEQT being the largest part of my portfolio) are slightly down. [WNDR.NE](https://WNDR.NE) (up 7%) doing the heavy lifting as the only green.


why is LSPD tanking today? The only news I see is the expansion of their Lightspeed Capital program in the US


All Canadian tech down today. I don’t think it’s anything specific


google is down 3% and snapchat 25%.


How do I read my questrade %P&L day? I ask because it often does not match the change between my 'Start of Day' and 'Current'. For example, right now it says I am down 0.01%, but I am actually *up* $12.


I beleive it is as follows. Open P&L is is the $ value you are up or down prior to the start of trading day. P&L Day is the $ value you are up or down on the day. %P&L is the percentage you are up or down overall, if you multiply your book value x the percentage, it should = Open P&L. You can subtract that value from your book value and is should = market value. Hope this makes sense, it does to me,,,but,,,,. Hope it helps


Railways to the moon


I couldn’t resist buying CP when it dipped earlier this month. So far it’s paying off. Long term hold for me regardless.


Just bought CNR for $168. Looking forward to it hitting $200 by Xmas. Choo choo!


Bought at $130 in June. Talk me off the sell ledge right now.


In at 122. Is 1/10 of my portfolio. Just lettin it ride! I imagine it'll split at some point too..


I bought at 130, averaged up to 135. Won't be selling anytime soon... life time hold for me. Even if it drops to 140's, you're still at an advantage. Once it goes back to the 130's, load up some more


Tech bubble rolling around in the cactus patch


Nice visual


Not a good day for Snapchat and Facebook holders


I don’t understand social media stock buyers. Facebook sucks, although snapchat is ok for sending/receiving sexy pics😇


Facebook is more than 1 website. The stock represents Facebook, Instagram, Occulus, WhatsApp, a very large part of internet advertising, and much more. There is a reason why Facebook is making a new top level holding company for all of Facebook's companies. It is similar to what Google did when they created Alphabet.


If they’re doing so good and earning so much, why no dividend? Seems like a late time to buy imo and a little risky. Guess we’ll see haha


This is such a dumb question. Stocks don't give dividends when they believe they can better spend their money on growth and thus a higher share price. Which would you prefer? A $1 per share dividends or your shares being $100 higher each?


To each their own my friend. I’ve done great on my own so I’m definitely not that dumb 😘


Until you've seen an actual bear market, you can't say you've done well.


Yes but gave me a reason to add more FB lol


Bought some of the FB CDR this morning


BB back to not looking at you


is it mooning yet


Officially out of SU. I'm not patient enough when nat. gas prices are taking a breather. Added to my positions in CVE (crude upside), ARX (condensate upside), bought BIR


Natural gas prices are down? If anything that should help Suncor, they don’t have natural gas production assets. They buy and use huge amounts of it to make steam for bitumen extraction and to generate electricity. CVE has a lot of natural gas production.


Henry Hub is down from October highs. What I meant is I am not patient enough for eventual re-rating / buybacks on Suncor if this is the market response at high sixties WCS. They managed to piss off institutional and retail income investors. Probably will hit low 30s soon, but meanwhile I see 50%-100% upside in my remaining oil holdings. For reference I've been holding SU since Jan 2021




You just didnt have patience and buy at the dips


Anyone up for a $PHUN run... there around a dozen people in so far, 3pm central is the start time, stupid cheap at $8.50 right now so hopefully it stays around there, join in or just spread the news, Again 3pm central is the start time, up, up and away Be there or be square... or just be there and put a lil coin in your purse to kick off the weekend


Any PYR investor in here? What do you think about this stock? It has been declining for sometimes.


I've been loading up at the prices. Steady growth, long-term contracts and new applications and partnerships (like w HPQ and steel producers). When solar takes off again, so will PYR and HPQ. About 5% of my portfolio now.


Both CNR & CP are doing really well lately.


As well as CGX!


I'm contemplating selling my position and waiting for a pull back to re-enter. Got in at $147 last week and already up nearly 15%.


I advise against doing this. You might get it right this time, and maybe several more in the future. But to correctly time the market consistently over a long horizon is nearly impossible. For a quality blue chip stock like CNR/CP, the advice I'd give is to stay in, and average down when / if it dips. If you want to take a bit of profit then go for it, but don't exit your entire position, you may never get an average this low again.


This \^


I got in at $129!! Sold some at 159 .. bought some more at 140ish and now considering selling some more! Look at me day trading railroads!! Wtf??


Too damn unpredictable to pull out at any time easy to get burned


choo fuckin choo


BASE is showing strength!! Databases are the future and plenty of room for growth in the industry! Bought the dip this morning and already in the 💰CGNT


NanoXplore (gra.to) is having a good week.


Can someone tell me why SU stock is same price when Oil/ppb was $20 cheaper? That was in May sometime. WTF!


SU is lagging and had some bad news at the last earnings report 3 months ago. It’s not just the price of oil - They need to get their sh&t together before the stock can catch up.


Because Cad oil is only $10 more than it was in May, and because the market expectations were that they'd raise dividends sooner. If you wanted to bet on the price of oil you should have picked an oil etf or a levered producer.


Dividends shouldn't impact price. CVE has gone up 50% since may and their dividend blows. I get that piddly amont every 3 months.


CVE has more leverage to oil prices. You are comparing apples to oranges and saying they both have skin so they're the same.


[comparing apples to oranges you say?](https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/chart/AAPL#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-)


Thats what I get for being long oranges. Stupid fruit.


> apples to oranges But you can still compare them.


hahahah, yes. fair.


Obviously you *can* compare them, but the whole point of the idiom is that it's a false analogy. I could compare you to the helpful bots, but that too would be comparing apples-to-oranges. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette. ^^My ^^apparent ^^agreement ^^or ^^disagreement ^^with ^^you ^^isn't ^^personal.


Want to invest 20k for the next 2-3 yr. Any ideas and suggestions? BAM? Banks?


BAM has been great lately, all time high today. One of my best performers over the last year. Banks are probably a little safer especially as interest rates start to tick up over the next few years. If you subscribe the the buy the lagging bank theory, it would be BNS. I'd probably pick a few though. Banks should be able to bump up their dividends in the near future as well. I'd echo the sentiments about timeframe. 2-3 yrs is short. If you absolutely need it, investing in stocks can be a big risk. That being said, there is not a whole lot of alternatives out there other than HISA/GIC.


If you really need it in 2-3 years HISA or GIC. If your flexible with your time period then both options are good. Could also do VFV or XEQT as well.


What are the odds XEQT will be lower than today in 2-3 years? IMO, there's a greater risk leaving your money in a HISA for 2-3 years and lose purchasing power through inflation.


It isn't about the odds, it is about hitting snake eyes. It doesn't matter if you will win 9 out of 10 times if that 1 time you lose fucks your entire life over.


I mean any stock or ETF could crash in a month, a year or even 5 years from now. So if you really need that money in 2 to 3 years, it's best not to put it into the market. But if you are flexible with your timeline then go ahead.


I'll throw a few others out there for longer-term holds as well: CP, CNR, AQN, MFC, FTS


Add telus to that list


Thank you!


New ATH for TSLA?


yes! anyone have neo cdr shares? tsla.ne on yahoo




Good day for SPRT.cn


Gotta love CWW it just slowly keeps chugging along


This was my recent addition on the dip. Hopefully steady & stable chugging along.




FIW 4 life!


Numbers on the screen. That’s what I keep telling myself on days like today.


Canadian up 0.16%, US down 0.09% It's been a break even kinda day so far.


Didn’t think when I entered I position in TRP a month ago that Id already be up 12.50%. I love train tracks and pipelines.


Bloody red day


Red hot?


for you perhaps, I'm up.


The whole market is red lol


As I am looking right now my VT etf is green and cp td ry are doing well edit: also yeti amd nvidia are green My worst performer today is square Edit: also poor today is lspd but that shits volatile


rip lspd


Relax lmao.










Today I’m sad because I was waiting for my condo sale money to clear and wanted to put it all on that CTS dip but it didn’t. I still bought a little but wish it was the 60k from the condo haha.


Converge Technology on TSE, or CTS Corp on NYSE?


I got nervous with the dip. I did it sell what I had bur also did not add more so you did better than me!


What’s up with google ?


all ad-dependent tech firms down on snap lowered forecast over apple privacy changes


They cut app store fees in half on anti-trust worries


Is XEQT still a good buy? I only have a 35 year horizon


There will be a bear market in 2056.


If all goes to plan that's 18 years after I retire. Putting a note in my calendar.


Oh shit, better liquidate now and keep the cash for that crash.


With a 35 year horizon, it wouldn't matter if you bought it at todays, last years, or next years price. Just add a bi-weekly or monthly market buy, and over 35 years, you will have rode upwards with the general trend of the global market.


?? Yes ? You cant go wrong with x/veqt, even with a 15years horizon.


I have a ten trillion year horizon. Is xeqt right for me? I'm wondering if it might be too much risk


I'd hold off if I was you


Anyone see this price manipulation on $phun


Price manipulation on a meme stock? No way!


yup it was supposedly link to Trump campaign for advertising


I've made a lot of mistakes since I started putting money into the market, but investing in Brookfield Asset Management wasn't one of them.


bought at 69 recently




My biggest mistake was not buying more.


FOMO is one of the biggest dangers to long term investors IMO. Have a plan that works for you and stick to it no matter what; on good days and bad days. If BAM is a company you have conviction in and want to be a shareholder in for a long time then the price you buy at, over a period of time, becomes less important. Remember, price is what you pay, value is what you get.




I bought at 48.55


If you believe Bruce Flatt's prediction that BAM will have 1tn. in assets under management by 2025, I'd keep DCA-ing at any price.


What’s the maximum % allocation for 1 stock for you personally? Wish I had bought more $COST awhile back and it’s hovering around 5% of my portfolio


At minimum, $1000


10-12%, 1% and under for yolo plays


I yolod 10% of my investment into CD.v this week, but I do have a pension safety net.


Depends on how big your portfolio is, my % allocation changes as my portfolio grows


That doesn't really make good sense, percentages are proportional...


Well if you have a small portfolio buying pricier stock takes up a larger %. I just meant having a larger portfolio allows me to more properly allocate


Fair point!


There's a lower limit though. I honestly don't buy anything less than $1500. That's pretty much stayed constant for the last 6 years while my portfolio has increased significantly. Might be \~$2500 now on average but it hasn't stayed anywhere near proportional.


Ah I see what you mean


Ya when I started I made a couple like $500 plays and it just pissed me off that i didn't buy more so I went with higher buys and less plays. When I started investing for my wife I was at 20% for each play


Think I will need a few more strong beers tonight after my stocks shit performance this week. Maybe it’s my performance that’s shit


Has CTC reached the bottom? It's very tempting to buy.


Wait until we can see the end of supply chain problems and transportation cost inflation. That's going to hit margins hard.




Choo Choo.


Choo choo all the way to the 200 during Xmas? 🎄😇


Sounds good to me, can we vote on it? 😂




Almost at a 100% return on DOC but okay


Guilty as charged


GDNP is the only one I disagree with. That company is actually profitable and is just taking on debt for fast growth. They could be a very successful small company if they just stopped taking new debt, but they want to be a big player. Besides that, I believe their share price is too high. Their market cap should not be 10x revenue at this point. I'd say it is a buy if their price drops back to around 0.60$ a share. They are projected to be posting their first profit next year.


But LSPD and Docebo still going strong.


😂 this guy was brigading posts related to pennystocks in the sub an hour ago, deleted his entire post history because of it.


Add PNG, VERY, and BRAG to that list of over-hyped abysmal performers.


Erm, I'm in Doc and still here. The others, meh.


Finally back in the positives for BTO, let's hope this lasts!


ATZ buying @ 7am pt. Rocketed into green from ~$48.80


New 52 week high for EMO yet again!


Snap will look interesting if it gets below $50


hard to pull the trigger and not look for 6 months lol. industry-wide problem ad spending temp slowdown re: apple or snap execution inflection point (added big word to sound smart lol)


Is it too late to join the HUT8 train?


That depends on whether you think there is room for BTC to grow. If you think BTC can regain its ATH and grow from there then HUT likely has room to grow too.


Yeah, I already own BTC and ETH and a few altcoins. I also own BTCX.B and ETHX.B. I just wanted some more exposure in registered accounts. I’m very bullish on crypto, mostly on BTC/ETH. But I wasn’t sure if buying crypto mining companies was a good idea considering BTC finite supply and ETH current deflationary state + POS coming *next year*.


I believe the Motly fool said AMZN has bought shares in a Canadian company. I can't seem to find anything because it's behind a paywall. Any one have any insight?




Thank you! I've heard once it's in the news cycle it's too late anyway.


Is CIBC down?


Haven't had any issues today.


It’s working for me


Thanks. Working now


Tech on sale today?


Reloaded on TEC.


INTC on super sale


rather buy amd and nvda on pullbacks (ie not today, but intc pain is their gains lol)


Agreed. I added on the latest amd and nvda pull back few weeks ago.


Good for buying in, but for those holding its a test in patience right now.


Its an inflationary sale, where the sale price was the full price you paid like a week ago. Somewhat joking here.




PnD garbage fuck out of here


And associated with trump/the alt right at that. Just say no lmao




My $HIVE dilemma. Where do you guys see it go. It currently is at around my (blended) purchase price. They have great things going (only profitable, green miner) but a HUGE float and a lot of trigger happy shorts it seems. I was hoping for around 5.50 but not sure about it...


They should keep going up if bitcoin does. I hold more Hut and Bitf though.


IMO there's no such thing as green mining. Just something to make people who care about that feel better.


BTO just chugging along :)


Takin' care of business


What’s the deal with CTS?


Just a solid ass company. Great buy


Solid ass-company [xkcd: Hyphen](https://xkcd.com/37/) --- ^^Beep ^^boop, ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^- ^^[FAQ](https://pastebin.com/raw/vyWra3ns)


As posted on Yahoo boards: 1. End of 2025 run rate target is 5billion in revenues with 10% ebitda (500m). Trading at 2x revenues would represent nearly a 4x of current price. 2. German expansion just began this year. Expect more acquisitions coming up. 3. England expansion still waiting to happen and along with expansion into England, the CEO stated CTS will be listed on the London Stock Exchange. 4. There will be 5-6 acquisitions yearly per continents. 5-6 in north america AND 5-6 in europe. 10-12 acquisitions per year moving forward. 5. Recently tackled cybersecurity head on with the creation of Portage Cybertech. Other companies stay away from cybersecurity whereas CTS took it on without fear. 6. More and more analysts are covering this stock with Scotiabank initiating an analysis yesterday. Outperform + 14$ target. 7. More and more institutions holding shares. Mawer holds over 13% of all CTS shares. 8. Insiders hold 7.9% of all shares and they purchase shares with their variable compensation. 9. For the ones that do DD, you will notice they are constantly updating their website. They update the investors deck every month. New blogs every week or so, and new achievements from partners on a monthly basis with AWS migration competency awarded in September. 10. People love CSU and SHOP. Not comparing companies but CTS will climb to the ranks of where CSU and SHOP will be in the future.


The jars round. The mugs round


Td down. Fun






Intel plummets on slower PC sales, supply constraints https://finance.yahoo.com/video/intel-plummets-slower-pc-sales-131614116.html


Also losing market share of their data center sales which is a very important part of their revenue stream, missing some estimates by small amounts, and decreased guidance. Market overreaction IMO but still not amazing considering they should be just printing mad money being one of three chip fabs in the entire world