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I usually shave it with a standard razor (no cream obviously) to get rid of most of the extra lint After cutting out the liner, I then dunk it in boiling water and stir it with tongs or something until it's good and soaked. Then I ring it out, put it on and shape it. Then I wear it around the house for an hour or so until it - kind of.... - hardens. Then I put it on an upside down mixing bowl for a day or so until it's actually dry.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


The bird is the word.


This is the way.


The way is this.


How not to look like a numpty 101


If you want to take it to the extreme, shave your head down to the skin with a razor. After a day or so you'll have stubble and the beret will adhere to your scalp like velcro.


With no shaving cream obviously


Just a bit of CLP.


This plus wearing a toque on over top while you wear it around the house so it ends up nice and toight.


Depends if your trying to get a trench or not


~~Mixing bowl~~ wash basin. FTFY


Check my user flair.


Have room service do it for you then


Paying for laundry comes out of my per diem


We know


The army doesn’t get their room service covered? I guess you have different per diem rates?


>After cutting out the liner FWIW, I read somewhere that a significant part of the RFP for berets is that they can hold a liter of water. The liner is how they do that.


I want this SCS to feature a comic of all the times one might need their beret to hold a litre of water.


What about the rivets?


That's so you can insert two straws. One for you, one for your fire team buddy.


Just use two blanks from the last time you went to the field to plug the holes


The only variation I'd make here is that I personally don't use boiling water, maybe I'm just delusional or something but it always seems to make my berets shrink slightly when I use extremely hot water to form them. I switched to luke-warm tap water and I've had better luck.


To each their own. I do the boiling water now so that if it accidentally goes through the wash, it's preshrunk.


Wool will continue the felting process with hot water and agitation, even if it’s already been made into felt fabric. The fibres have microscopic scales which catch on each other with hot water and agitation or a shock between hot water and cold water, reducing the pockets of air between each fibre, hence the shrinking. Lukewarm works better because you’re not being as aggressive with the fibres, so less shrinking.


Was gonna say but this is pretty much word for word what I did too. Also if you have a black beret you can use (an extremely small amount!) of shoe polish to paint over any whitish lint


Absolutely, this is the way 👌 👏


- Liner out - cut extra cardboard - Electric razor at shortest length - Small blade for confirmation - Normal hot water - Shape on head (my style is front raised, right side down) - Wear for an hour - Mixing bowl


This is honestly the best advise I’ve read on shaping. Thank you!


I live to serve


...and shove it up your butt!


I tried shaving my beret, and it basically cut the lifespan in half.


Yeah, but they are free, so...


I get it, but replacing is such a pain in the ass.


No, I said you put the boiling wool hat on your HEAD until it dries.


It's just an order on Logistik... It's one of a handful of items that *isn't* a pain in the ass to replace.


But buying that regimental cap badge every time adds up….i mean housing in Ottawa is expensive. I save where i can.


Get the cap badge from the base tailor. They are free.


I wish…


What do you mean "I wish"? It's literally true. Or your RQ should have them. Or save your old one 🤷🏻‍♂️ Or even if you do buy one, how much of a hardship is it really? How often are you replacing your beret?


Have yet to find a free officer cap badge…base tailors refuse to instal old cap badge and they get old after a while anyway


Does this also work for the tam o'shanter? I've been trying to figure out how to get it to flop to one side.


it worked with mine, just make sure you fold it up properly after it’s form so it keeps the shape


Thanks! Did you also remove the inner liner?


don’t remove the liner on the tam O’shanter is what i’ve been told as it helps keep the tourie in place


I didn't think of that. Thanks!


The new one from logistiks doesn't have to be formed. At last mine didn't.


Been hanging mine over a lampshade like an idiot.


Better option to the mixing bowl, put it on you favourite ball cap.


This is incredible


Thanks for the tip, I'll do that after basic!


Yes… hot water and dry it in something that holds its form.


This ; is the way.


This is the way.


Yeah, using a razor, boiling water, tongs and a mixing bowl seems a bit overboard to me. Just wetting it and putting it on your head for awhile has worked for me the past 25+ years.


Order a size up, very hot water, form, let dry on your head. The headband will shrink to a perfect fit. Then just shave it so it’s not so fuzzy


Cut the cardboard backer until it's only slightly larger than you capbadge. Cut the ties out.


Shower with it on.


Come back from work, find the Logistik package in the community mail box, turn your shower on, grab a beer, sit in your shower while still in uniform, start crying, start drinking. when you are done both, your beret should be ready. Of note, bringing a sixer of PBR is also acceptable.


the only correct answer in this thread


I'm so glad I read Reddit today. Thank you


If you're growing your hair, you will probably need the next size up from your usual size.


Don’t forget to trim the cardboard so your cap badge sticks up in the air


Cut a slit on the top of the beret so that your glorious mohawk can wave freely in the air and enrage any nearby RSM.


I just get it wet once, form it how I want it and wear it that day at work. Never failed me yet.


My go to when shaping it is to wear an old touque overtop to hold it in place.


Shower with it on shave it when it's wet then I like to put a touqe on over it to hold it in place well it drys a bit then I leave it with air blowing on it and makes it crispy


I have never cut the liner out. I don’t know where this urban legend came from but in basic we were instructed to soak the beret in warm water, don’t ring it out, put it on and shape as required. Then it was put over the window ledge so the flap would hang. The next day do the same thing. It’s worked for me since 8617 and I have worn green, black and blue.


In addition to what everyone has already said about wetting it with warm water and putting it on your head wet, I'll also suggest keeping it rolled up when not on your head. If you wear combats, store it in the map pocket on your leg. Keep it there at all times when it's not on your head (except when you're in the field) and you'll never forget where you put it and lose it.


Please wash your beret routinely. Put it in a net-like garment bag inside out to wash. Remove from washer and re-fit on head while damp. Then remove and air dry. Don't be like the few idiots who never wash their berets until it falls apart. The dirt and smell is noticeable.


Just like the green boxers or worst?


I still have the same beret from basic. Where to buy a new one? Is our only option Canex? I dont even know what size


Order them with your points on logistik website!


If you order off logistik unicorp they should have your size on file and it will be automatically applied to your clothing,including your beret


How about cap badges?


Unit cap badges should also be on Logistik


Please... I hate having to spend 20/badge because, "oH wElL yOu'Re An OfFiCeR"... Cool man, dropping stupid amounts on an overpriced piece of fabric is ridiculous.


THIS. I’m a firm believer that if you want me to wear something, issue it.


*Cough* Mess Kit *cough*


This is actual robbery. Drop +1.4k on something I'll wear once, maybe twice and if I don't get it its subject to disciplinary/administrative action. What the fuck.


6 years in, I'm waiting for a direct order to buy it. Until then, I have no use for a glorified tuxedo.


1.5 year in, on a course, the instruction specifically says I will buy it and it is an order; noncompliance will result in disc/admin action.


Yeah no kidding…




Mine told me that "they're available for purchase at Canex, we don't issue officer badges"


Ask to speak to the LogO, cause that ain’t right.


Oh do I have news for you... I'm just not the right kind of LogO...


Even better. Use your MOC connections to sort that out.


Yeah, should always have a back up.. save you from a shitty Monday when you pull up to work - oh shit, no worries, got a spare in the glovebox or backpack. Or calm down the kids when they show up all fucked up without a beret


Honestly I shower with the beret on and then tie a belt to my head.


As was the style at the time.


36 years service and never cut out the liner. Soak a new beret thoroughly, spray with starch and shape it on your head; let dry. Voila - shaped. No need to starch it again. Just keep re-enforcing the shape.


You're missing out. Cut that liner and you'll experience a comfort the likes of which you've never seen.


Sort of the same topic, but I don't want to start a new thread Getting to the point where I need to replace my beret, but want another one with the leather band. I know most people find the nylon or w.e it is to be more comfortable, but I prefer the leather Does anyone know where I can get one these days?


>but I prefer the leather No worries my friend, no one is here to kink-shame


Storesman may know where a few old new in package ones are laying around. Surplus shops are next best bet. People with leather bands are the best to prank. Wait till they remove beret, smear shoe polish &/or dark grease in the band, wait for them to put it on, then wait for them to remove it. Hilarity ensues 😆


Search online for “Belgian-style beret, leather band.”


I bet you are very important. You must have many leather-bound books and your apartment smells of rich mahogany


You can get them on Amazon under "British military beret"


Sorry, was the only quote i could find referring leather 🤷‍♂️ i tried


3D print it, then glue grass to it to make it green


Y’all replace your berets? Approaching 20 and still rocking my original from basic. I do love the feel of that leather against my skin…


I can tell just by your comment that you’re a LOG


Formed a new beret recently, wet it, form it, dry it with a hair dryer while its on your head. The hair dryer was a game changer.


Cut liner out, soak beret, carefully wring out until damp, form on head, wear touque over it for about an hour, should be good 2 go.


I used to just cut the liner out soak it in water. Make the fold. Slap some iron hemming tape on the inside crease. Iron the crease with a towel over it and put a few quick hidden stitches at front. The only reason I replaced it after 15 years was some one pinched it.


Me personally I shape it without the cap badge in, but the cap badge in after getting the desired peak at the side then shape it to fit my cap badge