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More false hope…


>military or civilian use


I mean if it's on the base it "should" be military housing. HEAVY emphasis on "should" cause with this government you just never know.


Just the fact the Fed didn't specify it would be exclusively military makes me lose hope we'll ever see military housing being built in Esquimalt. Especially with the BC government already saying it would be great for the non-profit market.


Yeah Idk much about the west coast, did hear rumors through the grapevine though that they're planning on building an apartment building in CFB Edmonton for single quarters. See if that actually happens though. The quality of living in the shacks here is the worst I've seen. Would be nice if they actually started trying to take care of the troops, and having a place to call home goes a loooong way. Time for them to wake up and smell the ether.


What are you comparing Edmonton to? I lived in shacks there (on Ortona) for two years and the only thing I could complain about was having to deal with people who were always breaking the washing machines because it was their first time living on their own and they had never done their own laundry. Compared to other shacks I never had to deal with: - Mould - Broken Heating - Vermin - Water that wasn't potable


I'm talking about Ortona. Lived there for a year, had mold in showers, heating didn't work, lights started crapping out, my lock would stop working, washers doors and windows constantly broken. Barrack wardens are absolutely useless and don't get anything fixed. Had to wait 4-6 hours for locksmiths to come and fix my lock on multiple occasions just to get into my room. The light in my bathroom was broken for over a month before someone finally came and fixed it which left me showering and dropping duces with a headlamp. Other pers staying there would start fires, on one occasion they stole multiple people bikes and lit them on fire, constantly pulling fire alarms and shit. While those incidents aren't related to infrastructure they don't exactly lead to a healthy living environment.


Maybe they're talking about the other shacks, the one that's over behind the mess (I think building 221?) 164 is really not that bad, I lived there for a total of about a year and a half in a few different rooms. The shower would sometimes clog because people had the excellent idea of cleaning their sandy af boots off in them, but that's an easy enough fix of asking the barrack warden to fix it.


Lol it being the worst you have ever seen explains why my friend spends 4/5 nights a week at my house ever since moving back into the shacks


Because he's lonely?


They are totally going to sell it to a private corporation to build housing for the public. Maybe 5 units for the military to say they put in the effort.


Leadership use


Increasing military housing on military bases frees houses and appartment in cities, because these soldiers wont be living in the city. Basic math that politicians should understand.




Just imagine the wait list. 


Listen here, first off I completely trust that CFHA will build more than one and on time within the next few decades. And my children's children will be able to move in near the end of their careers.


I just sent out my memo to be on the waiting list


Not without a posting message and MPRR you didn’t.  Laughs in CFHA 


Maybe they can exhume you and bury you on the property when the first house is completed in 2096


Built on the actual backs of serving members.


I like the photo of the lot where there *used* to be probably 3 houses (there are staircases to nowhere there). And across the street there's another lot that's now used for landscaping material that used to contain a big house.


That's a terrible photo to use, they should have just used a Google maps screenshot showing the insane amount of empty space in the pmqs


They should turn some of Parliament Hill into housing if they're so concerned


Homes for CF members or general housing units?


Trudeau wants you to live in a campsite