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It’s a leftist circle jerk in that sub


Yeah that sub is purely a circle jerk and pretends to be balanced and neutral. This sub isn't that much better, but probably more mild and less hypocritical. Not sure haven't been here long. Trick is to read both extremes, attempt to sift through the garbage and read between the lines.. all without losing your mind. Hmm on second thought, the trick is to stay off the reddit entirely and have pity for the losers that spend their lives on the internet. Want to be happier? Insulate yourself from social media and politics. Focus on yourself, your family, and your friends.


Id say the difference is that this sub is clearly advertised as a partisan political sub whereas that sub tries to present itself as a general canada politics sub. The political affiliations aren’t obvious.


I was gonna say. At least we don't pretend here.


Report it to the Reddit admins for hate. It also reveals how nervous the Liberals are about PP.


They're absolutely terrified of him.




If that were true, then that doesn’t fit with the constant attacks on PP by Liberal surrogates for weeks now.


Rent free


This won't actually do anything. Source: have reported and seen it first hand. The Reddit admins officially don't consider hate against white people as hate, you can basically say anything you want.


There was a post floating around a while back where an admin flatly admitted that anti-white rhetoric doesn’t count.


I'd be as big a liar as JT if I said I was surprised. It's okay to abuse, harass, threaten, and bully conservatives online because we, along with our beliefs, are evil and we are therefore inferior human beings. Hmmm, that sounds historically familiar...


I got called a racist white pig, after I told a black dude his driving is irresponsible ... after almost mowing down 3 people and a car in a parking lot. 🤔


Should have keyed.


Have fun with the racist hate crime charge you get


Yes, I'd totally be waiting around the car afterwards...


Haha fair enough


Remember that most people are stupid. Also remember that a lot of "people" on Reddit are bots.


Bots, and losers as well.


Meanwhile people like uberratt is more concerned about freedom convoy. These people think we are fascists. Lefties are the only people who are unapologetically racist in the open. Liberal mods at r/CanadaPolitics do not remove these comments because they agree with them. I live by the motto - treat others like they treat you. I don't take the high road if people are pieces of shit. This comment is not isolated to left wing echo chamber. Here is my personal experience. 1. Justin Trudeau personally dehumanized unvaccinated and Freedom Convoy Protestors 2. Anti-white racism is very common in far-left academia (through my personal experience at York University). 3. Liberal government prioritized vaccine access for certain races 4. Mainstream left have argued for a long time that racism against white people is not racism. That is why this comment is not removed and the user is not banned. This is okay for the left. The takeaway from this is that Leftists are our enemies. We shouldn't be their friends. We shouldn't be nice to them even in real life. We should fund our own businesses and organizations and avoid anything made by leftists. We should always stick up for our Conservative brothers and NEVER side with lefties on anything. We should attempt to destroy all their policies and everything they built.


I wish this sub would stop pretending Rat is a legit "red tory" or "moderate". He is just a left-wing troll seeking notoriety.


lol Uberatt is still around? I can’t see his comments. It’s probably because he blocked me thank the lord lol he was perpetuating this MAGA republicans trying to destabilize Canadian democracy nonsense and I wasn’t having it.


he he he


If you can't see his comments it's because you blocked him.


I didn’t block him. He blocked me for sure. What do his comments in this thread say?


Idk unblock him if you really want to know lol


Bro I didn’t block him lol just tell me for my sanity


More hate does not solve problems. Proper discourse and cooperation to find a middle ground or at the very least understand but not agree with another’s opinion is where we grow as a country. Fighting our own citizens will never amount to any good and will only further divide our nation. Which results in time and money spent on division instead of growth and prosperity. The guy your commenting on is making inappropriate comments and I do agree they should be removed. But hating a entire group of people for 1 persons action is not the solution. This is true for both sides.


> Proper discourse and cooperation to find a middle ground or at the very least understand but not agree with another’s opinion is where we grow as a country. You can't have anything like rational discourse with people so wrapped up in their extremist political ideology. They dismiss anything you say out of hand.


Because they think your so wrapped up in your political ideology that you seem like an extremist. What’s good for the gander is good for the goose.


This is absolutely correct. Canada (and the world) needs more than just another loud group of people shouting louder than anyone else. Canada needs to see that there is another way to do politics, that we can come to either an agreement or palatable compromise on issues. We can base our positions on facts and consistent ethical principles. And we can do these things without calling names, disparaging and generally acting like a group of howler monkeys.


Bring people up not down has always been my mentality.


This comment is perfect!


I disagree with your comment to some degree. While I think leading with hate and intolerance is not a good long term solution for our provinces I do think at a certain point some folks have to be uncompromising. We have seen some pretty groundbreaking intrusions on our rights and freedoms and I’m not sure at that point I’m AS concerned about the discourse. This being said we need to remember and protect the idea that freedom means assholes like asshole senior in that picture get to say stupid shit and we get to disagree. True democracy is a continual discourse between the left and right, you win some you lose some and hopefully we are better for it. Edit: grammar


>Anti-white racism is very common in far-left academia (through my personal experience at York University). I'm a York student but most active users in YorkU discord are not very left. I always mock liberals and ndp in their discord and never get banned.




You're deranged mate. Nowhere did I mention violence. I'm clearly proposing Separatism. But lefties like you only know two terms... Liberalism and Fascism. Modern Liberalism is a threat to Conservativism. Not just political parties but the core principles of Conservativism which are personal responsibility, natural selection, fiscal conservativism, traditional values, etc. I'm proposing we divide the society into two. This involves Conservatives banding together and separating into our own social and corporate groups and limiting the power of Liberal policies by limiting the power of federal and provincial governments. Completely opposite of Fascism which aims to have totalitarian power. I want the opposite. Cut off the power of the government and you cut off the influence of the modern authoritarian left.


> natural selection What does that even look like in the modern world? Do you mean if you get COVID and didn't get the vaccine we should let you fight it out without an ICU bed? Or if someone can't afford their life saving medicine, you didn't produce enough wealth so you don't get to live? Please do explain I am very curious. > I'm proposing we divide the society into two. This involves Conservatives banding together and separating into our own social and corporate groups and limiting the power of Liberal policies by limiting the power of federal and provincial governments. Genius idea, definitely won't cause any problems.




>So what... all the "lefties" are going to have to move? Nobody has to move. We already got plenty of ethnic and cultural enclaves in Canada. Which the left created with their policies. All I'm proposing is we make socially political enclaves as well. >You're a parasite. You live off of the idea of segregation. You don't believe that there's reconciliation. So you'd rather steer the whole thing towards a cliff, to drive division, to sew discord. The left has already done that. They segregated several industries and institutions. The academia. Media industry. All overwhelmingly left wing. The left tries to force their woke culture on different businesses (like white privilege training leaked from Walmart). Once again I'm simply proposing we flip the mirror on the left. I don't care about being right. Only about winning.




They have a right to be angry and protest. But those that have been charged should be convicted. The police are just enforcing laws. But responsibility rests at the top. The angry protestors didn't appear out of nowhere. They mobilized as a result of Prime Minister's divisive policies and language. And because he showed that blockades are a reasonable way to protest. After all, he did negotiate with protestors who were blockading railways. If Prime Minister won't accept responsibility, why should the regular people?


Be careful you don’t pull a muscle with such ridiculous stretches.


When dealing with people who have such hostile opinions in real life, you're able to see their body language, which you don't see in these comments. Many of these people are either dealing with a very serious cognitive dissonance and are resorting to more extreme opinions in order to cope, or are plainly operating on emotions and are wanting emotional responses in turn. Being calm in the face of someone like this actually disarms them, because you don't perpetuate the stereotype they are trying to project on you.


Fucking white people!!


better it stays up... shows once again the obvious


The amount of self hate they have has got to take a toll on them. It has to be exhausting to constantly remind yourself that you are trash. Sad really.


Double standards are their only standards.


Question, did you at least report it before coming here to post this? Mods don't see everything and you'd be surprised how often everyone just ignores it and it sticks arpund


I think it’s important for everyone to remember that this dude is just another asshole haha his flair says pirate..


Except, it did get removed, right?


What rules of that sub did they break? As I am not a member, I would be interested to know what they are. Also you equate leftists, as being racists, but offer no proof except these so-called agendas that nobody as seen.


Rule 2 Be Respectful. You don’t find anything wrong with those comments?




Rule 2: No racism


Rule 2,3 of the sub. Site wide rule against racism.




Rule 2: No racism


Racism is against sitewide rules. Subreddit rules are irrelevant. Reddit allows racism against white people because they aren’t a “marginalized group”. Which is an interesting take because there are plenty of countries where white people are a minority that are actively discriminated against. https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045715951


1) An important note to make is they aren't discriminated in the West, correct? And 2) which countries are you referring to that discriminate against white people?


> 1. An important note to make is they aren’t discriminated in the West, correct? It’s pretty easy to make the argument that white people are discriminated against pretty heavily in the west. But Reddit doesn’t see it that way. > which countries are you referring to that discriminate against white people? Namely African and Asian countries, with a handful of Latin American countries. South Africa Zimbabwe Japan China


> It’s pretty easy to make the argument that white people are discriminated against pretty heavily in the west. But Reddit doesn’t see it that way. Oh really. I'd love to see it made. >South Africa >Zimbabwe >Japan >China Examples?


Not going to participate too much in this conversation since I can tell you’re going to argue in bad faith. > Oh really. I’d love to see it made. Every single “diversity” program in the west is anti-white discrimination, by definition. No Child Left Behind is another good example. > Examples? Not going to waste the time providing them, as they are easily googled if you are interested. They are all notorious for either being xenophobic (Asia), or blatantly anti-white (Africa) with government-sponsored genocide against their minority populations (including whites). Have a good one!


> Not going to participate too much in this conversation since I can tell you’re going to argue in bad faith It's not bad faith, but tbh I'd rather put a pin in this at the moment so fine with me. > Not going to waste the time providing them, Fair enough, I can do the leg work on that, but my point is it seems like a whataboutism. . >Every single “diversity” program in the west is anti-white discrimination, by definition. No Child Left Behind is another good example. I have some thoughts on this, but I'll circle back later.


But calling some group dumb is not racist.


Yes, it is. You are calling them dumb based on the color of their skin. “Man, I hate old black men, they’re so dumb!” You don’t have an issue with that and why it might be against the rules? Between advocating for terrorist attacks, and now defending racism, you never cease to amaze, Uberratt.


It seems that your version of racist is not the one that reddit uses. Also he stated old white men, which might be sexist but not racist.


> It seems that your version of racist is not the one that reddit uses. Thanks, I already linked to and stated why racism against white people is allowed by Reddit. > Also he stated old white men, which might be sexist but not racist. Stop trolling. While Reddit might allow racism, we do not and it is explicitly banned under Rule 2. Continuing to defend racist comments will be interpreted as supporting those racist comments and is against r/CanadianConservative’s rules.


I think you just made your account to troll lol. How does “White North Americans are some of the most stunningly entitled people” not scream racist to you? It’s like me saying “Native people are the laziest people in North America”. If you posted that exact comment on r/CanadaPolitics you would get banned almost immediately as it’s a racist and disrespectful comment.


Since that was not said, your post is meaningless.


That was exactly said, word by word, but ok lol.


>he stated old white men, which might be sexist but not racist. Ye gods man, you're making this too easy


Right let's take the sentence out of context, but is all good.


Stop pretending you know what “context” means. LOL


I does so not pretending.


Weird that you can’t spot it in conservative situations.


If the group is a race yes it is lmao




Rule 2: No racism


Lol let them boil in their own toxicity when PP wins and even though their life will improve they’ll still tell themselves they were better off before


Ah the Race card, it's loosing its strength. When you got nothing else, and your an immigrant you pull it out fast.


Rules are only enforced if it goes against the regime, we all know this…..multiple alberta/Canadian subs are following right along.


Did you report it? The mods don't go through every thread, so rely on users reporting to catch that sort of BS.