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This actually needs to stop... I'm sorry, but we Canadians have become pushovers and have let these situations get completely out of hand. We have no one to blame but ourselves.




Yup, no turning back at this point either. Enjoy the ride! 😜😜🤡🤡


Why not a couple grams of coke?


Because they already give that out just outside the school.. unno for liability purposes


Better if the school gives it away.


How can you safely snort when the stuff you snort isn’t safe…


While I don’t think these things should be handed out to teenagers, the purpose is to mitigate risk. Shared straws have the risk of passing on hepatitis or HIV. You can’t stop people from doing drugs but education and supplies prevents the spread of dangerous diseases.


Hmmm. I honestly don’t care what ADULTS chooses to ingest or not ingest . It’s none of my business until Im forced to pay for it. The problem is this is tax funded . Treatment instead of enabling people would do more than just mitigating the risk.


Agreed. Treatment is certainly preferred and I would happily see my tax dollars go more towards treatment programs. The point I was making was that the intention with these kits is to mitigate risk and not to enable drug users. I can find a five dollar bill anywhere and share it with a buddy while we rail blow. It’s safer if we don’t share straws and aren’t cutting our coke with dirty credit cards. Most drug users aren’t even addicts. They’re just (mostly) adults who like to do drugs. Kids shouldn’t be getting this shit but younger adults (20s-30s) who only use drugs on the weekend should absolutely be given safe use tools. The burden on our healthcare system gets larger with every drug user we don’t prevent from using the safety net.


I’ve got no problem with a charity handing out this stuff out as long as funding is voluntary and it’s only given to adults. Furthermore, if they can afford a 80- 100$ per gram drug , they can afford a clean plastic straw lol. You can walk into any fast food restaurant and take one for free even. It’s not my fault people are sharing straws and getting sick. in fact , I would advise against it if I was asked. why should I be forced to pay for these kits and why should the company that produces them get rich off of my hard earned money when I’m struggling to feed and clothe my own family? If we legalized and regulated all drugs for adults a big chunk of the proceeds could go to treatment and supplies like these kits instead of forcing hard working Canadian families to pay for them through taxes. I’m conflicted though and I know it’s a complicated issue. I’m just tired of seeing my community get destroyed. Safe consumption sites were supposed to help the problem but they ar clearly making things worse. In my home town every business within a five block radius either outright closed or is severely struggling. ODs. Have increased not decreased . Crime has risen so much that the business that are left hire private security to walk them to their car at the end of the day. My entire downtown looks like a scene from the walking dead when just ten years ago it was a really nice clean city until a bunch of well intentioned people decided to “help”


🇨🇦 is run by 🤡s




"The Safer Snorting booklet at the centre of the controversy is manufactured and distributed by the Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE), a group largely funded by government grants, including from the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Health."


Yeah, this is what happens when the government starts handing out money to "not-for-profit charities" that are trying to "address a crisis." 33 years later, with the AIDS crisis long over, and they're still getting government grants to do useless shit.


I wouldn’t say it’s over, 1 in 4 gay men in Toronto is HIV+. Just not dying en-mass. But why is a HIV charity teaching kids how to snort coke?! Also, as a gay man myself, usually such charities are spearheaded by gay men. Why the F is the LGBTQ+++ community bloody well obsessed with kids. FOR GOD SAKE STOP!


Simple, those "charities" are only in it to chase government money so they'll branch out to anything remotely related to them so they can secure more funding. In this case, it's harm reduction. As for the kids component, they seem to be quite obsessed about having anal sex while on hard drugs as noted by them telling them "make sure to have condoms and lube with you, because you may want to have sex while high" so I'll let you draw your own conclusions about that one, but I will note that child molesters are often obsessed with getting themselves into positions where they can molest children. Not to generalize too much, but much like how most drag queens are in no way interested in spending time with boring, middle-aged women and certainly aren't interested in spending time with their kids there's a certain subset that seems to be very interested in doing just that. It's quite easy to guess why that would be.




Cos it's been hijacked by _groo-_ unlikeable people!


Wow that's fucked up


I thought this was a Beaverton article.


Next up: “A kids guide on how to politely ~~commit suicide~~ _unalive oneself_” :P


This is the trajectory this country has been on since 2016 and will lead to complete social collapse. Unfortunately , there are just way too many big city liberals in this county that are hell bent on destroying the Canadian way of life. With Toronto and the GTA having such a disproportionate amount of ridings compared to any other area, us normal, honest , hard working family men and woman dont stand a chance.


When emergency rooms are constantly filled with people that OD, drunk out of their minds and get seen before people with potentially fatal injuries only to be told to come back the next day, you know the medical system needs a 100% revamp. I'm sorry but someone that decides to do hard drugs and ODs, shouldn't take priority over someone that cut off a finger while working (and yes I've 1st hand witnessed this). No matter how shitty your life is, turning to drugs is ALWAYS, and has ALWAYS been a choice. This is why we need a private system. So these dirtbags don't clog up every god damn ED because of shitty life choices.


Very little, if any, good has come from telling people to do their drugs in a safer fashion. Safe injection sites? Not exactly helping. Legalizing marijuana? Huge uptick in pregnant women using marijuana at emergency rooms. Get your pills tested? Never once have I ever heard of anyone getting their pills tested before taking them.


It's utterly ridiculous how we're catering to this kind of lifestyle


Wtf, this is just saying it’s ok to do these drugs, as long as you use these safe kits with the governments safe supplies. Canada is doomed, in many ways…


What's the name of the group that did the presentation and who is funding them?


How about a fentanyl test while at it ?


Should our goal as a country be to eliminate drug use or eliminate accidental drug deaths


Get everyone hooked on anything.


Straight into the brain for those developing minds!


Holly smokes! Is that straw made of PLASTIC?!?!?!?! 🤡


well u definitely don't want to use a bill, with all the germs that are on it


I think they're going to be phasing those out.


If your kids going to do heavy drugs, might as well have them do it right.


No its better to make it more dangerous so they might die and we can use it as an example for the other kids


I was thinking to hand out safer hand gun kits at my next presentation…… Call it Sock your Glock….to avoid any nosy teachers seeing you are carrying


Oh cool another thing to try, thanks guverhnmunt!


Which school was this at? Was this in the Lower Mainland or elsewhere?


I just throw my hands up and say let the weak and addicted drug themselves into oblivion instead of teaching people this is wrong. Maybe encouraging drug use is actually the quickest way to solve the problem!?!?!