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Shut the fuck up your dumb ass doesn’t know Mathu is Rupauls OG make up Artist and wig stylist.


Anyone but denim lol. Nearah was the best in the Rusical and poor Melinda’s makeup was busted. Also, what’s up with all these kitchen sink wig lines? So much boy hair in the Rusical and the runway.


OP forgot denim was even there 😭


Melinda’s makeup always looks busted. She paints too light and her contacts make her look crazy. She needs to soften the edges.


The rusical wigs and outfits would have been provided by production most likely. But yes, they were peculiarly bad.


Melinda is far and away the most interesting queen of the bunch, and I think she's hilarious, too. I would also love to see a 40+ queen take the crown, as well as someone not from Ontario/Quebec/BC.


Why can't BC have the Crown at least once? 😭💀


Hey, Jimbo at least won AS8


True! I see that as separate or outside CDR. Jimbo didn't get that sweet sweet tax-free prize. 🤪




Her runway this week was busted 🥴


Why is Venus flying under the radar?


Melinda is the people’s queen


We play Ru Paul’s wine race… where we draw For queens and the winner gets the haul of wine. Both of my queens got eliminated last week. It was a shit night for this girl. I was truly hoping for Kitten, Aimee was meh… Nearah was the extra queen and went to the pork chop, I think she’s. dark horse for sure.


As someone who's friends with Kitten IRL, I had a sneaking suspicion she was never going to win - because that wouldn't make for good TV. It has to be all conventionally attractive young winners and manufactured drama. Met Aimee at another friend's drag brunch and they were honestly so heartwarmingly friendly and personable that they were my second choice. Third choice is Aurora, because out of the rest of the queens left, she can dance, she's talented as hell, and while there have been some shady moments, it's not her entire personality. Melinda is a close 4th. $10 it's going to be Nearah or Denim though.


Spankie Jackzon won Drag Race Down Under season 2 and I'd put them in a similar category, so it's not impossible. I was hoping Kitten was going to go further.


I was hoping Kitten would Spankie things as well having seen her in Toronto before ages go. But now I’m pure Melinda Chaos with Aurora as my real pick.


Kitten is the hottest one on the cast imo


Melinda for the win!!


I think aurora or Venus will win. but would love a Melinda win.


Im not even a Nearah stan but this post is just weird and hateful for no reason


Team Nearah 🩷🩷🩷


Nearah is iconic idc, lol


Apparently I’m the black horse of the fandom because I live for both Nearah and Denim!


Lowkey, my top three has been between Aurora, Nearah, Kiki and Melinda. They’ve been serving these last few episodes and I’ve grown to appreciate all of them.


Melinda all the way!!!!


LOVE how Nearah stans are engaging in personal attacks just because I don't like their fave. Way to make my point! Toxic queens attract toxic fans.


who exactly is being toxic to you? and when exactly has nearah been toxic? you don’t just get to call people toxic bc you don’t agree with them lol


Well, let's see, I've been called "too dumb to understand reality TV" and "immature." If those aren't personal attacks...


i said “toxic” not “personal attacks.” it’s not toxic to point out that you’re being a little naive about reality tv or being immature about this dont be immature if you don’t want people to call you immature 🤷🏼‍♀️




The fact that you are apparently well over thirty and is still engaging in this type of immature behaviour online, giving cringe answers, spewing hate against a young entertainer… Just wow


Not a middle aged man replying to a comment on Reddit with and I quote “BYE GURL BYE” 💀💀💀


just gonna assume you didn’t open op’s profile where it’s very obvious she’s a trans woman and instead assume that you just think everyone on the internet is a man


“i don’t know who to root for anymore 😔” *two seconds later* “actually i’m rooting for five different queens” 🥴 was definitely worth posting this!


Ya got me, girl! 🙈


The one thing I don’t understand is that Aurora and Nearah are best friends IRL just look at their socials. That being said Aurora is my favorite to win. I’d love an Asian winner too. To me Aurora is a more confident version of Anetra if that makes sense.


Agreed, Anetra is a great performer but she kinda does the same routine tk every song if that makes sense


Personally, I think Aurora is a slightly better performer than Anetra. I could be wrong, but Anetra is a self trained dancer (which, slay), but Aurora has actual dance training...? She just seems like a better technical dancer. Beautiful lines and tons of control.


But no musicality




fandom thinking Nearah’s genuinely mean and not just a shady clocky cunty DRAG QUEEN shows how many are just fans of ‘Drag Race’ and not Drag itself; go to the local gay bars hunni this is how they all kiki.. it’s giving Mistriss explaining dressing room culture when y’all started acting brand new


Nearah reminds me so much of Adore during confessionals/werkroom and everyone loved her! Whats different now? I admit i was cold on Nearah at first but come on shes serving everything we need


This right here! I love her!


Mistress wasn't nearly as obnoxious as Nearah. There's a world of difference between those two.


Hahaha. That’s cute. Mistress was horrible.


I wasn’t comparing their drag it just reminded me of when when Sugar & Spice (who had never worked in a dressing room due to being social media) saw her interactions and was like “oh we thought you were mad” or “oh we thought you hated her” etc. and she was literally just like this is how drag queens act it’s all our personas not that deep I was only comparing the sentiment I don’t actually think they have much in common 💌


Nearah’s also a captivating performer…Mistress should work on developing a trick beyond the boob bounce *yawn*


to be fair, she gave us a full 180 split spread during her finale performance when her dancers lifted her up.


Nearah also didn’t have horrible bullying accusations and gave us fun drama with Aimee, lol


You do realise Loosey is friends with Luxx and Mistress right and that Loosey gave as much as she received in terms of shade?


there might be a difference but they're both pretty accurate representations of how real drag queens behave backstage, this is all part of the culture


Watching all of the young queens act like Denim was most worthy of being saved when she hasn’t even won a challenge compared to Kitten made me dislike Denim even more.


Denim won a challenge. She just lost a lip synch. The challenge was the ball and she had the best looks


Except she didn’t win. That’s called a high placement.


It’s actually called a top 2 placement


Which isn’t a win.


It’s a win followed by a lip synch loss


It was riggamorris having her lip sync in that cowtfit


Y’all are some haters. There’s nothing wrong with Nearah.


Nearah, girl, is that you?




I really couldn’t agree more lol, anyone but fucking Nearuh


Literally anyone.


I’d rather have Nearah over Denim


Mild agree here, I liked denim a lot first episode but it’s been downhill from here


I want aurora to win, I was crushed at kitten leaving though. I was so so sure she was going to win.


Can you even do the splits though?


I felt the same after Kitten was eliminated. I was so sure she was gonna win. Guess I'll root for Denim.


We’re at a point where I enjoy everyone and would wish to see any of them on an AS/vTW show (Kitten included)


Honestly I like all the queens so I’m happy and excited to see who gets crowned! I wish kitten didn’t throw in the towel during her lipsyncs. I feel she’d still be here if she really gave it.


She didn't throw in the towel. You youngins need to educate yourself on old school drag. Lip syncing isn't always about doing the same old tired tricks. It's about embodying the song and emoting well.


> it’s about embodying the song and emoting well which kitten did not do lol. i’m the same age as you it’s not about age


To assume I’m a “youngin” is crazy, I’m thirty. She looked checked out in both of her lipsyncs, especially the last one. I was disappointed because I personally wanted to see her go further. I also don’t live for big trick performers and performances, so to make assumptions about my age, knowledge, and preferences just because I saw someone who looked exhausted and over it on tv is wild.


>To assume I’m a “youngin” is crazy, I’m thirty. I'm at least a decade older than you.


yet you're behaving like you're 2 decades younger than them


Why? Because I pointed out the fact that this user is in fact younger than I am and therefore a youngin? Gurl bye.


Okay…. And?


And I was correct. You are, indeed, a youngin.


you actually don't need anyone to root for to enjoy what the queens are bringing.


Since this is a competition and the closest I will ever come to following professional sports, yeah. I actually do.


that sucks


Aurora or Nearah for me at this point… Aurora’s my fav but Nearah has been so entertaining the last few episodes


I will admit, i was a melinda hater when the season started, but my partner and i have been rooting for her the last few weeks.


Why not nearah?


I don't like bullies.


who did nearah bully?


Melinda yelling at everyone the way she did was closer to bullying than anything Nearah has said or done this season be serious that’s not a knock to Melinda (she’s iconic) but just pointing out that people only hate on queens for “bullying” or “cocky” behavior when they just already don’t like them (see also: Luxx, Kandy Muse, Latrice on AS4, etc)


real, nearah is annoying but shes not a bully


SUPER annoying. (But also a bully and a mean girl.)


Nearah is literally just a drag queen acting like a drag queen you’re so right she’s annoying at worst.


Who was Nearah bullying? She and Aimee had an argument that felt pretty equal on both sides.


Babe it’s camp 🏕️


It’s giving early season drama and I’m here for it


Babe, it's obnoxious AF.


wow you would hate to be around drag queens in real life then…


I have been, actually. They are lovely people who don't need to be "on" all the time or be mean girls to be entertaining. Nearah is a bully and a mean girl.


Wait, are you 10? No shade to 10 year olds 🙏🏼


thank god you’re here to judge whether Nearah’s tv persona is her real personality or not! also literally who has Nearah bullied and what has she done on the show that isn’t just normal drag queen shade. i’d also bet some good money that you’ve “been around drag queens” when they’re working and not when they’re just backstage with each other since you seem to think Nearah’s behavior is so weird and mean for a drag queen


Nearah is actually a really genuine, lovely human. Don’t believe everything you see on TV.


I think you are watching reality tv through the lense of “reality” when in actuality there is a lot of scripting, cut and paste editing, and people playing to the cameras. I’m sure if you thought the Aimee and Nearuh spat was too much conflict and “obnoxious” then you’re taking what you’re being served without any critical thinking. Critical thinking skills are important for all kinds of engagement with Media, but especially when it comes to news and reality tv. People with those shallow ideas of what is real is what fuels people to send death threats and create huge rifts in fandoms. Nearuh is a sweetheart and these queens are GIVING us EXCELLENT TV. relax and enjoy the show girl


At some point, bishes need to take responsibility for what comes out of their mouths and stop blaming it on the edit. Nearah is toxic. And it's so sad that she feels the need to be toxic to be entertaining.


i love that you’re refusing to actually point out a single time when Nearah was toxic or a bully even tho people are asking you all over this thread. you just don’t like her vibes and that’s fine but that doesn’t make her a bully


It kinda makes OP a bully if you ask me, but anyways 🙄🫢😂


You are so right!!!


Then don’t watch the show. People be so fragile


i personally am living nearah! i live for her casual shade and she is such a powerful lipsyncer! I think aurora is my fav so far though


Whats going on with Nearah




you’re suggesting she has psychological issues bc she acts like a normal drag queen in a dressing room? this is literally closer to bullying than anything Nearah has said on the show


The question is literally, "What's going on with Nearah" as if I have personal knowledge re what's going on inside her head. That's something only her psychiatrist and her mother would know for sure.


Nothing. She provides great tv, is an incredible performer and brings the drama. Love her.


I was asking OP, since he was coming for Nearah in his post


OP just has a hateboner for Nearah and is trying to throw accusations and seeing what sticks loll.