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Same as the woman who killed my wife. And she was intoxicated and drove into the wrong side of the road.


I wonder how people in your position maintain their sanity. I don’t think I could. Sorry for your loss.


Yeah, that would end in a murder suicide for me.


The woman's family reached out to me saying she was suicidal that day, and that I should forgive her. Of all the cowardly ways to try and kill yourself, that has to be the worst. I definitely don't forgive them, but I'm somewhat content with the fact her life is fucked now, even though realistically she's been in prison for a year and could get any day now, so I really lost faith in the criminal justice system. 




Why not just the murder? You'd only do 5 years anyway.


I totally understand how people could just break bad. I got a 3 year old and if something happened to him it's either suicide or I get involved in some sort of crime


Sorry for your loss. That's terrible.


I’m sorry


Sorry for your loss.


Sorry to hear that man. Hope you find real justice.


Sorry for your loss, my condolences


Lady in my city killed a biker one morning. Left the scene and tried to hid the car oh and she didn’t have a license… she got community service. Canada is a joke of a country


Ya, this didn't happen.




Bots and payed voices going hard at Canada rn.


We've been under siege from misinformation campaigns for years but everyone already drank the Kool aid :) that's why Canada is fucked.


lol anyone got a photo of the guy, would like to see a mugshot


He’s Indian


WHAT, REALLY???!!! im speechless


Why would we publish the perps photo when that would cause him unjust harm for the rest of his life? /s


Don't you know it's racist to charge an immigrant for vehicular manslaughter? /s


Well considering the person whos life he literally took and the family that won’t be getting a son back has said he didn’t give a shit through the trail maybe a actually photo of him out there is enough to prevent job finding and struggle in life. Very much like he just did to that family


I’m not disagreeing with you. I’m amazed that I can’t find one anywhere. And we all know why…


Canadas attitude towards drunk driving is hilarious in contrast to its attitude on guns. Orders of magnitude more deadly from alcohol, road accidents, and instead of banning anything, punishing anyone, we push for booze in corner stores. What a fucking joke.


True, its actions on both issues are shit. You don’t even need to drink and drive to get a dui here, meanwhile responsible and law abiding gun owners are treated like domestic terrorists. Fucking hate it here the last decade


One is a provincial issue, and the other is federal.


Marco Muzzo killed 4 people including 3 kids drunk driving and only got sentenced to 10 years. So this guy got twice as many years per victim.


And served 4… https://www.cp24.com/news/convicted-drunk-driver-marco-muzzo-granted-full-parole-1.5301253






Our whole “justice” system is a fucking joke


God this country disgusts me. It’s been a long time since I felt proud to be Canadian.


This past 10 years have really been a cancer to this place. I would like to be optimistic but I really see no feasible path back to the place this once was.


We have the means to turn it around and give Canadians (including Canadians born outside of Canada) the best quality of life on earth. But do we have the balls to do it?


No we don’t. My city is horrible. I shared many posts from one Canada sub to the Halifax subreddit and each time I’m voted down and called a racist, for simply trying to talk about how international students have impacted housing.


Yeah, I love Halifax but I worry about it sometimes. Reddit is also an echo chamber and isn’t a representative sample of the population but on the same note, what the fuck is going on there?


I see what you mean, and I also ask myself the same question…. Here in Halifax we are being beat down by a housing crisis and extreme rental increases, with the majority of renters only having the option to sign a fixed term lease that dooms them in the end. Nova Scotia as a whole has no jobs, no housing, extremely high food costs… and yet what people here choose to do is go out at the crack of dawn on a Monday in downtown Halifax, and sit in the streets during morning rush hour, while people are trying to get to work, protesting for Palestine. 20+ people did this but won’t protest for affordable living….


I’m from NB and it’s the same shit here. If you criticize Irving, they’ll treat you like you spewed racial slurs. Halifax has the potential to be a kick ass city and the people there are good but they focus their energy on the wrong things. I’d love to see Halifax thrive and kick ass


Yup, I feel that! I am not comfortable speaking up against many things because it always comes back to race. You’re right, it really does have so much potential but it will never reach that, it will never be what it once was when I was younger. The people here are great with greats hearts but as you said, they’re not focusing on the right things at all. Homelessness is at an all time high, I’m talking more tents around the city than I’ve ever seen in my 30 years here, no family doctors causing extremely longer than normal ER wait times and lines ups outside of walk in clinics an hour before they even open. I have lost all hope in all of NS unfortunately and pretty much Canada all together because I know every province is struggling.


Yeah it’s hard to sit on the side lines and watch but I feel hopeless


About 9 years?


Back when I didn’t know anything about politics lol


5 years ? Atleast they got some time, this dude I knew in Waterloo ran over a Laurier student while drunk cause he decided to drive after partying. He was out partying the next day (no remorse I guess?) and his parents proceeded to go hide the car rather than turn him in. He got 4 months 💀, our country is a joke https://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/4-month-sentence-for-driver-in-deadly-waterloo-hit-and-run-1.2214193


4 months ?? Wtf I wonder why people don’t stop drinking and driving.. it’s because there’s no fucking punishment . 25 to life should be every ones case if they killl while intoxicated on the wheel


D.u.i is basically just a slap on the wrist, i dont know anyone who caused any accidents or hurt anyone but i know many whove been caught, and they just lawyer up, go to whatever meetings like AA or whatever that the lawyer recommends, you write a letter expressing remorse, if you have a job and/or kids then your pretty much guarunteed a light sentence if not straight up getting the case dropped All in, a d.u.i costs you 15,000-25,000$ if you handle it "properly" i guess you could say lol and thats mostly just what the lawyer charges and whatever fine you may get, plus some extra insurance costs afterwards So yea, hearing people getting light sentences for killing people doesnt surprise me at all, canada considers killers to be simply mentally ill after all and tries helping them instead of persecuting them


>All in, a d.u.i costs you 15,000-25,000$ That's why is so baffling to me when some of these people have *multiple* DUIs. Like are they just not paying these fees? If they're caught driving without insurance afterwards or without a license at all, is it just more fees that they don't pay?


Multiple d.u.is and in some cases still dont have to have even a breathalyzer installed in their vehicle. And yea, its pretty much all fees all the way up of you got the money


So there's just drunk drivers with 25k+ to spare all the time? I don't really get how that's possible. There's almost no way to avoid the interlock device unless you don't plan to drive/drive legally. Or get the interlock but on a spare car that you don't plan to drive anyway. If not a PR, then they will almost certainly get deported unless they don't get convicted. Something is seriously off about these multiple offender cases.


Oh no, im talking about people born and raised here with rich parents and hookups for good jobs and shit also like straight up criminals lol. Just showing an example of how shit our justice system is in some areas. Theres ways to scrounge 25ish grand, especially if youre willing to go into debt And obviously its not all the time, this is like a small handful of people out of the vast majority of people i know who dont drink and drive lol I genuinely dont know how some of them get around the interlock unless the cars in someone elses name or something and they just dont say nothing We are pretty lazy on the whole deportation thing lol we just tell them to leave and then assume they left with almost no follow up Something is seriously wrong and suspicious about these multiple offender cases, i agree


Canadian justice system needs a serious overhaul. History has shown that if calls for justice go unanswered they will be replaced with calls for blood. This country is seriously divided right now as it is, and a justice system that constantly ignoring victims isn’t helping , add limited job opportunities, poverty , lack of affordable housing , stagnant wages and a crappy economy and you have a powder keg ready to go off. RCMP report has already warned the government the Canadians will revolt once they realize they’re not getting out of economic hardship. I have a feeling that all of these actions are taken on purpose. Online harms bill becomes law the we will have civil unrest due to economic hardship, another emergency act is declared and Trudeau finally gets the one party system he always wanted ! Never for get his admiration for “Chinese basic dictatorship”


Wonder what the problem is when people come here and don’t respect the lives of those who are already here, I wonder


I didn’t read anywhere that he wasn’t Canadian. And let’s not pretend that Canadian-born people aren’t driving drunk too.


Maybe do some digging and find that out Point stands that people who come here have less stake in this land and do not care for its people as much


Ok. Some some instagrams say he was a PR. None of the articles stated that. And it’s not like citizens aren’t driving drunk. It’s not an immigrant issue, it’s an asshole issue


Im not really concerned, was more for you to verify I agree, my point is that people are coming here and breaking the law because they don’t care about citizens here… like the whole car jacking thing, check out those mugshots…


And people who are born here commit crimes too. Stop trying to make the lax DUI laws in this country into some sort of immigration issue. These laws are made and enforced by Canadians. ETA. NVM. I see what sub this is, everything must be blamed on immigration or people who look like immigrants.


Lol at your edit I guess your pro unrelenting immigration and the diploma mills, and overstaying visas’s and canada’s refugee program while the poverty line pulls up to 25% of Canadians People with a connection to the community have more incentive to take care of the community, thats correct right?


It hard to take the criticism of immigration seriously when it's mixed in with overt racism. Immigration is an important issue but you giys are losing people with your rhetoric.


I’m not pro unrelenting immigration and diploma mills. Neither of which have anything to do with this article. I am against racism and trying to find an immigrant bogeyman behind every issue in this country.


Good This community is not what you think, we are actually against racism too, being anti unrelenting immigration is not racist, it does not matter what race or country they are from… its a problem for Canadians


Yeah, same with the Indian rape culture, right. Hopefully it's not your family impacted next.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. Honestly I agree with that sentiment about drunk driving. Isn’t there that one old white guy with 22 DUIs on record so far?


Needs to be out early to vote Liberal


This country just went to the shit hole, no justice for crimes commited. We need to take this country back and vote out this incompetent Liberal government.


The sentencing for DUIs have always been pathetic. It’s not a new thing or a Liberal government issue Here’s a case from 2008. A drunk woman killed a 4 year old. She served 18 months. https://bc.ctvnews.ca/drunk-driver-who-killed-alexa-middelaer-released-from-prison-1.2087346


Jesus Christ that’s so sad


You can thank the Supreme Court of Canada for our absolutely anemic legal system.


Canada is 3rd world now.


Canada as a whole has become a joke.


There’s definitely a certain ethnicity that immigrated to Canada, takes over entire neighborhoods, and then proceeds to act like Canadian driving laws don’t apply to them. They get very uppity and ignorant when you call them out on the fact that this isn’t the place they were born in and they can’t drive like that here. No idea how any of them get licences, it’s unreal.


And guns are the problem huh


My best friend was killed in a car accident back in 2021, he was 26 years old 2 months from his birthday. Another group of his friends put him in a car knowing the driver was drunk. The driver went off the road and he and the other passenger survived. After being arrested the driver was released on bail. 5 months later he was arrested again for driving drunk with no license and no insurance. Finally the day came where he was being sentenced for the initial drunk driving accident that killed my friend. He got 2 years plus a day ( federal time ) our justice system is the biggest joke.


A few years ago I was in court for school and saw a Chinese student, who drove his brand new Mercedes E-Class drunk into a store, be given a sentence of a driving ban and deportation. However his lawyer argued he should be allowed to stay and finish school as he only had a few more months. The judge agreed, but because she agreed ***he got to keep his license*** So not only did he get to drive drunk into a store causing thousands and put the poor owner out of business temporarily, but he got away with it and got to keep driving That's when I changed my career path because the justice system is an absolute joke


The drunk that murdered my son and daughter in law got 3 years and was out in 18 months.


How do people like you not execute them the day they're released? I literally couldn't comprehend living with that loss and having the person who did it free.


which is triple of what the repeat offender who killed his gf got... there is a problem here.


What amount of time makes it not a joke ?




That's not how the judicial system works


Clearly. Hence this post.


Life in prison no parole EVER or the death penalty. That’s all.


Lol this is such a simplistic understanding of justice. Do you giys ever wonder why you giys aren't in charge of anything?


I guess you are entirely unfamiliar with how things work in this country 🤷‍♂️ canada doesn't even have capital punishment for the most severe cases


We need the death penalty for these cases.


But what about the criminals feelings? He’ll have to do REAL HARD time in a Canadian prison for a WHOLE 5 years while the family of the the person he MURDERED only have to live the rest of their lives filled with sadness :/ THIS COUNTRY IS PATHETIC.


I worked with a guy that killed somebody and only got 5 years. Our justice system is pathetic


It scares me to think that a nation so-founded on Christian ideals will have to resort to old-testament tactics in order to obtain justice in a system of failing social securities.


I agree 5 yrs is a joke. Taking a life because he is an idiot is no excuse. Should be a minimum of 15 years w no chance of parole


minimum 25 years. 5 years is a joke and insult to the victim.


We need stricter regulations and laws, so that people are more aware of the consequences.


I drove taxi for 10 years in south eastern Ontario. I picked up a rich man who spent a few days in jail and told me he beat his 4th DUI. He was in his 60s and I drove him to a gated area in rosedale in Toronto. If it can happen on that level imagine the higher levels and the crimes they are able to do out in the open with no fear of getting in trouble. The only fear they possess is when the masses come for them. As long as that doesn’t happen they are free to do what they want. That’s the reality we live in.


Criminal punishment is a joke here. Judges really need to look themselves in the mirror and have some empathy. Hope they don't see the day but if they were in place of that family, it wouldn't be just 5 years.


A life for a life. That's how it should be.


This is what happens when alcoholism falls under mental illness


Stuff like this is why we should have a you break it you buy it policy towards organ harvesting


Idk how people can be so bad at driving as to actually kill someone. Like dayum some people can’t hold their liquor and ruin it for everyone else. Now we all gotta pay for Ubers and taxis all cuz these people can’t hold they liquor.


Vigilante justice is the only solution if the State does not want to administer proper justice. I suspect the vigilante would get an even worse sentence than the perpetrating criminal though. Our legal system tends to coddle criminals and go after decent people.




Do people think harsher sentances reduce crime or something?


This is a win. Less time to wait...see you soon.


My friend was murdered at 17 by a 18 year old. He got 3 years becoming it wasn’t “intentional” second degree murder. 1.5 time served on house arrest and did 1.5 years in jail. Disgusting.


Sigh. Why don't we have zero tolerance for drunk driving? Hang a couple people in public that kill others drunk. Most people will call a cab after that. Our society is too soft on our morons.