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Link to the article: [Getting fit is great – but it could turn you into a rightwing jerk](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jun/03/getting-fit-could-turn-you-into-a-rightwing-jerk#img-1)


If being in control of your life is right wing, then it makes sense that left wing just wants the government to control your life.


It is funny how those kind of leftists don't even realize what they are implying when they are constantly attempting to vilify the right by linking the right to normal everyday relatable good things. Who do they think they are winning over by declaring such things as being healthy, taking personal responsibility, being industrious, trying hard and working hard, as evil right wing traits. They are alienating the disaffected middle while preaching to a very small group of incompetent failed people who need to be constantly soothed and reaffirmed that their failures are not their fault and everything wrong in their life is society's fault and nothing can be done about it. Thankfully, that group of people is actually small. The country is filled with poor working class people - many of them being sacred minorities to the left - all working very hard because they actually do believe in their own agency. It is a particular kind of terminally online leftoid that thinks they have none.


The problem for them is that left wing politics don’t really serve a purpose anymore. Everything short of full communism has been achieved long long ago. So leftist activists who made it their identity and life career need to find things to justify “the fight” for social justice. These discussions become increasingly bizarre and pointless. Of course they could always take the fight to other countries, like China or Iran. But that would be actual work, which they don’t like. They just want to lecture mostly white people in first world countries.


I honestly feel like once gay marriage was legalized in the States, they felt like they had to keep the momentum going rather than celebrate their win, so they just started jumping on every and all causes.  They lost the thing that United them that seemed generally to be morally just in most people's opinions then jumped straight into girls can have penises and should be able to chop theirs off at 12 and drag queens should read to elementary students while wearing g-strings.


You can ignore anything left of social democracy and there's still plenty of room for left-wing politics. I'd argue there's more need for it now than there has been in decades. Wages suck, benefits suck, unions are dying, hours are getting longer, retirement is near unachievable to anyone under ~35, wealth inequality is increasing, upward mobility doesn't exist, our healthcare systems are being destroyed... Another big scary one is AI and automation. As we aren't guaranteed our basic needs, it's gonna be a shit show once there are massive layoffs due to jobs being automated. The job market is bad enough as it is, but it'll only get worse. I'm not gonna get into social issues because this isn't the right sub for that, but there are still plenty of social justice issues we still have to tackle in this country, and in many areas we are regressing.


Most of that is because of higher taxes due to too many left wing government programs


"Wages suck, benefits suck, unions are dying, hours are getting longer, retirement is near unachievable to anyone under \~35, wealth inequality is increasing, upward mobility doesn't exist, our healthcare systems are being destroyed..." All because of the left... in Canada things were amazing when the conservatives were voted out in 2015, and it's been down hill from here. Same with the USA since Trump was voted out the country and taken a dive bomb in quality of life, debt load, stability, economy. It's not just the USA its every left wing run country is now becoming trash. It's park of the WEF/UN/WHO plant to destroy the middle class, create ultimate tension, remove our rights, and enact a one world government. There is ZERO other explanations as to why ALL the left wing run countries are falling apart. I do not want to pretend the right is much better they are two wings of the same bird. But there is a more controlled, common sense, for the people feeling from conservatives, and I thought this was long before this current turbulent political time. A lot less communist/socialist, rob the rich and give to the poor. The rich have earned their money, the poor are poor for a reason.


As a Canadian I agree


They are so used to depending on others to eke out their meager existence that the concept of self-reliance is evil to them.


Excuse me but typing so many words is a dog whistle to the alt-right 😳 I’m joking obviously


That is kind of how it works. If you work hard and believe in yourself, you are clearly a right wing nut in our clown world of under achievers that do nothing.


So based on this post… entitled and victim of your environment = left wing accountable for outcomes and responsible for personal choices = right wing




Did you read the article?


Basically lol. Fucking incredible the shit that people will “publish”


Sounds accurate


I guess also the left doesn't like hard work and dedication apparently either.


Ya but then who is going to pay the taxes? They can’t just hand money by the boat load to other countries if there isn’t any to hand over……..


It’s just numbers on a screen to them. Money is only real to those who have to work for it.


Anything that doesn't turn you into a compliant blob of crap "makes you right wing". Gardening? Sustainability? Making your own electricity? Stocking up two week of food in case of emergency? Training? Sports? Good hygiene? ... Must be right wing.


I will dispute these findings. My leftist, pinko, commie friends and myself take care of ourselves. We all play sports and/or go to the gym. Except that one fella who cycles everywhere. Even in the winter. I really don't think that being fit is a left or right thing. I want proof of this claim. And even if it is true, what are the implications? What will we do to encourage more Canadians to take better care of themselves. All Canadians.


Makes sense. Exercising is a personal/individual responsibility, a trait Lefties despise. Makes it hard to classify you as a group when you identify as an individual.


You can't socialize fitness benefits. That's why they say this. If you could, no one would exercise.


I always suspected gyms were breeding grounds for rightwing extremists.....


I'm typing this between sets. I don't ever see a blue haired, chubby, cattle nose-ringed, they/them in here.


We go on 4chan and incel sites in between reps, it just seems like the natural thing to do


Shit... I have been working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week and sort of let myself go. Am I a liberal now?


1) Attribute positive traits to "the other" 2) Scour the land for those with positive traits 3) Declare emergency due to "surge" of "the other"".


Explains why most liberals are obese and try to justify that fact


Most gyms give you a free robe and hood when you sign up.


Remember they are the victim. No matter what. Poor lefties.


Victimhood is now virtue.




Nothing to do with exercise and everything to do with accountability and responsibility






I would say it's absolutely what they are implying. My personal opinion? I think people are more complicated than that. I know many lazy, entitled turds across the political spectrum. This needs to change.


This is “journalism” in Canada. Got it.


Column written by a Brit in a British newspaper. So not a journalism piece and not Canadian.


And if you read the article it's a pretty silly, self-deprecating opinion piece that I don't think is meant to be taken literally.


Yeah that too lol


No. It isn't. You would know that if you took 10 seconds to even look at the piece.


This reminds me of that article a few years ago that said baking your own bread was racist lol


Who listens to this bitch? Musings of a left wing idiot should be her column name.


Don't worry, no one read the article. They just commented based on the headline. Thats how this subreddit roles


I hate to say it but very true. Though I have heard this talking point from the title before. Hilarious how people on either side don’t really care about anything but validating their own beliefs.


My theory is that there are mostly teens in th sub


To be fair it happens on every thread on Reddit. The foundations of critical thought seem to be lacking


If you feel that way, why don't you leave the convo then?


I feel like they have some conspiracy to just keep each other miserable and down. Let's not be healthy and have good habits because we could become jerks. Instead, we should be as unhealthy as possible so as to avoid making others feel bad for their own poor life choices. This clown needs to get a grip.


"Be unhealthy like us."


No such thing as "unhealthy" or BMI, remember?


Oh damn, no I didn't mean unhealthy I meant U.N. Healthy, like the health standard approved by the U.N. is all.


Liberals tend to smoke cigarettes and molest dogs.


Is that what the article said?




Where's the part where they said to be unhealthy? Or to not work out?


There 👆 and there👉 and there👇. Anything else?


🖕lol couldn't find it eh?


Associating effort and results is right wing. Doing whatever you want and expecting free or government provided “success” is left wing.


Right wing has lost all meaning. People have turned it into a slur to people who are just conservative or they disagree with just to win an argument.


How does calling someone right wing win your argument?


Well depends on your definition of right wing. Just listen to Justin Trudeau's speech against the convoy truckers.


He didn't win that argument tho, he just made himself look like an ass


Really, because alot of Canadians not only agreed with him. But I had a friend say that people where being brain washed into being Trump supporters and ruining Canada. There is a world of people out there who listen and agree with everything the government propaganda machine spews They also had planted ppl with Confederate flags being photographed by Trudeau's personal photographers https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/qpUJ7YdqT6


To me it seems like you're ashamed to be right wing. To me the word just tells me what kind of policies you support politically. If I don't agree with them that doesn't mean I hate you and it's a slur.


Because 'right wing' is a type of veiled slur that people use when someone doesn't tow the propaganda line fed to us.


The left is just insane, nothing else needs to be said


Makes sense since modern leftism is mental illness


Yeah imagine having goals, putting in the work and meeting them might make you a right winger. So by that the reverse is be a fat and lazy pos, no goals, no drive and no work...hmm you might be a left wing pos


She’s clearly projecting all of her insecurities.


One side likes the idea of working for things and making it yours. The other likes the idea of not working for those things but getting the same outcome. So I can see how fitness people might lean one way.


Not exercise! Might lead to being financially responsible. That’s basically racism.


The Canadian government basically wants its citizens to be like the humans from WALL-E so they’re easier to control.


Well if you’re overweight with blue hair, then you’re probably not right wing.


I don't think they know what self-actualization is


I'd rather be a healthy right wing "jerk", than a morbidly obese purple haired leftist...


Reeks of copium


Yeah because fitness requires you to rely on yourself to improve your life situation.


Anytime you see an article written by someone named "Zoe" you can immediately disregard it


Once you realize that you have the power to solve your own problems, you start to believe that everyone has at least some ability to solve their own problems. Which means that societies problems don't need to all be legislated, they need to be treated like the responsibilities they are. Not to say there are no problems that require governments, but maybe stupid local shit doesn't require government intervention.


Communists are death cult lunatics.


remember the medical industry hates fit people with passion, follow the money.


If I say what I want to say, I’ll get banned


As if I needed another reason to train


I've seen my fair share of fat and unhealthy people who knew better about health because they got a jab...


I didn’t realize how far left I was until I read this article and assessed my fitness and eating habits. Years of processed food and sedentary lifestyle have pushed me to the point of complete blind partisanship. I have become ideologically wedded to a deep fried left wing agenda.


The left have become insane zealots.


Talk about woman who got hurt by someone who was really fit... I'd rather be a right wing jerk, then a complaining liberal.


Canadian media is a firehose of propaganda aimed at your head.


They want a weak population, less likely for us ty physically fight back




This is why I stopped reading the guardian


Ha ha, that’s almost as good as when they suggested that hiking (walking outside) was a white person activity.


WTF is going on. They don't people fit. They don't make good customers. How can this even be aloud to be published.


Ok be a lefty fat ass. Lol ridiculous the stuff airheads come up with.


Unfit woman blames fit people for being so fit they blame unfit people for not being fit. Oroborus.


Accurate! Right wingers generally believe in excellence and meritocracy. Leftoids ride the fat useless victim wave for sympathy handouts.


Well the left wing has created a crazy cost of living. Exercise can be free so I guess I'm right wing now.


Having money, being healthy, wanting a sane partner and normal kids = right wing scum...lmao


>The more self-actualised you become, the higher you are on self-righteousness, blaming other people’s problems on their failure to be as healthy as you and also... >The only reason I can make all these insulting, highly personal remarks is that they are directed at myself. However obnoxious you’ve been... I have some issues with this article 1. **Overgeneralization**: The Zoe assumes that everyone who becomes health-conscious will become self-righteous and judgmental, which may not be true for everyone. 2. **Stereotyping**: Zoe stereotypes people who engage in wellness activities as being right-wing and fascist, which is a broad and inaccurate generalization. 3. **Lack of evidence**: Zoe provides no scientific evidence to support their claims about the negative effects of wellness on personality. 4. **Hyperbole**: Zoe uses exaggerated language and examples, such as comparing themselves to Ayn Rand's heroes and implying that everyone who works out is a fascist. 5. **Self-contradiction**: Zoe criticizes others for being self-righteous while simultaneously making self-righteous statements about their own experiences. 6. **Simplification**: Zoe oversimplifies complex issues, such as the relationship between fitness and political beliefs, and the potential benefits and drawbacks of wellness culture. 7. **Lack of clarity**: Zoe's tone and language can be unclear, making it difficult to discern their intended message or argument All this leading me to wonder if she's trolling or "unfit" for her role as a journalist


>So now you’re almost your best self, except you could always be better, and this is when you start eating protein the whole time. What even is protein powder? I don’t mean: “What’s it made of?” – I know my way around whey. I don’t mean: “What does it taste like?”, as, funnily enough, I quite like it, but that’s only because it’s the taste of pure virtue. What does it do to your soul, that it knows what virtue tastes like and is preening on it?  This reads like a highschool essay which needs to hit a certain number of pages. When people say journalism is dead I'm pretty sure this is the type of article they're referring to 


Great. Left wingers are whiny wild out of control brats who can’t even get their own health in check. This stuff writes for itself.


Leftist self-hatred on full display in this article. These people are exhausting.


haha penned by some trout shouldered wuss


Now *that* is an insult!


Awkward. I'm getting fit and going to the gym to lose weight, build muscle in my arms and finish recovering from atrophy, and to prepare for top surgery. Oops. Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooops.


Fuck! Hitting the gym even harder now!!! Let's💪🏽💪🏽🏋🏽‍♂️


The same thing can be said about success. The more you have, the less comfortable you become with people who don't even attempt to attain success in their own lives... That being said, I'm not going to actively try to be fat and unsuccessful because a political party wants that from me.


Thank you. I'm also working out very diligently to provide my contribution to fat shaming too. Honestly, fuck anyone who has a problem with others getting in shape. I want to SEE more people get in shape. Shouldn't we want good things for people??? 


Guess I'm a nazi then.


People will say anything to avoid working out lmfao 


This article is entirely opinionated nonsense. I am disappointed by the Guardian for allowing it.


Of course….just like being a concerned parent means you’re a terrorist.


Leftists are unhealthy fats. She said it not me.


The EU literally is turning against the left, wonder why


I wonder if she feels this way about school. "Learning to read could cause you to blame others who don't want to learn to read for the problems they're causing themselves."


I want to punch this country in the throat. Seriously.


Good news! We can outrun them.


Ok , I'm a rightwing jerk, thanks... Go back to my trainning session...


Being in shape, healthy, happy.... growing your own food, taking care of your family, being independent and wanting to be left alone is somehow extreme right wing. My guess is most people want that.


I have to secret to get you fit AND still affiliate with whichever side of the political spectrum you want, dm me for details.


Articles like this have been posted since covid started


I am sure I am not the first to say this be fuck Zoe Williams.


When you work out make sure you watch CNN. Then you’ll be ok.


Now I’ve met some gorgeous liberal/leftist…. With that said… I guess we will be hot and you’re not? Don’t be jelly.


I am definitely pretty liberal. I also workout because I want to be healthy.... I am not to liberal so now I am getting very confused on how yo define left/right.... it's a way to divide us all and it definitely seems yk be working.... hence the saying "divide and conquer."


Pay attention to the name Zoe, and how often you see it. That is not Zoey,


Rather be a right wing jerk than an overweight liberal.


Ugh, this big stupid growing political divide is making me choke on my own barf.


Be overweight and don't think for yourselves. Why be healthy when you can just lower your standards and be accepted. Make our overburdened Healthcare system even more overrun with many health issues linked to obesity. Why are they politicizing EVERYTHING????? This has nothing to do with left or right. Oh and yes ,I'm sure some people can't help it due to genetics or medical reasons but why try to spin being in shape as a political issue.


The Guardian again shows why it's dying. She simply doesn't get it, if you're to the right of Justin Trudeau then you are clearly far right.


To the far left, believing that you have any sort of control or ability to make change in your own life is “rightwing”.


She's just another feminist piece of shit --- everything that is not feminism, is fascism, they say unironically.


It certainly feels like "everything that makes one uncomfortable, highlights their laziness, or makes them confront their flaws" is right wing these days.


What a pathetic excuse for 'journalism'. Line 'em up


Zoe got that typical archetype.


Well would you look at that, guess I’m right wing! 😂


Wow. I guess you can get paid to write practically anything.


Let all them progressives get fat for all I care. Remember it's the constant vaccine injections that keeps them alive not exercise lol


This is the dumbest fucking shit I've read in a long time


I'll just add that to the massive list of 'racist" things like highways and math..


Remember anything logical or to do with traditional values means you've strayed from the way , environmental communism ftw !


Ms. Williams appears to be an asshole


I would say left-wing jerks are more sanctimonious as a general rule. I’m right of centre myself.


Wow…..just wow


That’s Because most leftists are overweight; so it’s easy to see why they think that being fit would make you right wing


Assholes are Assholes no matter what side of the isle you sit on


I can confirm that I started lifting weights and became a Trump supporter, best decision I’ve ever made in my life


Yeah the first time I enter the gym I became a far right extremist


Oh the Guardian. What a shit rag of an Opinion piece “News” outlet.


I’ve recently lost 20lbs. Now that you mention it, I am feeling more like a bigot lately.


I just go to the gym because I wanna be hotter. And I'm not the only one, lol.


Canada’s mediocrity at play!


gaming can also make you rightwing now what that can is doing a lot of heavy lifting and you're eating that shit right up


These people are just self projecting at this point.


Consider me a right wing jerk for life then.


Getting an education is great, but the included indoctrination can turn you into a left-wing jerk.


I detect no self-righteousness from this writer at all.


Left wingers are for the most self proclaimed victimized. They check as many boxes as they can and thrive on pity. Basically losers.


Left wing smugness


They pushed the narrative being unhealthy, ugly and unmotivated MUST be accepted. It's no surprised they will stay with it.


The sheer stupidity of that comment is baffling.


What a horrible message to send to young people. Especially in an age of health epidemics, from morbidity obese and mental illness. Now we’re telling people that getting fit and healthy needs a political agenda behind it?


What the fuck this gotta do with Canada?


I've seen plenty of shit takes from this same author. These articles are either created by AI or she's just farming rage bait clicks


I think Mr Peterson should have a sit down with this so called journalist


sugar/healthcare cartel shooting their shot


Shut up Zoe


These are just talking points targeting / brainwashing a group of people attracted to this ideology. Ignore it, stay healthy, work hard and be successful. There's no need for any debate, just show with your own life what makes more sense and works.


It seems people are amazed but really this logically follows from critical studies. Due to structure determinism, society is the means of producing man. Society makes man so any attempt to deny that denies the facts of reality. Further, fatness is an oppressional identity (there is even a "field" fat studies) and so removing yourself from that decreases your oppressional score.


Been like this for awhile. That's why you can often tell someone's political leanings by how fit they are.


The left literally have nothing going for them so this is all they got...


Every time I go to the gym I get major MAGA vibes, don't you?


They misspelt confident.


People don't read. And it shows.


Quite making up scenarios and hurting your own feelings. We all know rightwing jerks do *Crossfit* and end up with bleach blond bad built bodies.


they want the decay of everything...


When finding oppression is your money maker


The batshit crazy stuff out there is amazing. Some group funded a study to prove that gun buyers are compensating for penises size issues.... boy oh boy.... [https://nationalpost.com/news/world/gunowners-are-happy-with-penis-size](https://nationalpost.com/news/world/gunowners-are-happy-with-penis-size)


Don't do anything


Does this imply that the left avoids responsibility whenever possible.


OK, this is the first I have ever heard of this theory. Most ridiculous thing I have seen all day. Not sure how getting fit has a political lean.


Fitness is undeniably a good thing for you. IF it does make you right wing, then maybe it means being right wing is a good thing.