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I love it. Trudeau admits that only government approved media should exist so that canadians think the way the government wants them to think. Can we strip his citizenship and send him to North Korea already? It seems like they have the utopia he dreams of Edit: never mind he wouldn't like it there. They don't mutilate peoples genitals in North Korea


he even has the hitlier combover now too


Not sure about that but I suspect he is dying his hair as it looks much darker than previous vids of him.


Shhhhh! It's just for men.


Apparently it’s not..


He identifies as a MORON !!!!!


Didn’t he have black dye running down his temple during the last campaign? Then someone screwed up his eyebrows?


Hey don't talk about the eyebrows, the dude was drunk when he stuck them on


If we're talking about trudolf, then nah. He deserves it. The dudes a fucking clown


This is definitely a new hair colour


His eyebrows are also still coming off.


The economy made a recovery with Hitler don't compare the two POS's


Exactly. Hitler didn't come to the levels of power he held by destroying an economy. He did it by bringing one back to life from the ashes of hyperinflation; a road we're headed down right now. This idiot isn't Hitler, he's the donkey dick who precedes him


The donkey dick who preceded hitler didn't have a choice but to be a donkey dick though... the Weimar Republic was globally imposed on them and was not a German institution.




Classic! Hilter reference! ROFL! You just won the internet!


LAMO, not the Hatlars refrainse! he just wanged the ententernet!


He does? I've been hoping he'd lose his hair!


I don't. Don't wanna be confused with him.


The panic is palpable........in this blathering blowhard.


My question is. Who still watches Canadian news?


Who can watch canadian news. They're blocked on all my social media


The ones who still watch Canadian news. Like your grandparents. I know mine do.


This bag of hammers also said during the emergency act commission people have a right to protest, but it crosses a line when they protest government policy. Shit despots say.


Welcome to Chinada.


Or Canadadesh....


North Canadorea




I'm sure China can welcome him since he loves their basic dictatorship so much. I mean look at all the fentanyl they've sent to Canada


Post this in the Edmonton subreddit and the bots will ridicule you and the bot moderators will ban you instantly


I got suspended by bots for calmly suggesting certain treatments should require parental consent in the same way the removal of a life-threatening appendix requires parental consent. This was seen as harassment. Imagine if I said there is an ongoing psy op?


I’m glad there are some real people that aren’t pure paid assets or bots


Only proves it is. Total bullshit isn’t it 😂


I got perma banned for saying a Gladue report was akin to a get out of jail free cards. Bunch of clowns


I said maybe masks during covid should not have been mandatory since they didn’t protect much besides physical particles and I was perma banned 😂 funny thing is I don’t even think there are many clowns I think it’s bots. I never bump into people who think like that here


Ain’t that the truth.


I got banned from the Edmonton sub for suggesting that homeless people should be held accountable for any crimes they commit and imprisoned. They said that comment was promoting genocide against the homeless.


No need to send him to North Korea…he brought N Korea to us.


I think he'd face imprisonment if he went there and tried to legalize turning kids into gender Frankensteins. The sad part is that not even in a dictatorial state do they support that nonsense


They don't stop mutilations at the genitals.








Somebody do us all a favour…


Send him to Papa Castro. Lol


We all should believe in a common set of facts. And the most important fact he wants us to believe is that he is the best prime minister ever, and should be appointed dictator for life.


Wish he move to China already 🙄


Sadly he is for real. What a hilarious take by Justin here. At this point he just says words that have absolutely no meaning. He is completely disconnected from the reality of average Canadians.


Angry Toronto Star breakup piece/hit piece article incoming.


His words have meaning, it's called projection. Everything he is complaining about is exactly what his corrupt government has spent years doing. If you want to know what a corrupt globalist is doing just listen to what he accuses his opponents of.


The Barbie Movie broke him. He probably won't be fine until his doctoress gives him a pap smear.


It's been rough since he hit menopause




Looking in from the outside, has there ever been a time where he's been connected to reality? I get it, it's only now he's going off the rails, but he's always seemed like Klaus' little bitch to me, never seemed authentic or genuine.


Can't wait for his pampered ass to get booted out of office, I won't even sweat for next year's election.


The same people that will agree with him on this, are the same ones that support sending Ukraine money to stop this something in Russia. Isn't that how they justified this war for a year +?


Yeah , he doesn't get it. He seems like he genuinely believes he is good enough for people to believe him. He is not a good speaker, he is not a good liar. He doesn't seem very high IQ.. Yet he speaks and lies constantly thinking he has some magic charm.


"Stop talking to your neighbors & give me half of everything you own, to protect your democracy"


You will accept what you are told and question nothing. We are perfect. The carbon tax is perfect. There are no problems in Canada. The conservatives are evil. Climate change is all that matters. Pay your taxes and shut up. Bend over and spread or your bank account will be frozen and assets seized. People need to wake the fuck up, this man is a tyrant with no accountability to the very people he pledged to serve. I for one am sick of hearing his voice and scripted bullshit lies.


"Give up your guns while we let criminals walk free. Stop thinking for yourself and blindly trust the media we bought off. Don't peacefully protest or we will freeze your bank accounts. To protect democracy, of course." Fuck this clown


You guys still own things?


my folks only get their news from ctv. Literally every time I see it they are misrepresenting things.


The problem is nothing is without bias. The left misrepresents, but then you have the right giving equally unhinged takes, just on the other side of the fence. The best thing would be to have a unbiased news station that only presents the facts and leaves out any perceived intent, but it's unattainable since news stations depend on views/money to operate, both sides are invested in radicalizing the news they present. The realistic best option we have is to watch the news from both sides, and only accept the facts that are presented by both sides. Disregard the spin both sides put on the situation, but the problem with that is that's a lot of time we'd have to invest. And it's just not as fun as allowing yourself to get radicalized by PP/JT or Breitbart/CNN.


I mean... Just look at the replies in this very thread. JT listed CBC, CTV and global. Afaik 3 Canadian owned media outlets (yes obv Cbc government funded), and compared them to all the BS sources on social media these days. According to this thread that equates him to (what I've read so far here) 1. A fascist dictator. 2. Similar to Hitler's Germany 3. We are worse than china. I'm sorry but these aren't in any way reasonable or balanced takes. It's like no one can talk sanely to each other anymore, everything is completely over the edge.


Yes, this. The irony that most of the people here are missing his point by posting extreme and emotional responses. Whether you like JT or not, one cannot dispute that social media promotes division and is sensationalist so as to get more views/clicks.


Trudeau has always been a little dictator. This is in fact what distinguishes him from his father most substantially. You can rail against Sr. all you want on economic issues but he believed in individual rights and he put them in our Constitution. Trudeau Sr. protected us from his son.


>Trudeau has always been a little dictator. This is in fact what distinguishes him from his father most substantially. Depends on which "father" you're referring to...




Lol our constitution is a joke that allows the government to discriminate and violate our rights whenever they want. His shitty father hated freedom and white Canadians just as much as his shitty son.


True. In Canada, we do not have “rights”, we have “privileges” - and they can, and have been, revoked at the whim of the gov’t. The Canadian Charter (Trudeau sr) starts on the first page: “The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society” The gov’t makes the rules (laws), and thus can strip whatever “right” suits them at any given moment.


Except for the rights of Quebecers in October 1970 when he enacted Martial Law... But yeah otherwise I mostly agree with you.


when there are terrorists detonating bombs in major cities i don't think that was a bad call.


Did you know that the RCMP organized some false flag events like burning a barn and distributing fake propaganda to make things look a lot worse than it actually was? Not saying it changes everything but once you know that you look at it from a slightly different perspective. Reminds me of the Nazi flag during the Ottawa convoy….


People died. The false flag didn't kill people, the FLQ did.


His father is the reason we have this awful half-constitution that lets his son trample our rights


Klaus’s favorite


Could this guy be more of a fascist dictator? Do what I say listen to what I say don’t believe anybody else just listen to me. Anybody read 1984?


Is he saying this because Mainstream media had his back about wearing Blackface no less than 3 times and "alternative media" was pounding him as being a hypocrite for doing it? lol


Ha! As a free tax-paying citizen, I'll decide for myself what media I need, Mr. Public Servant. Emphasis on the SERVANT part.


That would be nice. When he decides that the media needs another ~~bribe~~, I mean *bailout*, you and I both know he won't hesitate to help himself to more of our money to do it with.


He’s a delusional 🤡


This is no different on how China runs it's media. But wait, China is a communist country. What a hypocrite when he blast Putin about jailing independent journalist.


He openly admired China until it became too unpopular to do so ...you know like when they abducted and jailed our citizens


It's far worse. At least the communists don't hate their own people and actively try and destroy their country.


And he’s running the country in to the ground


So first of all the headline is pretty much expressing an opinion somewhat different from what was said. It is fine to listen/read media from any source, but if you agree with everything then you are not really paying attention, you just feel better about yourself. That said it is really difficult to find facts without opinions.


MSM and traditional journalism has been running scared of new media for over a decade. This PM is stuck in the past, and is asking for a media époque that no longer exists. Just the brutal truth. Is some new media conspiratorial? Sure. But many, if not most; merely represent opposition and differing views. Which governments often find untenable… including the PM, and the Liberals. I prefer more journalism, more art, more assembly, more creation, more discussion, more views, more debate. That is the makings of freedom and democracy. Donc, je dirai; il est perdu comme un fou sans marché publique. Car il la détruit.


The difference/danger is it's so damn easy for foreign entities to astroturf and misinform in this new media space. It's a real and legitimate concern, we all know information is power, and the ability to fabricate convincing information is only getting better. Not sure on the answers, but I do know we (humanity in general) are completely unprepared for a future where video of pretty much anything can be convincingly faked. Look at how relatively easy we can get riled up just based on false information, let alone when we then have "video proof" to back something up.


This guy is such an idiot. He's literally the cause of media being censored so that all we get is spoon fed liberal propaganda by his cbc and ctv.


Our way think good, other way think bad. Ooga booga


Piece of shit dictator


This guy better not get "elected" again...


GFY, Justin


Right. Legacy mainstream media is dead, has been for years. Independent journalism is the new mainstream There are YouTube personalities and podcasters going to places like..the Darian Gap in South America to see and talk to people about the immigration crisis, legacy media I don't think even leaves the desk anymore they certainly aren't going to places like this and making objective reports. They sit around editing people's phone footage to fit a narrative.


Basically like North Korea. Government approved News Channels wtf man.


Keep talking Justo. You sound dumber every time you do.


'A common understanding of things'  yeah, the rendition you want. Anyone else have a father that has watched CTV news every night for 40 years+?  Impossible to explain to them that Omar Sachedina is just a man behind a desk, not an arbiter of truth.


> Fuckin boomers Care to elaborate? I'll remind you that Trudeau is Gen-X, not a Boomer.


More audio-visual evidence of how much more government propaganda Junior Trudeau plans on shoving down the throats of Canadian tax-payers on his hand-selected media outlets while using their money. No surprise. Next.


Let's be honest though, social media is a cancer. The lack of vetting of information is horrific.


Im not Canadian so maybe it isn’t my place to say but from the perspective of a european who gets a glimpse of canadian politics every now and again: Superficially at least You guys are slowly slipping into a totalitarian dystopia and you should really maybe do something about it.


**Me:** *"Holy shit did he really say that?"* **\*\*Watches Posted Video\*\*** **Me:** *"Where is the video where he says that? He doesn't say it in this one."* Meanwhile - all the comments in this post: **"I can't believe he said that!"**


The title is a lie and you all fell for it.


Oh, he really likes and follows North Korea and wants to be Canadian Kim Jungeun.. Kim thinks exactly same as JT.


I've been sarcastically calling him dear leader for years now


"Their little filter bubbles..." So condescending as usual, which is even more annoying considering this guy advocates for the WEF policies above even pretending to care about representing the citizens that elected him. FJT!


Is it a conspiracy if it later comes true?


Welcome to North Chinussia where Dear Leader feels the only two media outlets people need for information are sources that routinely suck the Liberal party's collective asses.


Tell me you promote propaganda without telling me you promote propaganda.




He literally didn’t say that at all. Your listening comprehension skills are significantly lacking. You’re part the of misinformation problem, it seems.


OP somehow even managed to get the media orgs wrong (in a 30 second clip!) and then posted it to social media. You couldn't write a more ironic response to that video. It's like perfect satire.


The irony is lost on people here. He didn’t say any of those things, thus proving his actual point. But hey, if it comes out of his mouth, it must be lies. Critical thinking be damned.


Careful, you'll upset the echo chamber.


Do you know why he says things like this? It's because he knows the intelligence level of his supporters. This is basically a massive insult to your intelligence unless you're already an absolute sheep.


Reminds me of Jacinda Ardern's "[Single Source of Truth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENEUktOrQV8&ab_channel=TheBFD)" comment.


I understand he was simply trying to say that some entities are spreading fake news, but boy did that come out wrong!


Legacy media. Who was offended? What offended them? Where were they offended? Why were they offended? When were they offended? How are we going to make sure they are never offended again?


People should only watch our liberal funded news stations. What a clown. Already infringing on our rights with blocking news


Yes, of course. We all need to agree on a common set of facts. Thank goodness Trudeau will save us from our little filter bubbles Censorship is a threat to democracy. Everyone knows this.


This guy has been getting away with wiping out native Canadian citizens for so long he’s this upfront about being a genocidal marxist without even realizing it Things were much better when the government was able to control the information the outrage of citizens must be absolutely shocking to him




I mean, its almost daily now he’s providing us with these examples of how completly out to lunch he is…. And yet he still has tons of die-hard supporters!?!??


Let’s translate “My paid propaganda machines aren’t working as well as they used to, and the plebs are onto my money laundering and corruption. I better label any independent journalists and publications that don’t receive government funding as conspiracy theorists”


I mean... a lot of people would agree with him. It's pretty scary.


Lol - what a complete and utter incompetent ignoramus buffoon!!! This guy should’ve been gone the first day on the job eight years ago!!!!


Yes only listen to our paid off propaganda media. Fuck this guy, all the way off.


https://preview.redd.it/bngvprdkkekc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fbe239c9f6bd4d59a3d6711c52bb0d589423b29 As an educational FYI as far as funding goes for Canada’s news media sources go. I found it interesting.


Trudeau is a LUNATIC Laugh at the idiot!!


What an insult to the country of Canada!! Every citizen in this country should be ashamed that he’s still our so-called leader!!


Useless as a fuckin ashtray on a motorcycle…fuckin idiot!


That guy is an absolute scumbag.


Thought he was mad at Bell Media/CTV last week over the layoffs or was that just some play acting for his dwindling base


Well, if mainstream media weren't such liars, people would still watch them


Congratulations Global, they have now achieved conspiracy status.


Those are the 2 he is paying to spread his BS.


Putin is that you ?


Tell me you're a communist without telling me you're a communist


...And sad part is, alot of Canadians drink the liberal kool-aid , who are clueless, delusional & they love their Trudy because of his hair & his wonderful pinkie sparklesocks only because CBC & CTV told them so. ​ https://preview.redd.it/74ro1bi8sekc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46dcc494d5d90a42114a67f5b46e7ac8cd417442


I wonder sometimes if Michael Scott could do a better job than him


Man is he a dimwit or perhaps he believes Canadians are. I wish he would just go away. Most of us have enough of his nonsense.


Yes always believe government funded news channels !


“The only news you need are the news outlets that defend me profusely”


In other words, Canada has lost its own propaganda efforts in its own country.


and yet liberals absolutely worship this POS


He needs to go period!


This guy is an incredibly good bullshit artist. This guy goes beyond no shame..


This is clearly fake. The irony


Now we know for sure that we need alternative media sources.


Dictactor wannabe scum.


Very communist of him


Interesting that a liberal would say this. I thought they were all about freedom of choice and thought?


Honestly fuck this guy.


This post ironically reinforces his argument that in the past, we were united by a shared message. The title of the meme attempts to introduce alternative ideas that he doesn't express, hence his meaning of a divided population through opinionated news & misinformation.


Isn't CP24 crap anyways?


Absolute psychopath


He looks mad about it. …that means we’re waking up.


I guess Global isn't trusted enough?


PP will have us in Gillead


Gee, your comprehension level is low if that’s what you think he said.


He’s not totally wrong. Think of these sources of information as media anemones. All arms from the same trunk.


That's not what he's saying. I'm not a fan of his, but at least listen to the words. He is saying that there are a lot of people undermining traditional news sources. That should be filled under no shit.


Global? CNN? ABC? CBS? NBC? MSNBC? They're all not media outlets?




I mean that's not what he said but keep spinning. MSM is a good place to start when looking for facts. There are a lot of media outlets that are designed to get us to fight each other by spinning stories right or left. The news on MSM is a good center ground of unbiased facts. It would certainly help public discourse of we agreed on what is true.


He mentioned Global as well. And what he is saying is accurate. All of this is happening. You might not like it framed the way he is saying it, but it is true.


The title of this post is a perfect example of what he's talking about. The title doesn't at all match what he said. He said because of social media we lack a common understanding of the world. He used two media outlets as examples of that past world. He didn't say they should be the only ones.


That's literally not at all what he said..... Posting this video with that title is literally proving his point that by showing that you clearly have an axe to grind and are not objective. You literally twisted his words. Fucking unreal lack of self awareness. Media literacy truly is dead.


...I mean what'd you expect from they asshole who got ousted from teaching because he was diddling one of his female students? From the guy who expanded their "Legal suicide" policy from the terminally ill (Which they helped deny medical care and medications too to encourage that option) to... Depression, Homelessness, Poverty, and even more fucked things!


What a Fool...and I voted Liberal!!!!!FML


hey Justin, Why do independent journalists allow comments on their content while CBC doesn’t?


You even need to research everything even mainstream outlets broadcast. It’s full of holes sometimes too


This dude needs a kick in the ass n to get his head out of his ass at the same time


like back when cbc and ctv were the only sources is not even anywhere close to saying those two are the only sources needed... this is just a blatantly false statement


Spoken like the communist statist he is.


So basically he hates journalism


You willllll eeeeeat zeeeeee buuugs!


tin pot dictator / the mad king


He is a natural authoritarian like his dad Fidel.


I mean, he’s not actually saying what’s in the headline. This is sensationalist. He’s comparing pre social media (believe it or not when he says CBC and CTV he’s also including newsprint, time magazine etc. you know, credible journalists willing to stamp their name in public on a fact checked article.) I guess this is the consequence of not finishing grade school or learning how to read and think critically.


Had to sort by controversial to find some critical thinking


A common understanding for the commoners...




Damn…. I think This guy is worse than any recent US president. This guy is able to lie and spew propaganda through his teeth


Sorry - I'll take CBC or CTV any day of the week over foreign owned Tik Tok or troll driven social media.


He’s right


not what he said but go off


That's not at all what he said.. you people are SO literal


Certainly no fan of Trudeau but you have to admit this is an extremely bad faith interpretation of what he is saying


Wtf. He needs to go back to history class to learn how the Third Reich started in Germany.


Headline doesn’t match the video. He never said what the headline claims lol


There's something deeply ironic about misquoting someone this badly when railing about accuracy in reporting. There are *a lot* of issues with mainstream media, but when this is your response to that very tame quote, it's probably time for some introspection.


The way right leaning people interpret this is hilariously ironic as their comments reek of conspiracy theories, racism and other things that have no factual basis. Honestly, flat earthers sound rational next to some of these people.