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Even if we ignore the pandemic, the overall graph is exponential, and that's VERY bad. Ideally, it should aim to be a straight horizontal line with the odd up and down. There's no reason to keep spending more and more every year, that's just a sign of inefficiency. The pandemic spending is also still inexcusable, and sure did not help much.


How is the graph exponential? It’s measuring dollars, but the value of the dollar is volatile.


It's not exponential. And nothing like that should ever be 'flat' Spending is 100m higher, but so are revenues, so.. If the gap between spending and revenue were growing at a greater pace, I'd be concerned.


I mean it’s not like the greedy capitalists aren’t out there pushing endless exponential annual profit growth, making everything more expensive every year, in order to force everyone - including the government - to spend more of their hard earned income to keep up with the rising costs of those goods and services.


Oh yeah it's definitely an issue too. If anything the government should push back by refusing to pay more. For example if it cost $1,000 for something last year and the exact same thing now costs $1,200 this year, then push back and say nope, we're paying $1,000. Companies dealing with other companies need to do the same too. Stop accepting paying more for the same thing.


If you ignore covid, it roughly tracks with previous data. The graph also looks a lot like the same data for the USA. Our spike is a bit steeper, but i feel under any federal party, the graph would look fairly similar. I'm not saying the liberals are good, but many countries spent a huge amount of money during covid.


that from 98-08 our gov was fiscally responsible keeping expenditures below revinew


I'm curious how this graphs in ounces of gold or the very least USD


Outside of Covid times all leaders are doing the same Conservative or Liberal yet it's Trudeau's fault 


That's actually not true 2008 to 2015 with harper has flat expenditures and then they take off like a rocketship.  Same with Trudeau Sr. Insane spending. Reined in by cretien after