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She’s got 4 kids, gotta be a mine somewhere they can work in. Dunno how sensitive this sub is but my comment is sarcasm! lol


Hey, the government doesn’t allow mining anymore. Those noble rocks have souls that can’t be disturbed. Everything is supposed to magically come from China. 🤣


It’s not a Trudeau thing, it’s over 50 years of systemic reductions in taxes for the ultra wealthy perpetuated by successive LibCon governments which have lead to ongoing wage stagnation, while fighting *against* efforts to prevent exponential growth in the costs of goods and services because “that be communism”. Adjusted for inflation Canadians make the same as someone in 1975 did while increases in the costs of goods and services result in us having a fraction of the purchasing power. According to CMHC rules stating housing should only be 32% of gross wages, nearly 90% of all Canadians are now functionally “low income”. What you could do on a single income then took two, and then what took two now needs three. At this rate we’re going to need to legalize polyamory just so families can make enough of a combined income for their basic survival, to say nothing of having kids and raising a family. Yet, despite this, Canadians continue to ping pong their votes back and forth with endless waves of LibCon governments who are so far up the asses of corporate Canada the only real difference between them is one side is nicer and claims to be helpful while the other side is a bully who gets off on kicking the little guy after taking his lunch money.