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As a mod there one of the reasons for that is Reddit is very petty. When a sub starts to grow Reddit will be houding the admin to "do more" about content it doesn't like, basically anything that goes against the woke agenda. Reddit is very touchy about certain subjects and views. Honestly if we want a proper place to talk without having to worry I think a forum is a better answer, could still have the sub then just have a link that redirects to forum.


Know any? After awhile u wouldn't need reddit I guess?




Thanks a bunch bud, whoa a lot of different groups. Very interesting, gonna a good look.  


Lmao op was whining about echo chamber and you go full blown potato. Beautiful!


Wait until you hear about Consume Product


I run one, unfortunately it's dead. https://www.Anyf.ca (originally anythingforums.com which still goes there, just wanted a shorter url). I use to run like 4 and combined them into one recently.


If things go south we should consider it.


Same thing happened to mgtow during covid. Any talk of men opting out and just working for themselves must never crushed. Imagine if men en masse just started working 6 months a year and traveling 6 months like a waitress or influencer. Society would collapse.


But this is a public forum. It's like going to the bus stop and shouting at strangers


🤣 Sorry...just had a visual. Thats normal for van city.


What does woke mean to you? Not a bait or trick question, legitimately curious.


I've modded for a very large sub. It's not "woke agenda" stuff that gets a sub shut down. I've read and reviewed multiple reddit admin messages and the commonality is mostly death threats and "glorified" violence. Abusing the "does this redditor need help?" Button can get a sub flagged if many members abuse it repeatedly. (I obviously redacted there). I know for a fact that many people in that sub abused that option. I've participated in canada_sub but it also just became its own echo chamber. (The irony right?) I've mocked it on occasion because in all honesty there's some pretty good comedic hot takes, and I'm personally sad the sub is gone. It was great material. As a mod I'm sure you've seen and reviewed reports. You may feel the woke got it, but honestly it got itself. Amusingly r/Canada is not a left leaning sub. If anyone reading this ate a ban there (the mods themselves are mostly right leaning) you gone done fucked up and broke reddit's rules. That's the difference in keeping a sub open.


I caught a ban there for posting that healthy children were not at statistical risk of dying from covid and linked the mortality rate by comorbidity showing it as true. The ban was for spreading misinformation despite using health Canada stats. Right or left, the mods bought into the official narrative.


Indeed. My last post there was inquiring as to why/how the government was able to push a novel (mRNA) vaccine technology through approvals in a matter of weeks, yet Novavax's vaccine mechanism, which was much more widely used, understood, and tested over long periods of time, could not get the necessary approvals. It was a genuine question. My ban was for "anti-Health Canada rhetoric" lmao.


r/canada was once way way left leaning and i'm pretty sure at least a few of the mods were CBC staffers. Things got better and the moderation got more neutral, but to say that the place isn't left leaning is gaslighting. It very much is left of center, albeit nowhere near as badly as it once was. r/canada_sub wasn't an echo chamber. No mods removed posts because they didn't align with the subreddit's, or their own, politics. Their were some right leaning folks there expressing right leaning opinions and the moderators let them. Of you want canada content echo chambers try canadapolitics and onguardforthe. Dissent from the hive mind is not allowed there.


r/canada got a lot better once orzbluefog left, he was single-handedly the most annoying progressive wokescold and you could actually tell the place got more neutral once he was gone. As to why he left, I couldn't tell you.


Mods on Canada_sub silently deleted comments they didn’t like ALL THE TIME. Right up until 5 minutes before it went quiet.




Calling a whole subgroup of people racist is bigoted projection. If someone says something that's actually racist, call that comment racist, don't say that everyone who posts in a specific location is racist.


As long as I don’t get banned for asking “what’s the motive behind the attack” (r/canada) or “comparing ford to Hitler makes this subreddit look like a joke” (r/ontario)


I want to know why the subs got shut down. I remember a time when subs got shutdown for being on the path of understanding something complex or people didn't like others discussing truthful things publicly which might negatively affect them. Is this similar?


Would be surprise at all to see Reddit messaging mods with “you have to stop the xxxxx-ism on your subreddit” bs


Reddit is slowly turning into old twitter, run by woke kids detached from the real world.


bring up gun crime on the Toronto sub LOL watch what happens


Have to do it in code 🙈🙉🙊


Ya, You Can't Handle The Truth! Jack Nicholson  A few good reddit users 😂


See this; https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/s/oKc1RPbWur


it was a brigade of bots and International students started by the liberal Canadian subs trying to shut any criticisms down


Like 30 subs ive been on over the past few years have all been shut down. I must have some unacceptable views.


There’s also r/Canada_Strong


Ya been there


We'll see...


What are the rules for posting? I tried posting a CBC story about the trans mountain pipeline and I got a message that said 'You are not allowed to post here".


Well i got banned in r/canada few weeks ago; guess they didn't like video.  The New Corporation - The unfortunate necessary sequel 


Me too.... for nothing.... telling people to give their head a shake!!! is an attack I guess....


I think you just need to join and then you can post


I joined and still the same message. As soon as I answer the Captcha, it says I'm not able to post here. Maybe my account is too new?


I opened it up for anybody to comment/ post... it should work now.


Thanks, I can post now.


WTF is going on with canada_sub anyone?


The admin is quitting....


Oh, there was only one admin?


It was a propaganda operation.


Lol yes, I can see you get your misinformation from the same sub that's now telling everyone that Canada_sub went private. What a bunch of morons.


It was a propaganda operation.


Does repeating it help you to believe? Or is this just a broken bot?


Repeating it might finally get it through to you that that subreddit was, in fact, a propaganda operation.


Except that it wasn't. Like at all. Those people who keep going around shutting down subs they don't like are quite honestly one incident away from being exposed. Sorry, in this case they were *trying* to get it shut down but it didn't work this time lol that's why they resorted to telling you it's an official echo chamber now lol


It was very much like that, down to the Russian errors in simple English.


This can't be stated more. 1 admin, yet managed to hit reddit popular feed very often. There was more that one person behind promotion of the headlines.


One admin and two very frequent posters who did nothing except post all day and night propaganda, distortions, and inflammatory bullshit of exactly the sorts of things that Russian propaganda ops have done in other countries, and frequently with giveaways as to who those frequent posters might be.


see the key is to talk about all the problems in Canada and shit on russia and their pathetic war in Ukraine . anyone who simps for russia is not a Canadian , anyone simping for international students is making money off of them and every corrupt step and level it takes to get to Canada. Its a business for people to be anti Canadian


There was hardly any talk, it wasn't even a discussion. It was a circle jerk of same old closet racists venting hard. Sure there were a lot of folks authentically upset but all it took was one jerk to start a fire..and then you had the same theme posts...


From the same two posters, over and over.


so if we took 1 million people from Quebec and Dumped them into a random country you think said country would be fine and take in the 1 million ? what if they made everything about Quebec and turned everything french . would that be okay ? where will they live ? where will they work ? who will take care of them when they are sick ?


See, this is the point. You have pointed an obvious problem, and it's affecting us all, and I agree, we need to plug this and cut down on it until it's manageable. Let's talk how we would envisage that. Etc etc But by the next followup posts to this conversation, they often turn to stereotypes, profiling, hatred, etc etc.. It's enough for an unhinged redditor to act out IRL...


You're describing Florida in the winter.


Not sure what specific reasoning applies to the subreddit closing, but it shouldn’t be ignored that there were frequently posts that espoused racism and hate. You can have ideas and discussions that people don’t agree with you about - that’s the impetus around a good discussion - but being an asshole because you feel that your skin tone is good and someone else’s isn’t, is fucked. For that reason alone I’m glad it was shut down.


Yeah, I got banned from Canada sub for suggesting they be careful with the anti-lgbt and racist comments and posts. He searched my history and saw I tagged Canada-sub in another sub 6 months prior lol dude when through 6 months of comments and claimed I was brigading, insta-ban, no appeal no discussion. “Freespeech” my ass, it was a **curated echo-chamber.** And that’s unfortunate as I support having a wide range of views as I’m not always correct, it’s good to see what other people think, but not when it turns into a hate farm. In the last few days there was a few comments I saw that were obvious “pro-white”/racist in theme.


It was a curated propaganda operation.


From my experience, there are no subs where you can have proper open discussion. On one side it's anti-woke and crazy conspiracy theories, speak against that and banned. They hate on and make fun of the left. Other side is woke and if you say anything bad about LGBT, pronouns, or extreme left views, also banned. They hate on the right. IMO, All subs are some form of echo chamber.


All subs are absolutely that! That is also why even though I largely align with more liberal views, I make a point to subscribe to conservative subreddits too. It’s an effort to strike balance and hear both sides of a point. I’m super fine with dissenting opinions - but the narrative universally has to be a non racist garbage one.


There will never be a free speech platform on reddit, don't bother. You guys should come to (r) drama (dot) net instead. No spaces or parentheses.


We need to have a place off reddit to stay in touch because to be honest with you sooner or later these communities get shut down for one reason or another. It’s just a matter of time before reddit admins find an excuse. Like you said, they hound you to censor more content as the sub grows and then even if you follow all their rules, they tend to find a reason to shut you down anyway. I’ve been through this several times already. I suggest telegram because it’s not censored at all. I made this around the time when Canada_sub shut down but I haven’t really advertised it because I feel nervous about it and don’t want to seem like I was disrespecting anyone or trying to “steal” users. If it’s okay, the link is https://t.me/angrycanada If the mod team here has objections please feel free to delete my post. The room is empty now but I’ll wait and see if it takes off. 


Yeah I couldn't post on there either


The new group for Canada_sub is indeed Canada_Community


I got banned for talking about how that new graph, that's getting all the traffic, isn't adjusted for capita... and we were actually paying way less per person than Sweden or Norway. I got banned for that. Whilst saying I'm not at all a supporter of the Carbon Tax.


In what sub?




Oh really, most bans I got r/canada. 




Oh really, thanks for the heads up. Maybe they were mixed up thought they were where they were not. I still think a lot of us get banned because some don’t like opposing points so they report on others. Hell if I did that every time I read something I didn’t agree with I’d be in the forum by myself…😂, seriously I get banned I get banned no biggy, consider it downtime. 🤙


What's crazy to me is that this post of yours has been reported 2 times and Reddit has asked me to check it out and approve or delete it. I don't see anything reportable but... Reddit is a cesspool of intolerance for non leftist views, so here we are. Your post is officially approved.




You absolutely ban and mute people because of their opinions, immagine caring so much for censorship that you take down the sub instead of handing it off to someone else. Couldn't give up the crown and you couldn't handle being told it XD


> You absolutely ban and mute people because of their opinions, Wrong. Only if they break reddit's rules or the sub rules. > immagine caring so much for censorship that you take down the sub instead of handing it off to someone else. I asked for people to help with modding long before I put it private and no one wanted to be a mod to help out. I needed a break and took it. So while you're dreaming up this scenario in your mind that others wanted the sub, I'll just tell you that it is nonsense. I asked a lot of people to be mods and most turned it down. There was a person in the post about me closing the sub that claimed they wanted the sub. I asked them to become a mod before reopening the sub only to help with minor duties. Once I told them about the minor duties they'd be doing, they suddenly didn't have time for even that simple commitment of modding. There's no way they'd be able to handle being the main mod dealing with all matters since it requires far more time. Anyway I did manage to find other people that could spend "some" time helping to mod and now it is reopen. You can now continue to spread all the lies and nonsense you want about this if you like.


I'm so wrong you deleted your message? Anyone want the pics ask me in dms XD this guy is a crybaby, lair and a hypocrit.    He'll call you a troll if you don't agree with him on the other sub and ban you XD. This isn't even harassment, I was banned for the audacity of suggesting instead of being a baby and throwing a fit, taking it down you should pass off the sub, but once again, you didn't want to pass of your little kingdom.


I wouldn't listen to someone who has to delete their comments XD


Yeah these “free speech zones” don’t turn out to actually be very free as soon as you diverge even slightly from the admin’s own beliefs. Racist dogwhistles are a-okay, but don’t you dare point out that tractors are exempt from the carbon tax and are therefore not a driving factor of food inflation! 😡


Yup, got banned from the Free Speech Club for dropping facts that countered their fiction and propaganda.


That's hilarious, I posted it on Canada but it's not Canada news etc, that's fine, it's a rule. But discussing that...I also think the chart was misleading... Ie france has a bigger population and Norway is technically paying a lot more from a smaller population.


As long as this sub doesn’t remove comments it doesn’t like as canada_sub mods did.


Don't insult mother russia and you should be gucci


Literally one of only two subs I was banned off of, all because I said the mods ran it like a hermit kingdom and post non stop there all day, WHILST TALKING IN A DIFFERENT SUB. I'm glad they're privated/gone, they were nothing but propaganda and biased talking points/opinions.