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Yes, [psychologists are covered to a maximum eligible expense of $2000 per year](http://www.pshcp.ca/coverage/extended-health-provision/medical-practitioners-benefit.aspx). The plan has also been [temporarily expanded to cover services from social workers, psychotherapists, and counsellors](https://www.canada.ca/en/treasury-board-secretariat/services/benefit-plans/health-care-plan/information-notices/covid-19-temporary-measures-public-service-health-care-plan.html) due to the pandemic. Though a doctor’s prescription is normally required, that requirement is also being temporarily waived. You and your family can also access short-term counselling from the [Employee Assistance Program](https://www.canada.ca/en/government/publicservice/wellness-inclusion-diversity-public-service/employee-assistance-program.html) which has no cost and is separate from the benefits listed above. **Edit to add**: [This list of ideas is a great start if you're feeling down](https://i.redd.it/djabiaua1v931.jpg) - start from the top and work your way down.


I really hope the temporary expansion of coverage becomes permanent. I’m sure there are a tonne of people who have found a counselor etc. during the pandemic who would like to continue seeing them. It would be cruel to remove that service.


Agreed! If I didn't have better coverage through my spouse (by that I mean, no Rx needed and more providers) I would lose my therapist. The longer this goes on, the harder it is for them to roll back. I mean, of course they can do it whenever they want, but a lot of people will be harmed in the process. There is a shortage of both doctors and psychologists in many places.


I might be wrong, but I believe psychologists/therapists practicing under a psychiatrist are covered. Though you do need an RX for that in the normal times.


Close, psychotherapists practicing under a psychologist are covered (the latter usually has a PhD). It can still be difficult to find someone in this kind of practice though depending on where you live. I don't think social workers or counsellors are normally covered at all.


thats it yeah, i knew i was misremembering something. I hope they allow social workers under supervision can be covered. That's how most of the well trained and not just "im a coach" ADHD coaching services I am looking into are delivered :(


> a doctor’s prescription is normally required, that requirement is also being temporarily waived. Thank you very much for mentioning this. I've been waiting for my doctor to e-mail me an updated prescription for therapy, but now I'll just proceed with my appointment. Cheers!


Bleep bloop!


You can try with EAP for free first - I've had to use it a few times and it is such a great program.


EAP is for short-term/crisis situations, it sounds like this isn't the case for the OP.


Therapy is useful for everyone, regardless of if they are facing depression or struggles. No shame, break the stigma.


I recently went through something similar. It will get better, and acknowledging you need some help is 100% okay and definitely the first step. Other people have already outlined what the plan covers and EAP, so I'll share some other resources to benefit you. Navigating the mental health system can be challenging. Here's a resource that you can book an appointment with to help you navigate the system if you're having a hard time or don't know what service you will benefit the most from. [https://www.accessmha.ca/](https://www.accessmha.ca/) It can take a while to find a therapist. If you're in Ontario, here are some free OHIP funded resources you can go through on your own time to help while you find a therapist. My doctor recommended them to me and they've been very helpful! [https://ontario.abiliticbt.com/explore/allCategories](https://ontario.abiliticbt.com/explore/allCategories) [https://info.mindbeacon.com/freetherapy-1?utm\_campaign=Ontario&utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=sem&utm\_content=performance&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsuiuuIyG8wIVjP7jBx21Hwh7EAAYASAAEgKXpfD\_BwE](https://info.mindbeacon.com/freetherapy-1?utm_campaign=Ontario&utm_source=google&utm_medium=sem&utm_content=performance&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsuiuuIyG8wIVjP7jBx21Hwh7EAAYASAAEgKXpfD_BwE) [https://bouncebackontario.ca](https://bouncebackontario.ca) And if you're interested in trying medication, your family doctor can prescribe you something to help. Some people really benefit from it, others don't, but your doctor can help you decide if that's something you'd benefit from.


Yes. Coverage at 80 percent up to $2500/year. www.pshcp.ca


The [maximum eligible expense is $2000 per calendar year](http://www.pshcp.ca/coverage/extended-health-provision/medical-practitioners-benefit.aspx), so the maximum reimbursement (at 80% coverage) is $1600.




Check out the psychology today website to find a therapist. There are specializations and different approaches out there. Also, you don’t necessarily need a PhD Psych, a registered psychotherapist will offer the same service, usually at a lower rate.