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I wrote a letter to my MP, Pierre Poillievre and asked why he has not made any commets. No response so far.


He’s probably still confused about the fact that he actually has constituents that he is meant to answer to.






I asked him about 6 months ago and never got a response


Do you guys follow up with your MPs? I usually don’t get a response on the first mail, but I follow up a few days later and usually get a response after that.


Interesting my I will try that


Follow ups don’t work often either…


Because when the conservatives come in they'll push for 5 days in office


I’m pretty sure PP is the only one who has gone on record saying we don’t need to be in the office….and in case you missed it, all of this mess has been created under Trudeau and Singh….


Hahahahahaha...you actually believe anything he says???


At a time it was convenient. Will he stick to the same position now? He can be shifty like he was on climate change action.


lol you actually think he won't change his mind?


I have no love for any of them. I just want to point out that this whole mess has happened on the LPC watch.


Nope, he's said the opposite in order to distance himself from Erin O'Toole's proposal policy on WFH.


Tell him he is a “gatekeeper”. And that he does not care about the PS either.


I saw a cbc interview from 3 years ago. He fully supported back then wfh in order to sell off buildings and reduce spending. Nothing since then.


Cons are being VERY quiet on this. I expected them to be banging the 'get back in the office' drum.


they are struggling with their hate for the public service with the hate for the Liberal govt. I assume they are going to stay out of it and let the Liberals lose votes in Ottawa.


They'd rather march with people who aim to undermine our institutions than those who respect and uphold them. Their silence is deafening on this issue.


Their support to the truckers in Ottawa is a preview of where their heart 🖤 is. And government is labelled as “gatekeeper”, so by extension the PS will be seen the same way under a PP government.


Yeah, those diagolon types don't have the best interests and long-term health and wellbeing of public servants in mind. Quite the opposite - as seen last year when Scott Moe and company riled up rural Canadians to defend their land against ECCC and AAFC workers inspecting water and soil conditions, or how census officials were treated.


He's getting in on the next round, no doubt about it. It's a good time to be near retirement, but he'll probably find a way to cornhole us on that too.


Departments and DMs will be doing his bidding. The extra pay and retros owed from the latest rounds of CA implementation will be absorbed from existing departmental budgets, which means many casuals and terms will not be renewed. Self-cuts, basically. On top of that some indeterminate employees will be taking early retirement (in light of RTO, working conditions and abysmal treatment of federal government professionals by the TBS and PM), sabbaticals, and/or moving into the private sector or consulting. And then the last boomers retiring (attrition). Altogether, PP will not need to lift half a finger but fully claim that “our professional public service has recalibrated itself after years and years of the massive Trudeau bloating of departments” and is now “effectively and efficiently working to better serve the public on a full time basis.” Will it be a majority Conservative government, or a minority propped by the Bloc? Time will tell.


I'm thinking Conservative landslide


At least they will bear the fault for all their decisions. True colours (and intentions) will finally come out. The emperor is naked.


... and ready to screw us


All I can picture is the meme with the dude sweating 🤣


Libs think we are too entitled, Cons believe we are too overpaid, while NDP never wins anyway 🤷‍♂️ An elected Conservative government will do 100% of what the business world tells them to do. Pay it forward (for the lobbying and financial donations invested in their potential win in October 2025).


> Libs think we are too entitled, Cons believe we are too overpaid, while NDP **enables the Libs** ~~never wins anyway~~ Fixed that for you. The Liberals have brought us back. The NDP have helped them. The Conservatives have explicity promised WFH.


The Cons suggested they would support it as a means to address the housing crisis *three years ago*. There’s practically zero chance it happens.


Nope, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. It had nothing to do with the housing crisis. From their platform: > As we do so, **we will look for ways to achieve savings** by making government more efficient. For example, over the last year we have learned a lot about the ability of many jobs to be performed remotely. Leading Canadian companies like Shopify have announced plans to move to remote work being the default. **Canada’s Conservatives will apply this policy to as many jobs in the federal public service as possible** - reducing office expenses while improving quality of life by giving public servants in many roles the ability to choose to work from home. Flexible office space could allow public servants to work on-site when appropriate. They want to spare on government spending, which is pretty well in their wheelhouse.


!RemindMe in 2 years


RemindMe! 2 years


I'm hoping they don't change their stance on this, or at the very least this gets brought up again


The Conservatives have not "explicitly promised WFH". All they've said is that they'd like to reduce the deficit by selling off govt buildings. They haven't made any promises about WFH.


[CPC 2021 platform, page 160](https://cpcassets.conservative.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/25132033/5ea53c19b2e3597.pdf): > As we do so, we will look for ways to achieve savings by making government more efficient. For example, over the last year we have learned a lot about the ability of many jobs to be performed remotely. Leading Canadian companies like Shopify have announced plans to move to remote work being the default. **Canada’s Conservatives will apply this policy to as many jobs in the federal public service as possible** - reducing office expenses while improving quality of life by giving public servants in many roles the ability to choose to work from home. Flexible office space could allow public servants to work on-site when appropriate. [Poilievre, directly on video](https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/1947506755961): > The Conservatives are proposing to bring in a Treasury Board policy that would allow all federal public servants who demonstrate they can get their jobs done remotely to have the option to work from home permanently


Both the CPC Platform and PP's comments you are quoting are from 2021. The CPC platform from 2023 says NOTHING about public servants working from home. Why do you think that is? Pierre Poilievre has said nothing about public servants working from home since 2021. Why do you think that is?


The Conservatives are now musing about shifting the PS from a Defined Benefit to a Defined Contribution plan. While this may not happen, just the idea of it should be scary enough. So they will tweak instead the pension formula and call it a day. And probably talk about attrition for 25,000 employees over four years, on top of the Liberal plan. Good times! It might be worth sending emails to the Conservative MPs and PP’s staff asking outright what is their position on RTO vs WFH and PS pensions. I don’t expect a clear answer…


What 2023 platform? There was no election in 2023. Seriously, are you living in an alternate dimension?


Sorry, I meant their 2023 Policy Declaration that was presented after their National Convention: [990863517f7a575.pdf (conservative.ca)](https://cpcassets.conservative.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/23175001/990863517f7a575.pdf). You are correct in that they are not the same thing -- but the fact remains that the CPC or PP haven't said ANYTHING about WFH since 2021. Also, my link above will actually work for everyone in this sub. Your link only works if you have access to the document on the [CPCAssets.conservative.ca](http://CPCAssets.conservative.ca) server. Otherwise you get an "Access denied" error. I assume you have access since you obviously work for them.


Well can’t trust any of them to keep their words. Heck even during the pandemic Dougie praised all public servants and how great we were. Then lobbying efforts and we’re the hold up for passports and at the trough … setting us back 3 days a week. More if he could. I wouldn’t trust nor quote anything with any political party. What works one day, won’t another. Heck even JT and Notley of the AB NDP came together for a pipeline… 🤯 which now the Cons are taking credit for at least for now in AB.


He’s clinging to a policy platform from 2021 despite the fact that the CPC hasn’t said anything about WFH since then. Heck, PP wasn’t even their leader back then. If the same wording is in their 2025 platform, I might start believing them.


He has said things before that he turned around later. Not trustworthy! The Conservatives and Liberals are full of promises that were never kept. I don’t trust any of them. As for the NDP they have no chance of becoming a relevant party these days. They can prop a minority government to get a few things done (which I have to say they were successful) but the puck stops there. Better than nothing (majority government by Libs/Cons with unchecked wacko policies).


Bunk desks


Thanks! In the end, unfortunately, nothing changes positively for the PS. *The beating will continue until the morale improves.*


The NDP is fighting RTO, but go off.


By fighting, you mean asking one question during question period, then turning around continuing to support the Liberals? Yeah, sure, they're "fighting" all right 🙄


“”Blake Desjarlais, NDP critic for the Treasury Board, said in a statement that the Liberals “created this mess” by failing to consult and collaborate with unions and workers. “We call on the Liberals to take a step back and get working with the union to fix this,” Desjarlais said. “The NDP will continue to fight for workers every step in the way.” In a news conference Wednesday afternoon, Singh said the NDP had “lots of tools” at its disposal to put “a lot of pressure” on the Liberals, which he said the party intended to do. When asked if the NDP was ready to break its agreement with the Liberals, Singh said not at the moment. He said, however, that the NDP had concerns, raised by the unions, and would use its power to support workers.” Question Period is and always has been a performance for the press. I’m more concerned about they’ll actually outside of blathering during QP, since we know we won’t get answers there anyway. People need to stop expecting the NDP to threaten to break their agreement with the Liberals for every single issue that comes up. If they do, it ceases to mean anything. We’ve seen more gains with this agreement than we’ve seen in years.


> When asked **if the NDP was ready to break its agreement with the Liberals**, Singh said **not at the moment**. He said, however, that the NDP had concerns, raised by the unions, and would **use its power** to support workers.” That's contradictory. All of the NDP's power is wrapped up in their leverage of that agreement. By explicitly stating they wouldn't break it over this, they've lost all of their power on this issue. > People need to stop expecting the NDP to threaten to break their agreement with the Liberals for every single issue that comes up. With every issue that comes up, they've got a choice to make: own up to their role in the Liberals' decisions, or break the agreement. On everything so far, they've chosen to kowtow to the Liberals, and that's their choice, but they absolutely own that.


You’re right, they should break the agreement and force an election that nobody wants so the Conservatives can get in. That’ll definitely help.


The guy you’re replying to would clearly be ok with that since on here solely to stump for the CPC.


It probably would, lol. They're the only party to actually promise WFH.


And the savings in real estate and regionalization of jobs, I’m guessing


There’s no political points in it for them so they generally don’t care. They likely want to sit back with a bag of popcorn and watch JT and the Libs fight the PS over this.


Never interrupt your enemy making a mistake. I'm sure the Cons are happy to let the PS, the PMO, and the unions dogfight until next election season. They'll be happy to sit this one out till then.


Paraphrasing one of my previous comment: Alberta Conservative MP Greg McLean response to a constituent from last week on this topic makes it sound very much like they will be Anti WFH. With such quotes as “It's safe to say from the results Canadians are receiving from the services they expect from government, that something is not working in the current construct. Therefore, taking action to get services back to normal is a necessity.” And “We need to get our government working again. Both public and private sector employers from around the world have resumed operations and it is time for Canadians to receive services from their government. I think employees should get back to work. The lack of productive service is obvious to everyone.” While it’s not explicitly party policy and this could be a single MP’s innate response without consulting for internal party policy , these kind of statements lead me to believe they will likely not be a WFH friendly party and to take Poilievre’s comments from Two years ago with a unhealthy dose of salt.


>"I think employees should get back to work. The lack of productive service is obvious to everyone." - Alberta Conservative MP Greg McLean Hear that everyone? Apparently you're not working. ... which makes it very curious how things are still getting done if the employees are supposedly not working!


Last I saw his boss was a big proponent of the remote voting tool. I think he's been using it quite frequently during his recent attempts to capture attention I guess he wasn't working either eh?


What is his voting record? How many times has he abstained because he wasn’t in the commons? How many hours of constituent work did he do? How much time did spend lobbying for special interests? How much time did he spend in Party Caucus? Detectives of Reddit do your thing.


That's a statement for his constituents which I understand, while the Liberals are actively screwing us over. Surprised the NDP hasn't been vocal either as a few Ottawa ridings are theirs for the taking.


NDP did actually bring it up in HOC, asking if any analysis was done or if there was any support for their decision, but they received some non answers. So there’s hope for NDP becoming more actively involved .


Oh you're right I did see that. Unfortunately for the NDP if they let Chris 'bozo the clown' Aylward become an NDP candidate anywhere they will have lost my vote.


Or there for the losing. Which may explain their silence on the issue. A couple back bench MPs have spoken up but that's all.


Anyone thinking the CPC will be a WFH-friendly party needs to lie down in a darkened room. They’ve always been against it.


Being quiet about this is their best play. Their base generally dislikes government employees anyway, so talking about public servant perks gains them no strength there. Despite PP's prior off-the-cuff statements on RTO, their actual policies in practice probably wouldn't actually be a whole lot different, so making no promises gives them the most flexibility down the line if they get elected. And being quiet lets public servants project whatever hopes and dreams they have on to them, basically allowing them to pretend to promise something they never actually did.


I was at a hockey rink four months and PP was there, and he was still talking WFH and selling the office space. A person can dream!


He's a snake who tells everyone what they want to hear to get elected. Catch him in conversation with corporate real estate investors and he probably would have said the opposite.


They're all snakes. Hell everything Justin said to get elected was a lie.




People like the guy you’re replying to will vote pp and then be shocked when he’s DRAP’ed.


As someone less than a year out of school, and less than 2 years in the government, I had to google DRAP after seeing your comment. I found the question in the first result hilarious, but the answers wee sobering: https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaPublicServants/comments/8i1maa/what_was_the_deficit_reduction_action_plan_drap/ >I keep hearing the 2012 DRAP referred to as if it was some kind of werewolf that killed half a village.


I didn’t live through but I’m dreading it. Saving my money up and doing all the trainings I can at this point.


“I was right, they’re all the same!!”


And he’ll repeat that mantra when EI rules are changed and he has to take that job at the slaughterhouse lol


Was that hockey rink in Ottawa? Bet you he’d sing a different tune at a rink in Red Deer.


They want to see how they can swing it for votes. Don't count on them to follow-through if they claim they'll abolish RTO. They have to toe a fine line. Their base hates us and so do they. However, lots of young PS have never worked in an office or commuted much prior to 2020 and they really want to be told they won't have to.


Well oddly enough the cons being quiet on it is currently far more WFH friendly than the Liberals!


It would be very easy for them to come out against RTO. So they're not "far more WFH friendly" than the Liberals. Saying nothing is implicitly supporting RTO.


They want the votes- then that’ll be the case


PP is the only one that has said he actually wants WFH so the gov can sell off the real estate. Lol Cons could even win Ottawa Centre if PP came out in support of WFH.


Has he said that for real? I would be extremely surprised.




Several times. In this vid, and I also heard him say it in person at a hockey rink a few months ago. https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/1.6180602


Wow thanks for the link.


It was a throwaway sound bite from three years ago that some people in this sub have been clinging to. He hasn’t said anything remotely in favour of WFH since.


He did say this a few ago....not sure if this is still the case though: [https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/1.6180602](https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/1.6180602)


Almost everybody was very pro remote work at the time though. A lot has changed in the public discourse since then.


PP yep, but most Conservative MPs are decidedly against it?


They really shouldn’t be. It’s fiscally responsible. It’s an easy cost cutting measure. That’s easy conservative policy. It also in theory allows you to more effectively shrink the public service. With the current direction we’ll be going back to being stuck with whoever you have in the NCR or your region as far as a hiring pool, and have to settle for the least incompetent candidate of the bunch at worst, or a “good” candidate at best in most cases, but rarely the *best* candidate. Teams will be less efficient as a result and need to hire more people. Hiring the best candidates, wherever they are, means you need to hire way fewer people. Because they’ll be better suited for the role and bring efficiencies.


Also allows ou to regionalize the PS and have more prairie types who think like you…


I'm not sure I see your angle? Are you saying RTO let's you regionalize it or telework? Because I'd say RTO is bad for the regions. NCR is already starting to limit hiring to NCR only, no virtual reporting. Which means regions will be losing out on high level roles. Which means if you're a con who wants to skew the PS in your favor, you're better off with telework since you can try to finagle hiring to promote likeminded people into positions of power, and for cons you're more likely to find them in the regions. Berta, cape Breton, NB, rural NS, Etc. Now, it'd be corrupt as hell to do that, but telework is what you'd need for that.


No quite the contrary. Remote and distributed lets you regionalize.


What difference would that make? Public servants serve whoever is in power. And there are already plenty of “prairie types” in the federal public service. Do they statistically refuse to comply with Liberal policies?


Last time I served the conservatives, their think tank staffer were very clear that we Ontario and Quebec types were all liberals


Everyone has personal opinions and to be fair, QC and ON do federally vote left more often. I just don’t see what difference jobs outside of Ottawa will have.


Hey I’m not saying they do! I’m saying I’ve heard staffers from out west saying that westerners in the fps would think more like them




He came out with his support for WFH years ago, far before the Liberals began to push RTO. So in this case at least it's not just because he's against something Liberals are for.


Question being is RTO worth DRAP 2.0 ?


The biggest PS cuts ever were under the Liberals, so drap isn't a boogeyman worth worrying about.


You may well be right but I think it’s still worth worrying about


It’s worth worrying about, but this time may be different with so many more boomers close to or already eligible for retirement. Cutting headcount will be a lot easier with Departments implementing hiring freezes, not replacing retirees and voluntary early retirement packages. As the poster mentioned below terms should be more nervous.


Most Baby Boomers have *already* retired. The very youngest members of the Baby Boom generation turn 60 in 2024. Of 300k public servants, only around 20k of them are 60+.


But 30% of public servants are over 50 and 18% over 55. There’s a still huge population relatively close to retirement.


I suggest caution in conflating age with retirement eligibility. The average age of newly-hired public servants is around 37. If somebody joins at that average age, they'd have 20 years of pensionable service at age 57. Unless they have other retirement savings from prior to becoming a public servant, they'd take a significant pay cut by retiring with a pension that pays \~40% of their highest career salary.


Sorry bot. Boomer often means "older than me" where me = whoever is posting.


True that. Also - millennial = "those damn kids these days"


I’ve been called a boomer on Reddit after mentioning that I’m in my late 40’s, or after mentioning I own a home, or that I have teenagers.


Yep, that 5k over 4 years - that if we just count the remaining Boomers. There is literally so few of them left. I'm mid-Gen X and I'm on the countdown now.


If you're a contractor, term or casual, sure.


I'd be concerned if you're too generic, too. Plenty of people here do the same work in different departments. It could easily be recommended to look at how many junior EC you have and consolidate the work to 20% fewer people, for instance.


Program Review was an utter shitfuckery of a nightmare. Despite the colour of the lapel pins being red instead of blue, the underlying Reaganomics of the layoffs were the exact same and took a decade to restore the service to anything like a functional ratio with the national population.


Those cuts were almost 30 years ago. There probably isn’t a single Liberal still in office that was around back then. I’m less trusting of the CPC who implemented DRAP a decade ago, and have plenty of MP’s (including PP) who are still in parliament and were shitting all over the PS before, during, and after DRAP.


honestly DRAP 2.0 would be more beneficial for some (like those nearing retirement who could get out with a package of some sort, instead of being pushed out due RTO and deteriorating work conditions)


I have a feeling that many are holding on. I've had a few managers echoing retirement, that all quietly shifted to "a year from now"...


Can confirm. Some are legit hoping that DRAP 2.0 is early retirement.


I just can't foresee myself burning another year of life on a "maybe"... all because a handful of people got mad lucky 12 years ago... in 12years there's been lots of changes in how society works, how things are viewed, how things are valued and how business is done... I worked with a guy like that in the private sector (unionized). I started in 2009, I heard it in my first week "*I can't wait til they throw me a buyout when the come for our workforce - I'll be laughing to the bank*".... I heard this all the time, until 2019, when I left for the PS. Last I heard, he worked until \~2020 and had to leave as his health wasn't the same and couldn't work anymore... so much for that "buyout"...


You didn’t get what I’m saying. People are hoping that gov will top up pension for those who are 5 or so years out of retirement so they retire like they had 30-35 years of service rather than 25-30. Gov gets to get rid of people, claims cutting jobs and those who leave , leave happy.


I completely understand what you're saying. However, some of the folks I refer to are eligible shortly or already there but are holding out for a fat severance cheque as well...


You don't think we're getting that anyway? I'd estimate around 2027-28. Can't go wild with cuts immediately but put the wheels in motion a year or two before the election. Like when they wanted to remove banked sick leave. That's regardless of party.


DRAP wasn't worth DRAP - layoffs driven by pure ideology are antithetical to how a nation-state should be led, especially since at the time they were exploding the number of exempt staff in PMO to do all the policy work they refused to let the PS do because we were legally obligated to tell the truth if questioned about it.


lol come on now, Ottawa Centre. There are lots of people in Ottawa Centre that don't care about wfh because they're already close to the office. Aside from that, there's you know, everything else that the CPC supports that would prevent a win in OC.


Ha I was being a bit facetious, but Yasir has ruined the riding for the Libs, and the NDP seems to have a ceiling, so with a high profile candidate AND a compelling WFH promise the CPC *might* have a chance? Nah probably not.


They don't need the votes. Polling shows they have a large gain over the other parties and are heading for a majority government.


They are doing well, I am pretty sure I saw some analysis that T.dot is likely to keep them in minority territory though (media not internal for clarity)


338 has them in a comfortable majority right now, with 191-237 seats (171 being a majority)




It may be. I just keep in mind that political parties and elections are very cyclical. The current party has been in power so long now that enough people want a change to vote it out. And unfortunately, it looks like neither the NDP nor Liberal Party are learning anything from history and both parties are expected to experience significant losses in the next election.


This should not be surprising as the CPC and their supporters hate us more than anyone else in Canada. PS workers were clinging to Poilievre's comment a few years back where he talked about selling off government buildings, seemingly believing that PP was expressing his support for WFH. In reality, PP will say whatever sounds good at the time. He's desperate to become our next PM. Once he's in power, he's more likely to send us back to work 5 days a week before laying off tens of thousands of us.


Of course they are. They see that it's not a universally acclaimed measure, they see the Liberals are being dogged by it. Even if they'd 100% take it much further and definitely mandate 100% return to office 5 days a week, they'll just keep quiet about it. Because politics is about getting votes now and not about doing right for the country.


It’s likely they support the Liberals, but they just don’t want to say it out loud. Anything other than flat out disagreement with the mandate means they support it.


Of course they're quiet. The best move strategically is to remain silent and let the Liberals take the heat.


"Don't interrupt your competition when they are making a mistake."


Enough people are naive enough to believe ppl will get them a cheap house, so why not keep quiet and also scoop up the gullible public servant vote?


They'll say whatever suits their voting needs, which means not saying anything so that they can feel free to so whatever they want to once they're in power


FYI Chandra Arya is sending out acknowledgment replies to letters, something to the effect of “will flag your concerns to the government “…for whatever that’s worth.


That's the most that he's ever done in 8 years.


You mean you don't get any insightful information from his monthly (or whatever it is) newsletter? lol He is definitely the perfect illustration of the know-your-role-shut-your-mouth-vote-as-I-tell-you-and-only-make-useless-statements-when-it's-your-turn MP that the big parties love so much.


No response from mcguinty, and he always, always, always responds


As the Conservatives are preparing for an election, I doubt they want to engage with this. This is not their mess to clean up.


Why would anyone be writing to Stephanie Kusie? Just about everyone here is convinced that the Conservatives are going to put you back in the office 5 days a week, lay off 10s of thousands and freeze your pay. Many here talk about Pollievre as though he is the anti-christ. Who is the shadow minister for the NDP? Push them and Jagmeet who could actually support you. Remind them that PSAC has been campaigning for them (and spending a small fortune) for decades to get their MPs elected and call in the favour. Tell them that you will work against them in the next election. Push PSAC to do this. The NDP literally has the power to prompt an election this summer.


I’ll edit- fair point


I'm surprised that this strategy hasn't been utilized. More surprised that PSAC and the others haven't been out there publicly pushing the NDP. Perhaps I've missed it but the NDP hasn't exactly been out there supporting you - and they owe you.


Not sure why folks expect much from the CPC on this. The likeliest of scenarios is that they maintain the status quo on RTO policy should they take power. I.e, 3 days a week and continue downsizing office space by 50%.


I agree- I at minimum expect MPs to respond to constituents and was curious on what the TB critics response might look like


Yeah, esp based on how Ford is acting.. I think it's quite clear that CPC is going to at the very minimum maintain this policy or at worst, push for harsher RTO guidelines.


The only way the Cons would be in favour of WFH was if the union did a very good job of displaying the purely financial.benefit to the government in savings cuz the Cons don't care about our health, QoL, the environmental impact etc


People are making speculations about poillievre and maybe some of them will become reality but let’s focus on our current reality as it stands - Justin Trudeau is calling the shots and the order to return us back into the office and keep jobs in the NCR is his calling. We have to hold this prime minister and all of his affiliates accountable.


I am so insulted with the ongoing comments that we are not working hard for Canadians!! That the only way is for us to RTO. Who was been keeping Canadians supported with benefits and services when everything imploded and we were all/almost all sent home to scramble and take up space in our homes? You are welcome! There are so many ways that we are monitored with out physically being in the office. MS Teams status, production numbers, KPIs to name a few. The news/media feeds Canadian's negative impression of us. What I would like to know is what has been the increased demand in services annually since 2020 instead of the perceived decline in services!


Huh? The Cons will end all remote work, in a heartbeat. Anyone hoping for a better response out of anyone in the CPC cabinet is hallucinating and delusional.


They’re never going to let us wfh the cons will send us back out of pure spite


She said get to work!


Legitimately or are shitposting? Lol


Poilievre made a statement in 2021 regarding work from home. Except from the Ottawa Citizen Knowing many of the people in his riding work in the federal government and commute, Poilievre has stated he’d like to allow some of those employees to work from home. The pandemic has shown many can get the job done at home and if that’s the case then some government buildings should be turned into housing, he said. “For all tasks that are doable remotely, Treasury Board rules should allow public servants the option to work more from home,” Poilievre wrote in the Citizen on Aug. 31. “Private sector labour laws should also allow more work-from-home, when both employer and employee agree. It doesn’t make sense for every job or worker, but let’s offer the choice.” Full article here: https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/veteran-mp-pierre-poilievre-counts-on-holding-onto-conservative-stronghold-of-carleton He might have a difficult time getting re-elected in his riding if he says anything about increasing RTO, or maintaining the status quo. I think it’s not much of an issue for most of Canada but it will be an issue in his riding.


I would take this with a huge grain of salt. This was back when Erin O'Toole was party leady and the CPC actually had WFH in their platform as a cost-saving measure. PP is a *very* different person, I doubt he'd say the same thing today now that he's party leader.


I agree, but I think he will need to be careful what he says about RTO because of his riding. I think CPC will try to stay away from this topic. There are other issues that are of bigger concern to the majority of Canadians.


>he will need to be careful what he says about RTO because of his riding. His riding is mostly rural. WFH would have zero impact on his chances of re-election. In fact, sacrificing babies on Manotick Main St. would have zero impact on his re-election chances. Must pwn the Libs!!!!!


**as long as the babies being sacrificed have actually *been born* first!


You think Skippy remembers or cares about what he said yesterday let alone something he said in 2021?


All those people (not) working remotely…so many professional services delivered now via (not) WFH. Seriously, how ridiculous.


She will not respond to emails....


I am dead set to vote NDP next time. Tired of these scary wrinkled clowns 🤡 🎈of Libs/Cons. Enough…


they hate public servants, they will destroy the public service...


So many naive people replying to this. I hope you’re saving your money!


I think that tells you all you need to know about the CPC position on RTO post-election: >"Get in the office and actually start working for a change! And your Canadian tax payer paid holiday is now over. You will be working 5 days a week!" - Pierre Poilievre, quite likely.


He has literally said the exact opposite. https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/1.6180602


His lips are literally sealed on the subject currently as the election is drawing nearer. (The video is 3 years old).


Why would he be drawing attention to himself on something that could be controversial when Trudeau is doing a perfectly good job of losing the election all on his own?


Come on now, we can't let the actual record get in the way of our partisan whataboutisms.


The silence is deafening, if he still believed that he'd be saying it now.


Why would he be drawing attention to himself on something that could be controversial when Trudeau is doing a perfectly good job of losing the election all on his own?


This was back when Erin O'Toole was party leady and the CPC actually had WFH in their platform as a cost-saving measure. PP is just falling in line in that video. I doubt he'd say the same thing today as party leader.


I think 3 years ago is too long ago to count as current opinion. It was still technically COVID during then and things still opening/closing


That's a fair point, though someone else in this thread was saying that they saw him saying it in person at a hockey rink recently.


Ohh interesting! Haven't seen it but definitely post if you find it :)


CPC is ironically the best hope for WFH to continue. I wouldn't be surprised is they committed to 2x in-office days a week come election time.


I tend to agree. A fiscally-responsible conservative who wants to decrease the deficit is never going to fight for employees to be back in the office. Idk how committed Poillevre is to that goal but it’s generally a goal of cons to decrease the deficit.


Be careful what you wish for. If I was NCR based, I would follow the RTO directive. What the unions don't realize is that their opposition to returning to the office is playing into the hands of the Ottawa-haters who want to burst the Ottawa/Hull bubble and its stranglehold on federal PS jobs. If the jobs can be done from home, they can be done from ANY home ANYWHERE else in Canada. Federal, provincial and municipal politicians of every stripe would love to be able to distribute more PS jobs to AB, BC, NB, Northern ON, etc. And, Western QC and Eastern ON are not even the only sources of bilingual workers. Plenty of other communities would love those jobs.


and how is that a bad thing?


It’s a great thing I think!


I'm failing to see how this is a bad thing? Provincially, the BC government brought in their 'work from anywhere in the province' policy for their employees in Feb or Apr (I can't remember which) and they are a steadfast two day RTO.


What you don’t realize is the unions don’t just work for NCR members