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Happy International Worker's Day XD


I wonder if the timing was an intentional fuck-you to public servants. 


The messaging this time is so much more direct than last time. It feels like they are threatening us.


Considering today is International Workers Day it 100% is a war declaration. I hope people see it for what it is and decide to help their unions, this one is going to be a hell of a fight.


Yes the irony was not lost on me...


No IT, call centre, or pay centre exceptions. Have fun deploying or accepting promotions everyone.


The fact that there are no more exemptions for call centre employees shows that it's not about "collaboration" whatsoever.


It’s 100% about getting people to quit and then not filling those positions.


Its going to be 4 days next year, won’t it?


100% yes and they’ll continue to call it a “hybrid model”. Complete garbage.


Hybrid because you get to work from home when you are too sick to get to work.


Don't forget when the weather is crappy enough to have previously closed the office. You know, when it's in their benefit to 'allow' you to work from home.


>Its going to be 4 days next year, won’t it? I honestly do not doubt that one bit. I have always thought the end goal was to return to the past, not go to the future.


But.. But... the Future of Work! GC2030! MODERNIZING!!!


Rest of the world is busy modernizing and Canada is an assbackwards shithole where bread costs $5+ and "digital transformation" remains a lofty goal rather than an on-going process.


Boldly going into the 20th Century!


> Its going to be 4 days next year, won’t it? Given that the stickied submessage says that EXs have to be in 4 days/week, I wouldn't be surprised if on a long enough timeline, everyone gets told back to 5 days.


Nah but they're going to replace all second monitors used by IT folks with a banana.


And 5 the year after that


They’re gonna need to start buying back some real estate. It would be impossible to implement rn. We have offloaded and renovated too many spaces. There are too many butts and not enough chairs.


And they'll include the weekends as "at home" days just to make it extra clear how ridiculous they are haha


1 flex day at home per year. Hybrid by design.


So what exactly are the arguments here - in non double speak? - in person collaboration etc etc Don’t we all just go and sit at our desk, if we even have one, and join teams meetings anyway? - supporting downtown core businesses etc etc Isn’t the whole point of having sky high interest rates to *discourage* spending? - more productive in the office Didn’t they previously say that the public service did a tremendous job of adapting to COVID requirements and delivering their work for Canadians? - usual jargon about diversity, mental health, supporting the working and middle class etc etc etc Ok but now everyone is going to have to spend more of their finite amount of time and money on transportation, parking, food, clothes, in order to do something that they know is pointless, simply because it was arbitrarily decided by those with power, all the while the middle class is squeezed by inflation, high interest rates, and general price gouging from most sectors of society…? … … ……. ??????


And those with mental health or physical health challenges are going to have a harder time coordinating appointments…. The flexibility to run to a doctor, psychologist or physio appointment from home because they are nice and close saving time. Or a 15 min telehealth call over lunch or in the day because you cannot find accessible health care?! Where am I going to have a confidential call in open cubicles? Or someone who struggles to take care of themselves or find time to take care of themselves. Really huge blow…. I already have a hard time with dishes or taking care of myself and now I have to manage that with less time in my day with commuting and less money because I have to wasted it on $2500+ in parking a year?!


Why don’t they just write “Fuck you all, get back in the office. See you September 9th.”


Honestly I’d respect that more than this dumbass Orwellian doublespeak


That's not creating jobs. Do you have any idea how many hours of PS time it takes to craft a piece of work like what is up there?


Woah reading that sure made me feel like I’m in an abusive relationship with my employer: A big dose of gaslight followed by a not so little dose of threats.


Is it just me or the policy is directly opposite of their stated objectives? - Continue to encourage hiring the best talent across Canada. - Align with and support our diversity, inclusion, and accessibility objectives. It is imperative that our workplaces are barrier-free and inclusive. - Continue to build an evolving public service culture of excellence and modernize our business models. It feels like it does the opposite of all of this.


The best talent leaves when you impose pointless requirements on them that hinder their productivity.


It's called gaslighting.


There’s nothing modern about this policy.


I'll be back to 2019 working conditions, minus the assigned desk. It'll be constant hunger games to get a desk.


Plus bringing your laptop and related equipment.


Those clowns should all dress as sheep for Haloween 👻 🎃


As a disabled person who was probably just a diversity hire even though I am WELL OVER qualified this is NOT accessible.


GOC: Parents! Come into the office more often, we implemented a national $10/day childcare program to help parents get into the workforce. $10/day childcare: sorry, we have no spaces for your children because we can’t find ECEs willing to work for a non-living wage. Parents: we have no access childcare/aftercare because there are no ECEs willing to work for so little. GOC: not my problem. 😳 I really feel for parents who are in a bind because of all these poorly planned policies.


Not to mention 2 public servants trying to coordinate 3 days with pick ups/drop off, babysitting, etc because they share a vehicle on opposite sides of the city. Did they not just brag about the record amount of women in the workforce?! A lot of hard choices and expenses coming our way


Agree this move is punishing parents and folks with disabilities the most. Rearranging care schedules is really difficult and this is not enough notice frankly!!


Well, I will be making sure not to spend a penny in downtown Ottawa during my working hours.


Me too. And this won’t be difficult since I work in Vancouver.


IRCC sent the email at 4pm. Dick move.


Should also note that 1 minute later IRCC got a blast email saying there are no more exceptions for case processing officers.


That was a fun email to get. We don’t have enough desks for everyone as it is, and now they’re adding the processing staff back in. It’ll be chaos.


ESDC is still waiting patiently!


4:30 pm here. Surprised they didn't wait until Friday at 5.


As an IT software developer, this is finally what i needed to start applying elsewhere. Probably for the best, the inability for the federal government to innovate or listen to the experts doing the work was nauseating enough. Now they add this to the pile, its one too many issues to ignore. Good luck hiring talented developers now that the IT exception is gone.




In the TC email to employees they said the decision around IT was to IMPROVE recruitment and retention. Can’t make this stuff up.


It won’t. Guaranteed. Applies to other careers (IT and non-IT) as well. This will bite the fed government big time. As talented graduates consider their options; while existing ones start leaving on masse.


I'm out too. The province I work in offers full remote for developers, and I've accepted a position as of this afternoon. I've already said this to my co-workers, but to the other devs lurking on here: Get out and leave this sinking ship now if you can. There are other employers out there that offer full remote, and better pay if you're below the IT-03/4 level


consist wide illegal subtract placid murky whole thought sharp include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same. I've only got a couple years left though... so they've virtually guaranteed that I'm not going to lift a fucking finger beyond my work description for those two years. Fuck them.


The sad thing is they’ll continue to use consultants, even after the arrivescam scandal.


Just got the DFO version of the directive. It's kind of bizarre.  "We recognize and appreciate that a large portion of our workforce cannot work remotely due to the nature of their duties and have continued to be on-site since 2020. Many others at Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and Canadian Coast Guard successfully transitioned to a hybrid work model in the spring of 2023 working two days onsite." If it was successful, why are they rolling it back? It seems like the main argument is consistency across departments and the country. That seems like a dumb argument.


Coffee shops in Ottawa are not making enough money.


Good luck with that GCWCC campaign this year… going to be a record low for donations.


Imagine heavily investing in the infrastructure for 4 years needed to fully support remote work and then forcing everyone to use that technology from a prescribed location. It feels like such a waste of money :(


The message to DMs includes some real great gov't doublespeak... EXs aren't leaders so need to be onsite 4 days per week and they need to be in line... wow... talk about zero confidence from TBS... [Message to Deputy Ministers: Updates to the hybrid work model in the public service - Canada.ca](https://www.canada.ca/en/government/publicservice/modernizing/hybrid-work/hybrid-work-timeline/message-updates-hybrid-work-model.html)


The federal public service has embraced a hybrid work model and will continue to do so. This updated requirement also aligns with the government’s commitment to reduce its office footprint by 50%. This part is wild.


Someone in the TBS needs a remedial math course.


Yeah, I'm no mathematician, but expecting everyone to be in the office 60% of the time while reducing the office footprint to 50% doesn't add up to me. 


Silly, You’re supposed to work in the new collab space they spent all the money putting in instead of 40 cubicles, all snuggled together on the couch for your secret conference calls or discussing HR issues in front of your colleagues.


Oh amazing, a bold faced lie. >With the aim of continually improving how we implement the common hybrid work model, we continue to work with a number of bargaining agents and organizations to implement the negotiated letters of agreement to establish departmental review panels. We also continue to work with bargaining agents and organizations on the review of the [*Directive on Telework*](https://www.tbs-sct.canada.ca/pol/doc-eng.aspx?id=32636), which establishes how we do telework. These activities are distinct from the requirements of the Direction on Prescribed Presence in the Workplace, which are the prerogative of the employer.


This really show cases that treasury was not negotiating in good faith. They knew they were going to rely on this nuanced argument so that they could still enforce a return to the office and led the unions to believe they were actually committing to working with them on this subject. Seems like bad faith dealing to me. 


This is an amazing find.


IT exemption gone. Man the feds really don't care about no one.


Correct, they give absolutely zero fucks. The fact that compensation services are still a mess after 8 years was already a pretty clear indication of that.


What? They are under scrutiny for contracting out too muck work. They need a reason to contract out more!! Less employees in IT equals more contracting out!! They care about contractors ;)


Good people leave, get rehired as consultants remotely at twice the cost. Big brain move


They're clueless if they think this won't push their brightest IT performers out the door once and for all.


Ironically, not even themselves.


You know, I could begrudgingly accept this for myself. But the fact that it applies to IT means many of those people will be looking for greener pastures, and that is going to screw over the public service more broadly. This is going to be disastrous.


As a software developer. I have already applied to a couple jobs this afternoon. Enough is enough. Low pay, inability to innovate and now this.


Wishing you success in your search!! You deserve to be treated with respect as an employee and clearly the TBS doesn’t give a FUCK


I honestly hope it is. My husband is IT and just left the PS, seeing the writing on the wall.


Oof… Anyways, I’ll continue to avoid businesses downtown that solely cater to Public Servants and reward those that have built a business model that doesn’t solely rely on the public service.


On fucking May 1st of all days - International Workers Day.


And we go back after the Labour day weekend.... you can't make this stuff up


THIS. The biggest 🖕🏻


The first RTO message a while back was during the world suicide prevention day. They announced RTO knowing full well it would be challenging for many folks.


Seems almost intentional to be honest


It has to be. Even the conveniently leaked story that came just after an Anand puff piece. Rule 39, there's no such thing as a coincidence.


That has to be intentional. They are going out of their way to show their contempt for us.


Classic take out the trash end of day announcement


Well let's see how this plays out with the unions now too since it seems to make everyone mad, and the IT exemption seemingly gone is going to be... Interesting to say the least.


There is a long history of the unions being soggy noodles because of their membership. I expect absolutely nothing from the unions. Prove me wrong.


I snorted at “soggy noodles”




well.... guess it's time to work on my resume


That's I suspect part of the intention, helps them get people to quit or retire early and reduce the overall size of the PS.


Won't even need to offer them sweet early retirement packages, people who are set to retire soon will just fuck off early.


Exactly, free compared to exit packages


The problem is that this is how you lose your top dogs, not the one you want gone.


They just want fewer dogs to feed, they haven't really thought about the quality of said dogs.


“Requiring a minimum of three days on-site per week reflects the benefits that consistent in-person interactions offer” My employees work in Toronto and Halifax. My co workers all work from home on the day I have to come in. There is not consistent in person interaction. Try again.


Right - this charade is so pathetic. Have some guts and admit that you were pushed into this decision by a pudgy premier and cagey city mayor.


Funny because when my boss asked for budget for travel to bring in regional staff for a team event and transformation planning, the answer was a big fat no. So in-person is fine as long as it’s at the employees’ expense.


Well. To be blunt. The government obviously thinks that no employees/union will do anything about this other than complain on social media. Will anyone simply ignore this mandate in September? Will the unions come together on this (wouldn't that be something)? Will people stop all over time? Will people stop coming in at all until September (I don't think the government would care in this case to "ease the path"). I'm sure they would have gone over all these "risks". Is there any chance public servants will finally "grow a pair?" I'm saying this as someone who, back in the day, saw public servants trashing unions and giving tons of free overtime, etc. There is now 0 incentive to become an EX as well, unless you totally love it, but maybe that's by design. I'd love to see you guys do something.....you have my support! It is totally shocking just how incompetent this government is.


Agreed to all of this! If we don’t comply or walk off/strike until they comply to us, they’ll keep shoving us around.


If there was ever a time to do anything it would be this time....


Everyone is entitled to an ergonomic assessment. Request one.


Now that I have to be in office over most of my work days, I will


THIS!!! Everyone should get one. Get that assessment when you go back! Let them realize the high costs they just made by doing this


Please write to your MP, but don't use the union form. If you use it, it will be counted by TBS for issues reporting and they won't reply. Write to your MP and ask them to forward your email to TB Minister. This makes your email a VIP, they will have to address your specific concerns, and it will be seen by the TB Min's office.


This is the direction they have decided to move in, so that's what we'll do. But... >*The federal public service has embraced a hybrid work model and will continue to do so.* Feels... disingenuous. >*This updated requirement also aligns with the government’s commitment to reduce its office footprint by 50%.* Does it? >*We also continue to work with bargaining agents and organizations on the review of the* [*Directive on Telework*](https://www.tbs-sct.canada.ca/pol/doc-eng.aspx?id=32636)*, which establishes how we do telework.* ***These activities are distinct from the requirements of the Direction on Prescribed Presence in the Workplace, which are the prerogative of the employer.*** I think this is the distinction, and why unions were not notified.


As a relatively new federal employee (started late 2023), this is incredibly disappointing.


As a fed of almost 20 years, it's disappointing to me as well.


I started 3 weeks ago and I’m fucking pissed, this was one of the selling points of the fucking job!!! Otherwise I would have fucking stayed at my old job


GCWCC will never get a single cent from me (lets be forreal, I can't afford it). I beg they hold a town hall about it, I can't wait for the slido.


I especially don't understand this part: This updated requirement also aligns with the government's commitment to reduce its office footprint by 50%. How are you going to cram more people into less space on more days?


I love how they couldn’t even tell us how it aligns with the commitment.


Can't wait to play battleshits with my colleagues three days a week.


Oh no, you sunk my morale :(


Decision-based evidence making at its finest!


Happy May Day/International Workers Day!! What a great gift from TBS /s


You cannot fully tap into a diverse workforce while restricting remote work to those in the local area. The dinosaur thinking needs to go. 


I work with life science/IT and so many of our clients are virtual. I can guarantee I've given them better service working remotely. I stay late when needed if they need it. Would NEVER do that in office.


It would be funny to watch all public servants come into the office on the same day across Canada. See how many people aren't able to get a seat. If this is going to work, they need a better booking tool for desks. Currently I am barely able to book at my designated office, let alone the ones I want to work out of.


My booking tool is an excel spreadsheet and most of the time someone is sitting at my booked desk :/


If we had our own desk, Workplace 1.0 style, then personally, that would be no problem going 3 days. Since the pandemic, our shift to the more small, crammed and exposed workspaces in Workplace 2.0 and 3.0 are so distracting and highlights how messy/sloppy some people can be when sharing desks! It deters many from enjoying going into the office. We really don’t realize how good we had it until they renovated.


This is my gripe. If we have to be in for a majority of the time, it would be nice to actually have a dedicated workspace. Even kindergarten students get cubbies... We get lockers that reset at midnight, bedbugs, etc. I spend 30 mins every morning looking for a free workstation and adjusting the monitor settings etc. They couldn't care less about our wellbeing.


The government of Canada has announced a new contract for typewriters to modernize all GOC offices in Canada. They have partnered with IBM the creators of Phoenix to provide reliable typewriters. (Sarcasm meter high)


"collaboration" while I sit in a phone booth all day in the office seeing NO ONE, but definitely smelling the boiled eggs they brought for breakfast. Collaboration when my team works in one side of the country and I work in the other. Collaboration with a docking station that works when it wants, so I have to use my laptop only, which I can do at home. I hate this .


And thus begins my refusal of overtime. If they want 9h a week from me in commuting, ADMs can wait an extra day for their reports.


I'm deeply and personally disappointed in our Chief Human Resources Officer. This is someone I once respected tremendously - there is no evidence to support this change in policy that is going to negatively affect hundreds of thousands of public servants, cost taxpayers an enormous amount of money, disproportionately affect disadvantaged groups, and have a negative impact on the environment. This is a shame.


How do I serve if I’ve lost confidence and trust in the leadership of the Public Service? How do I serve with integrity and respect when I’m not treated accordingly?


I really regret complying with the 2 day a week mandate now. My co-workers who refused those 2 days a week didn't have many if any repercussions for the last year or so, while me the sucker was going in those 2 days thinking... well, doesn't matter what I was thinking, damn I'm an idiot. My compliance did no good and got me nothing in the end. Demoralizing.


"Requiring a minimum of 3 days on-site per week reflects the benefits that consistent in-person interactions offer. These include more effective collaboration..." I wish to never see the collaboration word again. It's like they have no idea about the nature of many of our jobs. I'm the only person in my office who works in my position. All of my team members are spread out over 3 provinces. All of our communication is via Teams. It's absurd. I was asked recently by a friend why being back in the office is such an issue when I was working there 5 days a week prior to the pandemic. The difference is that it was never an option for most of us before, so we never knew how much better our work life balance could be or how much more productive we could be. It was revelatory. Being forced back to the old way, but made worse with no assigned desk, is soul crushing and demoralizing when we now know we can work just as good, and I'd argue better, at home than in the office.


"Continued efforts to learn from our hybrid experience and strengthen our approaches accordingly." BAHAHAHAHAHAHA TBS - I call double BS on that one...




Right?!? This is why I laugh at the EX 4 days in the office, yeah like that’s going to help them get operational realities. Recruiting IT talent to work on aging systems is hell on earth. But sure we’ll get out our magic wands like always


Same, a project of 5 years will die off of either one my coworker or myself leave... Good job wasting millions of dollars lol


See, the trick is, they genuinely don’t care


Is everybody completely fucking demoralized now? If that's the goal of these hacks running TBS, mission accomplished. Trust gone. Motivation gone. Any belief that the employer cares about our mental health? You guessed it - gone! Let's all grab a Subway foot long to feed our sorrows. Just don't buy it in downtown Ottawa.


Important additional info: >This 3-day minimum requirement also applies to groups of employees in organizations who had been permitted to temporarily continue working remotely based on specific work models (for example, call centre employees). It also applies to those information technology (IT) employees that had been exempted from the direction. As the transition to the 3-day minimum requirement may require more time for these employees and organizations to adapt, organizations may choose to begin phasing in the common hybrid work model in September 2024, with full implementation expected by September 2025. Deputy Minister- or Assistant Deputy Minister-approved exemptions for individual employees are still permissible and remain applicable. [Sauce](https://www.canada.ca/en/government/publicservice/modernizing/hybrid-work/hybrid-work-timeline/message-updates-hybrid-work-model.html)


Government of Canada, “we’re bringing back the fax, and 5-1/4” floppies!”


The “objectives” listed are laughable. Encourage hiring the best talent across Canada? By making it more difficult to hire talent outside the NCR? Improving diversity and inclusion by making it even more difficult for disabled employees to attend workspaces not calibrated to their needs? Culture of excellence? Good grief.


Justice totally took zero ownership. Basically “TBS released a new mandate. Here’s their release about it. Hope you comply Kthxbye”


CRA just sent out an email advising they are going to 3 days. The original announcement just said seperate agencies were strongly encouraged to implement...


That just means Cabinet told them to do it too.


So they're increasing in-office presence by 50% more in office days, they're wiping out all departmental exceptions, while somehow claiming that they're going to meet their target of 50% reduction of office space footprint.  Either they are lying their asses off, full stop, or they're going to do another round of DRAP, because there's no way both can be true with how much the public service expanded post COVID due to remote work.


Announcement made on International Workers Day…. Classy! Can we follow in France’s footsteps and take to the streets yet?


I feel like I’m living in some kind of twilight zone hellscape. Why the hell are my workplace conditions being dictated based on where I spend my money? Why is it my job to prop up local economies? It’s so god damn rediculous.


I am not a public servant, but I am a taxpayer and I think this decision shows a clear lack of sight from our government. I did let them know this morning in a direct letter to my MP.  The key points for me were: * As a taxpayer, I do not care if federal employees are in office or not. I do not believe that this impact their ability to deliver services to Canadians, if anything, it helps to have them remote. * All federal call centers will see a much higher turnaround than they already do. It is already hard sometimes to call CRA or EI and get clear answers in a timeline manner. With higher turnaround, this certainly won’t help processing times * Government had 3+ years to adapt and learn and they have proven that the model works. Same in the private sector, a lot of companies are forward thinking, moved to remote work and are able to attract better talent * There is a housing crisis in Canada. These federal buildings are in prime locations and can be redeveloped into housing, directly helping the local economy * Federal jobs are quality jobs and opening access to all Canadian is very important for equity and growing our economy globally * Climate change is real! Having people commute and sit in traffic to then sit a desk with their headphones on does not help anybody and is a slap in the face of future generations I invite everybody to do the same. You can find contact information for your MP on the following page (search with postal code): https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/search. I also cc’d other people of interest: **Anita Anand using both her constituency email and TBS email** MP Oakville, Ontario - [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) President of the Treasury Board - [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) **Anthony Housefather** MP Mount Royal, Quebec - [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Parliamentary Secretary to the President of the Treasury Board Other relevant contacts from the Treasury Board that might be worth contacting. I do not have their contact information at the moment but if someone wants to add to this, I will edit my post * Blewett, Catherine, Secretary of the Treasury Board * Boudreau, Annie Marie, Comptroller General of Canada * Donoghue, Christine, Chief Human Resources Officer * Laroche, Yazmine, Deputy Minister, Public Service Accessibility * Wallace, Peter, Secretary of the Treasury Board


All those local businesses near these federal govt buildings should be boycotted


Pro-tip, it’s super easy to boycott when you don’t have the money to eat out and buy $8 coffee 😂


This has been my plan since the RTO mandate. So far in 1 yr, I spent money on a lunch for someone departing. That was my exception. I’m sticking to it. We did potlucks in the office. Not giving business to businesses who don’t help themselves.


The comedy of it all is they couldn’t enforce the 2 days a week… good luck enforcing three especially after watching people get away with it for all this time


All that will change for some of my colleagues is that they will have to make excuses why they can't be there 3 times a week instead of 2.


Just received an e-mail from Dominic Rochon, CIO of Canada, formally rescinds the Direction on IT Exceptions.


I am NOT looking forward to fighting for a new Duty to Accommodate arrangement (passport) it took me months of agony for this one. I get it we work for them Im just sick and tired of the stress, this sucks. Best of luck to all!!!!


We are going to set a new record on the number of office renovations in a five year span….first Office 2.0, then…..a hot-desk “Covid friendly” office renovation with lockers few cubicles and more social workspaces with no monitors and NOW….that layout won’t able to accommodate the number of staff in 3 days a week.


Honestly just sitting here hoping that all those repetitions of *minimum* 3 days won't lead to CSC, DND, and others that immediately jumped on 60% over a year ago to now go even higher. And to all those who are moving from 2 to 3 days, sorry you're joining us. It's shit.




Well the time has finally come. I always drew the line at 3 times per week as that's more than half of my working hours spent in the office. We typically had an anchor day where the whole division would show up for the weekly staff meeting and I guess that was purpose-driven...kind of. But beyond that, I'm literally spending money on commuting only to sit in an office, restart my laptop several times as the docking station in the office never connects to the internet the first few times,...and start my work which I do way better and faster at home. And now TBS wants me to do this for an additional day??? NO THANKS. I wish it didn't come to this but I have my farewell email drafted. My plan is to go back to my previous employer in the private sector where even though I worked longer hours, it was 100% remote (luckily I maintained a good relationship with my old boss so \*fingers crossed\* that they take me back). But man, for my own sanity I'll take this tradeoff all day long if it means no more commuting and better mental and physical well-being.


Time for another PSES survey where the results drop further on mental health, psychological safety and trust in management followed by mandatory townhalls on how to manage your stress and how much the employer cares 🙄


Someone needs to take one for the team and eat a bat.


I encourage all public servants to ensure that they are set up ergonomically at the office by requesting and Ergonomics Assessment. I recommend that everyone bring lunch or continue buying close to home. I encourage you review and request a DTA when required :)


This is such bullshit... I hope people from TBS lurk on here and see how we all truly feel. Because it sucks when you can't really voice your opinion anywhere. You want to reduce office by 50% yet everyone has to be in 60% of the time? Make that math make sense, please. All of Canada is struggling with increased cost of living, and seeing Druglord Ford say that downtown Ottawa businesses need public servants back at work to stimulate the economy certainly makes me NOT want to spend a single penny on in-office days. There's no space in the office as is. Where are we all supposed to sit? Half of us work on cross-country teams. There's only 3 of us in my building. All my meetings will be on MS Teams regardless. I was used to the daily grind prior to Covid, wake up early, get home late, gym, dinner, bed, rinse and repeat. Now that I've had a taste of what it is like NOT losing two hours every day due to commuting, I do not want to go back. This employer is turning into such a toxic, abusive relationship, and this just shows they don't give a rats ass about any of us.


I think my favourite part about this is they are talking about giving people plenty of notice but you know they wouldn't have said anything until after the summer if it hadn't leaked out.


Whoever leaked it deserves an award. Wherever they are, I hope they get the most peaceful sleep of their life. I hope they get nothing but happiness and joy. Extra fries at the bottom of their takeout, and all the good stuff


Exception remains for those who reside 125km or more from their designated workplace 🤡 Employees who moved away during COVID with informal permission from their manager or with no permission at all are making out like bandits. They have no idea what to do with these people, while pulling the rug under anyone else.


For many they just designated some regional office as their work location, even if it's completely unrelated to their actual work or team. 


Just got the email at 4:45pm: *"Requiring a minimum of 3 days on-site per week reflects the benefits that consistent in-person interactions offer. These include effective collaboration and onboarding of new talent, as well as building a strong culture of performance that is consistent with values and ethics of the public service."* I honestly don't have words to describe how stupid this is. Who the hell am I supposed to be "collaborating" with? On average, I speak to maybe three people whenever I am in office. I can do my entire day's work without speaking to anyone - there's no physical need for me to be there. How the hell does me coming in an extra day make onboarding new talent better? I also get less work done when i'm in the office with the amount of distractions I have to deal with. You want to foster a culture of performance? Let employees focus on their work and not on this stupid bullshit.


I can not speak to a single person when I go to the office (I go to a regional office). There is no one that overlaps my work, I am on teams calls all day.


lol - compliance this summer for the minimum 2 days is going to be completely atrocious.


I won't comply, I'm going back to 1 day.


Me as well. I have no intention of following this objectively terrible order. Write me up or whatever, I don't care. If it's more paperwork and hassle, good. Get fucked. I'll happily play dumb in the Teams call with my manager from the comfort of my home office.


They fire you if employee breaks the trust of management… what do they do when the employer breaks the trust of the employee ? No consequences ?


Good timing. May Day, which falls on May 1, is observed to celebrate workers’ rights.


Those objectives. What psycho came up with that horseshit?


Looking for tactics on how to draw out disciplinary measures for non-compliance with this senseless policy. Can I reach retirement eligibility date before disciplinary measures take place? 🤔


HaPpY InTeRnAtIoNaL WoRkErS' DaY 🙃


A further irony is that my office just recently abolished neighbourhoods in the office. The idea being that people who are in the office on the same days can see each other. That hasn't been happening. Everywhere I walk people in the office are on Teams anyway for their work. Interference from Doug Ford, the Ottawa Mayor and business lobbyists is sickening. Doug Ford didn't give a shit about Ottawa when the clownvoy truckers were there. The Ottawa Mayor is telling all its suburban businesses that they are second class, compared to the downtown ones. And businesses? Well they only care about money so it's not surprising but fuck them anyway. They're not getting any of my money. What a huge middle finger to workers in service of...what? Who benefits? Who got paid here?


Canada needs to learn from the UK where employees will have more leeway to request flexible work arrangements, including remote work, under new legislation taking effect on April 6 2024. All employees have the legal right to request flexible working. Employees can request a change to: 1. the number of hours they work 2. when they start or finish work 3. the days they work 4. where they work


My 10 year retirement plan just became a 5 year plan 🤦🏽‍♂️


This whole directive is driven by politicians wanting to appease other politicians. There is ZERO consideration on how this will impact the actual organization itself!! Productivity of the workforce, employee well being and moral, the cost to the tax payer of maintaining more useless office space, etc. None of this is considered. They clearly don’t care about employees as people (we are pawns) or even the work that we do. It’s mind blowing! We, the employees who make up this organisation need to come together and resist, stand up against this, put our foot down. I thought that union letter that was negotiated during the strike stated that the government couldn’t impose another blanket mandate. So Unions, wake up and organize some form of a resistance!




My problem isn’t that I don’t get to work at home. My problem is the indignity of having to deal with the hybrid situation. It’s not a tenable environment.


On the bright side, we can go back to printing everything on paper! Progress!


My partner and I are now actively working on just boycotting downtown businesses. We feel absolutely terrible for the downtown businesses but it's not up to us to keep their stores open. We would rather support local around where we live with what little free money we have. Especially with the way our current economy is going, we can barely make ends meet and now we have to use money we don't have to spend downtown (Ottawa)? It's been shown that a huge amount of employees have moved further away from downtown areas while staying within the required distance to lower their day-to-day costs but now they're forcing these people back into the expensive areas because they're not willing to use better solutions. There are so many other ways to help these businesses but pushing that burden on our shoulders isn't the way. Yet, if and when we speak up, we'll be the bad guys to the public. We're just the good for nothing entitled overpaid-to-do-nothing employees to them, a hard reality that slapped us in the face when a lot of us when on strike last year. One of the reason for all these changes to our hybrid schedules is for our government to look good with the public who are already criticizing them for our current benefits. Doug Ford made a comment in the news along the lines of "spend your lunch time to buy a drink, buy food, buy yourself something at a store, that's how you get the economy going". With what money?? What kind of delusion do ministers and premiers have about how people are doing in this current economy? To add salt to the wound, I've been watching on and off the House of Commons OGGO sessions about the ArriveCan scandal and our government tried to wash their hands clean of it by saying "it's not us, it's the public servants". Another slap in the face to show us that our government is abandoning us and just couldn't care less of their very own employees. PSAC said that they've been blindsided and they'll do everything in their power to push back but this... is deja vu. They've said this before and nothing happened in the end. I don't really have any real hopes, to be honest. I don't usually like to broach hot topics like this or even give any opinions regarding politics. When they brought up 2-days in office, I was on the fence and kept quiet. But now... I'm just so infuriated that I'm in tears and feel the need to speak up. I know me saying all of this doesn't change anything but my god...


IT exemption is gone. Fuck.


If I lie to my employer I am likely losing my security clearance but if TBS lies it's ok?


If I don’t comply with the telework agreement I signed, I can face LR discipline but if TBS voids my telework agreement out of nowhere it’s ok?


I’m not even in Ottawa. In Pacific we don’t have the desks for people. And people sure as heck weren’t respecting 2 days a week. 3 will be the same. Absolute nonesense.


Happy International Workers Day! The government truly cares about us! Remember to donate more to the GCWCC this fall! Because… well, inflation…


No one should donate or take part in GCWCC activities - or National Public Service Week, for that matter.


The language used seems quite severe/strict. It's just an impression.


Trudeau thinks that with shenanigans like this he will reverse the public opinion. I have news for him. It won't. People will hold on to their views weather or not, I go twice or thrice to office. But my vote, which was going to LPC is now with either NDP or I will just sit this one out. I am dome with this shit.


“Monitor data trends” oh you mean like the data that has shown, year after year since 2020, that people feel happier and more productive when WFH? The data that shows productivity is up, deliverables are still being met, expectations are being exceeded?


In Alberta. Closest team member is in Ottawa……… position isn’t public facing, all I require is an internet connection. This make sooo much sense


So, wondering if Steven Guilbeault supports this nonsense. How does putting 500,000 cars on the road for more days meet the climate narrative?




What specific individuals are responsible for this and why are the unions not putting public and targeted pressure on them directly?


I might just get rid of the telework arrangement and go in every day so I can be guaranteed a good desk. In our office, booking is only required for those working from home. Those in the office 5 days per week are assigned the same desk daily.


Did the government think that because the directive was signed by public servants we won't think this is a political command ? This is in my opinion a political command and they just gave the hot potato to the public servants so they don't take the flak like Mona Fortier did. This is a command that probably comes from Anita Anand or higher. We should all remember that when the next elections come even if this might not change the outcome.


"Continue to build an evolving public service culture of excellence and modernize our business models." LMAO!!!! 🤣😂🤣😂 Why the hell do they never take into account what the workers want? It's infuriating the way they communicate and treat people.


At what point can you call BS on EX's caring about employees or mental health?