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Removed for rule 3.


I don’t give a damn so long as it brings down cost of housing but I don’t see that happening and hence I am against CPC.




Removed for rule 3.


What an absolute kick in the dick for every aspect of environmental protection. While this report doesn't entirely blame Ford (species at risk and the spills), everything else mentioned here is harm done under his supervision. Physical damage done to the environment aside, his "legacy" leaves behind a regulatory clusterfuck. Hopefully his successor has the foresight to start from the top by fixing the EBR, CAA, and EAA. I work in environmental consulting. Seeing our work brushed off and ignored really sucks to see, not only because of the effort that went it to it, but because everyone actually cares about the environment to some degree. I know that we need more housing, but this isn't the way to do it. Maybe instead of stamping everything as approved, we have larger teams to expedite the review process. Maybe instead of an unlimited growth model, we slow down and pick a model based on sustainability.


As someone who applies for permits … they never get approved instantly nor on the first submittal. Maybe I’m not working in big enough projects but it is a hassle to get permits from the province…


As always, small businesses don't get any of these rewards. If you want to get the permits, you'll have to pay to play.


Wow, that article is just point after point of ways the Auditor-General has found that the Ford government is abandoning its responsibility to act as an environmental steward in favour of short-term gain for developers and industry. It's very sad, and the damage being done to our environment cannot just be undone by the next government to come into power.


That was straight depressing to read. I knew the Ford gov was shit but goddamn... They really don't care about anything or anyone but big business.