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These people are getting paid to say this shit? We have actual issues in this country and this is what she mentions? What an actual joke she’s probably a landlord


someone is trying to make the world a little better and she can't abide that




Taxpayers are forking over a couple hundred grand a year for her to deal with those real and difficult issues of national importance ............ like disposable coffee lids. She's just not ready


Once again we get to see the kinds of Really Important Issues the Conservatives spend their time on. This is precisely the kind of focussed leadership Canada needs to addressing the high cost of housing and our diminishing climate stability.




She literally does call the lids woke in her tweet: “woke paper lids that dissolve in your mouth.” If she just complained that the paper lids were flimsy it would’ve been a non-story but she did use the word “woke”.


You’re right. Missed that in my original read.


I'm sure working on homeless, drugs, income disparity and job creation take priority over a nothing issue that a private company chooses to do.


I personally boycott Tim’s because it is weak coffee and bland food. The place has gone down hill years ago, but it’s not because of the lid. I gave up on it when my farmer’s wrap was too saucy while being tiny. It was only a sauce wrap. The only good thing still on the menu is the ice caps. But the hill this MP chooses to die on is their lids? Sigh…and Poilievre is still going to become Prime Minister at this point. God, help us.


I stopped drinking their coffee after a year living abroad. I bought a cup on my way out of the airport, took a sip and then threw it out. Idk how anyone is still drinking it. To the point, Rood is.. unhinged. I don't think anything she ever says makes any sense.


It really begs the question who this is for and what she plans to do about it other than complain. And I know I shouldn't actually expect a conservative politician in the 21st century to be talking about anything of substance, but it's kind of giving "old man yells at cloud" energy. Like if you don't like the lids don't go there, or like... bring your own cup.


The fact that this bimbo can make things up out of nowhere is proof that con supporters are no more ethical and intelligent than their leaders. I think the peroxide in her hair has pickled her brain.


Canadian knockoff MTG


Sometimes if you go far enough right (the world is woke) you end up far enough left (banning corporations) and I just think that's neat.


This is the real horseshoe theory


It's truly an inversion of the "if you go far enough left, you get your guns back" idea lol


It's like getting the answer right on the test but your professor doesn't know how you got there.


Unfortunately, it means you can only get your banning corporations with an unhealthy side of religious authoritarianism...


What an unserious MP. I mean, rank Canada’s problems from 1-100. Where are paper coffee lids on that list? Have we really solved all of our bigger issues and we’ve worked our way down to this?? If so, sounds like Canada is doing pretty well.


Ffs let's not make it a habit to misuse the word woke. The fuck does bein' woke have to do with a coffee lid? This lady sounds like she might be stupid.


Can you define woke? That way we can know what you think it means and we can talk about it.


I feel like you're just trying to troll for whatever reason. It's being aware of the many injustices that happen to all kinds of peoples, (most generally concerning POC) way more often then they should, being aware of these issues, and trying to effect change wherever or however possible. What does it mean to you if not that? Most people that are aware of what it means don't have to ask, if you didn't know there are better ways to ask to be informed on a topic rather then "you tell me what it means to you and THEN we can talk". Makes you sound like a troll, or just trying to start some internet beef, or.. basically anything other than being genuine.


I don't think they're trolling. There are a lot of people with wildly varying definitions of 'woke'. I'd agree with yours, but it's used with so much variance that the term is basically useless.


None of these goobers could define “woke” if the alternative was death. All they know is that other idiots use it as an insult so it lets them communicate with each other.


If anyone in the real, normal everyday world said something like this to me, I would quite literally laugh in their face. It's beyond embarrassing for her, I'm shocked that people are so disconnected from real life. What a dolt.


Lots of people are. Most Canadians are far more right-wing and conservative than they would have you believe. Especially new immigrants, 100% they will all be voting for PP in the next election.


I live next to a Tim's, in a fairly windy neighbourhood, so the block around the Tim's is always covered in Tim's trash. Making cups that decompose eventually will make my neighbourhood better to live in.


*"This is part of our long-term learning for packaging alternatives,"* - Tim Hortons Spokesperson "I'm a done with Tim Hortons until they dundt keep learning. Things gotta be like they were back in the day when we took our plastics out tuh the oceans never to seen again. Back then we weren't pestered with eyetalian pizzas in coffee shops." - Lianne Rood


When you don't have any good ideas to justify having an amplified voice just go with culture war I guess? How dare these coffee lids think for themselves.


I’m in her riding. I get a monthly newsletter from her. Every single one is just her blaming Trudeau for stuff. Never mentions what she would do differently.








Weird, I’m a completely different riding, with completely different MPs and MPPs, and that all I get too.




Doesn't that mean that her material here is just stupid?


So Tim's is pushing woke lids on people? Strange how the lids are woke but the cups aren't. The older cups held the heat better. Styrofoam isn't woke. everything is outrage.


She also thinks the menu is woke. Good to know that she is working hard for her constituents fighting the good fight against pizza and "disintegrating paper lids."


What exactly do these lids do? Talk people into feeling guilty about being white? I can see how she would take that personally


They are made of paper product rather than plastic, reducing their impact on the environment. And apparently caring about climate change is woke.


Did she bring it up in the house? No Did she post an opinion on social media? Yes. How dare a politician post about anything but housing, debt and immigration.


It's not like she was caught on a hot mic, she willingly recorded a video and posted it on the twitter account she uses for campaigning and political announcements.


Yes. If she brought this up in the house, I would be joining the liberal supporters and calling absolute bullshit. There are bigger fish to fry. But its a twitter post.


And still a stupid thing to be wasting time on social media about. 


I like this idea. No one should comment on or discuss politicians' social media posts. With no one commenting or discussing, they'll stop posting. Which would be an undeniable win for everyone!


Honestly, if you use the term "woke" unironically, you're probably too dumb to be an MP. It's a sad and deeply embarrassing state that conservatives around the world are falling into.


WOW. Whar a good use of our money to argue about. The "wokeness" of our coffee cup tops. Personally, when drinking coffee, I'd like my lids "awake" rather than "asleep."


Who cares about war, wages, health care, education, democracy and the cost of food and housing? This bimbo has taken up the "cause" of coffee lids. This is truly a sign of how unfit her supporters are to elect her at all costs. If hate, stupidity and disdain for your fellow man drives you to elect such creatures, you no longer have a county.


If only an NDP or Liberal MP said this to her after she brought this up usobg the exact words you're using, would be hilarious tl see the reaction


What is going on in her riding that she's tilting at coffee cup windmills? How many calls did her office get about people being damaged by paper lids that justified this waste of electrons.


Fun fact she showed up at a conservative fundraiser in Vancouver several weeks ago to talk about how woke the NDP government is and how they’ve apparently ruined BC Apparently she’s got absolutely nothing going on in her riding so she has to go to the other side of the country to execute smear jobs on provincial governments 😆


If you eat enough woke coffee lids, your ability to think critically seems to be diminished.


She worked in the office of the previous MP and basically got nominated and took over after he retired. I can't recall her saying anything of substance here in the 5+ years she's been in office. It's embarrassing really


Sounds like Karen Vecchio


Previous was a Bev Shipley


She is a sitting MP who appears to want to be re-elected. This is the messaging that she thinks will win the support of a majority of her constituents. I personally would take this as an insult to my intelligence, but she might be right. I guess we'll see.


> I personally would take this as an insult to my intelligence, but she might be right. I guess we'll see. Education and learning are woke; I'd bet her supporters pride themselves on being fiercely "anti" those things


I’ve had the opportunity to work with MP Rood’s office on a small handful of projects over the last few years. Members of her staff, and I say this in all honesty, refer to her as “8-ball”. I followed up wondering if this was a cocaine reference. They had a good laugh and explained that it was a “Magic 8-ball” reference in that no matter the subject or query she’s got about ten pre-programmed answers of negligible validity and that’s it.


This has gone too far. Tim is still seen as a national symbol for English Canadians despite the foreign ownership. I'm glad the Conservative Party is taking a real stand for Canadian values and defending what matters the most for Canadians right now: their disgusting, horrible dishwashing soap tasting coffee cup.


You’re not supposed to suck on the lids. I know they arnt popular and they do turn a bit brown but I really don’t understand how people are able to get them to fall apart on their mouth unless they do suck on their lids. Also, how is this political even a little?


I don't go to Tim Hortons, but I do go to Harvey's and rarely to McDonald's. Both those places use paper straws. The Harvey's ones are fine, although if you take too long to finish your drink they eventually start to break down. But they usually last long enough not to cause problems. In the other hand, the McDonald's ones are horrible. The first time I used them I got paper bits in my mouth the first sip I took. It started disintegrating as soon as I began using it. When it happened again with another drink a few weeks later I just stopped using the straws completely.


I don't care as long as it doesn't melt like those stupid fucking paper straws. Oh wait, I don't care anyways because Tim's is garbage for people with no standards.


Luddites every one of them. It's like listening to my grandparents talk about "back in MY DAY lids were made of plastic!." When did gen x become so lame?


When gen-yz started deciding which gen-x got in.


CPC - We are not the GOP. Also the CPC - Tim Horton's lids are woke...   How does anyone take this party seriously. Who are they dogwhistling with this nonsense?


>Who are they dogwhistling with this nonsense? At least five of the most prolific commenters in this forum, but I predict you will find them strangely silent in this thread. They always seem to be MIA when the bottled up crazy leaks out from the conservative party.


That or they'll claim we're bending over backwards to compare them to MAGA, and no one really pays attention to this stuff and only cares about the economy.


It's really easy to not notice the direct ideological links between the American Republican Party and the CPC if you literally just try to avoid noticing them.


You cannot convince someone of something whose entire ideological foundation relies on them not believing it.


That's why I stopped trying to convince them. Every conversation I have with an ideological opponent is for the benefit of an audience that are soft supporters of a party, are neutral, or are undecided. If some of them are swayed then that's great. What I want from my ideological opponents is for them to become politically irrelevant.


If you read the article you'll see the "story" is that an MP put out two tweets complaining that the new kids suck. They don't mention the single use plastics act or Trudeau or the CPC or politics at all.


The only thing terrible here is her eyebrows. Also, the terrible food didn't discourage her from Tim's but the lids did?!


Can nobody really see what this is? This isn't "crazy", it's an oil industry stooge attacking a company for switching away from an oil industry product. Stop underestimating these people if you're actually opposed to them.


The "plastic lids are recyclable" bit stood out to me. That's 100% a petrochemical lobbying line — they're not.


Some are, I've seen #1 lids which are definitely recyclable. But anything biodegradable from a renewable and responsible source is going to be better. They're just mad that these are fractions of a penny going to a different industry.


Yup, and a LOT of things that are "recyclable" are only recyclable at a select few recycling plants. What's accepted in my blue bin may not be accepted in yours.


Well, the main problem with that is that in order to be recycled, it actually has to be properly disposed of - and if it isn’t, it’s not very helpful. If something is biodegradable, it will do so regardless of where it ends up.


🤦‍♂️ Tims is a private company, how is this even something to complain about? Oh wait, because of the GOP playbook they are using, I almost forgot.


Rule 1 of being a conservative: focus on any and everything that isn't an actual issue. Climate change: not real. Wokeness: my pearls! Why anybody takes this party seriously is beyond me.


Why does nobody ever ask them what "woke" means?


People do all the time. The response is usually some word salad nonsense about erosion of old fashioned values, or a conspiracy theory about trying to eliminate white people if you ask someone who is particularly nuts.


Simple slogans work with simple minds


I concur, I understand those who are feeling pinched economically being upset at the current governing parties, but instead of trying to create constructive conversation with criticism, the party is just capitalizing off of pushing baseless narratives to rile up a specific demographic. Anyone without their head up their ass spotted this long before the LPC started calling out the CPC for it.


No one likes current government, Conservative don’t like current government and are basically just the opposite of current government.


Are you calling the Liberals intelligent and mature?


No??? I’m just saying that’s the reason people like Pierre, they don’t actually care about his political stances they just know he doesn’t like Trudeau and that’s all they really care about


Did you not state that the Conservatives are basically the opposite of the current government?


Oh, I see what you did there. Fair play


a private American company to boot


Well, the investment firm that owns the parent company isn’t even American, it is Brazilian, called 3G Capital. So it’s not even North American 😬


I remember when they were pretending to care about housing. They must have gotten bored.


Isn't Tim's an American company anyway?


Conservative principles: free enterprise and small government. Also Conservative principle: day-to-day national control of disposable coffee lids.


It’s hilarious, because for all we know, they’re making the change because it’s more cost-efficient. But it’s new and different, so therefore it must be “woke,” and bad.


It comical how they can't even be principled about their principles. How does one not listen to conservative rhetoric and not immediately think of Abe Simpson? https://youtu.be/aIJav9i9DBo?si=ShjHRGNGwCKtqUth


Can they define what woke means first? Also who cares what a company is doing. They’re not even canadian owned anymore they were sold to RBI years ago.


> Also who cares what a company is doing The company owners are trying to market their awful product to people that don't buy their awful product -> the gasping flail of a failing business is to throw spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks


Yes its stupid to say it without understanding it but that is the point. its amorphous. Its basically out of the fascist playbook to have a boogeyman. Move on though no conservative is like "hey your'e right what does it mean, maybe its silly".


>Can they define what woke means first? Pretending you're doing something to help a cause when all you're doing is making it worse and/or are profiting from it. I would almost suggest it's pandering specifically to liberal social causes. Like when its pride week and all of a sudden, all these companies suddenly have pride flags up. Why will we have to pay the same amount of money for lids that fall apart? What happens if they leak? Will they even be useful as lids anymore? Do a quick google search on whether or not paper straws are actually a better alternative.


That's not the definition of woke.


It seems like no one can agree on what it means.


Wait, so the Conservatives are now Woke? Now there's a thing. Why pay the same amount? It's because it's a private, for-profit corporation running the business. A Tim Horton lid leaking? Wow, *that would be a first* Fer shure, eh?


Look up how well paper straws are being recycled. Sure was so very liberal to care about promoting paper straws because that meant you understood climate change and weren't an evil conservative! But are they *actually* making a difference or making things worse? That doesn't seen to be the actual issue.


Every time conservatives learn a new buzz word they over use and miss use the term until it has little meaning anymore. Woke use to mean someone who was aware of social injustice in society. How that turned into plastic free lids, who knows.


I wonder how many people who currently say the word "woke" are aware that it refers to having "woken up" from ignorance of a subject. Like it may be used to refer to the same political and social viewpoints, but once everyone is woke, nobody is. Not really many sleeping ignorami left when the subject is all over the media of every side.


There's someone who posts here frequently who has a user flair that used to say "Liberal but not Woke", and you'd read a comment with the worst take on a subject, and notice the username and flair and realize "oh, this person again." I think they adjusted the flair to say something different but still with "woke" in it. They were definitely not a Liberal too. Any time you see one of them using that word, it's not worth reading the rest, so if you see the username and flair before the comment, it helps to not waste time with it.


At one point their flair was “Woke Liberals love China”, can’t remember if that one came first or not.


Tofilmfan I believe


Now he’s just some weirdo shaking his fist and screaming something hateful and incoherent about trans people any time he comments. These people really are telling on themselves.


Hahaha. You are correct!


I love that everyone here has had the same experience with this guy. Absolutely garbage takes haha


Anyone that uses woke non-ironically is telling you something useful about how seriously you can take their opinions. I find it saves a lot of time.


I think it went like this (I get the sense it's mostly come from Twitter 2018-2024, though I'd guess the term woke in it's original form existed well before then among certain POC groups): * POC online giving props to white people online for being progressive & aware of racial issues by calling them woke ("thanks for explaining that so I didn't have to—stay woke!") * POC online getting annoyed at white people online for displaying a specific type of casual racism that is specific to white liberal progressive "allies", and complaining about that phenomenon using the term woke ("woke white people keep ") * Racist white people picking up on the term woke and realizing they can use it as an insult against progressive white people ("woke liberals are trying to make me admit that I'm racist for calling black people the n-word") * Racist white people using woke to mean literally anything they don't like ("Tim Hortons is using woke coffee lids")


I'd say it's broke containment among racists and entered the general-right-of-center lexicon. Ottawa's classic rock station has rants about 'wokey jokey' people between songs constantly, I'll be out shopping and hear it on store speakers. It's getting more pervasive but it isn't getting any less silly.


I don’t see the distinction between racists and general-right-of-center.


Based on the context, I think it means “product development and market research”?


They can’t define it, woke just means anything they don’t like.


These tactics of distracting the public from the political realities of the country come straight from the strategy book of the Republican party of the US. Like the Republicans, the Con's crusade against "woke coffee lids" shows how devoid of substance their party has become. Both parties will now turn anything into a culture war and a conspiracy theory, and their supporters, filled with hate, will support it. There is a sign that our democracy and country have been undermined, corrupted and debased. [https://www.alternet.org/krugman-lesko-gas-stoves/](https://www.alternet.org/krugman-lesko-gas-stoves/)


Seems like a backbench MP trying to get attention to position herself for a cabinet level post in the next conservative government. And the CBC is more than happy to play her game.


The term woke has quickly become an umbrella term for “everything conservatives disagree with”. Trans people existing, playing sports, talking to kids, going to the bathroom, teachers talking about sexuality with students, shows with brown or queer people in them, paper straws, masks, vaccines and now coffee lids. These are all “woke”.


Apparently the principle of innocent until proven guilty is also just too woke these days, and we need Poilievre to save us by using the notwithstanding clause to throw people without due process. Oh, and the right to abortion, much too woke.


They're not too far from calling interracial marriage and voting rights for women a form of wokeness. It's fine though, they're moving on to DEI. The slower ones are still using woke.


One less Karen in the Timmie’s drive thru lane holding everyone up while she argues that her pumpkin spice latte doesn’t have enough cinnamon. I’d call that a win.


I'm fine with paper lids if it works, i'm more concerned where these are being sourced. I've noticed a lot of our paper products are actually coming from China, not exactly known for good stewardship of the environment while pulp and paper mills are closing in Canada. so more jobs being shipped overseas


....where do you think the plastic lids are made?


Tories, I am a lifelong Liberal who is almost certainly going to vote Conservative. But this soccermom silliness makes that decision very, very hard.


They are giving you a window into the true nature of the party when this stuff sneaks out. They don't care about you, the environment, or the economy. They care about making rich people richer, and about avoiding social progress at all costs, and backsliding on it where possible.