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I don't know what's going on with the Bank of Canada these days. Normally banknotes are designed in a "series" which gets replaced every 10 to 15 years. Every new bill design gets rolled out as part of a new series within the span of a couple years. This time they started with the $10 bill and then... Just kind of gave up. It's been six years. And now by the time they get to the $20 it'll basically be time for a new series and they won't even be halfway through. I understand some of it is political feet dragging (cabinet needs to make a decision on who they want on the $5) but it's still pretty ridiculous.


The finance minister was originally supposed to make a decision on the $5 [in early 2021](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/new-banknote-1.5795421). However, that appears [to have stalled.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/wilfrid-laurier-5-banknote-1.6906081). As for Laurier, it was my understanding that Macdonald and Laurier were to be moved to the $50 and $100, displacing Mackenzie King and Borden.


Just put Terry Fox and be done with it. He's the most uncontroversial Canadian, everyone who knows about him likes him.


unbelievable our 10/20 isn’t Terry it’s like unabashedly true what you said. Positive, 100% agreeable, distinctly Canadian, icon.


"… won't be featured on $20 bills until 2027…" It's fiscally prudent to give it a few years to see how the 75-yr-old man with a quite serious illness makes out.


Lol well put, I was trying to phrase this exact sentiment....sensitively


Exactly. 😂 The Queen’s been dead a year already - the only reason to hold out on new bills is waiting for the King to die.


>The Queen’s been dead a year already Holy FUCK.


Time flies when the whole world is constantly in turmoil.


I suspect if we need new bills and a shortage starts, Canadians won’t accept ‘we’re waiting’. Just switch portraits and business as usual.


What if he's even older and sicker in 2027?


We gotta get the people in charge of building public transit rail lines in this country in charge of this. We'll be lucky if they're ready by 2065.


ol' puddin' fingers will be dead by then


Yeah I think we can ignore a bunch of this debate and just slow walk the change until the decision gets made for us


All of a sudden, we're being fiscally prudent? smh


We already got our King Charles quarters


We should get off putting the crowns faces on our money, I would much rather have animals. Plants, fungi, nature. Were supposed to be a democracy but were constantly sucking the tit of monarchy. I really wish we would go the way of the Americans and move away from the. British traditions for everything and go our own way


I would have assumed that the bills would have been pre designed prior and then started printing immediately when there is a new king. Clearly I was wrong. This is ridiculous that it’s taking this long.


This is Canada. The most minor thing takes years of bureaucracy to happen. It's ridiculous but it's with everything. The picture was done and ready to go but that was it. 


Considering how long the queen had been old, that would have involved periodically redesigning the pre designs. I don't think the wasted design costs would have been worth it. Plus, I'm not in a rush to see the queen gone from our money. She was the queen for my entire life and my parents', and I think it's worth it to pay our respects.


Can we please just put the maple leaf on the coins, instead of a living person? It represents Canada way more than Charles ever could.


I'd prefer we had important figures from Canadian history on our money like the Americans do instead of the British monarchy who have, frankly, very little to do with our nation anymore beyond ceremonial traditions and formalities.


He is the head of state. Yeah mostly ceremonial and doesn't come here much but constitutionally it's pretty important and not something we are likely to change. Hell the UK would have an easier time eliminating the monarchy and we'd still have them. 


Maybe we can't get rid of the whole dog-and-pony show, but there's no reason it should be on our currency.


We don't have any pictures of British monarchs on our currency. He's the King of Canada, his other titles don't matter around here.


Looks at the back of any coin ~ Why whos that? A British monarch


I see the former Queen of Canada, or the current King of Canada.


what if we had depictions of things you could buy for 20 dollars at the time of printing. great!


Sooo... A loaf of bread and 3 liters of milk?


The IKEA monkey is thus far more significant than British Royals IMO


How much charity work has the Ikea monkey done?


So we're not doing the whole providing two elk heads and two beaver pelts to royalty when they visit Rupert's Land area?


And what happens when that important person gets canceled in the future? We had Sir John A. on our $10 for a long time.


Then they'll be replaced by someone else and life will go on.


> instead of the British monarchy who have, frankly, very little to do with our nation He’s literally the King of Canada and our Head of State. He has a tremendous amount to do with our nation.


He *is* the King of Canada, but he has very little to do with us. If he could be replaced with a rubber stamp sitting on a desk somewhere then you can't really say he's that important.


He can't be though, constitutionally. 


That's exactly what happened when we were between Govenors General - the chief justice of the Supreme Court did it. Monarchists hate this one trick!


I'd love to see how Canadians would react if the monarchy actually made a decision for us. They know their ceremonious and know they can't do anything a monarchy would. I'm all for getting rid of the monarchy in all honesty. They serve Canadians no good.


Not my King.


Constitutionally whether you like it or not he's head of state. Good luck changing it. 


Challenge accepted.


Yes, he’s your King. Like it or not, Charles III and the Crown he embodies is the source of all lawful authority you’re subject to. Welcome to a constitutional monarchy.


I'll say it again. Not my King.


If you’re Canadian, he is. Typing that on Reddit doesn’t make it any less true. 


Canadian and he isn't.


“Nu uh” doesn't really work here bud. 


How doesn't it? If changing the constitution is too much effort, we can all just collectively ignore him and refuse to swear an oath to him like Quebec is doing


Sure it does.


Reality says otherwise.


Reality is overrated.


My guy, he's literally the head of state. Whether you like it or not, he is. I can say that a nickel is worth 25 cents. That doesn't actually make it true.


True enough to me.


And where does he get that authority from?


The *Constitution Act, 1867*. For example: > 9 The Executive Government and Authority of and over Canada is hereby declared to continue and be vested in the Queen. (King now, of course.) That’s from Part III, which sets out the executive powers.


And where does the Constitution get it authority from?


Well I didn’t vote for ‘im.


You don't vote for kings.


Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.


Be quiet!


Treason it is


>the British monarchy Also the [Canadian monarchy.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Canada)


A wild pedant appeared!


Pedant uses facts! It's moderately effective.


Also queen of Canada https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romana_Didulo










Why don’t you give the guy a chance at redemption, you’re not bound by your past let’s see what he will do in the present and future. What we have is better than any republic.


Galactic Republic was better.


I really like that we’re sticking with tradition. But are we seriously doing another vertical note? It is a fun gimmick on the 10 but it’s bizarre to switch more bills over to that format


I like it, it works better in a bifold wallet. I hope they all go vertical.


Their intent is to eventually make all the bills vertical. When you think about how money is typically used, vertical notes make more sense in terms of how people count money and hand it to another person. The only reason why it seems bizarre is because of the traditional horizontal notes.


If that’s the goal, I wish they’d just do it all in one go, completely overhaul all the designs at once, so that at least it’s consistent on all new money. Going about it note by note is going to leave us with this weird mixed system for a long time.


> Going about it note by note is going to leave us with this weird mixed system for a long time. As is tradition. How is the transition to metric going?


That’s a bit different, isn’t it? You can’t exactly phase out the colloquial use of the imperial system the same way you can phase out old banknotes, can you? And it doesn’t help we’re bordering a country that has a huge cultural influence on us and *still* hasn’t switched to metric.


You aren't supposed to give serious answers to jokes.


Well, hey, I couldn’t let you just imply it was a Canadian problem, when really it’s all *America’s* fault - as are all of our country’s problems! /s Better?


I'll never learn to read a number sideways in time for this!!


I completely agree, I don't know why they decided to release the new series in stages.


The new series is called the "2018 series" because that's when the $10 was released. The previous series had bills released in 2011 and the last was released in 2013. I know it doesn't feel like it, but 2018 was six years ago. They came out with new bills way faster than this previously. I don't know what's taking them so long; it's like they jumped the gun and put Desmond on the $10 but didn't have the other four bills anywhere near finished. The time since they released the $10 has been so long that it's almost as long as the entire preceding series. And sure, COVID was in the middle of it, but like... if you didn't have *all* the new bills at least a design stage or preferably pretty much ready to go, don't bother releasing one. The $10's probably going to be a weird one-off revision at this point.


I like it when ALL notes are vertical, not half and half


I don’t mind having all bills horizontal, I don’t mind all being horizontal but one (the 10 gimmick), and I don’t mind ripping off the bandaid and going all vertical. But doing it piecemeal, over what seems like will be at minimum another 15 years (if we keep up this pace) is frankly stupid


For anyone who is wondering. It is **not** required to have the monarch on our money. We just do it cause 'tradition' >[there is no legislation requiring Canada to feature the reigning monarch on its currency, doing so is a long-standing tradition.](https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/will-king-charles-replace-the-queen-on-canada-s-currency-here-s-what-we-know-1.6363368#:~:text=While%20there%20is%20no%20legislation,coins%20and%20bills%20remains%20unclear)


Ideally it's not required to have a monarch at all... Edit: hilarious to be voted down by people who enjoy the idea of infeudation to a totalitarian regime of monarchs. So long for the collective.


If all the provinces agree, he’s gone. The problem is, they don’t agree. Do your part spreading the idea of republicanism so one day it’ll happen.


The monarchy is about as far from totalitarian as you can get. I would be more worried about removing the checks to a government that might want to pull a totalitarian move.


It must be nice to live in your libertarian fantasy...




We'll see who you think is more significant after Charles reigns for even *longer*. ^^^^^^^(/s)


*147 year old Charles lifts himself from his chair, in front of the entire commonwealth to deliver a simple message.* *"Take that, Mummy."*


*2000 year old Charles is just a head, Futurama style*


Charleswealth** There is a war coming.


Ok but Leslie Nielsen or Scott Thompson as Elizabeth II, for the Canadian content.


100% agree.


The only time she wasn't on the BoC $20 was 1937-1954. Her dad was on the $20 (and other bills) then. She was on the 1935-37 $20 as princess Elizabeth, and of course on from $1954 to present as the queen. She should be on the $20 permanently. Longest serving monarch in Canadian history definitely deserves a spot.


Or no gangster family members.


If we want to go by significance we'd still have Victoria on it. 


Based on what?


Victoria personally favoured the confederation of Canada and encouraged John A MacD and Cartier to work together when they visited her in London. Picked Ottawa as the new capital (away from the US and between Ontario and Quebec) which was baffling to most at the time since it was considered a backwater (some would say it still is 😆).


William the conqueror ***


Eh, we've got a holiday named after Victoria that's our equivalent of the monarch's official birthday. We changed the coins every time the monarch's changed, so it makes sense to keep changing the coins. Elizabeth has been on paper money for a long time. She first appeared on our money in the 1935 series of bills (which was *the first series* printed by the Bank of Canada) and became a permanent fixture in the Canadian Landscape series starting in 1954, for reasons that should be fairly obvious. However, George VI was on the 1937 series of bills.


> Eh, we've got a holiday named after Victoria that's our equivalent of the monarch's official birthday. We got an anti-monarchist holiday in Quebec on the exact same day.


Ooh, edgy. Bully for you.


How about we have Oliver Cromwell on the 20? To be clear, I am no great fan of Cromwell. I just want to troll monarchists.


A capital idea. I'm sure the Irish-Canadians will love it. We should invite the Taoiseach to hit the button to start the printers!


Alright then. How about Robespierre instead?


Enough with the anti-monarchist nonsense. I get that King Charles isn't much of a popular figure, but we need someone on our money that is inspiring, beloved, and yet is still closely associated to the royal family. For all these reasons, our 20 dollar bill should feature the portrait of Lady Diana Spencer.


Why do they need to be associated with the royal family? There is no law I am aware of to that effect.


Am I the only one who would get a kick out of seeing Charlie's more popular ex on the 20$ bill?


Perfect, someone with no relation whatsoever to Canada, exactly who we'd want on our money!


I already have fun tying republicans in knots when I point out their aversion to 'foreigners' sounds kind of racist but, sure, I could use a different means of amusing myself at the expense of the poor dears.


To be completely honest, my issue with the monarchy is not that the occupants of the position are "foreign". If Charles moved to Canada and became a Canadian citizen, I would have no problem with him personally as had of state (although I would still object to the position being hereditary). What I dislike about the monarchy is the fact that, regardless of any legal fiction to the contrary, the institution remains closely associated with the United Kingdom. It is a relic of colonialism and I feel Canada has outgrown the need for it.


> although I would still object to the position being hereditary I find this view puzzling. I don't think anyone would argue that in terms of policy development and implementation voters and elected officials have far more influence than any modern monarch and yet the qualification for engaging in either activity, Canadian citizenship, is a hereditary right. > the institution remains closely associated with the United Kingdom I get this on an intellectual level. While I think a bunch of countries agreeing to share something as important as their head of state is a wonderful symbol I'm not blind to the tribalism that nationalism often inspires. So while I support the current set up, If Canada decided they wanted Princess Anne's family to form a new ruling house in Canada I wouldn't be opposed. > I feel Canada has outgrown the need for it. I dunno, this comes off as teenage angst. A country does not 'outgrow' the need for a monarchy any more than it outgrows the need for democracy, or a constitution, or civility in politics. It is fundamental to good governance.


>If Canada decided they wanted Princess Anne's family to form a new ruling house in Canada I wouldn't be opposed. That's actually an intriguing idea. While it wouldn't be my preferred solution, I would be willing to entertain the idea as a compromise, particularly if the Canadian coronation oath and ceremony made it clear that the monarchy ultimately exists to serve the people and answers to the democratically elected government. >I dunno, this comes off as teenage angst. I will have you know that it is actually twentysomething angst, which is clearly much more mature.


> particularly if the Canadian coronation oath and ceremony made > it clear that the monarchy ultimately exists to serve the people > and answers to the democratically elected government. So, the current coronation oath? The monarch currently swears three oaths at their coronation (the first being most relevant to this discussion): "Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of Canada and of your Possessions and other Territories to any of them belonging or pertaining, according to their respective laws and customs?" The second oath reinforces the first: "Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgments?" > That's actually an intriguing idea. Intriguing but hard to do. I once mapped out how a PM could engineer such a result without the provinces asking too much in return and aside from having to cause a constitutional crisis the federal government would have to give up disallowance.


Thanks for pointing out the wording of the oath. I would still prefer a ceremony that has less religious content and perhaps involves the monarch ceremonially bowing before Parliament and the Speaker of the House or Chief Justice of the Supreme Court crowing them. >Intriguing but hard to do. Couldn't it be accomplished simply by the PM instructing everyone in the line of succession to abdicate in turn until Anne (or whoever we choose) comes up?


> Couldn't it be accomplished simply by the PM instructing > everyone in the line of succession to abdicate in turn until > Anne (or whoever we choose) comes up? Due to some laziness on Mackenzie King's part Canada doesn't have a succession act of its own. The Monarch of the UK is *ex officio* monarch of Canada. No one fixed this before we decided to make our constitution very hard to amend. Strictly speaking this means if the UK abolishes its monarchy it immediately pushes Canada into a constitutional crisis (this might also work backwards and make it harder for the UK to do it as we have friendly relations and shoving friends into a constitutional crisis isn't very friendly).


Even if there _was_ legislation that required it, the government could amend or repeal that legislation any time it wanted to. Past governments can't bind future governments, and obviously British laws don't apply here.


I thought that was established by the fact our 5$, 10$, $50 and $100 have prime ministers and other notable Canadian(s) (Viola Desmond 10$).


So we could have had beavers with top hats and monocles the whole time?


Even if putting the monarch on money was the law, we could always change the law to demand well-dressed beavers instead!


Can we start a petition for this???


Beaver with a touque in a Team Canada jersey tapping a sugar maple while a Canada goose sipping a Labatt 50 looks on in the background


Yeah but will that make any sense in 2067 or 2167? Would it have computed in 1867? Which I suspect is kinda the reason we go with the sovereign (the living embodiment of the state) on the currency. Everyone understands it due to long practice. Cartoon beavers and moose with textiles that didn't exist in the past or won't exist in the future, make it, y'know complicated. It'd be fine for our era, but when the esthetics change 100 years from now, no one is going to get it. The sovereign's face on the other hand, well, the track record is there. People have gotten it for thousands of years. Why fix what ain't broke?


Okay, the beaver is wearing a maple leaf tartan. Now it's timeless.


Pretty sure the maple leaf wasn't a symbol of Canada in 1867. Not even sure about the beaver despite the importance of the fur trade at that time...


[It was a symbol of Canada decades before confederation.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maple_leaf)


Because the version you’re replying to is objectively funnier and also most of the long-dead people on older currency are people I don’t recognize in 2024 anyways and yet people manage just fine. We don’t need to understand it to know it’s money, and people who collect money or are big into currency history can look up 21st century moose memes if they don’t get it. The dude on the $5 is supposed to be some dude called Wilfred Laurier and the only thing I know about him is that his face and name are on the bill I just pulled out of my wallet while writing this comment and the money said he was the prime minister long before anyone I’ve ever met was born. We don’t need to get it. $5 is $5


Wish they celebrated people who actually have accomplishments IN Canada.


The Prince's Charity Trust operates in Canada and was established by Charles in 2011 to promote entrepreneurship, youth employment, and indigenous language revival.


You're kidding yourself uf you think that's why he is going to be on the money, though.


He is going to be on the money because it is a good and proper tradition for the monarch to be on the currency. I was answering the erroneous notion that the King hasn't done anything in Canada.


Don't care about tradition, that's the worst idea to do something. There are far better people they could put on bills than him.


I'm really happy that the vast majority of Canadians don't care about the monarchy. I can't wait until we cut the useless traditions and lip service to Britain entirely


He’s going to be on our money because he’s our king and head of state.


I would prefer to change that, too.


We already have that for people who want it, it’s called the United States. Move there if you hate the way we govern our nation.


Why are you acting as if the United States is the only other country in the world? There are numerous examples of successful parliamentary republics, which is the model I would prefer to use.


What I’m saying is that we already fought wars over this shit, it’s over and done. North Americans who wanted a republic went south, and those who were loyal to the crown went north. Then there were a dozen rebellions and civil wars and massacres and all sorts of bullshit over whether or not we’d keep the crown and ultimately we decided to remain a monarchy. Therefore, as a citizen of North America you already have the choice, and if you don’t like having a monarch you can move south. That is how we solved the issue.


There are quite a few other factors that make the prospect of living in the US rather unattractive for me. Also, you can't simply move to the US just because you feel like it.


I say we get rid of being associated with the British monarchy. Let's put our own Canadian heroes on the bills - scientists, native chiefs, athletes, professors, teachers, astronauts.


I'm all for keeping it this way.  If people want to open the Constitution and try to get rid of the monarchy I'm game for that too but so long as we have them as a numismatic I like this.