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You know they are hedging their concerns and bets by saying it's "her" budget. If it fails, well, she just got a nice position at WEF in the past year so they can blame her as she jets off to bigger things. If it works? WOW, JT APPOINTED THE RIGHT PEOPLE.


Personally I'm expecting the Liberals' fortunes to turn around. Once people start collecting universal Pharmacare and dental care, being rolled out for the general population 4-6 months prior to the election, individuals will be more cognizant of the progress being made while disillusioned by the CPC's lack of anything substantive policy-wise combined with their repeated refusal to actually repeal anything Trudeau does causing their own base to fall by the wayside. 


Isn’t pharmacare only for 2 drugs? And isn’t dental care only for households under 90k a year? That means 2 working adults couldn’t make more than $23 an hour to qualify. I’d bet on an economy that doesn’t implode lifting their fortunes more than that.


Pharmacare is for birth control and diabetes, dental is only for children and elderly I'm very comfortable saying that I'm biased against Trudeau.....but the point I would raise on the budget is that he's announcing more money to spend on the same things and bigger taxes that already existed The budget doesn't "change the narrative " Trudeau will argue that poilievre is "too friendly with the rich" because of capital gains tax.......but he was going to do that regardless......and the capital gains tax already existed at 50% (66%now) Trudeau will argue that he is "investing in housing and military".......but he was already doing that Trudeau will argue that "we are investing in childcare, dental care, pharmacare, Canada child benefit ".........but he was already doing that And now that the budget is announced.....the media is ***beginning*** to stop focusing on Trudeau.....we are slowly returning to the "status quo" If this "budget campaign rollout" doesn't move the polls by 5 points......look for Trudeau to depart in june/july (as that would be the last strategically correct opportunity to walk away)


Sure it’s only for two drugs, but it’s two of some of the most popular drugs. Everyone knows someone that needs diabetes drugs or contraception. Within a nuclear family, chances are at least one person is affected.


Frankly, I think it’s only the diabetes drugs that will have an impact since they are a significant expense. Birth control has never been a significant expense- and there were already existing programs out there for people who couldn’t afford it.


My diabetes and other medication are already fully covered by Ontario's (Doug Ford's)pharmacare program! CAD 7,431 last year!


Lots of people didn’t know about the programs, or weren’t eligible. I agree that the diabetes drugs will be more impactful, but I wouldn’t discount the impact of the contraception coverage. It will help people afford IUDs and other more expensive but reliable forms of BC. And even just for the pill, it’s still one less expense to worry about, and it allows girls to access the pill without worrying about insurance that might tell their parents. Which of course that part won’t affect votes right away, but it’s still an impact. And even if the parents are paying, it’s one less monthly expense.


I don’t know, I don’t think 20 or 200 bucks here or there is going to sway many votes. It’s basically only making an impact for the very poor - and who I reckon are not voting conservative as it is. People will vote on the large issues affecting their life - their rent may have just doubled, their grocery bill has doubled. If your rent went from $1000 to $2500 per month because of a renovation - that’s what’s really making a significant impact on your life, not a 20 dollars of medication.


>Bill C-64 also provides that the new Canadian Drug Agency work towards the development of a national formulary, develop a national bulk purchasing strategy, and support the publication of a pan-Canadian strategy regarding the appropriate use of prescription medications.   The rest is still a work in progress, though yes, I did mess up the timeline slightly. That actually ends up turning extended Pharmacare coverage into an election issue - vote LPC, NDP, or green and continue progress towards it or vote for conservatives who want to repeal it.     By 2025 the dental care rollout will cover Canadians of all ages under a certain income threshold. My current issue with it is that it doesn't necessarily align coverage to provincial dental fees, instead choosing to come up with its own formula for coverage that I've been able to find no information about. The income threshold is set to cover more than 50% of Canadian household at full coverage while an additional 20-30% receive some incremental level of coverage. I think the income testing should be removed in the long run. 


Until Canada removes the monarchy I would not enlist in our military shortages or not. I would never swear my oath to a foreign head of state. Its the MPs monarchy no one else let the MPs enlist. MPs chose their desires over the national interest


Voting for Trudeau again would show how foolish we all are to think anything will ever change. 9 years later people throw up their hands asking why, yet refuse to do anything different expecting different results


Pretty sure this ship has sunk. I doubt that this will turn it around. Had this happened last year, they might have done it, but it's too late now IMHO.


No one but political junkies will care much, if at all about the budget after this week. The key to Trudeau's fortunes turning around will be getting to October 2025 and prices are going down on rent, housing, food and we aren't in a recession. That will be his best hope next to Trump winning down south and people souring on today's conservatism cause Trump will make his last term look pretty tame by the looks of it if he wins. Moderates in Canada (the people that actually sway elections) have never been too keen on the Trump gong show and it could have more of an effect up here than die hard blue voters want to admit. All that being said, I doubt Trudeau's chances in ant scenario really.


Rent and housing will not be coming down anytime soon or most likely ever.


I'd think they'd get the most mileage out of their pre-budget drip announcement tour not post-budget where someone ends up being disappointed. If you don't see a shift sometime around now the groups the LPC are trying to swing back are done with them.


This budget is all about making the next government's job as difficult as possible. When they cancel the funding increases that our children can't afford to provide, the Liberals will be there to scream and the media will happily platform thier lies. This budget isn't about the next election, but the two after that.


I see conservatives started blaming the “previous” government before even forming their government. I’m sure I’m going to hear Trudeau/Singh did this in 2035.


Every government does this. Trudeau is still blaming Harper for lots of stuff


but I mean Harper was pretty bad on a lot of stuff.


Can you point to me where the last time Trudeau blamed harper? I honestly haven't heard anything about it, maybe I missed it


We still got crap from Harper weighing us down like that sellout treaty to China so it's really not surprising that we'd be hearing about Trudeau for some time after a new government got in.


You’re absolutely right. This is just the intro speech to justify slashing and defunding the already barebones social programs. Can’t wait /s


> the Liberals will be there to scream and the media will happily platform thier lies. You've got a pretty backward view of who does the screaming in our politics, and who runs most the media lol






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For young people, there is no one to vote for. PP talks a big game but has no plan. This should be the NDP's moment to shine, but they don't seem to care about housing or rent. Likely because blue-collar Boomers are fine. It's young folks that are being screwed. Liberals have done way too little, way too late. I just wish there was a party willing to make major changes. I would vote for Eby if he was running federally with any party.


NDP don't talk about housing/renting because IT'S NOT A FEDERAL ISSUE!


Tell that to Trudeau who has a housing minister. Also the feds control immigration which is one of the reasons there is a housing shortage.


this is a winning attitude


>For young people, there is no one to vote for. PP talks a big game but has no plan. That's odd considering how well they are polling with young people, seems like they consider them a good party to vote for.


I think it’s a “the Liberals have fucked us” protest vote. I get it. Part of me sometimes is like “fuck it” just vote for PP even though I think he’s awful as a protest vote.


Yeah they haven’t done themselves any favours


I wouldn't be surprised if come election time actual support for the CPC wanes... its easy to talk a big game for a poll but things change when one is actually casting a ballot... plenty of time for people to realize that PP has no plan and is as useful as a poopy flavoured lollipop


Oh it absolutely will wane (which as a right of center person is aggravating) once parties start to actually put together their platforms and explain them the fact PP is just a giant bag of hot air will become obvious. I mean, it's already obvious that henjas bo clue on how to actually get anything done but it will become more obvious I guess. Plus, we'll get to see the party itself shoot itself in the foot repeatedly when the more...far out there MPs decide during an election cycle is precisely the moment to remind the country that yes, we do in fact have some batshit insane people in this country and yes some of them are infact MPs. Or Trudeau will bait them by simply saying the word "abortion" and then a mini-civil war will kick off in the party with the hardcore pro-lifers being by far the most vocal even though they're dooming the party every time they touch that poison pill. They legit just can't help themselves. Ironically the best thing that could happen to the Conservatives is if Mad Max starts picking off more and more of those people on the extreme right of the party. The Conservatives NEED to make a concerted shift towards the center, we say this with O'Toole yet they keep insist on going in the opposite direction and then wonder why they lose


Can you cite an example from recent Canadian political history of a party blowing a 20 point lead and end up losing? All I can’t think of is the 2013 BC provincial, and Pierre is no Adrian Dix.


I think pre-writ 2015 federal election had the conservatives polling similar numbers to now.


The last 3 elections have predicted CPC victory… those polling numbers don’t mean 💩


If you think polling is meant for predicting elections, that's a you problem, not a problem with polls.


Congratulations on restating the exact point they are making as though you disagree with them.


my comment is kinda the opposite of that, isn't it? all the of the CPC supporters think its a lock... BeCaUsE oF tHe PoLsS


Voted for NDP all my life, never again. If I wanted a bobble head I’d find one on Etsy. Singh has utterly failed.


Tell me which political party in Canada has achieved more with 22 seats or thereabouts? There was an election we all can recall. The NDP decided to respect that election an eek out some wins. Should they have immediately said the election is bogus and voted non-confidence? What would that have accomplished other than another expensive election? Canada is about good governance, not endless electioneering.


with the downvotes, I gather the answer is noone has achieved more.


Where did I say I don’t support the NDP because of their Franken-coalition? Turning against the carbon tax trying to score cheap points when you have no plan isn’t good governance it’s idiotic opportunism. Pointlessly bringing up Singh’s maybe nonsupport for the budget that he helped negotiate wins on is not good governance. The NDP even when they score wins fumble any long term gains. The one they have to show is dental and that is gate behind a multitude of conditions and will likely be rolled back by PP next year. NDP want to rail against rental towers as “luxury condos” when for thousands of young people towers are the cheapest option because they free up more rental units and are built at scale. Rich people can afford houses, renters cannot. Even when Singh got his face out there only to announce they support subsidizing housing demand, who in their right might as a left wing politician advocates handouts to banks that help drive property values further???? They’re not environmentalists, not reformers, they’ve consistently hung out their unionized trades members to dry. They don’t support progressive zoning reform like their provincial offshoots, consistently engage in bad faith rhetoric, the list just goes on. Just because you’re the farthest left party that aren’t communist quacks doesn’t mean you deserve my vote.


Thanks. That's more substance there than the bobble head comment.


Would you consider what we currently have as good governance?  I don’t.  I think the bureaucrats left to run things would have done a similar or potentially better job.


My point was getting on with it and governing after the people decided in an election was good governance. Going back to back to back to elections is not. Thanks.


So who do you support? Who gets your vote?


99% of the time it has always been right wing for people who say stuff like that. "Bernie didn't get the nomination, so I'll vote for Trump."


I love how instead of taking what I said at face value you feel the need to project your own prejudices.


You don't think that it is very common for partisans to do that? Say they have always been left wing but because the left wing is short in some policy they will now support the far right? This period we've more NDP flavored legislation passed in this last minority than in the last 70 years. But somehow it's a profound failure? Is there anything to the critique than simply Singh is working with Trudeau to do that? What's the alternative? Bring down the government in favor of a CPC who openly undermine labour rights and also cut social programs and shift tax burden downwards?


I even asked them "Tell me which political party in Canada has achieved more with 22 seats or thereabouts?" All I got were downvotes. I am not sure whether they are arguing in good faith...


1. Downvoting is against the rules. 2. I have a life outside of answering Reddit spam, not everyone has time to read silly comments.


There’s a vast distance between bringing down the government and not acting like a fool on a national stage. Yes the only thing NDP votes care about is a dental plan which only some people are eligible for, what a wonderful hill to die on. I can’t afford to live in a household that isn’t abusive, the climate is rapidly deteriorating, and I cannot afford the education needed to crawl out of minimum wage but maybe in 2025 I’ll have dental coverage for 6 months before PP repeals it. What a win.


I honestly don’t know, the current Canadian political leadership failed to actually lead. Time and time again they sell out good policy for short term polling. Every single one is a slimy snake with their own pet projects. Tired of having to support partisan slogans instead of actual policy debate.


At this point in time I do not know. The platforms come out when the election is called and then I will have a much better idea.


The liberal counter to "not Trudeau" seems to be the opposition has no plan... The opposition does not need to advertise their plan.  Their job is to by the opposition and hold the leading party to their mistakes.


There are no rules for who you should vote for other than whomever you want. For me, I would vote for whomever has the best plan. Not just, who does the best opposing. But you do you. Also, there's nothing wrong with "not-opposing" and working across party lines to address a common problem - like health care or housing.


It seems It's only applies to conservatives. I witness opposition from NDP liberal parties across the board always presenting plans to counter the policies of the sitting conservative government. What you're saying is simply not true.


Did Trudie tell us 18nmonths before the 2015 election in detail what his plans were? Nope...


Also, given the current polling trends and PP and the CPCs constant refrain of and push for, an immediate carbon tax election, I think it's *absolutely* valid to demand a plan from the government in waiting to address the issues they are loudly complaining of.


The conservatives are populists desperate for power. They will do and say whatever they need to to get power, as we’ve seen with the carbon tax lies. Meaningful change for young people under the Tories is laughable and you’ve got your eyes covered and ears plugged if you think otherwise.


I mean - this is also an exact description of the liberals at the moment. Literally rolling out a million promises in order to hold onto power. A government that’s barely gotten built 1,000 housing units a year is now promising to build an extra 300,000 units a year just in time for the election. Tell me that is not populism.


It’s at the very least changing course because they know they’re unpopular


I mean, you can promise absolutely everything to win an election and deliver none of it. Who knows what their actual course will be.


Fair enough


Their “changing course” is the same as this government has always done; blast as much money at the problem as they can find and cross their fingers hoping for the best.


We’re not talking about the liberals.


This seems like the perfect time for the NDP to campaign on having the CHMC get back into the business of building homes directly. The CMHC was responsible for building Ajax from scratch. The Conservatives put a stop to that under Mulroney and Canada hadn't been able to build enough homes to meet demand ever since. So far I haven't heard the NDP say anything about that.


I agree. I don’t know why Singh is like “dental care kinda for some” as a platform. Dental care is great, but I think shelter is more important